


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 P-1 and 2 are heterodimeric partners of each E2F protein.
2 h the analysis of mice deficient for various E2F proteins.
3 nd YY1 as transcription partners for several E2F proteins.
4 ulates the transcription properties of other E2F proteins.
5 related genes that are direct targets of pRb/E2F proteins.
6 le from its transcriptional control of other E2F proteins.
7  the NPAT promoter responds to activation by E2F proteins.
8 re thought to be carried out by two distinct E2F proteins.
9 l expressing endogenous levels of pocket and E2F proteins.
10  and RBF2 interact with different subsets of E2F proteins.
11 d through the cooperative efforts of Hox and E2F proteins.
12 ified proteins that interact with individual E2F proteins.
13  be stimulated by overexpression of specific E2F proteins.
14 A synthesis can occur in the absence of both E2F proteins.
15 resses the transcriptional activity of other E2F proteins.
16 ng with residues required for the binding of E2F proteins.
17 ween the v-Abl tyrosine kinase and activated E2F proteins.
18 also inhibit the DNA binding capacity of the E2F proteins.
19  site is not one of the transcription factor E2F proteins.
20  and DNA replication can be activated by the E2F proteins and that there are distinct specificities i
21                              Although animal E2F proteins and their target promoters have been studie
22            It contains positive and negative E2F proteins and two Cdk inhibitors, and is parameterize
23                However, the role, if any, of E2F proteins, and in particular E2f3, in myogenic differ
24   While DP proteins stabilize DNA binding of E2F proteins, and influence the entry of E2F-4 and E2F-5
25 transcriptional control mechanisms involving E2F proteins, and that Cdc6 is required for initiation o
26 t these intragenic E2F sites are occupied by E2F proteins, and the mutation of these sites eliminates
27                                              E2F proteins are crucially involved in cell-cycle regula
28  Previous studies have found that Drosophila E2F proteins are generally pro-death or neutral with reg
29                                          The E2F proteins are integral transcriptional components in
30                                     Although E2F proteins are often redundant in function, specificit
31 n interactions may be the mechanism by which E2F proteins are recruited to specific genomic regions.
32 nscription of mammalian Cdc6 is regulated by E2F proteins, as revealed by a functional analysis of th
33 hat distinguishes E2F-7 from other mammalian E2F proteins, but resembling the organization of recentl
34       Specifically, phosphorylation of these E2F proteins by cyclin A/Cdk2 ultimately results in thei
35                    All previously identified E2F proteins can act in a similar manner; depending on w
36                                              E2F proteins can either activate or repress transcriptio
37 unctional antagonism between these different E2F proteins can occur in vivo by competition for the sa
38 individual E2F species and characterized the E2F protein complexes formed in rat lens epithelia and f
39  the human and mouse p21 promoters that bind E2F protein complexes from nuclear extracts in a cell cy
40 d v-mos-transformed cells stably express two E2F protein complexes that are normally observed only du
41                            By using chimeric E2F proteins, containing amino-acid sequences from E2F-1
42                                              E2F proteins control cell cycle progression by predomina
43                                        Since E2F proteins control genes required for cell cycle progr
44 mechanisms that modulate the activity of the E2F proteins, cyclin A has been found to be important fo
45 s work has identified distinct functions for E2F proteins during a cellular proliferative response in
46  cycle progression, and recently, one of the E2F protein family, E2F-1, has been shown to participate
47 ed box domain, and we now show that chimeric E2F proteins generate expression signatures that reflect
48 is context, the analysis of genes induced by E2F proteins identified genes or expressed sequence tags
49                    E2F4 is the most abundant E2F protein in many cell types.
50  to cell cycle regulation, studies of Rb and E2F proteins in animal models have revealed important ro
51    Various studies have detailed the role of E2F proteins in both transcription activation and repres
52 ults show that pRB interacts with individual E2F proteins in different ways and suggest that pRB's re
53 the overproduction of each of the five known E2F proteins in mammalian cells, we demonstrate that a l
54                   The conservation of Rb and E2F proteins in plants suggests that this pathway is the
55 o evidence for specific roles for individual E2F proteins in the control of apoptosis and cell prolif
56 Various studies have demonstrated a role for E2F proteins in the control of transcription of genes in
57               We demonstrate that endogenous E2F proteins interact with the promoter of the NPAT gene
58 city of binding of an activator or repressor E2F protein is determined by adjacent sequences that bin
59                The large number of mammalian E2F proteins is one of the major obstacles that complica
60                      E2F4, the most abundant E2F protein, is thought to act in cooperation with pRB t
61                                              E2f protein levels are reduced in Rb1:Thoc1-deficient br
62                         We hypothesized that E2F proteins must reverse the pRb-imposed chromatin stru
63 though it is clear that the functions of the E2F proteins overlap, there is also evidence for specifi
64                                   The RB and E2F proteins play important roles in the regulation of c
65 ples of combinatorial interactions involving E2F proteins provide a basis for the specificity of tran
66          Previous work has demonstrated that E2F proteins regulate the expression of various genes en
67 cts binding of either activator or repressor E2F proteins, respectively.
68                             If this is true, E2F proteins should recruit proteins capable of histone
69 ogether with phylogenetic analyses of Rb and E2F proteins support the conclusion that Rb evolved spec
70 ags not previously described as regulated by E2F proteins; surprisingly, many of these encode protein
71 ion assays identify multiple interactions of E2F proteins that include those previously shown to acti
72 distinct specificity in the interaction with E2F proteins that includes a role for E2F1 but not E2F3,
73 ves both positive-acting and negative-acting E2F proteins, the latter group including the E2F6 protei
74 roteins by disrupting their interaction with E2F proteins, thus allowing E2F-dependent transcription
75 itogenic stimuli as well as by overexpressed E2F proteins; thus, it is a novel marker of cells that h
76 mall-interfering RNAs that target individual E2F proteins to generate a temporary loss of E2F functio
77  and by the ability of exogenously expressed E2F proteins to stimulate the endogenous Cdc6 gene.
78 te was noncanonical and its interaction with E2F protein was confirmed by a competitive EMSA using a
79 th the E1A oncoprotein and overexpression of E2F proteins were capable of overcoming the effect of CD
80                         Coexpression of each E2F protein with the DP1 heterodimeric partner does not
81 pendent specificities in the interactions of E2F proteins with Rb family members.

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