


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              Fc gamma R clustering in macrophages activates signaling
2                                              Fc gamma R cross-linking on murine macrophages resulted
3                                              Fc gamma R-mediated inhibition of Cdk2 activity results
4 , mediating cognate interactions to activate Fc gamma R(+) cells (e.g., NK cells) to induce apoptosis
5 plement or macrophages expressing activating Fc gamma R can independently and alternatively mediate d
6 cR) gamma-/- mice, which lack the activating Fc gamma R types I and III, did not demonstrate protecti
7 al JNK/SAPK activation occurred 20 min after Fc gamma R cross-linking.
8 ated on tyrosine early and transiently after Fc gamma R clustering.
9 ion, blocked particle internalization by all Fc gamma R, but did not block pseudopod extension.
10 h gamma-chain and Fc gamma RII that lack all Fc gamma R.
11  IgG1 residues is involved in binding to all Fc gamma R; Fc gamma RII and Fc gamma RIII also utilize
12                                     Although Fc gamma R are important phagocytic receptors on phagocy
13 lymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) express an Fc gamma R linked to the membrane via a glycan phosphoin
14 ignificant role for the unusual GPI-anchored Fc gamma R of human PMN.
15 pigmentation, suggesting that complement and Fc gamma R formed redundant mechanisms.
16                     We used immobilized anti-Fc gamma R Abs to determine which of the three surface F
17 g evidence that the activation of cell-based Fc gamma R receptors, but not complement, are required f
18  key cell cycle regulatory components by BCR-Fc gamma R co-cross-linking: G1-cyclins, cyclin-dependen
19 mplexes recovered from B cells following BCR-Fc gamma R co-cross-linking are devoid of coprecipitated
20                Mice doubly deficient in both Fc gamma R gamma and C3 did not develop hypopigmentation
21  functional consequence of Akt activation by Fc gamma R is not known.
22 e tyrosine phosphorylation events induced by Fc gamma R clustering.
23 ibited the synthesis of TNF-alpha induced by Fc gamma R cross-linking (IC50 approximately 0.1 microM)
24 9 inhibited activation of p42MAPK induced by Fc gamma R cross-linking, but not p38 or JNK/SAPK activa
25 ated inflammatory responses are initiated by Fc gamma R on phagocytes.
26 BCR-stimulated Rb protein phosphorylation by Fc gamma R.
27 f the amounts of early cytokines produced by Fc gamma R+CD4+TCRint T cells with NK1.1+CD4+ or DX5+CD4
28 inhibited actin polymerization stimulated by Fc gamma R cross-linking, while SB203580 had no effect.
29 otoxic leukocyte responses, we characterized Fc gamma R-dependent activation of PLD in human macropha
30                                     Chimeric Fc gamma R gamma(-/-),C3(-/-) mice reconstituted with bo
31 titutively express two structurally distinct Fc gamma R, Fc gamma RIIa and Fc gamma RIIIb, and can be
32 e reconstituted with bone marrow from either Fc gamma R gamma(-/-) or C3(-/-) mice or adoptively tran
33 hages that are deficient in PTEN expression, Fc gamma R-induced Akt and extracellular signal-regulate
34 ciation with GPI-linked proteins facilitates Fc gamma R signal transduction and suggest that this may
35 ) the activation of p42MAPK is necessary for Fc gamma R cross-linking-induced TNF-alpha synthesis.
36 s of alefacept confirmed the requirement for Fc gamma R binding for detection of the pharmacological
37 ptors on mouse macrophages are distinct from Fc gamma R.
38  for the Fc portion of immunoglobulin (Ig)G (Fc gamma R) mediate phagocytosis of IgG-opsonized partic
39 tion stimulated by homotypic and heterotypic Fc gamma R cross-linking.
40 6 protein expression remain intact; however, Fc gamma R-mediated signals block cyclin D-Cdk4/6 assemb
41     The Fc gamma RIIa-H131 is the only human Fc gamma R which recognizes IgG2 efficiently and optimal
42 eptor (BCR) to surface Fc receptors for IgG (Fc gamma R) inhibits G1-to-S progression; the mechanism
43          Receptors for the Fc region of IgG (Fc gamma R) mediate internalization of opsonized particl
44 king the receptors for the Fc domain of IgG (Fc gamma R) on leukocytes induces activation of protein
45 e family of receptors for the Fc end of IgG (Fc gamma R) on these phagocytes.
46  express receptors for the Fc domain of IgG (Fc gamma R), only primate polymorphonuclear neutrophils
47 tutions in the IgG1 C(H)2 domain that impact Fc gamma R binding indicate that alefacept mediates cogn
48 r understand the role of Fc glycosylation in Fc gamma R binding we prepared homogeneous glycoforms of
49  the first to demonstrate a role for PTEN in Fc gamma R- and TLR4-mediated macrophage inflammatory re
50 homologue deleted on chromosome 10 (PTEN) in Fc gamma R-induced macrophage function.
51 herbimycin A caused concordant reductions in Fc gamma R-stimulated PLD activity and phagocytosis.
52 egulatory CD4+ T cells whose members include Fc gamma R+CD4+ and NK1.1/DX5+CD4+ T cells.
53 totic cells by autoantibodies, and inhibited Fc gamma-R-mediated enhancement of phagocytosis.
54 ing the balance of activating and inhibiting Fc gamma R.
55 ings prompt us to propose that SHIP inhibits Fc gamma R-mediated signal transduction by engaging immu
56 st reports suggest that dendritic cells lack Fc gamma R-mediated phagocytosis and express significant
57                                     Ligating Fc gamma R on macrophages results in suppression of IL-1
58                                    Likewise, Fc gamma R-induced production of TNF-alpha, IL-6, and IL
59 udies have demonstrated that this GPI-linked Fc gamma R (Fc gamma RIIIB) cooperates with the transmem
60 ma RIII Abs, we hypothesized that lymphocyte Fc gamma R cross-linking augmented monocyte IL-8 release
61           Cross-linking of PBMC and monocyte Fc gamma R on immobilized IgG stimulates IL-8 release.
62 vailability of mice deficient in one or more Fc gamma R to reexamine the role of Fc gamma R in CRP bi
63 and anti-PC Abs requires complement, but not Fc gamma R.
64 or gamma chain is to enhance the affinity of Fc gamma R for ligand.
65 ion of the role of oxidants as amplifiers of Fc gamma R signaling identifies a target for therapeutic
66 RintCD4+ T cells, identified on the basis of Fc gamma R expression, exist in naive NK1.1 allelic posi
67          We have expressed single classes of Fc gamma R in COS fibroblasts to examine the structural
68 nalyzed the capacity of the three classes of Fc gamma R to phagocytose, placing special emphasis on t
69 ytolytic function of two distinct classes of Fc gamma R-bearing effectors, NK cells and neutrophils.
70 cular cascade that begins upon clustering of Fc gamma R with the phosphorylation of critical tyrosine
71                               The control of Fc gamma R expression, the cellular output signals from
72 s to exploit the antiinflammatory effects of Fc gamma R ligation to induce the production of IL-10, w
73 city in vivo and suggest that enhancement of Fc gamma R-mediated antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxi
74 hisms, underscoring the direct influences of Fc gamma R allotypes on receptor function.
75                             Cross-linking of Fc gamma R leads to activation of protein tyrosine kinas
76 2A8 to Ly-49D+ NK cells can augment lysis of Fc gamma R+ target cells in a reverse antibody-dependent
77 ng used in transgenic and knockout models of Fc gamma R biology.
78                            Current models of Fc gamma R signal transduction in monocytes describe a m
79 ceptor-triggered tyrosine phosphorylation of Fc gamma R-associated ITAMs and signaling elements.
80 onclude that PTEN is a negative regulator of Fc gamma R signaling, but a positive regulator of TLR4 s
81  or more Fc gamma R to reexamine the role of Fc gamma R in CRP binding to mouse leukocytes.
82                             Three strains of Fc gamma R-deficient mice were examined: gamma-chain-def
83                          Allelic variants of Fc gamma R confer distinct phagocytic capacities providi
84 tokines differentially regulate the opposing Fc gamma R systems, altering the balance of activating a
85 urthermore, in response to LPS activation or Fc gamma R cross-linking of macrophages and BCR cross-li
86 contrast, L-selectin shedding induced by PMN Fc gamma R was divergent.
87                           The CD16 receptor (Fc gamma R-III) is found on many tissue macrophages (M p
88 ccharide (LPS) treatment or IgG Fc receptor (Fc gamma R) cross-linking in macrophages.
89 onse to engagement of the Fc gamma receptor (Fc gamma R) and potently contributes to Fc gamma R-media
90                           Fc gamma receptor (Fc gamma R) clustering by immune complexes activates mul
91 l circulation, we studied Fc gamma receptor (Fc gamma R) expression by immunohistology and immunoblot
92 The role of Syk kinase in Fc gamma receptor (Fc gamma R) IIA-mediated phagocytosis was examined with
93  To explore the impact of Fc gamma receptor (Fc gamma R)-mediated activation on the PMN adhesive phen
94           TCR- and IgG-binding Fc receptors (Fc gamma R) mediate a variety of critical biologic activ
95 mediates (ROI) have the capacity to regulate Fc gamma R responses and defined a mechanism for this ef
96                   Monocytes generated robust Fc gamma R-dependent superoxide anion release and ADCC a
97                                      Several Fc gamma R polymorphisms have been identified that may a
98 s, and when co-cross-linked with stimulatory Fc gamma R it down-regulates effector function.
99                               In this study, Fc gamma R- and complement-deficient mice were used to c
100 ing FcR containing the common gamma subunit (Fc gamma R gamma(-/-)) and in mice deficient in the C3 c
101  Abs to determine which of the three surface Fc gamma R regulated this IL-8 secretion.
102               These studies demonstrate that Fc gamma R-mediated phagocytosis is accompanied by tyros
103 -polymerase chain reaction demonstrated that Fc gamma R types I to III were expressed in the CRPtg ar
104 lectron microscopy we have demonstrated that Fc gamma R-expressing COS cells can phagocytose in a man
105  from double-deficient mice, indicating that Fc gamma R are required for CRP binding.
106                                 We show that Fc gamma R ligation selectively down-regulates IL-12 p40
107 that activation of MAPK is necessary for the Fc gamma R-dependent induction of c-fos and tumor necros
108                  Relevant differences in the Fc gamma R endowments of mice and humans are detailed.
109                   However, uncoupling of the Fc gamma R effector pathway from antibody recognition of
110                              Ligation of the Fc gamma R on NK cells by Ab-coated target cells initiat
111 ated through the transmembrane domain of the Fc gamma R, with no requirement for the cytoplasmic doma
112                                         This Fc gamma R-mediated adhesive phenotype will vary with th
113 ved in transmembrane signaling via the three Fc gamma R present on monocytic, polymorphonuclear, and
114                                        Thus, Fc gamma R defines another subpopulation of splenic CD4+
115             CRP and IgG anti-PC also bind to Fc gamma R.
116 tor (Fc gamma R) and potently contributes to Fc gamma R-mediated antimicrobial functions in pulmonary
117                        SHIP was localized to Fc gamma R- and CR3-containing phagocytic cups and was r
118 ed that Akt is phosphorylated in response to Fc gamma R clustering.
119 mma RIIIB) cooperates with the transmembrane Fc gamma R (Fc gamma RIIA) to mediate many of the functi
120 ent genes relevant to leukocyte biology upon Fc gamma R stimulation.
121 lation is abrogated by co-cross-linking with Fc gamma R.
122  C3(-/-) mice or adoptively transferred with Fc gamma R gamma(+/-) macrophages did develop antibody-m
123 osine-based activation motifs (ITAMs) within Fc gamma R subunits, both obligatory early signals for p

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