


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              Fig pollination is now widely regarded as a model system
2                                              Fig trees benefit from female wasps that disperse their
3                                              Fig wasp taxa exhibit varying levels of aggression among
4                                              Fig wasps have also been a focus of research on sex rati
5                                              Fig.1 shows graphically the values of the canonical disc
6 ositive for CD117 (c-kit) (Fig 1B) and DOG-1(Fig 1C).
7 e same strain: pTET GFP 11 and pET GFP 1-10 (Fig.
8                                          1C (Fig. 2C) as a function of maximum work (in electron volt
9        CT imaging of the chest and abdomen ( Fig 2 ) revealed periaortic and retroperitoneal strandin
10 tion factor 1, suggestive of adenocarcinoma (Fig 1).
11 several species of maguey plants (Agavaceae; Fig.
12 s 248-258 10.1016/j.colsurfb.2016.02.053 and Fig.
13 the upper outer quadrant of the left breast (Fig 1).
14 y suspicious for high-grade prostate cancer (Fig 1).
15 CD4, CD10, PD-1, and EBER, with loss of CD5 (Fig 1).
16 nterfollicular infiltrate of lymphoid cells (Fig 1).
17 i, a member of the marine Roseobacter clade (Fig.
18 d multiple tumors over the body (up to 3 cm; Fig 1).
19 ld plants including Olive, Jujube and Common Fig.
20  in wild Jujube fruit and ten in wild Common Fig fruit, out of which 2,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid and tr
21 t unenhanced brain computed tomography (CT) (Fig 1).
22 D56 and negative for CD45 by flow cytometry (Fig 1).
23  be robust against environmental decoherence.Fig. 1.(A) Schematic of a laser pumped by hot photons at
24 n Stow recorded his illness in great detail (Fig. 1).(1) Stow's remarkable account is compatible with
25 th multiple mediastinal lymph node disease ( Fig 1 ).
26 l manifestations of coronary artery disease (Fig. 2).
27 in which a single REST allele was disrupted (Fig. 1a, beta-geo-stop insertion) had reduced alkaline p
28 general include direct and indirect effects (Fig.
29 logy or Medicine together with Paul Ehrlich (Fig. 1).
30 dominantly consisting of a yolk sac element (Fig 1).
31 ght supraclavicular lymph node enlargement ( Fig 1 ).
32 ry extranodal marginal zone lymphoma (ENMZL; Fig 2 ).
33                    At physical examination ( Fig 1 ), there was generalized periareolar erythema, dim
34 ended radiography of the lower extremities ( Fig 3 ).
35  but without invasion of mesorectal fascia ( Fig 1 ).
36 ight to 10 mitoses per 50 high-power fields (Fig 1D).
37 locally recurrent melanoma of the left foot (Fig 1) and pulmonary metastases.
38 ace-tension scheme in Fig.1b is adapted from Fig.1a in Noh, J., Jeong, S.
39 rom Fig 5A was reused as the actin blot from Fig 7C.
40    The actin immunoblot from A549 cells from Fig 5A was reused as the actin blot from Fig 7C.
41 y different secondary structure, a 12-helix (Fig. 1a).
42 14-membered-ring hydrogen bonds (a 14-helix; Fig. 1a).
43 addle the Reykjanes ridge, south of Iceland (Fig. 1).
44 ample is the Fraser 'twisted cord' illusion (Fig.
45  most simply presented as bar diagrams as in Fig. 3.
46 ity of the electron micrographs displayed in Fig. 1.
47  version of this Article contained errors in Fig.
48  version of this Article contained errors in Fig.
49                              We show here in Fig. 1 that a series of infections can indeed reduce the
50                       The PKM2 immunoblot in Fig 2E was reused as part of the Caspase-3 immunoblot in
51  features were obscured in the immunoblot in Fig 7A.
52 eused as part of the Caspase-3 immunoblot in Fig 9C.
53 ogous with the Drosophila genes indicated in Fig. 1 (see text).
54 ities observed between the data presented in Fig.
55 ure upon which the surface-tension scheme in Fig.1 should have included the following: "The surface-t
56 he following: "The surface-tension scheme in Fig.1b is adapted from Fig.1a in Noh, J., Jeong, S.
57                       The particles shown in Fig.
58                               As sketched in Fig. 1, a current molecular dynamics computer simulation
59 athways in the nervous system (summarized in Fig. 1).
60 er lobe mass with surrounding inflammation ( Fig 1A ).
61 noma (TCC) with muscularis propria invasion (Fig 1).
62 tumor cells were positive for CD117 (c-kit) (Fig 1B) and DOG-1(Fig 1C).
63 xtinction of the dodo (Raphus cucullatus L.; Fig.
64 ing of the brain was performed 2 days later (Fig 2).
65 he right upper lobe mass and splenic lesion (Fig 2A).
66 r when there is coherence between the levels.Fig. 2.(A) Schematic of a photocell consisting of quantu
67 using phenyl isocyanide as a probe molecule (Fig.
68 ntile noted during the preceding 18 months ( Fig 1 , point c).
69 itates the cyclical flow of water in nature (Fig.
70 ibed a women with extreme childhood obesity (Fig. 1), abnormal glucose homeostasis, hypogonadotrophic
71  nonzero applied surface tension (gamma 0 of Fig.
72                  (B) Power of a photocell of Fig. 2C as a function of voltage for different decoheren
73 A mistake was made during the preparation of Fig 1C, NKE panel.
74  by the photovoltaic cell QHE (laser QHE) of Fig.
75 monary nodules with ground-glass opacities ( Fig 1 ).
76 ased on focal thyroid cartilage penetration (Fig 2).
77 g of the orbits was subsequently performed ( Fig 1 ).
78 ysterols and products of lipid peroxidation (Fig 1).
79 erently prepared can double the output power.Fig. 3.(A) Photocell current j = Gammarho(alphaalpha) (l
80 ugh several families of scavenger receptors (Fig 1).
81 therapy, a chest CT showed ongoing response (Fig 2D).
82  collect the strands for religious rituals ( Fig 1 ).
83 g blasts, some of which contained Auer rods (Fig 1).
84                   When we look at Anderson's Fig. 1a, or at just about anything else, we see surfaces
85  amplitude, high frequency contractions (see Fig.
86 produced with Carnot quantum efficiency (see Fig. 1A).
87 nto their mature and fully active forms (see Fig. 1A).
88 cell illuminated by "hot" thermal light (see Fig. 2A).
89 absorption processes that drive the QHE (see Fig. 3A).
90 the Middle East and the Indian subcontinent (Fig. 1).
91 features involving the mucosa and submucosa (Fig 1A).
92 J, respectively) are excluded (Supplementary Fig. 1).
93 -specific hiPSCs into neurons (Supplementary Fig. 1).
94 ds certain proteins to the membrane surface (Fig. 1) [2,3*].
95 authors apologize for not acknowledging that Fig.
96 ued for 18 months after initiating therapy ( Fig 1 ).
97 mal mucosa also seen in the right ventricle (Fig 1).
98 e subunit of Moloney murine leukaemia virus (Fig.
99 , or reduced blood oxygen content/viscosity (Fig. 1).
100 adult height of 144.1 cm at age 13.3 years ( Fig 1 , point d).
101 reased stratification in the Antarctic zone (Fig.

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