


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              FCCS analysis using EGFP and mCherry-tagged protein pair
2 orescence cross-correlation spectroscopy (3C-FCCS) has been shown to track assemblies of three spectr
3                Here, we clearly show that 3C-FCCS is capable of distinguishing beads barcoded with qu
4                                     Although FCCS could resolve this through cross-correlation, it su
5                              The CE/two-beam FCCS experiment described here is part of a family of te
6 nd unbound ssDNA were determined by two-beam FCCS within 2-6% precision, even for samples that contai
7 apurinic/apyrimidinic site, was monitored by FCCS using a double-stranded DNA substrate dual labeled
8           We use this information to correct FCCS measurements of the interaction of Cdc42, a small R
9                                           DC-FCCS offers the sensitivity and all other advantages of
10 tation of preformed dimers using SW-FCCS, DC-FCCS, quasi PIE-FCCS, and imaging FCCS.
11 al changes in the fluorescence intensity, DC-FCCS serves as a preferred means of measuring solution p
12                   We also show the use of DC-FCCS for monitoring competitive displacement of the labe
13 th a mAbs and demonstrated the utility of DC-FCCS in studies of antibody sandwiches, trimolecular for
14 orescence cross-correlation spectroscopy (DC-FCCS) was applied to study the binding interactions of m
15 plitude ratios of ~0.5 or less for different FCCS schemes.
16 ength FCCS and pulsed interleaved excitation FCCS to measure various tandem FPs constituted of differ
17 report the successful implementation of FCS, FCCS, and PCH in live yeast cells using fluorescent prot
18 ed fluorescence fluctuation techniques (FCS, FCCS, and PCH) required fractions between 7 and 11%.
19 id) of the enzyme using this cross-talk-free FCCS platform.
20 W-FCCS, DC-FCCS, quasi PIE-FCCS, and imaging FCCS.
21                   In addition, using imaging FCCS, we find that dimers have a tendency to be found at
22  Here, we combine several recent advances in FCCS apparatus and analysis to demonstrate it as an impo
23                              We also use MPE-FCCS to detect drug-protein interactions in the intracel
24 factors governing conformational behavior of FCCS containing systems.
25 on or cross-correlation spectroscopy (FCS or FCCS), a single molecule technique, has the ability to p
26                                          PIE-FCCS is a two-color fluorescence microscopy method that
27 med dimers using SW-FCCS, DC-FCCS, quasi PIE-FCCS, and imaging FCCS.
28 rescence cross-correlation spectroscopy (PIE-FCCS) and fluorescence lifetime analysis.
29 rescence cross-correlation spectroscopy (PIE-FCCS).
30 rescence cross-correlation spectroscopy (PIE-FCCS).
31                                     With PIE-FCCS, we show that inactive PlexinA4 is dimerized in the
32 fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy (FCCS) and fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FR
33 fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy (FCCS) and micro fabricated devices toward highly sensiti
34 fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy (FCCS) confirmed lateral mobility and the formation of sp
35 Fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy (FCCS) has been proposed and developed as a protein detec
36 Fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy (FCCS) is used to determine interactions and dissociation
37 fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy (FCCS) was used to resolve the bound and unbound fraction
38 fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy (FCCS), and photon counting histograms (PCH) are fluctuat
39 fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy (FCCS), which provides a readout modality for the study o
40 escence cross-correlation spectroscopy (SPIM-FCCS) and molecular dynamics modeling confirmed that c-F
41 he quantitation of preformed dimers using SW-FCCS, DC-FCCS, quasi PIE-FCCS, and imaging FCCS.
42 ng protocols and careful optimization of the FCCS instrumentation are essential to achieve the highes
43 on of alternating laser excitation (ALEX) to FCCS along with a method to exclude signals from occasio
44 pecific association of dengue antibody using FCCS.
45                     We use single wavelength FCCS and pulsed interleaved excitation FCCS to measure v
46 t using microfluidic devices integrated with FCCS, both of which can be achieved practically, we shou

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