


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ks this ubiquitylation, thus stabilizing the E2 protein.
2  tethered to cellular chromatin by the viral E2 protein.
3 omplexes of HPV-11 DNA ori bound by purified E2 protein.
4 of the hypervariable region I within the HCV E2 protein.
5 repressed by the bovine papillomavirus (BPV) E2 protein.
6 g of Brd4 was detected in the absence of the E2 protein.
7 ain, but not the DNA binding function of the E2 protein.
8 he C-terminal domain that interacts with the E2 protein.
9 hment to mitotic chromosomes by means of the E2 protein.
10 tion, leading to targeted degradation of the E2 protein.
11 onal change that leads to degradation of the E2 protein.
12 tegy using transcriptional regulation by the E2 protein.
13 ng them to mitotic chromosomes via the viral E2 protein.
14 surrounding the phosphorylation sites of the E2 protein.
15  contacts between residues across the entire E2 protein.
16 inding site derived from studies of the BPV1 E2 protein.
17  (BPV1) E2 proteins than it is to the HPV 16 E2 protein.
18 imal DNA-binding domain (DBD) from the HPV 6 E2 protein.
19  to interferon could be mediated through the E2 protein.
20 pulsing DCs with full-length recombinant PDC-E2 protein.
21 rus that expresses the bovine papillomavirus E2 protein.
22 ression is controlled by the papilloma virus E2 protein.
23 ulates gene expression by the papillomavirus E2 protein.
24 ssette in subclones expressing the wild-type E2 protein.
25 V E2 function through phosphorylation of the E2 protein.
26 ication is TopBP1, a known interactor of the E2 protein.
27 an be boosted with a single dose of purified E2 protein.
28 , and F(442), within the same epitope of the E2 protein.
29 ed epitopes for the neutralizing MAbs on the E2 protein.
30 teracting partner of the papillomavirus (PV) E2 protein.
31 nsrepression is common to different types of E2 proteins.
32 ates with pE2, a precursor containing E3 and E2 proteins.
33 onstrating that HCV virions contain apoE and E2 proteins.
34 y be a shared property of all papillomavirus E2 proteins.
35 g affinity than those displayed by the other E2 proteins.
36 together the more divergent BPV-1 and HPV-18 E2 proteins.
37  generated with some of the same recombinant E2 proteins.
38 ift from N417 to N415 in the N417S and N417T E2 proteins.
39  bovine (BPV) and human (HPV) papillomavirus E2 proteins.
40 es consists of three steps: 1) binding of an E2 protein, 2) transfer of ubiquitin from E2 to the HECT
41  individual alanine substitutions across the E2 protein (355 positions) on antibody recognition.
42 cleocapsid and the cytoplasmic domain of the E2 protein, a component of the viral E1/E2 glycoprotein
43 studies confirm that both high- and low-risk E2 proteins adapt their structures on binding to DNA, al
44    We found that although different types of E2 proteins all exhibited transactivation and repression
45 ein is 10,000-fold more immunogenic than the E2s protein alone.
46                            Expression of the E2 protein also led to posttranscriptional increase in t
47 ctive program through phosphorylation of the E2 protein although this is unlikely to occur through th
48                                        GBV-C E2 protein and a synthetic peptide representing the inhi
49 leomorphic and that some of them contain HCV E2 protein and apolipoprotein E on their surfaces.
50 tential binding interface formed between the E2 protein and CD81.
51                      Interaction between the E2 protein and E1 helicase of human papillomaviruses (HP
52 es from its heterodimer interaction with the E2 protein and forms a target membrane-inserted E1 homot
53 sibility of structural mimicry between GBV-C E2 protein and HIV-1 particles.
54  from its heterodimeric interaction with the E2 protein and induces the formation of a stable E1 homo
55 les from GBV-C E2-expressing cells contained E2 protein and inhibited TCR signaling in bystander T ce
56 lls that were initially activated by the HCV-E2 protein and might explain the association between HCV
57 length human papillomavirus type 11 (HPV-11) E2 protein and showed that the resultant fusion, called
58 ase enzyme activity, E1 binding to the viral E2 protein and to cellular DNA polymerase alpha-primase
59 ly active subclones expressing the wild-type E2 protein and transcriptionally silent subclones expres
60 eplication requires activities of the E1 and E2 proteins and a DNA segment containing their binding s
61 s in S phase, increases the half-life of the E2 protein, and promotes chromatin binding from S phase
62 d for GBV-C RNA and antibodies against GBV-C E2 protein, and responses to HAART were evaluated.
63 on of the human papillomavirus type 8 (HPV8) E2 protein are required for this binding.
64                                   The E1 and E2 proteins are both required for papillomavirus DNA rep
65                    The papillomavirus E1 and E2 proteins are essential for viral genome replication.
66                                     The HPV8 E2 proteins are highly phosphorylated, and serine 253 is
67                           The papillomavirus E2 proteins are indispensable for the viral life cycle,
68          Previous studies have shown that PV E2 proteins are short lived; however, the mechanisms reg
69                                          The E2 proteins are transcription/replication factors from p
70 racterized human papillomavirus (HPV) type 6 E2 protein as a model system.
71  the cottontail rabbit papillomavirus (CRPV) E2 protein as a transcriptional regulator because of the
72 2 open reading frame encodes the full-length E2 protein as well as an alternatively spliced product c
73  (FGFR3) coimmunoprecipitated with the BPV-1 E2 protein, as did human papillomavirus 31 (HPV-31) E2,
74 nalysis indicated that the HCV Core, E1, and E2 proteins assembled to form HCV-like particles (HCV-LP
75 lomaviruses since a number of papillomavirus E2 proteins associate with mitotic chromosomes independe
76 e (Y) in the bovine papillomavirus 1 (BPV-1) E2 protein at amino acid 102.
77 ntly identified two antibody epitopes in the E2 protein at residues 412-426 (epitope I) and 434-446 (
78  expression of CHIKV nsP1, nsP3, capsid, and E2 proteins at a concentration as low as 2.5 muM.
79                       The betapapillomavirus E2 proteins bind to pericentromeric regions of host mito
80                     Thus, the papillomavirus E2 proteins bind to transcriptionally active cellular ge
81                           The papillomavirus E2 proteins bind with high affinity to palindromic DNA s
82 th solutions lacking Mg(2+) is observed upon E2 protein binding to sites containing the AATT, TTAA or
83 totic cells before fixation results in alpha-E2 proteins binding to the pericentromeric region of met
84 BZLF1 protein-transactivating domain and the E2 protein-binding domain was able to reactivate lytic r
85  the mutation in CBL-b was located in the Ub-E2 protein-binding RING finger.
86 ast, the human papillomavirus type 8 (HPV-8) E2 protein binds as large speckles at the pericentromeri
87     We have reported that the papillomavirus E2 protein binds the nuclear factor AMF1 (also called G-
88 k and low-risk HPV types, the papillomavirus E2 protein binds to four sites within the viral long con
89 ecific stages of mitosis, the papillomavirus E2 protein binds to MKlp2, and infer that association wi
90 lomavirus human papillomavirus type 8 (HPV8) E2 protein binds to the repeated ribosomal DNA genes tha
91 parate the closely related HPV-16 and HPV-18 E2 proteins but classify together the more divergent BPV
92 e that this is the authentic target of these E2 proteins but that additional factors or a specialized
93  cassette in subclones expressing the mutant E2 protein, but only into the protein binding region.
94  ubiquitination and rapid degradation of the E2 protein by the proteasome pathway.
95 tivities of the bovine papillomavirus E1 and E2 proteins by modifying their DNA binding activity.
96                           The papillomavirus E2 protein can silence the long control region (LCR) pro
97                   We propose that sequential E2 proteins catalyze K48-linked polyubiquitination and t
98 be a general and important characteristic of E2 protein chemistry.
99                                          The E2 protein consists of an amino-terminal (N) trans-actin
100   In the absence of other viral proteins, an E2 protein containing alanine substitutions for phosphor
101 lt, ATP, and DTT using full-length E2 and an E2 protein containing only the carboxyl-terminal DNA bin
102 terminal residues, suggesting that the GBV-C E2 protein contains a single immunodominant antigenic si
103                           The papillomavirus E2 protein controls primary transcription and replicatio
104                                      The HPV E2 protein controls replication, transcription, and vira
105 aromyces cerevisiae to determine whether the E2 protein could maintain plasmids containing the yeast
106 mutagenesis, to identify residues in the HCV E2 protein critical for MAb AP33 binding.
107                                              E2 proteins defective in the transactivation and replica
108 ey are tolerant at the CTL level against the E2 protein despite DNA immunization.
109                          However, the HPV-11 E2 protein did not associate with Brd4 during mitosis.
110 and activation of the Rb family, and the BPV E2 protein did not directly affect the expression of cel
111 Using a solid-phase immunoassay, recombinant E2 protein did not interact with LDL.
112 s forming the structural basis of the E1 and E2 protein dimers.
113 , the cancer-associated human papillomavirus E2 proteins display a unique ability to detect DNA flexi
114 ing has been observed in X-ray structures of E2 protein-DNA complexes.
115                Only the alpha-papillomavirus E2 proteins do not stably associate with mitotic chromat
116 domain, that the identity of the cooperating E2 protein does not influence the chain type specificity
117  that MKlp2 specifically associates with the E2 protein during mitosis.
118 e diverse regulatory functions of the HPV-11 E2 protein during mRNA transcription and viral DNA repli
119              However, in the presence of the E2 protein, E2 and Brd4 colocalized in punctate dots tha
120 , mapped between residues 427-446 within the E2 protein, elicits antibodies that are either neutraliz
121                                          The E2 protein encoded by human papillomaviruses (HPVs) inhi
122 d is mediated by its direct association with E2 proteins encoded by cancer-inducing high risk HPV-16
123                       To investigate whether E2 proteins encoded by high risk HPVs may function diffe
124 ctors, cofactor, RNA polymerase II, and with E2 proteins encoded by HPV-16, HPV-18, HPV-11, and bovin
125 h risk HPVs may function differentially from E2 proteins encoded by low risk HPVs and animal papillom
126                              The full-length E2 protein, encoded by human papillomaviruses (HPVs), is
127                         A boost with soluble E2 protein enhanced titers of neutralizing antibody agai
128                                          The E2 protein exhibits approximately 30% amino acid identit
129 could provide a mechanism to regulate E1 and E2 protein expression and DNA replication during differe
130 or the viral early protein E2, we found that E2 protein expression did not enhance the intracellular
131 iated by Brd4 interaction with virus-encoded E2 protein, facilitates viral genome segregation during
132 ing affinities of human papillomavirus (HPV) E2 proteins for different E2 binding sites have been pro
133 esents the first expression of a type 2 BVDV E2 protein from a mammalian virus vector and raises the
134    However, when we attempted to express the E2 protein from type 2 (890 strain) BVDV in a bovine her
135 c particles presented the full-length E1 and E2 proteins from a genotype 1a virus in an appropriate c
136                  In this study, we show that E2 proteins from a wide range of papillomaviruses intera
137                                 Although the E2 proteins from all characterized papillomaviruses bind
138                                   Therefore, E2 proteins from both HPV and animal papillomavirus bind
139                                   The E1 and E2 proteins from bovine papillomavirus bind cooperativel
140                                   The E1 and E2 proteins from bovine papillomavirus bind cooperativel
141                      Our previous studies of E2 proteins from different genera of papillomaviruses ha
142                               Preferences of E2 proteins from different papillomavirus strains for fl
143                                     However, E2 proteins from different papillomaviruses interact wit
144      In an attempt to identify antibodies to E2 proteins from divergent HCV isolates, we produced HCV
145 l of 78 monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) against E2 proteins from genotype 1a and 2a HCV strains.
146 erty that might distinguish the behaviour of E2 proteins from high- and low-risk HPV subtypes.
147             During persistent infection, the E2 proteins from many papillomaviruses act as molecular
148                              In summary, the E2 proteins from many papillomaviruses, including the cl
149  whereas the 3B4C-4 Fab fragment cross-links E2 proteins from neighboring spikes.
150 ocalization of 13 different animal and human E2 proteins from seven papillomavirus genera, and we sho
151    We find that when coexpressed, the E1 and E2 proteins from several papillomavirus types localize t
152                           Two of these bound E2 proteins from strains representative of HCV genotypes
153 dy we analyzed how phosphorylation regulates E2 protein function.
154                           The papillomavirus E2 protein functions in viral transcriptional regulation
155 function by UVB is due to a reduction of the E2 protein half-life.
156 together, these data indicate that the GBV-C E2 protein has a structural motif that elicits Abs that
157                       To date, only the BPV1 E2 protein has been shown to bind to mitotic chromosomes
158 lymphoma immunoglobulin test cases bound the E2 protein in a manner identical to a bona fide human an
159      Expression of the bovine papillomavirus E2 protein in cervical carcinoma cells represses express
160 squitoes, suggesting differing roles for the E2 protein in different hosts.
161 S dipeptides in the hinge region of the HPV1 E2 protein in in vitro kinase assays and that HPV1 E1^E4
162 e data suggest a significant role of the HPV E2 protein in regulating late events in the HPV life cyc
163 creased acetylation and stabilization of the E2 protein in the absence of SIRT1.
164  played by the W(437)LAGLF(442) helix of the E2 protein in the hydrophobic interaction with the D-hel
165  biological activities of the papillomavirus E2 protein in transcription, replication, and maintenanc
166                                 Furthermore, E2 proteins in which the C-terminal domains were replace
167                      We have discovered that E2 proteins, including Ubc1, Ubc2, Ubc4, and Ubc5, can i
168 eated immunization, the response to the rPDC-E2 protein increased with a gradual reduction in autoant
169                               Therefore, HCV E2 protein indeed involved in the pathogenesis of type 2
170 with mapping data from other UEV and related E2 proteins indicates that although the different E2/UEV
171                             We show that HCV E2 protein induces rapid ezrin phosphorylation and its c
172                                The wild-type E2 protein inhibited expression of a luciferase gene lin
173                                        GBV-C E2 protein inhibits HIV-1 entry, and an antigenic peptid
174 ious reports that recombinant, truncated HCV E2 protein inhibits NK cell functions via crosslinking o
175                                          The E2 protein interacts with several proteins involved in t
176                             Furthermore, the E2 protein interacts with the repeated ribosomal DNA gen
177 -minus E1 protein was cotransported with the E2 protein into the nucleus and supported transient vira
178                           The papillomavirus E2 protein is a critical viral regulatory protein with t
179                                          The E2 protein is a dimeric beta-barrel and the E2-DNA inter
180                      The papillomavirus (PV) E2 protein is a DNA binding, protein interaction platfor
181                                          HPV E2 protein is an attractive candidate for vaccine develo
182                      The papillomavirus (PV) E2 protein is an important regulator of the viral life c
183               The human papillomavirus (HPV) E2 protein is an important regulator of viral E6 and E7
184 utant genomes, neither the viral DNA nor the E2 protein is detected on mitotic chromosomes, while oth
185            The transactivation domain of the E2 protein is necessary and sufficient for association o
186                           The papillomavirus E2 protein is required for viral transcriptional regulat
187                                          The E2 protein is responsible for receptor binding and prote
188                                          The E2 protein is synthesized as a precursor p62, whose proc
189                        We show here that the E2 protein is ubiquitinated and degraded by the proteaso
190 with exons 3 and 4 encodes MeCP2-e1 or MeCP2-e2 protein isoforms with unique amino termini.
191 criptional control of papillomavirus-encoded E2 protein, it is unclear how Brd4 regulates E2 function
192               These results suggest that the E2 protein level is regulated by phosphorylation, which
193 on of miR_26a markedly down-regulated cyclin E2 protein levels and significantly decreased proliferat
194                    The bovine papillomavirus E2 protein maintains and segregates the viral extrachrom
195 ears that the higher selectivity of the HPV6 E2 protein may arise from its limited molecular adaptabi
196  Our study suggests that the function of the E2 protein may be regulated through a direct FGFR3 targe
197   These data provide evidence that the GBV-C E2 protein may contribute to the block in CD4+ T cell ex
198 r anti-E2 antibodies, suggesting that E1 and E2 proteins mediate HCV-LPs binding and, subsequently, t
199                                    The viral E2 protein mediates viral DNA replication and transactiv
200                                    Thus, the E2 protein modulates the chromatin association of Brd4 d
201                            The phenotypes of E2 proteins mutated in this region indicate that phospho
202                                     Purified E2 protein obtained by use of PCR and an expression vect
203                                          The E2 protein of bovine papillomavirus type 1 is tethered t
204 he cellular binding target through which the E2 protein of bovine papillomavirus type 1 links the vir
205 e effect of C3d on the immunogenicity of the E2 protein of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV).
206 binant adenovirus (Ad) vector expressing the E2 protein of cottontail rabbit papillomavirus (CRPV) wa
207 identified as a novel binding partner of the E2 protein of CSFV using yeast two-hybrid screening.
208 e region between residues 427 and 446 of the E2 protein of HCV genotype 1a, and we examined their cap
209                Antibodies to epitopes in the E2 protein of hepatitis C virus (HCV) reduce the viral i
210 X-ray crystal structure of epitope II on the E2 protein of hepatitis C virus, in complex with nonneut
211                                          The E2 protein of papillomavirus is the key regulator of vir
212                                          The E2 protein of papillomaviruses is a site-specific DNA bi
213          We previously demonstrated that the E2 proteins of diverse papillomavirus types, including b
214                       Here, we show that the E2 proteins of HPV16 and HPV31 control the expression of
215                                          The E2 proteins of several papillomaviruses link the viral g
216           All five FAbs reacted with soluble E2 protein only in nonreducing gels, indicating that the
217 red for loading of the bovine papillomavirus E2 protein onto chromatin during DNA synthesis.
218 n is required for loading the papillomavirus E2 protein onto mitotic chromosomes and represents a kin
219 ted in reattachment of the viral DNA and the E2 protein onto mitotic chromosomes, suggesting that E1
220 sed in cells expressing either the A4 mutant E2 proteins or wild-type E2, the E2-A4 protein was much
221 articles (1.12 to 1.18 g/cm(3)), recombinant E2 protein, or control proteins, we assessed binding to
222                               We showed that E2 protein partially inhibited DNA unwinding and that Hs
223             In the presence of both Brd4 and E2 proteins, plasmids with multiple E2-binding sites wer
224 it is well established that the viral E1 and E2 proteins play key roles in controlling viral transcri
225                                      The HPV E2 protein plays a critical role in this tethering by bi
226                           The papillomavirus E2 protein plays an important role in viral transcriptio
227  provide insights on the role the alphavirus E2 protein plays on pathogenesis.
228 us particles with primary patient-derived E1-E2 proteins possessed biophysical properties comparable
229 mune responses with recombinant HCV envelope E2 protein produced in mammalian cells.
230 ate that human but not bovine papillomavirus E2 proteins recognize this sequence.
231                           The papillomavirus E2 proteins regulate the transcription of all papillomav
232                           The papillomavirus E2 proteins regulate viral replication, gene transcripti
233                    The bovine papillomavirus E2 proteins regulate viral transcription, replication, a
234                                    The viral E2 protein regulates transcription from the viral genome
235                         Therefore, the viral E2 protein relocalizes and/or stabilizes the association
236      MAb AP33 bound to a panel of functional E2 proteins representative of genotypes 1-6 with higher
237                            Expression of the E2 protein resulted in rapid repression of HPV E6 and E7
238 host-cell genome disrupts the HPV regulatory E2 protein, resulting in a loss of negative feedback con
239 nce of the papillomavirus genome rely on the E2 protein's ability to bind that genome specifically.
240                                          The E2 protein's capacity to bind E2BS in vitro is inhibited
241 llowed by catalyzing Ubl transfer to cognate E2 protein(s).
242                    We found that soluble HCV E2 protein (sE2) produced in insect cells is distinctly
243                                          The E2 protein segregates episomal bovine papillomavirus (BP
244                                          The E2 protein serves these functions by tethering papilloma
245                        Furthermore, the A301 E2 protein shows greatly reduced ubiquitination and degr
246  substrate without the addition of exogenous E2 protein, suggesting that the ubiquitylation of some p
247 n-induced bending were bound more tightly by E2 proteins, supporting the indirect readout model.
248                         We show that the HPV E2 protein targets Rad50-interacting protein 1 (Rint1) t
249           In contrast to BPV-1 E2, the HPV-8 E2 protein targets the short arms of acrocentric mitotic
250 vine papillomavirus type 1 (BPV1), where the E2 protein tethers the viral genome to mitotic chromosom
251 rsistent papillomavirus infection, the viral E2 protein tethers the viral genome to the host cell chr
252                    The bovine papillomavirus E2 protein tethers the viral genomes to mitotic chromoso
253                           The papillomavirus E2 protein tethers viral genomes to host mitotic chromos
254 V 18 and bovine papillomavirus type 1 (BPV1) E2 proteins than it is to the HPV 16 E2 protein.
255 ionally silent subclones expressing a mutant E2 protein that binds its target DNA but is unable to ac
256  of infectious HCV, we mapped regions of the E2 protein that influence a key virus-host interaction a
257                             Correspondingly, E2 proteins that could dimerize were able to bind to mit
258                 These result in truncated NF-E2 proteins that enhance wild-type (WT) NF-E2 function a
259                       In the presence of the E2 protein, these activities became localized to nuclear
260 tudy, we show the localization of the HPV-11 E2 protein to be dynamic.
261 ted that H77.39 inhibited binding of soluble E2 protein to both CD81 and SR-B1, J6.36 blocked attachm
262 aining protein 4 (Brd4) interacts with viral E2 protein to mediate papillomavirus (PV) genome mainten
263       Addition of purified recombinant GBV-C E2 protein to primary human CD4+ and CD8+ T cells inhibi
264 questions, we used the bovine papillomavirus E2 protein to repress the expression of either the E6 pr
265 n of the bovine papillomavirus type 1 (BPV1) E2 protein to the catalytic domain of the FokI restricti
266 apped the major phosphorylation sites of the E2 proteins to serine residues 298 and 301 and shown tha
267 iral genome levels and, like the full-length E2 protein, to repress transcription from the viral prom
268 the correct ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme, or E2 protein, to the target substrate.
269 inal signal sequence region of cdE2 affected E2 protein transport to the plasma membrane, while nonbu
270                                          The E2 proteins undergo posttranslational modifications that
271 x and subsequent release of the unconjugated E2 protein upon ubiquitin transfer to a substrate or ubi
272       This study reports vaccination against E2 protein using a rabbit model of papillomavirus infect
273 ch an initial step is the association of the E2 protein via a cytoplasmic endodomain with the preasse
274 tor serine residues, the localization of the E2 protein was altered in primary human keratinocytes; w
275                                 The purified E2 protein was capable of inhibiting membrane-associated
276                            The region on the E2 protein was characterized and revealed a highly conse
277 ding site for the human papillomavirus (HPV) E2 protein was determined from an unbiased set of degene
278 ion between the nucleocapsid protein and the E2 protein was explored in solution using NMR spectrosco
279 olocalization of HSC70 with the HCV core and E2 proteins was observed around lipid droplets.
280 imental values obtained with three different E2 proteins, we believe this to be a general and importa
281                     Using a panel of mutated E2 proteins, we determined that plasmid stability requir
282 f E7 or E6/E7, p21cip1, cyclin E, and cyclin E2 proteins were all up-regulated.
283                                  The mutated E2 proteins were assessed for mitotic chromosome binding
284              The bovine papillomavirus (BPV) E2 protein, when phosphorylated by CK2 on two specific s
285 ssion involves the reexpression of the viral E2 protein which is usually deleted in HPV-positive canc
286  double-stranded DNA viruses that encode the E2 protein, which controls transcription, replication, a
287 motile internal puncta that colocalized with E2 protein, which may represent the transport machinery
288 omosome anchor for the bovine papillomavirus E2 protein, which tethers the viral episomes to host mit
289 1bs was flexible relative to the rest of the E2 protein, which was further confirmed by MD simulation
290  ability of E2 to interact with Brd4, but an E2 protein with a mutation that disrupted C-terminal dim
291 A, and this modulates the interaction of the E2 protein with cellular chromatin.
292  of fusion proteins of the hepatitis C virus E2 protein with glutathione S-transferase (GST-E2) or FL
293                            Incubation of HCV E2 protein with human and bovine LPs (very low density,
294 essary and sufficient for association of the E2 protein with mitotic chromosomes.
295 ctional complexity of antibodies against HCV E2 protein with neutralizing potential.
296    Exclusion required the interaction of the E2 protein with the capsid protein, a critical step in v
297 n are important for chromosomal interaction, E2 proteins with amino acid substitutions in each conser
298            The interaction of papillomavirus E2 proteins with cellular Brd4 protein is important for
299 PV16 and bovine papillomavirus type 1 (BPV1) E2 proteins, with the C-terminal region of Tax1BP1 inter
300              The F5 Fab fragment cross-links E2 proteins within one trimeric spike, whereas the 3B4C-

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