


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 on recognized to improve Fc interaction with Fc gamma receptors.
2 coy and as a modulator of leukocytes bearing Fc gamma receptors.
3 njury was dependent on neutrophils and their Fc gamma receptors.
4 t T cells, which lack endogenously expressed Fc gamma receptors.
5 ector functions, through engagement of their Fc-gamma receptors.
6 es, as manifested by increased expression of Fc-gamma receptors.
7 mice and cells with deficiencies of specific Fc-gamma receptors.
8                                    The CD16 (Fc-gamma receptor 3A [FCGR3A]) receptor was recently ide
9        The nature of the myeloid response to Fc gamma receptor aggregation is highly variable and dep
10 lipid signalling pathway recruited following Fc gamma receptor aggregation.
11  functionally significant mutations in human Fc gamma receptors and possible novel mechanisms for inh
12 at ANCA-mediated activation occurred through Fc gamma receptors and that neutrophil immobilization wa
13 pression of other surface receptors, such as FC-gamma receptor and tumor necrosis factor receptors (T
14          These data suggest a potent role of Fc-gamma receptors and Fc-mediated Ab function in confer
15 e interaction of human antibodies with human Fc-gamma receptors, and it remains largely unknown how s
16 between the extracellular domains of the two Fc gamma receptors are not required for synergy.
17 tibodies to DV that enhance the infection of Fc gamma receptor-bearing cells have been implicated in
18 on was inhibited by pretreatment of DCs with Fc gamma receptor blocking antibodies.
19  modulate the binding affinity of IgG1 Fc to Fc gamma receptors, but it is unclear how the structural
20 ce of inflammatory cells in the lung and was Fc gamma receptor dependent.
21 e in infection through a C1q-independent and Fc gamma receptor-dependent pathway.
22 protect against infection in mice through an Fc-gamma receptor-dependent pathway.
23                        It is speculated that Fc gamma receptor engagement is a modulator of ANCA-medi
24 iated enhancement of IFN production required Fc gamma receptor engagement, bypassed fusion, and initi
25 ies did not enhance the infection of DENV in Fc gamma receptor-expressing cells, offsetting the conce
26 s generated in response to engagement of the Fc gamma receptor (Fc gamma R) and potently contributes
27                                              Fc gamma receptor (Fc gamma R) clustering by immune comp
28 om maternal to fetal circulation, we studied Fc gamma receptor (Fc gamma R) expression by immunohisto
29                    The role of Syk kinase in Fc gamma receptor (Fc gamma R) IIA-mediated phagocytosis
30                     To explore the impact of Fc gamma receptor (Fc gamma R)-mediated activation on th
31 agocytosis of IgG-opsonized microbes via the Fc gamma receptor (Fc gammaR) requires the precise coord
32 es to demonstrate a role for PKC- epsilon in Fc gamma receptor (Fc gammaR)-dependent phagocytosis.
33                                              Fc gamma receptor (Fc gammaR)-mediated phagocytosis is k
34                                              Fc gamma receptors (Fc gamma RII) on B lymphocytes negat
35                                Engagement of Fc gamma receptors (Fc gamma Rs) with the Fc region of I
36 y through engagement of its Fc region by the Fc gamma receptors (Fc gammaRs) on immune cells.
37 n neutrophil expression of the high-affinity Fc gamma-receptor (Fc gammaRI) was observed that peaked
38 d the requirement for both Cdc42 and WASP in Fc(gamma) receptor (Fc(gamma)R)-mediated phagocytosis, t
39  antibodies often involve receptors for IgG (Fc gamma receptors [Fc gammaR]).
40                                              Fc gamma receptor (FcgammaR) coengagement can facilitate
41                   This boosted protection is Fc gamma receptor (FcgammaR) dependent and involves the
42 ies (mAbs) provide protection independent of Fc gamma receptor (FcgammaR) engagement.
43 he periphery, upregulation of the inhibitory Fc gamma receptor (FcgammaR) IIb at the tumor site preve
44 infected patients enhanced ZIKV infection of Fc gamma receptor (FcgammaR)-bearing cells in vitro.
45  or macrophages, indicating involvement of a Fc gamma receptor (FcgammaR)-mediated mechanism.
46                             The low affinity Fc gamma receptors (FcgammaR) for IgG link humoral and c
47 n to neutralization, interaction of IgG with Fc gamma receptors (FcgammaR) may play an important role
48 express both Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) and Fc gamma receptors (FcgammaR).
49 triggering cellular fragment crystallizable (Fc)gamma receptors (FcgammaR), resulting in the release
50 reexisting heterotypic antibodies, via their Fc-gamma receptor (FcgammaR) interactions, may increase
51 es, macrophages, and dendritic cells via the Fc-gamma receptor (FcgammaR), a process termed antibody-
52 o impact mucosal transmission events through Fc-gamma receptor (FcgammaR)-mediated inhibition.
53 ate HAR that is dependent on complement, the Fc-gamma receptors FcgammaRII/III (CD32/CD16), and NK ce
54 accinia virus protein A36 and the phagocytic Fc-gamma receptor FcgammaRIIa.
55 bound immunoglobulin G (IgG) to cell surface Fc gamma receptors (FcgammaRs) triggers a wide variety o
56  immune complex formation and the activating Fc gamma receptors (FcgammaRs) were involved in the anti
57 ression of the two uniquely human neutrophil Fc gamma receptors (FcgammaRs), FcgammaRIIA and FcgammaR
58 e is the binding of Fc regions of IgG to the Fc gamma receptors (FcgammaRs).
59 he balance between activating and inhibitory Fc-gamma receptors (FcgammaRs) by inducing upregulation
60                  Polymorphisms of activating Fc-gamma receptors (FCGRs) on natural killer cells and m
61 d implicates apoptosis-associated changes in Fc gamma receptor function.
62 t deficiencies and an allele of a particular Fc gamma receptor gene (FCGR2A) also have been described
63  candidate genes, including the low affinity Fc gamma receptor genes.
64                          Although inhibitory Fc gamma receptors have been demonstrated to promote muc
65           The binding of human IgG1 to human Fc gamma receptors (hFcgammaRs) is highly sensitive to t
66  expressed less Fc gammaRIIb, the inhibitory Fc gamma receptor; however, this did not account for enh
67                                              Fc gamma receptor I (FcgammaRI) contributes to protectiv
68  enhanced via an opsonizing antibody through Fc gamma receptor I (FcgammaRI)-mediated endocytosis.
69 ly to prostate-specific membrane antigen and Fc gamma receptor I, thus eliciting highly selective can
70  especially the integrin receptor Mac-1, the Fc-gamma receptor I (FcgammaRI), and the transcription f
71  ganglion (DRG) neurons through the neuronal Fc-gamma receptor I (FcgammaRI).
72 ecognize cell surface-associated NS1 trigger Fc-gamma receptor I- and/or IV-mediated phagocytosis and
73 nd IgG2a, but not mouse IgG3, and by a mouse Fc gamma receptor II and III (FcgammaRII/III)-specific r
74 olecule-3-grabbing nonintegrin) and requires Fc gamma receptor IIa (FcgammaRIIa).
75        We found two transcripts--namely, for Fc gamma receptor IIA and heat-shock protein (70 kDa)--t
76                            The engagement of Fc gamma receptor IIB (FcgammaRIIB) by the Ig crystalliz
77                The cytoplasmic domain of the Fc gamma receptor IIB (FcgammaRIIB) can be successfully
78            In addition, coaggregation of the Fc gamma receptor IIB with the B-cell receptor in miR-15
79 h CD16b, the neutrophil-specific form of the Fc gamma receptor III, whereas the transmembrane glycopr
80 s applied to examine the interaction between Fc gamma receptor IIIA (CD16A) expressed on Chinese hams
81 ial cell tethering requires the low-affinity Fc gamma receptor IIIB (Fc gamma RIIIB), and the beta(2)
82    Immunoglobulin G (IgG) cross-linking with Fc gamma receptor IIIB (FcgammaRIIIB) triggers neutrophi
83 standing the polymorphisms of the neutrophil Fc-gamma-receptor IIIb (Fc gamma RIIIb).
84 we demonstrate that signaling via activating Fc gamma receptors in conjunction with Toll-like recepto
85 dels supporting the importance of inhibitory Fc gamma receptors in modulating immune-complex-mediated
86 te mucosal tolerance, the role of activating Fc gamma receptors in modulating T helper type (Th)2-dep
87 icient mice were used to examine the role of Fc gamma receptors in the induction of peripheral tolera
88              The interaction between IgG and Fc-gamma receptors in glomeruli contributes to the devel
89  region on NS1, protected through a C1q- and Fc gamma receptor-independent mechanism.
90  that broadly reactive antibodies require Fc-Fc gamma receptor interactions for optimal protection; h
91                         We next explored the Fc gamma receptors involved.
92 nd that binding of the immune complex to the Fc gamma receptor is required for TNF-alpha and IL-6 mRN
93                Moreover, in cells expressing Fc gamma receptors, many of the DI- and DII-specific MAb
94 nously glycosylated antibodies with tailored Fc gamma receptor-mediated effector functions.
95 ptome differential expression (DE) analysis, Fc gamma receptor-mediated phagocytosis and axon guidanc
96 ated that they are involved in the lysosome, Fc gamma receptor-mediated phagocytosis, regulation of a
97  protein and the importance of Syk kinase in Fc gamma receptor-mediated phagocytosis.
98           FRLalpha is required for efficient Fc-gamma receptor-mediated phagocytosis and is recruited
99 ortion of opsonizing anti-Gal interacts with Fc gamma receptors on APC and induces effective uptake o
100 nteractions between host immunoglobulins and Fc gamma receptors on effector cells, in addition to the
101 Leishmania amastigotes allows them to ligate Fc gamma receptors on inflammatory macrophages to prefer
102 ector functions through either complement or Fc gamma receptors, providing the bacteria with a surviv
103 ecific for alpha IIb beta 3, but not by anti-Fc gamma receptor-specific MoAb.
104                              Therapy reduced Fc gamma-receptor-stimulated total ROS production, but n
105 herapy, and matched control individuals were Fc gamma-receptor-stimulated with/without priming with P
106   To determine the role of the GPI anchor in Fc gamma receptor synergy, we have developed a model sys
107 o target cytotoxic effector cells expressing Fc gamma receptor type I (Fc gammaRI, CD64) to HER2/neu-
108 ils with blocking antibodies directed toward Fc gamma receptor type IIA or the integrin chain CD11b c
109                                              Fc gamma receptor type IIIA (CD16a) is a receptor expres
110                           Leukocytes express Fc gamma receptors, which are specific for the constant

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