


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              FMT data were acquired concurrently with SPECT and CT da
2                                              FMT detected impaired recruitment of phagocytes and prot
3                                              FMT enhanced with ICG provided depth-resolved imaging of
4                                              FMT from a rationally selected donor reduced hospitaliza
5                                              FMT has also been used to treat other gastrointestinal (
6                                              FMT has been particularly effective for treating patient
7                                              FMT in patients with blood disorders is safe and promote
8                                              FMT induces remission in a significantly greater percent
9                                              FMT is a highly effective cure for RCDI, but increased k
10                                              FMT is a promising noninvasive molecular imaging approac
11                                              FMT is a promising treatment option for serious and recu
12                                              FMT is a tomographic optical imaging technique that, in
13                                              FMT is effective in the eradication of pathogenic antibi
14                                              FMT is emerging as a well-tolerated and effective treatm
15                                              FMT may have an additive benefit of reducing MDRO carria
16                                              FMT may help detect synovitis in patients with rheumatoi
17                                              FMT measurements can be done serially, with short imagin
18                                              FMT measurements of vascular fluorescent probes were lin
19                                              FMT reconstructions were coregistered with the MR images
20                                              FMT resulted in a resolution of symptoms that correlated
21                                              FMT was used to detect synovitis in all arthritic joints
22                                              FMT with antibiotic pretreatment was well tolerated.
23                                              FMT-randomized patients received 5 days of broad-spectru
24                                              FMT/CT imaging allows quantifying the biodistribution of
25  receive frozen (n = 114) or fresh (n = 118) FMT via enema.
26 s had a total of 11 SAEs compared to 2 (20%) FMT participants with SAEs (both FMT unrelated; P = 0.02
27 ticipants were randomly assigned to either a FMT group or a control group.
28                                 In addition, FMT imaging facilitates coregistration of the nuclear an
29 gational new drug (IND) permit to administer FMT for the purpose of conducting research or treating a
30                           In younger adults, FMT signal in DCA was lower with age, likely related to
31 n the day prior to FMT to 8 (IQR, 7-9) after FMT administration for both overall and gastrointestinal
32 erformed on patients' stool before and after FMT and also on donors' stool.
33 n the impairment of intestinal barrier after FMT.
34 s) were taken at baseline, immediately after FMT and 3 months after FMT.
35 complete ARB decolonization at 1 month after FMT.
36 nd new medical conditions for 6 months after FMT.
37 ne, immediately after FMT and 3 months after FMT.
38 al supplementation with A. muciniphila after FMT with nonresponder feces restored the efficacy of PD-
39   Seven of the 9 patients in remission after FMT received fecal material from a single donor.
40 ) before surgery to 0.70 logMAR 1 year after FMT (2 lines gained; P = 0.000).
41 surgery, and remained improved 5 years after FMT with a median BCVA of 0.80 logMAR (1.5 lines gained
42 study, BCVA was improved up to 5 years after FMT.
43 y issues have hampered the development of an FMT capability at many hospitals.
44                     On sensitivity analysis, FMT colonoscopy remained the most cost-effective strateg
45 ins in a state with decreased diversity, and FMT from a healthy individual restores the gut microbiot
46 nteers were screened as potential donors and FMT capsules were generated and stored at -80 degrees C
47  is to discuss the intestinal microbiota and FMT treatment of GI and non-GI diseases.
48 al contributions of antibiotic treatment and FMT to the observed results, the data suggest that FMT m
49 ently, there is growing interest in applying FMT to non-C difficile indications.
50 esearch and discuss hybrid protocols such as FMT-CT and PET-MRI.
51 e conduct and reporting of studies assessing FMT.
52                                   We assumed FMT delivery via colonoscopy as our base case, but condu
53                  Resolution after autologous FMT differed by site (9 of 10 vs. 6 of 14 [P = 0.033]).
54 who developed recurrent CDI after autologous FMT were free of further CDI after subsequent donor FMT.
55 afe and was more efficacious than autologous FMT in preventing further CDI episodes.
56 ared with 15 of 24 (62.5%) in the autologous FMT group (P = 0.042).
57 5% CI, 47%-85%) after a single capsule-based FMT.
58             Herein, we combine a fiber-based FMT system with a preclinical SPECT/CT platform.
59  a wide range of disorders are needed before FMT can be accepted and applied clinically.
60  muscle, and tumor tissue correlated between FMT/CT and PET/MRI.
61 rochrome), we show good correlations between FMT and PET in probe concentration (r(2) > 0.99) and spa
62 ter-of-mass error of 2.68 +/- 1.0 mm between FMT and SPECT for axillary lymph node localization.
63 nter-of-mass error of 4.1 +/- 2.1 mm between FMT and SPECT measurements.
64  to 2 (20%) FMT participants with SAEs (both FMT unrelated; P = 0.02).
65 cin and metronidazole were both dominated by FMT colonoscopy.
66 us macaques received antibiotics followed by FMT.
67 reduced inflammation in infarcts measured by FMT-CT (fluorescence molecular tomography in conjunction
68 ompounds, and organ accumulation measured by FMT/CT and PET/MRI correlated significantly with ex vivo
69 h after injection, the mice were measured by FMT/CT and PET/MRI.
70 nificant change in the total number choosing FMT (154 [81%]; P = .15).
71                       More respondents chose FMT if offered as a pill (90%; P = .002) or if their phy
72 ted kappa coefficient was used for comparing FMT and MR imaging semiquantitative scores, as well as a
73                             An RCT comparing FMT route (n = 20) reported no difference between groups
74                            One RCT comparing FMT with 2 control groups (n = 43) reported resolution o
75 tion that patients are unwilling to consider FMT because of its unappealing nature.
76                                 In contrast, FMT remains a purer measure of AADC function.
77                           These coregistered FMT and SPECT/CT results with MOMIAs may facilitate the
78             We used partial volume-corrected FMT PET scans to measure age-related striatal dopamine s
79                                        Donor FMT restored gut bacterial community diversity and compo
80 e free of further CDI after subsequent donor FMT.
81 ysis, 20 of 22 patients (90.9%) in the donor FMT group achieved clinical cure compared with 15 of 24
82 in a lesion-based detection rate for d-(18)F-FMT and (18)F-FDG of 77% and 95%, respectively, with an
83                                      d-(18)F-FMT imaging in patients with NSCLC and HNSCC is safe and
84 nsitivity but higher specificity for d-(18)F-FMT over (18)F-FDG, since there is no d-(18)F-FMT uptake
85 -FDG PET/CT scans within 21 d before d-(18)F-FMT PET/CT.
86                               A high d-(18)F-FMT tumor-to-blood pool ratio had a negative correlation
87 MT over (18)F-FDG, since there is no d-(18)F-FMT uptake in inflammation.
88      (D)-(18)F-fluoromethyltyrosine (d-(18)F-FMT), or BAY 86-9596, is a novel (18)F-labeled tyrosine
89 nd only 2 false-positive lesions for d-(18)F-FMT, whereas (18)F-FDG was true-positive in 42 lesions,
90 f the 42 malignant lesions were also d-(18)F-FMT-positive, and 10 lesions had no tracer uptake above
91 e reactions were observed related to d-(18)F-FMT.
92 st, there was no relationship between [(18)F]FMT and methylphenidate-induced [(11)C]raclopride displa
93 vealed a positive correlation between [(18)F]FMT Ki and the baseline (placebo) [(11)C]raclopride meas
94 ) using 6-[(18)F]fluoro-l-m-tyrosine ([(18)F]FMT; a substrate for aromatic amino acid decarboxylase),
95                                    Following FMT, there were variable shifts in faecal and mucosal mi
96  (n = 3) and patients prior to and following FMT.
97 her define the microbiota recovery following FMT.
98 iven the lack of clinical response following FMT via a single nasogastric administration our results
99 was assessed before and four weeks following FMT.
100 ned in recipients for up to a year following FMT.
101                 Patients were considered for FMT if they had low vision in the fellow eye and choroid
102  2011 and 2014 to determine risk factors for FMT failure.
103 ich increases the availability of faeces for FMT and decreases the cost of screening individual donor
104 ); 77% were willing to pay out-of-pocket for FMT.
105 cent studies have shown the success rate for FMT as treatment for recurrent CDI being greater than 90
106 opulation and 178 (frozen FMT: n = 91, fresh FMT: n = 87) in the per-protocol population.
107 the frozen FMT group and 85.1% for the fresh FMT group (difference, -1.6% [95% CI, -10.5% to infinity
108 the frozen FMT group and 70.3% for the fresh FMT group (difference, 4.7% [95% CI, -5.2% to infinity];
109 he frozen FMT group and n = 111 in the fresh FMT group) were included in the modified intention-to-tr
110 y CDI, the use of frozen compared with fresh FMT did not result in worse proportion of clinical resol
111 MT, 16 respondents changed their choice from FMT to antibiotics alone, but there was no significant c
112     Fluorochrome concentrations derived from FMT measurements were reconstructed with an accuracy of
113 n-to-treat (mITT) population and 178 (frozen FMT: n = 91, fresh FMT: n = 87) in the per-protocol popu
114 the potential advantages of providing frozen FMT, its use is a reasonable option in this setting.
115 clinical resolution was 75.0% for the frozen FMT group and 70.3% for the fresh FMT group (difference,
116 clinical resolution was 83.5% for the frozen FMT group and 85.1% for the fresh FMT group (difference,
117 total of 219 patients (n = 108 in the frozen FMT group and n = 111 in the fresh FMT group) were inclu
118 ests of frontal lobe function showed greater FMT signal in right DCA, independent of age effects.
119                      Within the older group, FMT signal in dorsal caudate (DCA) and dorsal putamen wa
120                                     However, FMT increased diversity and beneficial taxa.
121 neated with the aid of repeated PET imaging (FMT and sodium fluoride for bone), realignment to subseq
122                                 Importantly, FMT from RIP140mvarphiKD to WT not only effectively tran
123 is review summarizes therapeutic advances in FMT, latest FMT therapies and presents the potential of
124 rors in planar imaging but only 20% error in FMT, thus confirming tomographic imaging as a preferred
125 man physiology, and microbiota being used in FMT represents a new class of therapeutics.
126 ined and a treatment algorithm incorporating FMT is described.
127 re unlikely to benefit from VEGF inhibitors, FMT can be considered for second eyes with neovascular A
128 zed with ARB were treated with intraduodenal FMT according to a prospective protocol (NCT02461199).
129 mmarizes therapeutic advances in FMT, latest FMT therapies and presents the potential of FMT therapeu
130                              Five SOC and no FMT participants developed further HE (P = 0.03).
131                        The administration of FMT immediately after vancomycin cleared C. difficile an
132 tion of diarrhea following administration of FMT using frozen encapsulated inoculum from unrelated do
133 sed patient perceptions of the aesthetics of FMT and their willingness to consider it as a treatment
134             Respondents rated all aspects of FMT at least "somewhat unappealing," selecting "the need
135                   Women rated all aspects of FMT more unappealing; older respondents rated all aspect
136  most important methodological components of FMT and inability to assess the actual conduct of studie
137                            Key components of FMT interventions, which are necessary to replicate and
138                   We assessed the effects of FMT on microbiota composition and function, mucosal immu
139                               The effects of FMT on recipient microbiota in inflammatory bowel diseas
140                               The effects of FMT on the gut microbiota community were detectable in r
141 acteriophages mediate many of the effects of FMT, and that FFT might be an alternative approach, part
142  studies assessing the safety or efficacy of FMT.
143                 The amplitude of the loss of FMT uptake in striatum at 4 weeks with either model was
144            When aware of the fecal nature of FMT, 16 respondents changed their choice from FMT to ant
145 cognize the inherently unappealing nature of FMT, but they are nonetheless open to considering it as
146  the transplanted material on the outcome of FMT.
147 ay to determine the therapeutic potential of FMT in other conditions, particularly inflammatory bowel
148                  The commercial potential of FMT is being explored with several products under develo
149  FMT therapies and presents the potential of FMT therapeutics in other gastrointestinal and extra-int
150 ntly, the FDA determined that prescribers of FMT must possess an approved investigational new drug (I
151  priori information in the reconstruction of FMT data integrated both optical and nuclear contrasts.
152 MT was associated with a significant risk of FMT failure (odds ratio, 0.15; 95% confidence interval,
153 is needed to understand the possible role of FMT in these other conditions.
154            The primary outcome was safety of FMT compared to SOC using FMT-related serious adverse ev
155       We assessed the efficacy and safety of FMT for patients with UC in a double-blind randomized tr
156 ive: To determine the efficacy and safety of FMT for treatment of recurrent CDI.
157 a preclinical demonstration of the safety of FMT in primates infected with a lentivirus, this study p
158 IV infection, determination of the safety of FMT is crucial to prevent deleterious consequences if it
159                  Semiquantitative scoring of FMT correlated well with MR imaging findings (weighted k
160 his review, we highlight clinical studies of FMT for treatment of recurrent CDI and discuss the safet
161                                 Any study of FMT to treat adult patients with CDI; case reports were
162                               The success of FMT in curing Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) is w
163 maintenance, as well as controlled trials of FMT in a wide range of disorders are needed before FMT c
164 s and series, document the successful use of FMT for treatment of RCDI in the past 2 years.
165 literature unequivocally supports the use of FMT in treating relapsing CDI.
166                                   The use of FMT is a successful treatment for recurrent CDI when pri
167   Although an IND is not required for use of FMT to treat RCDI, an IND is strongly encouraged and may
168 when the study began and during each week of FMT for microbiome analysis.
169                                           On FMT, Prosense-680 infarct signal was 19-fold higher than
170                  Evidence is insufficient on FMT for refractory or initial CDI treatment and on wheth
171 macaque model of HIV infection and performed FMT on six chronically SIV-infected rhesus macaques on a
172                                 We performed FMT imaging to compare the course of efficient and impai
173 stantibiotics, but reverted to baseline post-FMT.
174  decreased activation of CD4(+) T cells post-FMT, and these changes correlated most strongly across a
175  activation in gastrointestinal tissues post-FMT.
176 terial community composition at 2 weeks post-FMT resembled the pre-FMT community structure, although
177 sition at 2 weeks post-FMT resembled the pre-FMT community structure, although differences in the abu
178 re to use an oral vancomycin taper preceding FMT was associated with a significant risk of FMT failur
179 robiota suspension), a commercially prepared FMT drug manufactured using standardized processes and a
180               The reconstructed quantitative FMT signal, denoting synovial hyperperfusion, was used t
181                  The fiber-based, video-rate FMT imaging system is composed of 12 sources (785- and 8
182 ity of integrating a fiber-based, video-rate FMT system with a commercial preclinical SPECT/CT platfo
183        Most respondents preferred to receive FMT in the hospital (48%) or physician's office (39%); 7
184 only, 162 respondents (85%) chose to receive FMT, and 29 (15%) chose antibiotics alone.
185  study, patients with RCDI (n = 20) received FMT from universal donors via colonoscopy.
186 re randomly assigned to groups that received FMT (50 mL, via enema, from healthy anonymous donors; n
187                   Nine patients who received FMT (24%) and 2 who received placebo (5%) were in remiss
188 ng "the need to handle stool" and "receiving FMT by nasogastric tube" as most unappealing.
189                Stool from patients receiving FMT had greater microbial diversity, compared with basel
190  case-series studies (516 patients receiving FMT) reported using FMT for patients with recurrent CDI.
191                            The reconstructed FMT signal correlated with MR imaging findings in intens
192 ta than exist currently, as well as refining FMT beyond current "whole-stool" transplants to increase
193           However, there were no significant FMT-induced metabolic or immunological changes, or benef
194 achieved in 14 patients (70%) after a single FMT (8 of 10 in the colonoscopy group and 6 of 10 in the
195 ctrum antibiotic pretreatment, then a single FMT enema from the same donor with the optimal microbiot
196 adults showed significantly greater striatal FMT signal than younger adults.
197        Our data suggest that higher striatal FMT signal represents nonoptimal dopamine processing.
198            We also investigated how striatal FMT signal related to a cognitive measure of frontal lob
199            In our initial feasibility study, FMT using a frozen inoculum from unrelated donors is eff
200 fluorescence-mediated tomographic technique (FMT) that enables rapid measurements of fluorochrome-bas
201                             We conclude that FMT can transfer not only microbiota but also the donors
202 egies for recurrent CDI, we demonstrate that FMT colonoscopy is the most cost-effective initial strat
203                           There is hope that FMT may eventually prove beneficial for the treatment of
204               The findings also suggest that FMT can serve as a surrogate modality for the screening
205 ed data from over 500 CDI cases suggest that FMT is generally well tolerated with minimal side effect
206  the observed results, the data suggest that FMT may have beneficial effects that should be further e
207 tric administration our results suggest that FMT/bacteriotherapy for pouchitis patients requires furt
208  one randomized clinical trial suggests that FMT is able to restore the wide diversity of microflora,
209 thogenesis has led to the understanding that FMT promotes intestinal ecological restoration and highl
210                                          The FMT group received two training sessions/ week for 3 mon
211                                          The FMT group showed greater improvements than the controls
212                                          The FMT-CT on Day 5 after MI showed higher proteolysis and p
213 ging systems can potentially accommodate the FMT fiber imaging arrays.
214 progression in individual rats, although the FMT is not a sensitive ligand to monitor the extent of t
215 ed out from the placebo group and 2 from the FMT group).
216 2 weeks, the microbiota of responders in the FMT group was similar to that of their healthy donors; r
217 erse events occurred in 4 patients (2 in the FMT group), but these were not considered to be related
218                    Cognition improved in the FMT, but not the SOC, group.
219 ndicated that the balance performance of the FMT group was significantly better than that of the cont
220 f important methodological components of the FMT intervention.
221 tion of symptoms in 81%, 31%, and 23% of the FMT, vancomycin, or vancomycin-plus-bowel lavage groups,
222 ning, stool preparation, and delivery of the FMT.
223 ese were not considered to be related to the FMT.
224                                  Therapeutic FMT is a dynamic field with new and emerging indications
225 tients, and fully characterized according to FMT standards.
226      No serious adverse events attributed to FMT were observed.
227 quartile range [IQR], 5-10) the day prior to FMT to 2 (IQR, 1-2) after the infusion.
228 testinal-specific health on the day prior to FMT to 8 (IQR, 7-9) after FMT administration for both ov
229                There were no SAEs related to FMT.
230 iber-based fluorescence-mediated tomography (FMT) systems provide a viable solution.
231 f advanced fluorescence-mediated tomography (FMT)/CT in comparison to PET/MRI for quantitative analys
232 surements [fluorescence-mediated tomography (FMT)] show exquisite congruence to radionuclide measurem
233 tected by fluorescence molecular tomography (FMT) combined with micro-computed tomography (CT).
234 ltichannel fluorescent molecular tomography (FMT) for spatiotemporal resolution of phagocytic and pro
235 -enhanced fluorescence molecular tomography (FMT) system and 3-T MR imaging as the standard of refere
236 solved by fluorescence molecular tomography (FMT) with a phosphatidylserine-sensing fluorescent probe
237 approach: fluorescence molecular tomography (FMT).
238 ion using fluorescence molecular tomography (FMT).
239 mensional fluorescence molecular tomography (FMT).
240 ninvasive fluorescence molecular tomography (FMT-CT) and physiologic imaging (magnetic resonance imag
241 ance training (functional-movement training, FMT) programme in improving balance deficits in a DCD po
242 the outcomes of fecal microbiota transplant (FMT) for relapsing CDI using a frozen suspension from un
243 view the use of fecal microbiota transplant (FMT) in the treatment of pediatric RCDIs.
244                 Fecal microbiota transplant (FMT) is a highly efficacious treatment for recurrent CDI
245 idaxomicin, and fecal microbiota transplant (FMT).
246 nt data on fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) and critically discuss potential advantages and han
247 fficacy of fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) as a potential therapeutic in HIV-infected individu
248 articular, fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) as a treatment strategy is outlined and a treatment
249 he use of faecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) as treatment for recurrent Clostridium difficile in
250 ction with fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) at a tertiary referral center between 2011 and 2014
251            Fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) could be a novel treatment option for several chron
252 sized that fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) could be used to eradicate ARB in humans.
253 he role of fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) for Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) is not we
254 success of fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) for recurrent CDI.
255 effects of fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) for ulcerative colitis (UC).
256            Fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) from cancer patients who responded to ICIs into ger
257            Fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) has been demonstrated to durably alter the gut micr
258            Fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) has been shown to be a superior therapeutic modalit
259            Fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) has been shown to be effective in treating relapsin
260           Faecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) has been used for more than five decades to treat a
261           Faecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) has undergone dramatic progression over the past ye
262 fficacy of fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) in recurrent Clostridium difficile infection (CDI)
263            Fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) is a highly effective therapy for recurrent CDI, ye
264            Fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) is a highly effective therapy for recurrent Clostri
265 ND & AIMS: Fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) is a highly effective therapy for recurrent Clostri
266            Fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) is a promising, but not readily available, interven
267            Fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) is an alternative approach that induced remission i
268           Faecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) is effective in the treatment of Clostridium diffic
269            Fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) may improve dysbiosis; however, it has not been stu
270      While fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) presents an attractive therapeutic strategy, it rem
271 OF REVIEW: Fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) re-establishes a balanced intestinal flora with res
272 e in which fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) utilized for relapsing Clostridium difficile coliti
273 s and that fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) would reduce the number of antibiotic-resistant gen
274            Fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT), a safe, effective alternative therapy for recurren
275 sed use of fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT).
276 T) radiotracer 6-[(18)F]fluoro-l-m-tyrosine (FMT) is a substrate of the dopamine-synthesizing enzyme,
277 e PET ligand was 6-[18F]fluoro-L-m-tyrosine (FMT), imaged prior to, and at two intervals after initia
278 ng with the tracer [(18)F]fluoro-m-tyrosine (FMT), the recovery of enzyme activity after suicide inhi
279 been reported in children who have undergone FMT.
280 ough 2012, a total of 255 patients underwent FMT.
281 = 50) were assigned to groups that underwent FMT with feces from healthy donors or were given autolog
282 y obtain an IND before they can begin to use FMT as part of their clinical practice.
283 es, initial treatment of recurrent CDI using FMT colonoscopy was the most cost-effective strategy, wi
284                           We confirmed using FMT from HFD-fed RIP140mvarphiKD to wild type (WT) mice
285  (516 patients receiving FMT) reported using FMT for patients with recurrent CDI.
286 come was safety of FMT compared to SOC using FMT-related serious adverse events (SAEs).
287           Specifically, we show that in vivo FMT detects impaired healing in FXIII-/- mice.
288                                      In vivo FMT imaging showed tumor accumulation and excellent tumo
289 ively (P < 0.001 for both control groups vs. FMT).
290                                   CLIO-VT750 FMT signal coregistered with contrast enhancement in the
291                   In clinical settings where FMT is not available or applicable, the preferred strate
292  antitumor effects of PD-1 blockade, whereas FMT from nonresponding patients failed to do so.
293                   We aimed to define whether FMT using a rationally derived stool donor is safe in re
294 ciples that underlie the mechanisms by which FMT shows therapeutic efficacy in CDI are becoming appar
295 ate the potential of HS680 and combined with FMT imaging to non-invasively quantify CA IX expression
296 26 colon tumor-bearing mice were imaged with FMT after intravenous administration of long-circulating
297                Among 7 patients treated with FMT for initial CDI, results were mixed.
298            Conversely, mice not treated with FMT remained persistently colonized with high levels of
299 chitis (current PDAI >/=7) were treated with FMT via nasogastric administration.
300 riteria were patients younger than 60 years, FMT for disease other than AMD, and a follow-up of less

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