


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              FRP denotes 4 quadrants of root planing performed within
2                                              FRP, which uses FMN as a cofactor to mediate the reducti
3                                              FRPs have been shown to interact with Wnt proteins and a
4                                              FRPs measured 24 to 72 hr after coronary ligation were 2
5                                              FRPs measured during acute ischemia shortened an average
6 f FMNH2 cofactor from FRP to luciferase in a FRP:luciferase noncovalent complex were retained by FRP-
7                                           An FRP derivative containing 2-thioFMN as the cofactor was
8 e structural similarities between FRG(F) and FRP(H) and between L(F) and L(H), direct flavin product
9 isms were determined for the FRG(F)-L(F) and FRP(H)-L(F) coupled reactions.
10 or transfer was detected for FRG(F)-L(F) and FRP(H)-L(F).
11 one treatment center indicated that FDIS and FRP attained greater therapeutic improvements than PDIS
12 gnificantly lesser cytotoxicity than LRP and FRP; further, the replacement of leucines with valines a
13  harveyi cellular contents of luciferase and FRP were estimated to be 172 and 3 microM, respectively.
14 .8077-0.9617) have been observed for TAC and FRP with antiradical activity and total phenolics conten
15 d 15-30 degrees C, the binding of FMN by apo-FRP was found to be noncooperative, exothermic, and prim
16  properties of binding of reduced FMN by apo-FRP were found to closely resemble those of FMN binding
17 he regulation of functional coupling between FRP(Vh) and luciferase, this study was carried out to ch
18                                         Both FRP and luciferase within FRP-alphabeta were catalytical
19 icated that similar results were attained by FRP with and without adjunctive chemotherapy.
20 F-alpha, and IL-6 in macrophages followed by FRP, VRP, and ARP.
21 d flavin mononucleotide (FMNH2) generated by FRP must be supplied, through either free diffusion or d
22 regulated at the post-translational level by FRP and/or oligomerization.
23 each was critical in the binding of NADPH by FRP.
24 dicated that the bioluminescence produced by FRP-alphabeta without added flavin was derived from dire
25 ast, other OCP families are not regulated by FRP.
26 iferase noncovalent complex were retained by FRP-alphabeta.
27 sponse bias as well as a smaller and delayed FRP (indicative of disrupted reward learning) and reduce
28 Wnt family members in early Xenopus embryos, FRP antagonized Wnt-dependent duplication of the embryon
29            Overexpression of a cDNA encoding FRP-50 in an FA(C) cell line resulted in partial correct
30 ted and characterized a novel fusion enzyme, FRP-alphabeta, in which FRP was fused to the luciferase
31 alysis has only been clearly established for FRP(Vh).
32 estigation of the mechanisms responsible for FRP inhibition revealed that FRP forms complexes with WN
33 V. harveyi luciferase but as a substrate for FRP(Vh) in the luciferase-coupled bioluminescent reactio
34  of a direct transfer of FMNH2 cofactor from FRP to luciferase in a FRP:luciferase noncovalent comple
35                                 Importantly, FRP-alphabeta gave a higher total quantum output without
36        Significant conformational changes in FRP upon binding of FMN were indicated.
37 ate fluorescence anisotropy of eosin-labeled FRP, it was shown that luciferase formed a complex at 1:
38                                  The labeled FRP in either the holo- or apoenzyme form was similar to
39 r the holo- nor the apoenzyme of the labeled FRP in the dimeric form was effective in complexing with
40 nes with the IVS4 + 4 A to T mutation lacked FRP-50.
41                     At submicromolar levels, FRP-alphabeta was significantly more active than an equa
42 ty of FRP would be trapped in the luciferase/FRP complex.
43 on analysis, activity assays of FRP mutants, FRP:OCP docking simulations, and coimmunoprecipitation e
44  or apoenzyme form was similar to the native FRP in undergoing a monomer-dimer equilibrium.
45  higher than the 0.4 muM K(d) for the native FRP, whereas the k(cat) of these two variants were simil
46                                     Observed FRPs were used to infer action potential duration and T
47 d ESVs before and during coronary occlusion, FRP was -1.1+/-1.1 (+/-SD) mm Hg before versus 0.2+/-1.2
48 id conservation analysis, activity assays of FRP mutants, FRP:OCP docking simulations, and coimmunopr
49 a scheme that the reduced flavin cofactor of FRP is preferentially utilized by luciferase for light e
50 ffects of replacement of the FMN cofactor of FRP(H) and FRG(F) by 2-thioFMN were also characterized.
51     The bound FMN functions as a cofactor of FRP(Vh) in transferring reducing equivalents from NADPH
52 ther the apoenzyme or the holoenzyme form of FRP with K(d) values of 7 and 11 microM, respectively.
53 form, a tetramer, may be an inactive form of FRP.
54 lso discussed in relation to the function of FRP as a reduced flavin donor in the FRP-luciferase coup
55 There were no differences in serum levels of FRP and Dkk-1 between case subjects with incidence or pr
56                     Baseline serum levels of FRP and Dkk-1 were measured by capture enzyme-linked imm
57  a trend for higher baseline serum levels of FRP to be associated with a reduced risk of incident RHO
58  There was no association of serum levels of FRP with progression of RHOA.
59                         The vast majority of FRP would be trapped in the luciferase/FRP complex.
60 e kinetically deduced ping-pong mechanism of FRP is now supported by direct measurements of binding a
61            However, the kinetic mechanism of FRP was changed to a sequential pattern with a Km,FMN of
62 y more active than an equal molar mixture of FRP and luciferase in coupled bioluminescence without FM
63 in whereas bioluminescence from a mixture of FRP and luciferase with or without exogenously added fla
64  bound FMN in the reductive half-reaction of FRP(Vh).
65 Therefore, the overall catalytic reaction of FRP-alphabeta without any FMN addition closely mimics th
66                      Hence, the reduction of FRP(Vh)-bound FMN is not the committed step in coupling
67  some other properties of a R203A variant of FRP(Vh) and an NADH/NADPH-utilizing flavin reductase fro
68      Our study suggests that aftereffects on FRP may be an emergent property of the system that canno
69         Here we report the expression of one FRP gene, Mfrzb1, in the rostral mesenchyme of the mandi
70 of administering full-mouth therapy (FDIS or FRP) is to eliminate or reduce bacterial reservoirs with
71 h a functional role may also exist for other FRP homologous proteins.
72 The Vibrio harveyi NADPH-FMN oxidoreductase (FRP) and the luciferase pair were chosen as a model for
73     Vibrio harveyi NADPH-FMN oxidoreductase (FRP) catalyzes flavin reduction by NADPH.
74  of Vibrio harveyi NADPH:FMN oxidoreductase (FRP) to luciferase for the coupled bioluminescence react
75   Vibrio harveyi NADPH:FMN oxidoreductase P (FRP(Vh)) is a homodimeric enzyme having a bound FMN per
76 harveyi NADPH-preferring flavin reductase P (FRP(H)) to the luciferase (L(H)) from the same bacterium
77 ), previously known as familial rectal pain (FRP, OMIM 167400), is an inherited disease causing inten
78 s to measure behavioral free-running period (FRP), and then PER2::LUC bioluminescence from SCN, splee
79 , ventricular functional refractory periods (FRPs) were measured at five to eight epicardial, intramu
80  peptides with leucine (LRP), phenylalanine (FRP), valine (VRP), and alanine (ARP) residues at these
81 isinfection (FDIS), full-mouth root planing (FRP), and partial-mouth disinfection (PDIS) to improve p
82 mutation expressed a 50-kD FAC polypeptides, FRP-50 (FAC-related protein), shown to be an amino termi
83             The feedback-related positivity (FRP) in response to reward feedback was used as a neural
84 nt capacity (TAC) and ferric reducing power (FRP) based on reactions with electrogenerated bromine an
85           A negative fully relaxed pressure (FRP) indicates the presence of restoring forces.
86 blished a functional recombinant production (FRP) system to produce pure and functional HIV-1 intersu
87                                   Prolonging FRPs in the same area caused T-wave inversion in lead X
88           The fluorescence recovery protein (FRP) detaches OCP1 from the PBS core, accelerating its b
89  protein, the fluorescence recovery protein (FRP), dislodges the active OCP(r) from the PBSs and acce
90  involves the fluorescence recovery protein (FRP).
91 he regulatory fluorescence recovery protein (FRP).
92 aling antagonists, Frizzled-related protein (FRP) and Dkk-1, are associated with the development and
93 two members of the Frizzled-related protein (FRP) gene family that are thought to encode antagonists
94 is protein, called Frizzled-related protein (FRP), was first identified as a heparin-binding polypept
95                   Frizzled related proteins (FRPs) comprise a family of secreted molecules that conta
96 izzled receptors, Frizzled-related proteins (FRPs), which contain the cysteine-rich domain of Frizzle
97  kinases, including Tor1p, Tor2p, FRAP/RAFT, FRP/ATR, ATM, Mec1p, Rad3, and Tel1p, function in signal
98 brio harveyi luciferase and flavin reductase FRP are, together, a two-component monooxygenase couple.
99 brio harveyi NADPH-specific flavin reductase FRP follows a ping-pong mechanism but switches to a sequ
100 ted did not correlate with behavioral rhythm FRP.
101                                        Serum FRP levels were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent
102  the Arg200Trp minor allele had higher serum FRP levels than controls who were homozygous for the maj
103 women, whereas the highest quartile of serum FRP levels tended to be associated with a modest reducti
104                                   Shortening FRPs in the anterolateral wall of the ventricle increase
105                     In biosynthetic studies, FRP was secreted but, like Wnts, tended to remain associ
106 similar to the dimeric form of Synechocystis FRP.
107 ally, we demonstrated by cotransfection that FRP forms complexes with a prototype frizzled.
108                         We demonstrated that FRP antagonizes the Wnt-induced increase in uncomplexed
109                       We showed further that FRP inhibits Wnt signaling in a paracrine mode using a T
110                  These results indicate that FRP may function as an inhibitor of Wnt action during de
111 responsible for FRP inhibition revealed that FRP forms complexes with WNT-1 or WNT-2 through its CRD
112 FRPs containing different tags revealed that FRP itself forms complexes and that this ability is conf
113                                          The FRP acts to dissociate the OCP from the phycobilisomes b
114                                          The FRP of SCN samples was negatively correlated with the FR
115                                          The FRP of the four peripheral oscillators tested did not co
116 e binding of oxidized and reduced FMN by the FRP apoenzyme.
117 r back-conversion, lack of regulation by the FRP, a different oligomeric state (monomer compared to d
118 al recombination breakpoints from either the FRP system or dual infection cultures.
119                            Moreover, for the FRP, FMN at concentrations over 2 microM significantly i
120  between C1 and gp41 regions either from the FRP system or from the dual infection culture, and very
121 er understanding the functions of FMN in the FRP holoenzyme, this study was undertaken to quantify an
122 tion of FRP as a reduced flavin donor in the FRP-luciferase couple.
123 e determined the 3D crystal structure of the FRP at 2.5 A resolution.
124                   A 4.4-kb transcript of the FRP gene is present in many organs, both in the adult an
125                              Remarkably, the FRP is found in two very different conformational and ol
126                               Similar to the FRP(H)-L(H) couple, direct cofactor transfer was detecte
127 N samples was negatively correlated with the FRP of behavioral rhythms, replicating prior results in
128 gainst flavin substrate in reacting with the FRP reduced flavin cofactor.
129            Conceptually, full-mouth therapy (FRP or FDIS) could reduce the number of patient visits a
130 tion to NADPH binding, NADP(+) also bound to FRP(Vh) in either the oxidized (K(d) 180 microM) or redu
131 ant-by-quadrant root planing was compared to FRP or FDIS with regard to PD reduction, gains of clinic
132  if benefits induced beyond PDIS were due to FRP or administration of multifaceted intraoral chlorhex
133 d shown that those residues are essential to FRP activity.
134 CP1, including its regulation by Tolypothrix FRP, which we show is structurally similar to the dimeri
135 i are quite similar to that of the wild-type FRP(Vh), the reversal of the reduction of bound FMN was
136 cterize coupled luminescence reactions using FRP(H) and the Vibrio fischeri NAD(P)H-utilizing flavin
137 indings are consistent with a model by which FRP inhibits Wnt signaling through interactions with Wnt
138 novel fusion enzyme, FRP-alphabeta, in which FRP was fused to the luciferase alpha subunit.
139               The bound FMN co-isolated with FRP, while acting as a genuine cofactor in the single-en
140 nism, a complex formation of luciferase with FRP is essential, but until now, no evidence for such a
141                   Transfection analysis with FRPs containing different tags revealed that FRP itself
142               Both FRP and luciferase within FRP-alphabeta were catalytically active.
143                                In this work, FRP was labeled at 1:1 molar ratio with the fluorophore

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