


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  as a previously unrecognized immunoglobulin Fc receptor.
2 ate or avoid effector cell functions through Fc receptors.
3 o the activated endothelium via cell surface Fc receptors.
4  of affinities for activatory and inhibitory Fc receptors.
5 nk between the innate pentraxins and humoral Fc receptors.
6  to antibodies binding to their low affinity Fc receptors.
7 gs and found FcRL4 and FcRL5 to be bona fide Fc receptors.
8 nction with structural homology to classical Fc receptors.
9  the in vivo function of the once mysterious Fc receptors.
10 lycosylation in the interaction of IgG1 with Fc receptors.
11 RL3) is a cell surface protein homologous to Fc receptors.
12 ing intraspinal complement and cells bearing Fc receptors.
13 c anti-HLA antibodies triggering their CD16a Fc receptors.
14 ic response in vivo when engaging activating Fc receptors.
15 f full-length Tau fibrils into microglia via Fc receptors.
16 nia (HIT) from cellular activation involving Fc receptors.
17                                      Indeed, Fc receptor activation is accompanied by increased expre
18  comprised an integrated pathway of TLR2 and Fc receptor activation, neutrophil migration, and inflam
19                                         Upon Fc receptor activation, Src-family kinase signaling lead
20 R binding assay sensitively detected greater Fc receptor activity to pandemic H1N1 hemagglutinin afte
21 e MHC fold has also been modified to perform Fc-receptor activity (e.g., FcRn) and for roles in host
22 sion on murine neutrophils, and by different Fc-receptor affinities for IgG across species.
23 ll molecule conjugate Fc-CGS retained potent Fc receptor and A(2A)R interactions and showed superior
24 xplained the ability of its two ligands, the Fc receptor and complement C1q, to bind to the top of it
25                        Thus, thiolated EphA5-Fc receptor and ephrinA5-Fc ligand were conjugated into
26 ation and opsonization of pathogen result in Fc receptor and macrophage activation.
27 dritic cells (DC), which was mediated by the Fc receptor and was specific to trastuzumab.
28   Fc glycans influence the binding of IgG to Fc receptors and C1q, and are therefore important for Ig
29 at Asn-297 is critical for interactions with Fc receptors and complement and that glycosylation at As
30        Signal integration between activating Fc receptors and inhibitory signal regulatory protein al
31 grin (CD11b), and activated conformations of Fc receptors and integrins, have been proposed to report
32                 Cell-cell signaling via both Fc receptors and NK-activating receptors led to measurab
33  one hand not engage conventional activating Fc receptors and on the other hand interact normally wit
34 ing between full-length IgG/Fc fragments and Fc receptors and the effect of chemical modifications on
35 n of the expression of complement receptors, Fc receptors, and F-actin formation after ANE treatment.
36          Expression of complement receptors, Fc receptors, and F-actin in ANE-treated neutrophils is
37                                              Fc receptors are crucial for innate immune activation.
38                                              Fc receptors are the cellular mediators of antibody func
39 ns and in particular, their interaction with Fc receptors as effectiveness of antibodies often depend
40 ound to a recombinant soluble human neonatal Fc receptor at pH 6.0 more strongly than CH2.
41 ng a primary infection facilitate entry into Fc receptor bearing cells during secondary infection, re
42 tibody-dependent enhancement of infection in Fc receptor-bearing cells at subneutralizing concentrati
43 rimary infection facilitate virus entry into Fc receptor-bearing cells during a subsequent secondary
44 nd EpCAM and a constant domain that recruits Fc receptor-bearing cells, notably monocytes, dendritic
45 nt (ADE) leading to increased replication in Fc receptor-bearing cells.
46 s capable of enhancing the DENV infection of Fc receptor-bearing cells.
47 t the antibody-mediated antiviral effects of Fc receptor-bearing leukocytes.
48  reduction of viral replication and enhanced Fc receptor binding and were consistent with transcripti
49  fully human anti-CD73, we demonstrated that Fc receptor binding augmented the production of proinfla
50                 Removal of complement and/or Fc receptor binding did not affect h2G7 efficacy.
51 clonal antibodies that are mutated to reduce Fc receptor binding preserve beta-cell function and decr
52 ities, the ADCs have been engineered to lack Fc-receptor binding.
53  trial robustly boosted HIV-1 gp120-specific Fc receptor-binding antibodies and ADCC against HIV-1-in
54 ontact hypersensitivity, we found that a non-Fc receptor-binding isoform of Gal-1hFc, Gal-1hFc2, alle
55 amilies or can be induced indirectly through Fc receptors by antibodies mediating antibody-dependent
56 mokine, IL, TNF, MHC, immunoglobulin-binding Fc receptor, calcium-binding S100, matrix metalloprotein
57  have generated a mouse strain in which this Fc receptor can be conditionally deleted.
58 zation of different ligands such as mannose, Fc receptor, CD11c/CD 18, DEC-205 and DC-SIGN on DC for
59 agocytosis of IgG-opsonized bioparticles and Fc receptor CD16 and CD32 surface levels, a function, to
60                                          The Fc receptor CD16 is present on essentially all CD56(dim)
61               Presence of the immunoglobulin Fc receptor CD32 enhanced cellular responses, suggesting
62  (MoAb) is specific for the low-affinity IgG Fc receptor CD32B and effective in a human CD32B+ B-cell
63 oved in knockout mice lacking the inhibitory Fc receptor CD32b, nor against a Deltasmac P. berghei pa
64  cells modified to express the high-affinity Fc receptor (CD64) and CD86, the natural ligand of CD28
65                   By binding to its specific Fc receptor CD89, IgA plays additional and poorly unders
66 intaining biological activity of the ActRIIB.Fc receptor chimera.
67    Apart from CHIR-AB, which functions as an Fc receptor, CHIR ligands are unknown.
68 ine-based activation motifs (ITAMs), such as Fc receptor common gamma (FcRgamma) and DNAX-activating
69 were higher in patients with a high affinity Fc-receptor compared to those with a lower affinity Fcga
70       Serum ADCC activity was analyzed using Fc receptor cross-linking, NK cell activation, and influ
71 e associative hypothesis, which posited that Fc receptor crosslinking produced the increased affinity
72 o the lung in naive mice in a mast cell- and Fc receptor-dependent manner.
73 ed breadth but may effect protection through Fc receptor-dependent processes, such as antibody-depend
74  antibodies induced death of AML cells in an Fc receptor-dependent way in the absence of cytotoxic le
75               The ablation of activating IgG Fc receptors did not ameliorate injury, implicating sube
76                                              Fc receptors endocytose modified nucleic acids bound to
77 stituents and produced interferon-gamma upon Fc-receptor engagement but not following combined interl
78 lation alters the affinity of antibodies for Fc receptors, evidence suggests that glycosylation is a
79   A label free immunosensor for detection of Fc receptors expressed on cell surface was developed and
80 ssed Kupffer cell phagocytosis by decreasing Fc receptor expression and Akt activation; however, it i
81 ration and this occurs due to maintenance of Fc receptor expression and cellular ATP content via the
82 ficantly higher than expression of all other Fc receptor family members.
83 ng the binding affinity of the Fc to diverse Fc receptor family members.
84                             Blocking the IgA Fc receptor FcalphaRI abrogated phagocytosis and NET for
85 onstrated previously that triggering the IgA Fc receptor (FcalphaRI) on neutrophils results in neutro
86 essed, and the role of the high-affinity IgE Fc receptor (FcepsilonRI) in allergic sensitization was
87    IgE antibodies bind the high-affinity IgE Fc receptor (FcepsilonRI), found primarily on mast cells
88 tibodies interact with the high affinity IgE Fc receptor, FcepsilonRI, and activate inflammatory path
89 ations of which are mediated through its two Fc receptors, FcepsilonRI and CD23 (FcepsilonRII).
90  cell-to-cell spread and functions as an IgG Fc receptor (FcgammaR) that blocks the Fc domain of anti
91 variable, affecting binding to phagocyte IgG-Fc receptors (FcgammaR).
92 s dependent on the high-affinity IgG-binding Fc receptor (FcgammaRI) and the low-affinity IgG-binding
93 s effect was broadly recapitulated for other Fc receptors (FcgammaRI, FcgammaRIIA, FcgammaRIIB, and F
94 complement receptors (CR1, CR3, and CR4) and Fc receptors (FcgammaRII and FcgammaRIII) in a concentra
95                The uniquely human activating Fc receptor FcgammaRIIA promotes glomerular neutrophil a
96           Genetic variants of the inhibitory Fc receptor FcgammaRIIb have been associated with system
97 omote increased expression of the inhibitory Fc receptor FcgammaRIIB on effector macrophages.
98 ignaling is suppressed by the inhibitory IgG Fc receptor FcgammaRIIb; therefore, we reasoned that a t
99              The inhibitory low-affinity IgG Fc-receptor FcgammaRIIB is co-expressed on allergic effe
100 as long been known that the ITIM-bearing IgG Fc receptor (FcgammaRIIb, RIIb) is expressed on liver si
101         Genetic deficiency of the inhibitory Fc receptor, FcgammaRIIB (CD32b), has been shown to augm
102 ineate the effects of IgG and its inhibitory Fc receptor, FcgammaRIIb, on both de novo allergen sensi
103 Gs with enhanced affinity for the activating Fc receptor FcgammaRIIIA due to afucosylated Fc glycans
104 h is mediated in part through the activatory Fc receptor, FcgammaRIIIA.
105 (FcgammaRI) and the low-affinity IgG-binding Fc receptor (FcgammaRIV).
106 y to systemic anaphylaxis that relies on IgG Fc receptors (FcgammaRs).
107                                      The IgM Fc receptor (FcmuR) is the newest FcR, and coligation of
108                    The association of an IgM-Fc receptor (FcmuR) with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (C
109           We identified the immunoglobulin M Fc receptor (FcmuR), also known as the Fas apoptotic inh
110  CH2 domain with corresponding modulation of Fc receptor (FcR) binding specificity from type I to typ
111 earance after vaccination was dependent upon Fc receptor (FcR) expression.
112                           This implicates Fc-Fc receptor (FcR) interactions in affinity maturation, w
113 has accumulated supporting the importance of Fc receptor (FcR) ligation in antibody-mediated patholog
114             Little is known of the impact of Fc receptor (FcR) polymorphism in macaques on the bindin
115 rtion of immunoglobulin and the cell surface Fc receptor (FcR), an important area of the immune syste
116 ptor 3 (CR3), used by promastigotes, and the Fc receptor (FcR), used by amastigotes.
117 ies synergized through a mechanism combining Fc receptor (FcR)-dependent and FcR-independent stimulat
118   Accumulating evidence indicates a role for Fc receptor (FcR)-mediated effector functions of antibod
119           Here, the role of PLA(2)IValpha in Fc receptor (FcR)-mediated phagocytosis was investigated
120                      Targeting an antigen to Fc receptors (FcR) can enhance the immune response to th
121 udies have demonstrated that targeting Ag to Fc receptors (FcR) on APCs can enhance humoral and cellu
122 s lacking the signaling chain of stimulatory Fc receptors (FcRgamma(-/-)) were unable to elicit arthr
123 ved, although it has been suggested that the Fc receptor FcRn may be involved in active antibody tran
124                                 The neonatal Fc receptor FcRn plays a critical role in the traffickin
125                                          The Fc receptor FcRn traffics immunoglobulin G (IgG) in both
126 f immunoglobulin G (IgG) binding to neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) and Fcgamma receptor (FcgammaR) is im
127 gments lack the ability to bind the neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) and have reduced half-lives.
128 gG antibodies on the binding to the neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) as well as on FcRn-dependent pharmaco
129 G, through its Fc part, bind to the neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) at low pH in the endosome after endoc
130 methionine residues and the loss of neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) binding and complement-dependent cyto
131 onal studies by antigen binding and neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) binding correlated very well with the
132 hree-dimensional structure of human neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) bound concurrently to its two known l
133              The widely distributed neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) contributes to maintaining serum leve
134                                 The neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) directs the transfer of maternal immu
135  across the placenta by binding the neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) expressed within the endosomes of the
136                                 The neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) has been known to modulate IgG transp
137            The endothelial cellular neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) has been suggested to play a central
138 maintained the binding affinity for neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) in a pH-dependent manner.
139 involvement of immune complexes and neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) in the emergence of ADAs in the case
140                   Given the role of neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) in transferring IgG across polarized
141       In light of the fact that the neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) is a key regulator of albumin homeost
142                                 The neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) is a major histocompatibility complex
143                                 The neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) is a major regulator of IgG and album
144           Improved affinity for the neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) is known to extend antibody half-life
145                                     Neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) is the homeostatic receptor responsib
146           We also identify that the neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) is upregulated in the cornea followin
147 eins for lysosomal degradation, the neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) located at the brush border of the ap
148              Increasing affinity to neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) may extend the pharmacokinetic half-l
149                                 The neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) mediates the transport of IgG across
150 e found that PVIgGs associated with neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) on the cell membrane, and the PVIgG-F
151 is delivered to fetuses through the neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) pathway, which physiologically transf
152 interaction of the IgG1 Fc with the neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) plays a critical role in maintaining
153 t affinity of IgG molecules for the neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) receptor primarily arises from salt b
154 lf-life of IgG is controlled by the neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) that interacts with the IgG Fc region
155                                 The neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) transports maternal immunoglobulin (I
156   In contrast, in mice in which the neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) was deleted, the half-life of rFIXFc
157 enhance interactions with the human neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) without loss of the oligomeric struct
158 ent interaction between IgG and the neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn), as FcRn is the main homeostatic regu
159 on of the relevant receptor, namely neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn), by Calu-3 cell layers simulating the
160 tated by interaction with the human neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn), that promotes it as a highly attract
161             Genetic deletion of the neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn), which rescues albumin and IgG from l
162 at these sites is influenced by the neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn), whose role in protecting against inf
163  by instructing T reg formation via neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn)-mediated transfer and uptake of aller
164 ributed to its interaction with the neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn).
165 requires interaction of Fc with the neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn).
166 on proteins interact with the human neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn).
167 s pH-dependent interaction with the neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn).
168 o determine the contribution of the neonatal Fc-receptor (FcRn) in rat brain efflux employing two dif
169        We demonstrate here that the neonatal Fc receptor, FcRn, is expressed in female genital tract
170                                 The neonatal Fc receptor, FcRn, is responsible for the long half-life
171                                 The neonatal Fc receptor, FcRn, regulates the half-life of IgG in viv
172                         Because SAP binds to Fc receptors (FcRs) expressed on monocytes, we investiga
173                                     Although Fc receptors (FcRs) for switched immunoglobulin (Ig) iso
174 ing downstream of the B-cell receptor (BCR), Fc receptors (FcRs), and toll-like receptors.
175 eutrophil activation through engagement with Fc receptors (FcRs).
176 -glycan in optimizing the interface with the Fc receptor for efficient binding.
177 egalovirus glycoprotein gp68 functions as an Fc receptor for host IgGs and can form antibody bipolar
178                  FcalphaRI (CD89), the human Fc receptor for IgA, is highly expressed on neutrophil g
179      Immunoglobulin G (IgG) and the neonatal Fc receptor for IgG (FcRn) have an important function in
180 ived CD8(-)CD11b(+) DCs require the neonatal Fc receptor for IgG (FcRn) to conduct cross-presentation
181 ine kidney cells expressing the rat neonatal Fc receptor for IgG (FcRn), it significantly reduced vir
182                                              Fc receptor for IgG IIA (FcgammaRIIA)-mediated platelet
183 onal capacities of the TCR, the low-affinity Fc receptor for IgG, and the NKp30 and NKp46 natural cyt
184                                 Cell surface Fc receptor for IgM antibody (FcmuR) is the most recentl
185            However, the role of the putative Fc receptor for IgM, known as Toso/Faim3, has to this po
186                                 The neonatal Fc receptor for immunoglobulin (Ig)G (FcRn) protects mon
187  test this hypothesis, we targeted Hc to the Fc receptors for IgG (FcgammaRs) expressed by dendritic
188 red interactions between the antibody Fc and Fc receptors for IgG (FcgammaRs) to confer protection fr
189 ngs, and gene sets involved in phagocytosis, Fc receptor function, complement, and Ig regulation are
190 ridge the innate pentraxins and the adaptive Fc receptor functions.
191                   The glycoprotein VI (GPVI)-Fc receptor gamma (FcRgamma) chain is the major platelet
192 s deficient in Mincle or its adapter protein Fc receptor gamma chain (FcRgamma) produced severely red
193                    DCs from mice lacking the Fc receptor gamma chain exhibited an activated phenotype
194 ain the cytoplasmic region of the CD3zeta or Fc receptor gamma chain, effectively redirected T cell c
195 r tyrosine-based activation motif receptors: Fc receptor gamma chain, which is noncovalently associat
196 rane sequence that interacts with the common Fc receptor gamma subunit to initiate immune signaling.
197                     The glycoprotein (GP) VI/Fc receptor gamma-chain complex is a central regulator o
198 n platelets, plays an important role in GPVI-Fc receptor gamma-chain complex-mediated platelet activa
199                          In human platelets, Fc receptor gamma-chain IIa (FcgammaRIIa) has been ident
200 uced FcgammaRI effector functions, including Fc receptor gamma-chain signaling and intracellular calc
201 ased activation motif (ITAM) adaptor protein Fc receptor gamma-chain, even though the canonical ITAM
202 he immunoglobulin (Ig) receptor GPVI and the Fc receptor gamma-chain, which has an immunoreceptor tyr
203 ine phosphorylation events downstream of the Fc receptor gamma-chain-associated immunoreceptor tyrosi
204 ed T-cell receptor signaling, which utilizes Fc-receptor gamma-chain FcRgamma-Syk.
205 ivating Src family kinases (SFKs), DAP12 and Fc receptor-gamma (FcRgamma), spleen tyrosine kinase (Sy
206 e lectin 2, the receptor for podoplanin, and Fc receptor gammaII A, a low-affinity receptor for immun
207 unctional polymorphism in the inhibitory IgG-Fc receptor gene FcgammaRIIB influences intravenous immu
208 lactosylated IgA1 complexed with soluble IgA Fc receptor I (sCD89) and/or anti-hypogalactosylated-IgA
209        Polymorphisms in the immunoglobulin G Fc receptor II (FcGR) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (T
210 expressing both hPF4+ and human platelet IgG Fc receptor IIA (FcgammaRIIA), infusion of the HIT-like
211 hisms within the gene encoding the human IgG Fc receptor IIA (hFcgammaRIIA) are associated with an in
212 s is based on the structures of low affinity Fc receptor in complex with Fc.
213 nd mouse pentraxins recognize major forms of Fc receptors in solution and on cell surfaces with affin
214 nces of the engagement of type I and type II Fc receptors in the context of infectious, autoimmune, a
215                                  The role of Fc receptors in the induction and progression of Crgn is
216    Parallel characterization of cell surface Fc receptors in the same samples by ELISA was also perfo
217 rm that PRN694 prevents T-cell receptor- and Fc receptor-induced cellular and molecular activation, i
218 igand-1 (PSGL-1, CD162), cytokine receptors, Fc receptors, integrins including alphaM integrin (CD11b
219 w, we discuss the mechanisms that govern IgG-Fc receptor interactions, highlighting the diversity of
220 the Fab domain to signal transduction via Fc-Fc receptor interactions.
221 our understanding of antibody recognition by Fc receptors is based on the structures of low affinity
222 ced IgG signaling through type I and type II Fc receptors is required for the control of proinflammat
223              We isolated the function of one Fc receptor isoform, Fc gammaRI, using IgG2a-coated targ
224 d-type, but not Fcgamma-receptor or neonatal Fc-receptor knock-out mice.
225                                              Fc receptor-like (FCRL) 5 regulates B cell Ag receptor s
226                                              Fc receptor-like (FcRL) proteins are a family of cellula
227                         In contrast, Syk and Fc receptor-like 1 were downregulated.
228                                              Fc receptor-like 3 (FCRL3) is a cell surface protein hom
229 n the FCRL3 gene led to higher expression of Fc receptor-like 3 (FcRL3) on Treg cells and that FcRL3+
230                                              Fc receptor-like 4 (FcRL4) is expressed on the surface o
231 sine-based dual regulatory potential termed "Fc receptor-like 5" (FCRL5) was investigated to explore
232 erved with the putative inhibitory receptors Fc receptor-like-4 (FCRL4) and sialic acid-binding Ig-li
233 ipartite motif (TRIM) 21 as an intracellular Fc receptor linking cytosolic antibody recognition to th
234 arked genetic variability that exists in the Fc receptor locus.
235 e dependent on the CD4 activation, which was Fc receptor mediated.
236 refore, we hypothesized that vaccine-induced Fc receptor-mediated (FcR-mediated) Ab function is indic
237 ed as a novel mechanism in the modulation of Fc receptor-mediated cell activation in autoimmune disea
238  interactions, highlighting the diversity of Fc receptor-mediated effector functions that regulate im
239  may not depend on complement activation and Fc receptor-mediated effector functions.
240 ng specificities determines the magnitude of Fc receptor-mediated effector functions.
241                       Equally cross-reactive Fc receptor-mediated functional activities, including AD
242 macrophages, expression of Fcgr3-rs inhibits Fc receptor-mediated functions, because WKY bone marrow-
243 crescent formation, macrophage infiltration, Fc receptor-mediated macrophage activation and cytokine
244 lity, mediated partly through differences in Fc receptor-mediated macrophage activation.
245 associated with decreased apoptotic cell and Fc receptor-mediated macrophage clearance.
246 rgn1 BMDMs showed a significant reduction in Fc receptor-mediated oxidative burst, phagocytosis of op
247 acts with the common Fc-gamma chain but that Fc receptor-mediated phagocytosis and signaling are defe
248                                 The roles of Fc receptor-mediated protective antibody responses are g
249 ve roles in regulating TCR and high-affinity Fc receptor-mediated signaling and cellular function.
250                                              Fc-receptor-mediated endocytosis and the endosome/autoph
251   Dasatinib completely blocked integrin- and Fc-receptor-mediated neutrophil functions, with the lowe
252 o the related CD1a, CD1b, CD1c, and neonatal Fc receptor molecules were absent from the surfaces of b
253 uires binding of the antibody to a cytosolic Fc receptor named tripartite motif containing 21 (TRIM21
254 dications, while the newer therapies include Fc receptor-non-binding CD3-specific antibodies, IL-12/2
255 ermine whether two courses of teplizumab, an Fc receptor-nonbinding anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody, red
256                            The expression of Fc receptors, of Akt phosphorylation, of p38 MAPK phosph
257 inding between Staphylococcus aureus and the Fc receptor on macrophage.
258                                          The Fc receptor on NK cells, FcgammaRIIIA (CD16), has been e
259 ne marrow chimeras, we found that activating Fc receptors on basophils were required for protective i
260                  We investigated the role of Fc receptors on basophils, the antibody isotypes IgG1 an
261 nduce tissue injury via either engagement of Fc receptors on effector cells or via complement activat
262 tion between RA IgG immune complexes and IgG Fc receptors on immune cells.
263 ugh the interaction of the Fc glycan and the Fc receptors on immune cells.
264        Immune complex-mediated activation of Fc receptors on infiltrating blood-borne cells and tissu
265 cancer cell growth by engaging high-affinity Fc receptors on monocytes and macrophages; however, the
266 otein C-reactive protein (CRP), a ligand for Fc receptors on phagocytes, enhances antibody-mediated p
267 gG (IVIG) was administered to manipulate the Fc receptor or when (124)I-huA33 was given via hepatic a
268  were protective in mice lacking complement, Fc receptors, or both, suggesting that they operate inde
269 esponse of cells to growth factor receptor-, Fc receptor-, or TLR-mediated signaling.
270           Interestingly, the number of mouse Fc-receptor-positive cells was significantly increased i
271           Interestingly, the number of mouse Fc-receptor-positive cells was significantly increased i
272 d through cold ischemia via interaction with Fc-receptor-positive cells.
273 d that polymorphisms of two immunoglobulin G Fc receptors predict rituximab response, presumably beca
274 nomic and phenotypic analyses of FCGR3A/CD16 Fc-receptor profiles were compared in CAV-positive (n=52
275                 Despite the diversity of the Fc receptor proteins, IgG ligands, and potential respond
276 vian yolk sac, and represents a new class of Fc receptor related to the mammalian mannose receptor fa
277  enhanced the levels of antibody binding and Fc receptor signaling mediated by HIV-positive-patient-d
278 duction that are likely related to inhibited Fc receptor signaling within macrophages in diseased glo
279 e (BTK) is important for B cell development, Fc receptor signaling, and macrophage polarization.
280 hogens by immune cells triggers both TLR and Fc receptor signaling.
281 hesion molecules intrinsic to the activating Fc-receptor signalling pathway, namely immune semaphorin
282                              Absent neonatal Fc receptor surface expression led to low serum IgG and
283 ose IgG-opsonized bioparticles by decreasing Fc receptor surface levels, a mechanism previously thoug
284 le, and that of the fragment crystallizable (Fc) receptors that bind them, in driving local inflammat
285 al models at the level of both Abs and their Fc-receptors, that might provide some answers.
286                     By engaging the neonatal Fc receptor the Fc domain extends the in vivo lifespan o
287 cytoplasmic domain, the platelet FcgammaRIIa Fc receptor, the protein-tyrosine kinase Syk, and phosph
288 man IgGs and attracted immune cells carrying Fc receptors to tumor cells that expressed p185(her2/neu
289                                              Fc receptors transport maternal antibodies across epithe
290 rom inside cells by activating the cytosolic Fc receptor TRIM21.
291                         In contrast to other Fc receptors, TRIM21 shows remarkably broad isotype spec
292  tau-associated antibodies and the cytosolic Fc receptor tripartite motif protein 21 (TRIM21).
293 tivities by engaging two distinct classes of Fc receptors (type I and type II) on the basis of the tw
294  immune complexes, it is also plausible that Fc receptor usage patterns may regulate the immune respo
295 formed by IgE and its evolutionarily related Fc receptors, we conclude that this mechanism is general
296 n the expression of complement receptors and Fc receptors were examined using an immunofluorescence s
297 hat this effect is dependent on the neonatal Fc receptor, which rescues the dissociated antibody in t
298 x binding mechanism is distinct from that of Fc receptors, which bind through the Fc.
299  sequence (Fcgr3-rs) is a novel rat-specific Fc receptor with a cytoplasmic domain 6 amino acids long
300 ptor I (FcgammaRI or CD64) is the sole human Fc receptor with high affinity for monovalent IgG.

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