


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              FIV also encodes a multifunctional OrfA accessory protei
2                                              FIV employs a distinct strategy to target helper T cells
3                                              FIV Env might exclude tetherin locally or direct assembl
4                                              FIV exposure of astrocytes significantly increased the p
5                                              FIV Gag is a nuclear shuttling protein that utilizes the
6                                              FIV infection causes AIDS-like disease and mortality in
7                                              FIV integrated across the entire length of the transcrip
8                                              FIV integration preferences are more similar to those of
9                                              FIV subtype D was not detected in any submitted specimen
10                                              FIV Vif colocalized with feline APOBEC3 (fA3) proteins,
11                                              FIV virions bearing 39 out of 63 mutant glycoproteins tr
12                                              FIV-34TF10 in which the OrfA reading frame is open (OrfA
13                                              FIV-based lentiviral vectors can transfect CE with shRNA
14                                              FIV-positive cats had significantly less lymph-node enla
15                                       Of 101 FIV antibody-positive feline blood specimens submitted f
16                      In addition, 143 of 226 FIV-infected animals (63%) also expressed antibodies to
17                         For example, clade A FIV-PPR is predominantly neurotropic and causes a mild d
18  A. californica GP64-pseudotyped FIV (AcGP64-FIV).
19                                 In addition, FIV(HuMOR) prevented the attendant sensitization of trig
20 Alix-binding motif in FIV Gag did not affect FIV release.
21 ed and unvaccinated cats were infected after FIV-PPR challenge and exhibited similar plasma virus loa
22 st, nine cats became antibody positive after FIV vaccination but remained negative in the FIV PCR.
23 s in HIV diagnosis, serum antibodies against FIV classically serve as an indicator of infection statu
24 y was blocked, implying that most if not all FIV Gag normally undergoes nuclear cycling.
25                                Virtually all FIV Gag rapidly became intranuclear when the CRM1 export
26 nd previous studies showing efficacy with an FIV-pPPRDelta vif DNA vaccine.
27 an selection, presumably due to an ancestral FIV infection.
28 e been selected for escape from an ancestral FIV.
29                The others restrict HIV-1 and FIV but not HIV-2.
30                   We conclude that HIV-1 and FIV Gag differ strikingly in a key intracellular traffic
31                       In addition, HIV-1 and FIV genomes accumulated with Gag in late endosomal foci,
32 se CRM1 (mCRM1) minimally affected HIV-1 and FIV production and did not antagonize hCRM1.
33 an immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and FIV Gag may differ.
34 0 mul for 6 weeks) reduced CXCL10, IL-6, and FIV RNA detection in brain, although PPAR-gamma in glia
35 ix (Alix-V) did not disrupt FIV budding, and FIV Gag peptides showed no affinity for Alix-V.
36 gene transcription driven by the FIV-C36 and FIV-PPR LTRs were identical.
37 ic viruses were prepared between FIV-C36 and FIV-PPR, with reciprocal exchanges involving (i) the 3'
38    Moreover, macrophage CD134 expression and FIV infection were enhanced by activation in response to
39 ration or IFN-gamma responses to the HIV and FIV peptide pools.
40 f SIV > HIV-1 > BIV and EIAV > MLV, RSV, and FIV.
41         Early in infection, both FIV-ThX and FIV-mock-ThX cats produced similar CTL responses, but su
42 sly discriminates between FIV-vaccinated and FIV-infected cats.
43           Unlike other tetherin antagonists, FIV Env cannot act in trans to rescue vpu-deficient HIV-
44  is both restriction factor and cofactor, as FIV requires tetherin for optimal particle release.
45 rains (tissue culture adapted [TCA]) such as FIV-34TF10 can bind to HSPG, whereas SU from field strai
46 , whereas SU from field strains (FS) such as FIV-PPR cannot.
47 e if cats are co-infected with an attenuated FIV strain (PLV).
48                              Budding of bald FIV and HIV particles was blocked by carnivore tetherins
49 ypes and unambiguously discriminates between FIV-vaccinated and FIV-infected cats.
50 ino acid sequences are not identical between FIV and HIV, the ability of FIV to bind and utilize both
51                      The interaction between FIV and CD134 was probed using MAb 7D6 and soluble CD134
52 ants, chimeric viruses were prepared between FIV-C36 and FIV-PPR, with reciprocal exchanges involving
53 ine groups after challenge with a biological FIV isolate (FIV-PPR) at 13 weeks postimmunization.
54 ed anti-CD134 and anti-SU antibodies blocked FIV infection ex vivo.
55                     Early in infection, both FIV-ThX and FIV-mock-ThX cats produced similar CTL respo
56 RDelta vif proviral plasmid DNA or with both FIV-pPPRDelta vif DNA and a feline IFN-gamma expression
57 ants important for HSPG and CXCR4 binding by FIV SU and thus further define the importance of the V3
58 th the selective targeting of these cells by FIV.
59 es and meniscal tissue were also infected by FIV(HuMOR), which presumably exerted an antiinflammatory
60 elid species, disease etiology introduced by FIV infection are less clear, but recent studies indicat
61 ncing can be achieved in cells transduced by FIV vectors coexpressing reporter genes and 3' untransla
62 ld disease in the periphery, whereas clade C FIV-C36 causes fulminant disease with CD4(+) T-cell depl
63 lear export pathway with leptomycin B causes FIV Gag but not HIV-1 Gag to accumulate in the nucleus.
64 study we sought to identify and characterize FIV late domain(s) and elucidate cellular machinery invo
65                      Five well-characterized FIV subtypes, A, B, C, D, and E, are recognized worldwid
66 00 nM DRV or TL-3, whereas parental chimeric FIV could not.
67 ially the same in the wild-type and chimeric FIVs.
68 specificity of Gag cleavage so that chimeric FIVs were not infectious.
69                         None of the chimeric FIVs recapitulated the replication rate of FIV-C36, alth
70    Furthermore, imaging of intron-containing FIV RNA showed that hCRM1 increased RNA export to the cy
71 ndence on this protein: particles containing FIV Env need tetherin for optimal release from the cell,
72 ave received the FIV vaccine, which contains FIV subtype A and D inactivated virions.
73 correlated to responses to their counterpart FIV pools.
74  feline A3Z3 variants suppress vif-defective FIV infectivity.
75 ding domain of Alix (Alix-V) did not disrupt FIV budding, and FIV Gag peptides showed no affinity for
76 oviral genome of two geographically distinct FIV subtypes isolated from free-ranging lions.
77  chronic activation of CD8(+) T cells during FIV infection results in chromatin remodeling at the IL-
78           HIV-1 molecular clones that encode FIV Vif or SIVmac Vif (HIV-1(VF) and HIV-1(VS)) were the
79                   Furthermore, FIV-enveloped FIV particles actually required tetherin for optimal rel
80        All blood samples from experimentally FIV-infected cats (n=5) were antibody positive and highl
81 ll known FIV strains and differentiates five FIV subtypes.
82 he greatest relative infectivity deficit for FIV vectors observed in human T-cell lines.
83                     The primary receptor for FIV is CD134, a member of the tumor necrosis factor rece
84 ositive feline blood specimens submitted for FIV PCR diagnosis, 61 were positive (60%).
85 l machinery, may affect gene expression from FIV vectors.
86 he observed specificity distinctions with FS FIV.
87                                 Furthermore, FIV-enveloped FIV particles actually required tetherin f
88 but similar to the Ebola virus glycoprotein, FIV Env did not reduce intracellular or cell surface tet
89 cy virus (FIV)-based lentivirus vector (GP64-FIV) to murine nasal epithelia.
90 t integrase-transportin 3 binding hierarchy: FIV, HIV-1, and BIV > SIV and MLV > EIAV.
91                                     However, FIV is also macrophage tropic, and in chronic infection
92  rates between LV-FIV and LV-FIV encoding HV-FIV Vif.
93  (referred to here as high-virulence FIV [HV-FIV]), and a less-pathogenic strain, FIV-PPR (referred t
94 rates equivalent to those of the virulent HV-FIV parental virus.
95 ch vif, orfA, or both genes from virulent HV-FIV replaced equivalent genes in LV-FIV.
96 herefore, this PCR quantitatively identifies FIV subtypes and unambiguously discriminates between FIV
97                                           In FIV-infected feline cells, some intranuclear Gag was det
98 TNF- alpha improved listericidal activity in FIV-negative control cats but not in FIV-positive cats,
99 ther, our results demonstrated a decrease in FIV diversity in bone marrow in the presence of PLV.
100 onserved sites and transition frequencies in FIV genes differ among tissues of dual and single infect
101 , whereas IL-10 modestly reduced function in FIV-negative control cats.
102            IL-15 improved innate function in FIV-positive cats and increased the percentage of natura
103 ncluding both memory and motor functions, in FIV(+) animals.
104  the role of vif and orfA accessory genes in FIV replication and pathogenicity, we generated chimeras
105 and elucidate cellular machinery involved in FIV release.
106  HIV-1-equivalent substitutions were made in FIV PR, and cleavage of each Gag-Pol polyprotein was the
107 genesis of a potential Alix-binding motif in FIV Gag did not affect FIV release.
108 termined that mutagenesis of a PSAP motif in FIV Gag, small interfering RNA-mediated knockdown of Tsg
109 vity in FIV-negative control cats but not in FIV-positive cats, whereas IL-10 modestly reduced functi
110 uted in structurally equivalent positions in FIV PR were prepared in order to study the molecular bas
111  loads and a better overall health status in FIV(+) cats, whereas anti-SU antibodies were present ind
112 of these chimeras is more straightforward in FIV than in primate lentiviruses, since FIV accessory ge
113     After the introduction of an inactivated FIV vaccine, this approach has become problematic, since
114 is of minor allele frequencies at individual FIV genome sites revealed 242 sites significantly affect
115                          However, infectious FIV particles were resistant, and spreading FIV replicat
116 ly explain the failure to produce infectious FIVs bearing these mutations.
117 feline APOBEC3, APOBEC3Z3 (A3Z3), to inhibit FIV replication.
118 g fragment of Tsg101 (TSG-5') each inhibited FIV release.
119 wever, PCR detection of host-cell-integrated FIV DNA will differentiate infection-derived antibody fr
120 , Q99V, and P100N mutations were cloned into FIV Gag-Pol, and those constructs that best approximated
121    It must be incorporated specifically into FIV virions to be active.
122 ter challenge with a biological FIV isolate (FIV-PPR) at 13 weeks postimmunization.
123  amplifies single-target copies of all known FIV strains and differentiates five FIV subtypes.
124 omparative analyses of available full-length FIV consisting of subtypes A, B and C from FIVFca, Palla
125 pe surface unit (SU) with CXCR4, full-length FIV SU-Fc as well as constructs with deletions of extend
126 ted and placed in the context of full-length FIV-34TF10.
127 blot screening (domestic cat, puma, and lion FIV antigens) and PCR analysis to survey worldwide preva
128 n of replication rates between LV-FIV and LV-FIV encoding HV-FIV Vif.
129 equalization of replication rates between LV-FIV and LV-FIV encoding HV-FIV Vif.
130 R (referred to here as low-virulence FIV [LV-FIV]).
131 ulent HV-FIV replaced equivalent genes in LV-FIV.
132 o compared to the replication kinetics of LV-FIV.
133 s with intact thymuses continued to maintain FIV-specific CTL.
134 reas Ca(2+) -sensitive K(+) channels mediate FIV via an NO-independent pathway.
135                                    Moreover, FIV has evolved dependence on this protein: particles co
136 alyze the specificity changes in each mutant FIV PR expressed in the context of the natural Gag-Pol p
137 t with ex vivo results obtained using mutant FIVs.
138           The SHVH-P-FV (</=1kDa) and SHVH-N-FIV (3-1kDa) fractions showed the best ACE-inhibitory ac
139 t with the above observations, OrfA-negative FIV-34TF10 productively infects CrFK (CD134-negative) an
140                   V3 MAbs weakly neutralized FIV infection using target cells expressing both CD134 a
141 ntiviral vector transduction, but normalized FIV and HIV-1 vectors varied concordantly.
142                         Approximately 21% of FIV integrations within transcriptional units occurred i
143 dentical between FIV and HIV, the ability of FIV to bind and utilize both feline and human CXCR4 make
144           However, many molecular aspects of FIV replication remain poorly understood.
145           We also observed direct binding of FIV Gag peptides to Tsg101.
146                               A component of FIV that is Kir independent is abrogated by blocking Ca(
147 distribution, and genomic differentiation of FIV based on 3,055 specimens from 35 Felidae and 3 Hyaen
148 ficiency achieved following a single dose of FIV expressing mouse erythropoietin was insufficient to
149  additively following each of seven doses of FIV delivered over consecutive weeks (1 dose/week), with
150 ng IFN-gamma did not enhance the efficacy of FIV-pPPRDelta vif DNA immunization.
151          Lentiviruses, with the exception of FIV, display a requirement for transportin 3 in comparis
152 8+ T cells, concordant with the expansion of FIV into CD8+ T cells with progression of the infection.
153                        A higher frequency of FIV-specific T-cell proliferation responses was observed
154          The chimera carrying the 3' half of FIV-C36 demonstrated an intermediate disease course with
155 pe FIVs and chimeras carrying the 3' half of FIV-C36 or the 3' LTR and Rev2 regions of FIV-C36 on the
156                        A single injection of FIV(HuMOR) into the temporomandibular joints of Col1-IL-
157 ect evidence for a sequential interaction of FIV Env with CD134 and CXCR4 and reveal the presence of
158 s showed a statistically significant loss of FIV-specific CTL activity, while FIV-infected cats with
159 capitulate the species-specific monophyly of FIV marked by high levels of genetic diversity both with
160  rapid-growth phenotype and pathogenicity of FIV-C36 are the result of evolutionary fine tuning throu
161 c FIVs recapitulated the replication rate of FIV-C36, although most replicated to levels similar to t
162      Our data suggest a greater reduction of FIV with IAT compared with either IVT or NRT.
163                            DNA in regions of FIV insertion sites exhibited a "bendable" structure and
164 of FIV-C36 or the 3' LTR and Rev2 regions of FIV-C36 on the PPR background.
165 an and monkey cells, relative restriction of FIV compared to HIV-1 varied from none to substantial, w
166 discrete substitutions in the active site of FIV PR with structurally equivalent residues of HIV-1 PR
167 e receptor utilization of diverse strains of FIV and found that all strains tested utilized CD134 as
168                          However, strains of FIV differ in utilization of CD134; the prototypic strai
169 ost replicated to levels similar to those of FIV-PPR.
170  approximately 20-fold greater than those of FIV-PPR.
171 d that multiple factors, including timing of FIV-pPPRDelta vif inoculations and challenge, as well as
172  of primary sensory neurons via transport of FIV vectors from peripheral nerve endings to sensory gan
173 ith disease progression, the cell tropism of FIV broadens such that B cells and monocytes/macrophages
174                                The optimized FIV-based RNAi expression vectors will find broad use gi
175 mmunized with either FIVDelta vifATGgamma or FIV-pPPRDelta vif plus pCDNA-IFNgamma, while virus-speci
176 ccinated with either FIVDelta vifATGgamma or FIV-pPPRDelta vif proviral plasmid DNA or with both FIV-
177 e similar to Pallas cat FIVOma than to other FIV.
178 ntivirus, feline immunodeficiency virus Pco [FIV-Pco], referred to here as PLV) without evidence of d
179 ding to their high ACE-inhibitory potential, FIV and FV were fractionated by RP-HPLC and then analyze
180 se nose with A. californica GP64-pseudotyped FIV (AcGP64-FIV).
181  demonstrate the utility of GP64-pseudotyped FIV lentiviral vectors for targeting hepatocytes to corr
182              We generated a GP64-pseudotyped FIV vector encoding the B domain-deleted human FVIII cod
183 e given the extensive tropism of pseudotyped FIV vectors for many cell types in vitro and in vivo.
184                                 Pseudotyping FIV with GP64 from three species of baculovirus resulted
185 r at presentation, IAT significantly reduced FIV (46 cm3 with IAT vs 149 cm3 with IVT or NRT; P < .00
186 CD4+ CD25+ cells were capable of replicating FIV in the presence of interleukin-2 (IL-2) alone, CD4+
187 e envelope glycoprotein (Env), which rescued FIV from carnivore tetherin restriction when expressed i
188 he Okavango Delta in Botswana, both resemble FIV genome sequence from puma, Pallas cat and domestic c
189 onfers on pgtTRIMCyp the ability to restrict FIV in the presence of cyclosporin A, a drug that normal
190 RIM5alpha proteins in feline cells restricts FIV, impairing pseudotyped vector transduction and viral
191   We found that co-infection with PLV shifts FIV diversity from bone marrow to lymph node and spleen.
192 cal IL-1 receptor type I (IL-1RI) signaling, FIV(IL-1Ra) vector was injected into the cisterna magna
193 d in FIV than in primate lentiviruses, since FIV accessory gene open reading frames have very little
194  FIV particles were resistant, and spreading FIV replication was uninhibited.
195 FIV [HV-FIV]), and a less-pathogenic strain, FIV-PPR (referred to here as low-virulence FIV [LV-FIV])
196 t and a greater L. monocytogenes burden than FIV-negative control cats.
197                    Our data demonstrate that FIV relies predominantly on a Tsg101-binding PSAP motif
198 less clear, but recent studies indicate that FIV causes moderate to severe CD4 depletion.
199               Microarray data indicated that FIV integration favored actively transcribed genes.
200 Gag behaviors and raise the possibility that FIV genome encapsidation may initiate in the nucleus.
201                        The results show that FIV Envs mediate a distinctive tetherin evasion.
202                        The results show that FIV-C36 replicates ex vivo and in vivo to levels approxi
203                   These results suggest that FIV peptides could be used in an HIV-1 vaccine.
204                                          The FIV accessory protein Vif abrogates the inhibition of in
205                                          The FIV gp95 glycoprotein (SU) from laboratory-adapted strai
206 transferase gene transcription driven by the FIV-C36 and FIV-PPR LTRs were identical.
207 antibody positive and highly positive in the FIV PCR.
208 FIV vaccination but remained negative in the FIV PCR.
209 striatum, and hippocampus were higher in the FIV(+)/insulin-treated group compared with the FIV(+)/PB
210             When expressed individually, the FIV matrix (MA), capsid (CA), and nucleocapsid-p2 (NC-p2
211       In order to map the interaction of the FIV envelope surface unit (SU) with CXCR4, full-length F
212     Our data consisted of the 3' half of the FIV genome from three tissues of animals infected with F
213 s used to map the secondary structure of the FIV packaging signal RNA.
214 rkedly reduce cell surface expression of the FIV primary binding receptor.
215                                 Based on the FIV results, we hypothesize that the Gag-genome associat
216 n, all of the mutant PRs still processed the FIV polyprotein but the apparent order of processing was
217 ns were from cats known to have received the FIV vaccine, which contains FIV subtype A and D inactiva
218                        It turns out that the FIV tetherin antagonist is also its Env protein, but the
219 onses to the HIV-1 peptide pools than to the FIV peptide pools, except for peptide-pool F3.
220                                    Using the FIV model for lentiviral persistence, these studies prov
221 onses, but surprisingly, after 20 weeks, the FIV-ThX cats showed a statistically significant loss of
222 oliferation responses were observed with the FIV peptide pools than with the HIV peptide pools.
223 V(+)/insulin-treated group compared with the FIV(+)/PBS-treated group.
224 ficiency virus (FIV) and monitored for their FIV-specific CTL responses.
225     Finally, Kir channels also contribute to FIV in human subcutaneous microvessels.
226       Endothelial Kir channels contribute to FIV of mouse mesenteric arteries via an NO-dependent mec
227  at position 65 determines the resistance to FIV Vif-mediated degradation.
228 orthy that feline A3Z3 hap V is resistant to FIV Vif-mediated degradation and still inhibits vif-prof
229 ant, restrictive, and naturally resistant to FIV Vif-mediated degradation.
230                                  In transit, FIV Gag and genomic RNA accumulated independently of eac
231 l cortex and white matter of insulin-treated FIV(+) animals, with associated preservation of cortical
232 glia was increased compared with PBS-treated FIV(+) control animals.
233 ion and phorbol myristate acetate treatment, FIV could be reactivated in tissues from 4 cats.
234 ogenicity, we generated chimeras between two FIV molecular clones with divergent disease potentials:
235 oral cleavage pattern generated by wild-type FIV PR, while maintaining HIV-like inhibitor specificity
236 red relative to that observed with wild-type FIV PR.
237 ests were performed in vivo on the wild-type FIVs and chimeras carrying the 3' half of FIV-C36 or the
238 elium-dependent flow-induced vasodilatation (FIV) assayed in pressurized mesenteric arteries pre-cons
239  FIV-C36 (referred to here as high-virulence FIV [HV-FIV]), and a less-pathogenic strain, FIV-PPR (re
240 , FIV-PPR (referred to here as low-virulence FIV [LV-FIV]).
241 tions, to test whether diversity of virulent FIV in lymphoid tissues is altered in the presence of PL
242 cted with the feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) (Cre) vector in the right and left temporomandibula
243               Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) and human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) pro
244 oculated with feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) and monitored for their FIV-specific CTL responses.
245 2 (HIV-2) and feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) but not HIV-1.
246 nfection with feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) causes an immunosuppressive disease whose consequen
247               Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) causes progressive immunodeficiency in domestic cat
248 tors based on feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) could be used for coexpression of reporter construc
249 ) facilitated feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) entry into CXCR4-positive, cell surface CD134-negat
250 usly observed feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) Gag accumulating at the nuclear envelope during liv
251            In feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) infected cats, daily intranasal insulin treatment (
252               Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) infection in cats provides an excellent model to ex
253 the course of feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) infection suppress CD8(+) CTL function in a TGF-bet
254 that in vitro feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) infection, but not UV-inactivated virus, activates
255               Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) infects many species of cat, and is related to HIV,
256               Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) infects numerous wild and domestic feline species a
257               Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) is a lentivirus that causes AIDS in domestic cats,
258               Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) is among the most common infectious agents of cats.
259 tic cats with feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) is an important model system for studying human imm
260               Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) naturally infects multiple species of cat and is re
261               Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) OrfA is an accessory protein that is critical for p
262 poration onto feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) particles, transduction efficiency, receptor bindin
263  We have used feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) protease (PR) as a mutational system to study the m
264             A feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) provirus with a vif gene deletion (FIVDelta vifATGg
265 n and blocked feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) replication in lymphoid and nonlymphoid feline cell
266 1 (HIV-1) and feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) reverse transcriptases (RT), were identified using
267               Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) shares with T-cell tropic strains of human immunode
268           The feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) targets activated CD4-positive helper T cells prefe
269 1 (HIV-1) and feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) the least.
270 ce, using the feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) vector, which is capable of stably transducing divi
271 us (BIV), and feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) Vif appear specific to the A3Z3-type protein of the
272 expression of feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) Vif-green fluorescent protein (GFP) in HIV-1 entry
273 ular clone of feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), a range of viral variants emerged with distinct mo
274 ), HIV-1, and feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), and have been postulated to encode proteins import
275 virus (EIAV), feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), and Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) to critically address
276 strict HIV-1, feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), equine infectious anemia virus (EIAV), or N-tropic
277  receptor for feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), targeting the virus preferentially to activated CD
278  receptor for feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), targeting the virus preferentially to activated CD
279 lication of a feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV)-based lentivirus vector (GP64-FIV) to murine nasal
280 ansfer with a feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV)-based lentivirus vector.
281 e efficacy of feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV)-based vectors in targeting hepatocytes and correcti
282  in sera from feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV)-infected and uninfected cats.
283 h 10(2)-10(6) feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV)-infected T cells.
284 ns of HIV and feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV).
285 vif-defective feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV).
286 ous HIV-1 and feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV).
287 ious chimeric feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV)/HIV strain carrying six HIV-like protease (PR) muta
288 As (HIV-1 and feline immunodeficiency virus [FIV]) vis-a-vis their Gag proteins in live cells.
289 olving virus (feline immunodeficiency virus, FIV) can reveal details of the contemporary population s
290 hy, similar to human immunodeficiency virus, FIV, and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) neuropathie
291 e feline and human immunodeficiency viruses (FIV and HIV) target helper T cells selectively, and in d
292 ed with significant immunopathology in vivo, FIV-C36 (referred to here as high-virulence FIV [HV-FIV]
293 al therapy in reducing final infarct volume (FIV) in intracranial large-vessel occlusions (ILVOs) are
294 dies have demonstrated that the way in which FIV interacts with its primary receptor, CD134, alters a
295 ant loss of FIV-specific CTL activity, while FIV-infected cats with intact thymuses continued to main
296 ngly, the lack of protection associated with FIV-pPPRDelta vif DNA immunization contrasted with findi
297 e of A3Z3 polymorphism in domestic cats with FIV Vif has not yet been addressed.
298 wing ConA stimulation, which correlated with FIV replication.
299  from three tissues of animals infected with FIV alone, or with FIV and PLV, sequenced by 454 technol
300  of animals infected with FIV alone, or with FIV and PLV, sequenced by 454 technology.

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