


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 se of Bacteria, Archaea are not simply 'mini Eukarya'.
2 hree domains of life (Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya).
3 hree domains of life (Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya).
4 rs have been identified only in bacteria and eukarya.
5  species but are absent from the Archaea and Eukarya.
6 ne in bacteria, four in archaea, and nine in eukarya.
7 es have only been identified in bacteria and eukarya.
8 A topoisomerases from bacteria, archaea, and eukarya.
9 RNA(Sec) remained unresolved for archaea and eukarya.
10 ea, but the family is to this date absent in Eukarya.
11 three domains of life: Archaea, Bacteria and Eukarya.
12 evolved before the divergence of Archaea and Eukarya.
13 ucleoside found in tRNA(GUN) of Bacteria and Eukarya.
14 ost of the ESPs that make it a member of the Eukarya.
15  the three domains of Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya.
16 er that is structurally conserved throughout eukarya.
17 all subunit rRNAs from bacteria, archaea and eukarya.
18  Sm and Sm-like RNA-associated proteins from eukarya.
19 ied from Archaea as compared to Bacteria and Eukarya.
20 DNA lesions and involves over 30 proteins in eukarya.
21 embers known from the Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya.
22 riety of organisms from archaea, bacteria to eukarya.
23 eins that play a crucial role in Archaea and Eukarya.
24  D-loops of tRNA from Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya.
25 ular sensors of extracellular signals in all eukarya.
26 f life, being found in bacteria, archaea and eukarya.
27 posite that of glycerolipids of Bacteria and Eukarya.
28 m of one gene in Archaea to seven or more in Eukarya.
29 s evident against representative bacteria or eukarya.
30  the acetate kinase in Bacteria, Archaea, or Eukarya.
31 utionary relationships with the Bacteria and Eukarya.
32 n, recombination, and repair in bacteria and eukarya.
33  the ABC-transporter systems of Bacteria and Eukarya.
34 ect a broad range of hosts from Bacteria and Eukarya.
35 ling enzymes found in bacteria, viruses, and eukarya.
36 on in Bacteria and, more rarely, Archaea and Eukarya.
37 ibozyme that is present in both bacteria and eukarya.
38 a and metabolic enzymes between Bacteria and Eukarya.
39 ected from bacteria compared with archaea or eukarya.
40 es the earliest diverging branches of domain Eukarya.
41 t functional IPKs also exist in Bacteria and Eukarya.
42  the other two domains of life, Bacteria and Eukarya.
43  as the replicative helicases in archaea and eukarya.
44 ctivation of the MCM helicase in archaea and eukarya.
45 related to known RNA viruses of Bacteria and Eukarya.
46  in bacteria, at least 4 in archaea and 9 in eukarya.
47 hese properties are conserved in Archaea and Eukarya.
48 s, including those of bacteria, archaea, and eukarya.
49  repair or splicing reactions in archaea and eukarya.
50  many DNA metabolic processes in archaea and eukarya.
51 ion, with examples in Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya.
52 omponents are regulated differ widely across Eukarya.
53 PPs) varies from 1 in bacteria to 9 or 10 in eukarya.
54 binases observed in Archaea, Eubacteria, and Eukarya.
55 hesis in Bacteria and sterol biosynthesis in Eukarya.
56 hat is conserved in Eubacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya.
57 e conserved among the Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya.
58 ia, and at least four in archaea and nine in eukarya.
59  acetylated by the related Nat3 acetylase in eukarya.
60 pted genomic strategies currently present in Eukarya.
61 ative organisms from eubacteria, archaea and eukarya.
62 hondria (16 S-like 0.89, 23 S-like 0.69) and Eukarya (18 S 0.81, 28 S 0.86).
63 erformed by the RecA protein, whereas in the eukarya a related protein called Rad51 is required to ca
64 ilities during the course of evolution while Eukarya acquired a number of diverse molecular functions
65 three domains of life (bacteria, archaea and eukarya): additional strand catalytic 'E' (ASCE) P-loop
66                              In bacteria and eukarya, all known lysyl-tRNA synthetases are subclass I
67 ease HI (RNH) domains present in Eubacteria, Eukarya, all long-term repeat (LTR)-bearing retrotranspo
68 aproteobacteria and Gammaproteobacteria) and eukarya (Alveolata, Fungi, Stramenopiles and Chloroplast
69 -DNA and protein-protein interactions within Eukarya, an event unlikely to occur in either an anoxic
70                                 The earliest Eukarya, anaerobic mastigotes, hypothetically originated
71 teins of Eubacteria and the FEN1 proteins of Eukarya and Archaea are members of a family of structure
72                                     However, Eukarya and Archaea exclusively use the pyroA pathway.
73 he trmD gene), the identity of the enzyme in eukarya and archaea is less clear.
74 ndent ligases are found predominantly in the eukarya and archaea whereas NAD+-dependent DNA ligases a
75                     Its homologs, present in Eukarya and Archaea, are part of protein complexes that
76                                           In eukarya and archaea, selenocysteine insertion requires a
77 m10 homologs are widely conserved throughout Eukarya and Archaea.
78 for replication initiation and elongation in eukarya and archaea.
79 O-methylation, one rRNA modification type in Eukarya and Archaea.
80 licase necessary for DNA replication in both eukarya and archaea.
81 es suggest a deep evolutionary divergence of Eukarya and Archaea; C27-C29 steranes (derived from ster
82 ns are found in archaea and the cytoplasm of eukarya and are believed to function like other chaperon
83                Hemoglobins are ubiquitous in Eukarya and Bacteria but, until now, have not been found
84 are poorly understood when compared with the Eukarya and Bacteria domains of life.
85                                           In Eukarya and Bacteria it has been shown that membrane doc
86 sent in the anticodon region of tRNA(GUN) in Eukarya and Bacteria, while G(+) is found at position 15
87 ed to previously characterized proteins from Eukarya and Bacteria.
88 s these organisms share characteristics with Eukarya and Bacteria.
89 is distinct from the RdRps of RNA viruses of Eukarya and Bacteria.
90 ed in the queuosine modification of tRNAs in eukarya and eubacteria and in the archaeosine modificati
91 erases and arrests the growth of unicellular eukarya and eukaryal viruses.
92 d between the rRNAs of bacteria, archaea and eukarya and in mitochondrial rRNA, and in a proposed min
93 the presence of a primordial CTD code within eukarya and indicates that proper recognition of the chr
94                Type I IDI, which is found in Eukarya and many Bacteria, catalyzes the isomerization o
95 of informational enzymes between Archaea and Eukarya and metabolic enzymes between Bacteria and Eukar
96 een discovered to date: PurH in Bacteria and Eukarya and PurO in Archaea.
97 DNA recombinases (RecA in bacteria, Rad51 in eukarya and RadA in archaea) catalyse strand exchange be
98 ee-living proteomes of Archaea, Bacteria and Eukarya and reconstructed species phylogenies while trac
99 des the 174 taxa into Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya and satisfactorily sorts most of the major group
100 shares many features with the NHEJ system of eukarya and suggest that this DNA repair pathway arose b
101                                              Eukarya and, more recently, some bacteria have been show
102 level, we conclude that the SSBs of archaea, eukarya, and bacteria share a common core ssDNA-binding
103 isms used by termination factors in archaea, eukarya, and bacteria to disrupt the TEC may be conserve
104 e for Bacteria, Saccharomyces cerevisiae for Eukarya, and Methanococcus jannaschii for Archaea, provi
105 represent extremely distal points within the Eukarya, and one such organism, Trypanosoma brucei, has
106 is a complex community of Bacteria, Archaea, Eukarya, and viruses that infect humans and live in our
107 ds between and within proteomes belonging to Eukarya, Archaea, and Bacteria along the branches of a u
108 is accepted then the three cellular domains, Eukarya, Archaea, and Bacteria, would collapse into two
109                                              Eukarya, Archaea, and some Bacteria encode all or part o
110 ous ATP-dependent proteases that function in eukarya, archaea, and some bacteria.
111 nd Trm5 are, respectively, the bacterial and eukarya/archaea methyl transferases that catalyze transf
112 e lengths of orthologous protein families in Eukarya are almost double the lengths found in Bacteria
113 e initiation process in archea, bacteria and eukarya are also summarized.
114 ies and differences of those of bacteria and eukarya are highlighted.
115  assembly proteins found in the Bacteria and Eukarya are not universally conserved in archaea.
116 , but the equivalent proteins in archaea and eukarya are unknown.
117 ea, Bacteria, chloroplasts, mitochondria and Eukarya, as predicted by the partition function approach
118 he phylogenies of the bacteria, archaea, and eukarya, as well as an intriguing set of problems to be
119  represents all three major domains of life: Eukarya, Bacteria and Archaea as well as Viruses.
120                Of the three domains of life (Eukarya, Bacteria, and Archaea), the least understood is
121 tionship spanning the three domains of life (Eukarya, Bacteria, and Archaea).
122 ral ancestor that predates the divergence of Eukarya, Bacteria, and Archaea.
123 ifferent hosts in all three domains of life: Eukarya; Bacteria; and Archaea that diverged billions of
124                               In archaea and eukarya, box C/D ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complexes are r
125 long been considered similar in Bacteria and Eukarya but accomplished by a different unrelated set of
126 ates are remarkably similar for Bacteria and Eukarya, but Archaea exhibit a significantly slower aver
127 t coherently polyadenylated, whereas mRNA of Eukarya can be separated from stable RNAs by virtue of p
128 osmopolitan clades of Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya characterized by their ribosomal RNA gene phylog
129 osed of one or two (in Archaea) or eight (in Eukarya) different subunits.
130 ally transferred to certain bacteria and few eukarya, displays a more relaxed substrate range and may
131  to viruses associated with the Bacteria and Eukarya domains of life, further strengthening the hypot
132 ion is enriched in reproductive cells across eukarya - either just prior to or during meiosis in sing
133 sensory proteins from eubacteria, archea and eukarya eliminates the redox response.
134 he counterpart of this enzyme in archaea and eukarya, encoded by the trm5 gene, is unrelated to trmD
135 conservation of the ribosome among kingdoms (Eukarya, Eubacteria, and Archaea).
136   This phenomenon suggests that Prokarya and Eukarya evolved in anoxic and oxic environments, respect
137  likely evolved independently in Archaea and Eukarya for more than 2000 million years.
138 standing effort to search in prokaryotes and eukarya for proteins promoting HJ migration.
139                They are found throughout the Eukarya, functioning in core cellular processes such as
140 hree cellular domains Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya has become a central problem in unraveling the t
141  How this stage of the cell cycle unfolds in Eukarya has been clearly defined and considerable progre
142 of biological signalling in the Bacteria and Eukarya have revealed a new class of haem-containing pro
143 milies of alternative-splicing regulators in Eukarya, have two types of RNA-recognition motifs (RRMs)
144         Following the discovery of the first Eukarya in the deep subsurface, intense interest has dev
145         Archaea share many similarities with eukarya in their information processing pathways and hav
146          Members of the domains Bacteria and Eukarya, in general, contain one type of SSB or RPA.
147 the tree of life, with Bacteria, Archaea and Eukarya included.
148 pathway found in some Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya, including the cytosol of plants.
149 es, but not to date elsewhere in bacteria or eukarya, indicates that the gene that encodes this enzym
150 on of bacteria as Prokarya while subdividing Eukarya into uniquely defined subtaxa: Protoctista, Anim
151                But, the equivalent value for Eukarya is <10%; (iii) HGT will have very little impact
152  (FtsJ), highly conserved from eubacteria to eukarya, is responsible for the 2'-O-ribose methylation
153 on of the branched structure in Bacteria and Eukarya lends further support to the archaeal rooting of
154                         In both bacteria and eukarya, lesions located in transcribed strands are repa
155 s archaeal system combines bacteria-like and eukarya-like components, which suggests the possible con
156 mple aspects of the evolution of protocells, eukarya, multi-cellularity and animal societies.
157 MAT is strongly conserved among bacteria and eukarya, no homologs have been recognized in the complet
158 perclass are related with proteins in either Eukarya or Bacteria, as recognized previously.
159 n metabolism and decoding in archaea than in eukarya or bacteria.
160 ing proteins to the endoplasmic reticulum in eukarya or to the inner membrane in prokarya.
161  AAA+ ring of the 19S regulatory particle in eukarya or with the AAA+ proteasome-activating nucleotid
162  DNA damage-scanning proteins from different Eukarya organisms.
163                                           In Eukarya, PCNA is known to interact with more than a doze
164 e massive rise of architectural novelties in Eukarya perhaps linked to multicellularity.
165      This essential reaction in bacteria and eukarya permits a single tRNA to decode multiple codons.
166 37 in tRNA(Phe) and known previously only in eukarya, plus two new wye family members of presently un
167 tors have been independently lost across the Eukarya, pointing to genetic buffering within the essent
168 out ssDNA, the mechanism of ssDNA binding in eukarya remains speculative.
169 ough their phylogenetic placement within the Eukarya remains uncertain.
170             Planktonic Bacteria, Archaea and Eukarya reside and compete in the ocean's photic zone un
171 ec61alpha channel in Bacteria or Archaea and Eukarya, respectively.
172  one, four and nine in Bacteria, Archaea and Eukarya, respectively.
173                                        Among eukarya, SftH homologs are present in plants and fungi.
174 ansferase center, and G1735A, mapping near a Eukarya-specific bridge to the 40S subunit.
175                                           In Eukarya, stalled translation induces 40S dissociation an
176 evolved before the divergence of Archaea and Eukarya, suggesting that the fundamental role of chromat
177 -acid sequences of globins from Bacteria and Eukarya suggests that they share an early common ancesto
178 most inclusive taxa: Prokarya (bacteria) and Eukarya (symbiosis-derived nucleated organisms).
179 fe, the archaeal system is closer to that of eukarya than bacteria.
180 e more similar to the metabolic processes of Eukarya than those of Bacteria, Archaea are not simply '
181 e more similar in sequence to those found in eukarya than to analogous replication proteins in bacter
182 share much closer evolutionary ties with the Eukarya than with the superficially more similar Bacteri
183 nveiled sharing patterns between Archaea and Eukarya that are recent and can explain the canonical ba
184 nd one small protein subunit, in archaea and eukarya the enzyme contains several (> or =4) protein su
185 ts the first evidence that in Archaea, as in Eukarya, the oligosaccharides N-linked to glycoproteins
186 ere found adjacent to each other, whereas in eukarya these genes are on separate chromosomes.
187 emperature cannot sterilize most bacteria or eukarya, these data support the hypothesis that meteorit
188                 Focus diversified beyond the Eukarya to include the hidden world of microbial life.
189 ide phyletic distribution extending from the Eukarya to the Archaea.
190 of the three domains, bacteria, archaea, and eukarya, to unwind RNA-containing substrate was determin
191  Type IB DNA topoisomerases are found in all eukarya, two families of eukaryotic viruses (poxviruses
192                  The discovery of a group of Eukarya underground has important implications for the s
193 -1) is incorporated posttranscriptionally in eukarya via an unusual 3'-5' nucleotide addition reactio
194 translational regulation of DNA packaging in Eukarya vs. the Archaea.
195 tallomes of 23 Archaea, 233 Bacteria, and 57 Eukarya were constructed.
196 paraphyletic basal group, while Bacteria and Eukarya were monophyletic and derived.
197 , where superkingdoms Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya were specified; and (3) organismal diversificati
198 here its function has been uncertain, and in eukarya where Cdc48 participates by largely unknown mech
199 usly found in all life including archaea and eukarya, where the enzyme is referred to as Dim1.
200 Lig1) and ligase IV (Lig4) are ubiquitous in Eukarya, whereas ligase III (Lig3), which has nuclear an
201 e regulatory system, RNAi is used throughout eukarya, which indicates a long evolutionary history.
202 izontal gene transfer to the Bacteria or the Eukarya, would seem to reflect the significant innovatio
203 al for translational fidelity in Archaea and Eukarya; yet it does not occur in Bacteria and has never

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