


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 GGGGTTTTGG) sequence found at DNA termini in Euplotes.
2 ar telomeres from the ciliates Oxytricha and Euplotes.
3 ptase (RT)-like proteins associated with the Euplotes aediculatus (Ea_p123), Saccharomyces cerevisiae
4 eated sequence, (TTTTGGGG)(n) in the ciliate Euplotes aediculatus and (TTAGGG)(n) in humans.
5 tein subunits of telomerase from the ciliate Euplotes aediculatus and the yeast Saccharomyces cerevis
6 e report the purification of telomerase from Euplotes aediculatus by affinity chromatography with ant
7 tein components, telomerase from the ciliate Euplotes aediculatus contains the subunit p43.
8 inks with the anchor site of telomerase from Euplotes aediculatus nuclear extract.
9                           The stabilities of Euplotes aediculatus primer-telomerase complexes were de
10 e processivity of telomeric DNA extension by Euplotes aediculatus telomerase at various concentration
11 elomerase ribonucleoprotein from the ciliate Euplotes aediculatus to telomeric DNA in vitro has been
12                 Telomerase was purified from Euplotes aediculatus, a ciliated protozoan, and one of i
13                               In the ciliate Euplotes aediculatus, the protein p43 biochemically co-p
14  the same DNA-binding characteristics as the Euplotes and Oxytricha telomere-binding proteins.
15 ndently derived the same eRF1 specificity as Euplotes, and three spirotrichs, Stylonychia lemnae, S.
16   First, it is hosted by a ciliated protist, Euplotes; bacterial symbionts of ciliates are still poor
17 eotide was less precise than Tetrahymena and Euplotes but still had a bias that changed as a function
18 ies of the telomere end binding protein from Euplotes crassus (EcTEBP).
19          The transposon-like Tec elements of Euplotes crassus are precisely excised during formation
20                  Telomerase from the ciliate Euplotes crassus incorporates G4T4telomeric repeats onto
21 e histone H3 genes of the ciliated protozoan Euplotes crassus indicates that one gene functions only
22                  During sexual reproduction, Euplotes crassus precisely fragments its micronuclear ch
23 avage-elongation reaction carried out by the Euplotes crassus telomerase.
24 , rTP, is a nuclear protein from the ciliate Euplotes crassus that appears to be a novel telomere rep
25  Two genes have been cloned from the ciliate Euplotes crassus that encode proteins with sequence simi
26 R of TR3 with the corresponding segment of a Euplotes crassus TR restricted Sec insertion into the C-
27 istone H2B genes from the ciliated protozoan Euplotes crassus were cloned and sequenced.
28                               In the ciliate Euplotes crassus, however, telomerase RNP structure and
29 rmation of a new macronucleus in the ciliate Euplotes crassus, micronuclear chromosomes are reproduci
30                               In the ciliate Euplotes crassus, millions of new telomeres are synthesi
31                                           In Euplotes crassus, most of the micronuclear genome is eli
32 rminal domain of the OnTEBP alpha subunit in Euplotes crassus, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, and Homo sa
33 in Oxytricha trifallax, Stylonychia mytilis, Euplotes crassus, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, and Homo sa
34                                           In Euplotes crassus, telomerase is responsible for telomere
35 f selenocysteine and cysteine in the ciliate Euplotes crassus, that the dual use of this codon can oc
36                               In the ciliate Euplotes crassus, the core telomerase ribonucleoprotein
37 ring macronuclear development in the ciliate Euplotes crassus, the highly repetitive, transposon-like
38                          Similarities of the Euplotes fragmentation/telomere addition process to the
39 anslational frameshifting in ciliates of the Euplotes genus.
40                             In contrast, the Euplotes hybrid facilitated efficient translation termin
41               Thus, telomerase expression in Euplotes is controlled by unique regulatory mechanisms t
42   These findings suggest that p43 is not the Euplotes La protein but instead plays a dedicated role i
43 th telomerase from vegetative and developing Euplotes macronuclei using chimeric primers that contain
44 lizes to the sites of DNA replication within Euplotes macronuclei.
45 ene, and that the structural arrangements of Euplotes mRNA preserve location-dependent dual function
46 one En-6 isolated from the antarctic species Euplotes nobilii.
47 demonstrated that a hybrid eRF1 carrying the Euplotes octocarinatus domain 1 fused to Saccharomyces c
48 ain 1 from either Tetrahymena thermophila or Euplotes octocarinatus fused to eRF1 domains 2 and 3 fro
49 of 'model' ciliates-Paramecium, Tetrahymena, Euplotes, Oxytricha and Stylonychia-reveal considerable
50  populations in the presence of the predator Euplotes patella.
51                                The protozoan Euplotes pheromones were selected by fold recognition as
52                                              Euplotes provides a unique opportunity to study C strand
53 e Er-11 pheromone of the unicellular ciliate Euplotes raikovi, suggesting a possible common pathway f
54                                  Ciliates of Euplotes species constitutively secrete pleiotropic prot
55 es recognize only UGA as a stop codon, while Euplotes species recognize only UAA and UAG as stop codo
56                        We show that purified Euplotes telomerase has no activity with blunt-ended pri
57               In this study we recruited the Euplotes telomerase to nontelomeric 3' termini in vitro
58 protein particles cooperate to elongate each Euplotes telomere in vivo.
59 mers are aligned with the G-rich strand of a Euplotes telomere, the cross-linked nucleotides correspo
60 at rTP binds specifically to the G-strand of Euplotes telomeric DNA and hence has some of the same DN
61 raints based on sequence alignments with the Euplotes templates and the attractin disulfide bonds.
62                     We have used the ciliate Euplotes to study the role of DNA polymerase in telomeri
63  of the chromosome end-replicating enzyme in Euplotes, yeasts, and mammals.

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