


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1                                                             First, we used 50-Hz low-pass filtered speech envelopes and n
2                                                             First, we used a condition in which we provided visual cues i
3                                                             First, we used a standard glucose blood meter to detect two v
4                                                             First, we used a supervised machine-learning algorithm to pre
5                                                             First, we used a viral complementation system, in combination
6                                                             First, we used an in vitro binding assay to identify the TYK2
7                                                             First, we used an isogenic fibroblast cell lineage exhibiting
8                                                             First, we used an MRI approach to generate CBV maps over time
9                                                             First, we used as an instrument a single nucleotide polymorph
10                                                             First, we used B cell-deficient NOD mothers to eliminate the
11                                                             First, we used calcium dyes to resolve a highly localized ele
12                                                             First, we used cell lines with M1 (muscarinic) receptors that
13                                                             First, we used computer simulations to characterize mechanica
14                                                             First, we used cyclodextrins to measure the arrival of LDL ch
15                                                             First, we used D-M pairs from existing biomedical ontologies
16                                                             First, we used difference-in-difference-in-differences analys
17                                                             First, we used DNA microarrays to identify genes involved in
18                                                             First, we used fluorometry to measure the doxorubicin concent
19                                                             First, we used fMRI to identify the brain regions that were a
20                                                             First, we used high-throughput sequencing to analyze complete
21                                                             First, we used immunohistochemistry to chart organogenesis of
22                                                             First, we used laser capture microdissection to perform a gen
23                                                             First, we used mass spectrometry to ensure that charged PC/PG
24                                                             First, we used microsatellite markers to show that female new
25                                                             First, we used MRI to map cerebral blood volume, an establish
26                                                             First, we used NMR spectroscopy to show that Erk2-derived pep
27                                                             First, we used number and brightness (N&B) microscopy to char
28                                                             First, we used off-line SPE to remove interfering proteins an
29                                                             First, we used one typical disease risk-specific syntactic pa
30                                                             First, we used Openspritzer to deliver precise amounts of rea
31                                                             First, we used ordinary least squares (OLS) and logit models
32                                                             First, we used paired-coil transcranial magnetic stimulation
33                                                             First, we used peripheral nonresponsive CD8(low) T cells prod
34                                                             First, we used quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) to show t
35                                                             First, we used quantitative trait mapping in F2 progeny of B1
36                                                             First, we used random mutagenesis to create temperature-sensi
37                                                             First, we used scanning mutagenesis to identify and compare p
38                                                             First, we used suction electrode recordings from single rods
39                                                             First, we used the Daun02 inactivation procedure in male FosL
40                                                             First, we used the GeCKO library to identify genes essential
41                                                             First, we used the integrin alpha2A domain, a major collagen-
42                                                             First, we used the Mag-Fura fluorescent dye, which is sensiti
43                                                             First, we used the previously described allo-HLA-B*44:02 cros
44                                                             First, we used the ROSA Cre-reporter mice to establish the fe
45                                                             First, we used the xanthine-xanthine oxidase (X-XO) system to
46                                                             First, we used Vbeta-specific RT-PCR to show that there was n

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