


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  public domain in March, 2014, in English or French.
2  0.698 (0.638-0.754) and 0.652 (0.605-0.699; French), 0.775 (0.754-0.796) and 0.744 (0.720-0.768; Can
3 OZITHRO parallel-group trial conducted in 19 French academic transplant centers and involving partici
4 in the presence of NOx in the CESAM chamber (French acronym for "Chamber for Atmospheric Multiphase E
5 ve was to investigate healthy aging in older French adults 5 years after a period of daily nutritiona
6  a nationally representative sample of 2,754 French adults aged 18-74 years, served as the reference
7 tion was nominally replicated in Finnish and French African populations.
8 e des Hemopathies Malignes de Cote d'Or, and French Agence Nationale de la Recherche.
9 on data for 483 foods and beverages from the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational H
10 ocumented alabaster trade radiating from the French Alps.
11 ned the word morphologie, which inspired the French anatomist Cuvier (who established the field of co
12 34 mutations were identified in a proband of French ancestry; a missense (c.37G>A [p.Glu13Lys]) and a
13                         IgE reactivity of 18 French and 5 American patients with peanut allergy towar
14 .2% at 8 years, with no difference between 7-French and 8-French lead models.
15 en samples from Austria compared to British, French and Danish varieties.
16 conducting regulatory training exercises (in French and English) for country NRA staff, which used th
17 g, asthma, and atopy in a selected sample of French and Finnish children from the PASTURE study.
18 ty aroma compounds declined by 50-57% in the French and Italian wines over a 12-months period.
19                    Costs were computed using French and U.S. tariffs.
20  association was studied in two independent (French and UK) cohorts representing a total of 959 cases
21 stematically synthesize and analyze English, French, and Australian health technology assessments (HT
22  to locate studies published in the English, French, and Greek languages in any year.
23 es published before Jan 1, 2017, in English, French, and Spanish.
24  viral control in HIV-2 controllers from the French ANRS CO5 HIV-2 cohort.
25                                          The French ANRS-CO16 Lymphovir cohort enrolled 159 HIV-posit
26 pared with those reported from the FRANCE 2 (French Aortic National CoreValve and Edwards 2) registry
27 utcome and its determinants in the FRANCE-2 (FRench Aortic National CoreValve and Edwards) registry.
28 hain of events that led to a newly colonized French area nestled at the northern foot of the Pyrenees
29  a household tuberculosis contact study in a French area where the endemicity of tuberculosis is low.
30 sation to the end of the Cold War (1960-99), French assistance to newly independent states was affect
31 NPM1m who were treated in the Acute Leukemia French Association 0702 (ALFA-0702) trial, MRD evaluatio
32 rine-derived fungal strains collected on the French Atlantic coast was investigated by high performan
33 rganic carbon (SOC), as recently proposed by French authorities ahead of COP21 in the 'four per mil'
34   It also offers an opportunity to integrate French bean and soybean into genetic improvement program
35 ian brown and white beans, and one, each, of French bean and soybean were analysed for 19 nutrients.
36  leaves, amaranth leaves, fern/ota, okra and French bean).
37 f the national information system run by the French Biomedicine Agency (CRISTAL database).
38  immunoglobulin G (IgG) and IgM among 10,569 French blood donors living in mainland France and three
39                    In this study, we coupled French Breeding Bird Survey data, collected from 2133 si
40 enetic landscape associated with JBTS in the French Canadian (FC) population.
41 Analgesic delivery data from 173 patients in French, Canadian, American, and Australian and New Zeala
42 ngs of sCNSc caused by CARD9 deficiency in a French-Canadian cohort.
43                         We recruited a large French-Canadian family with a dominantly inherited late-
44                            They resemble the French-Canadian Leigh syndrome patients in having interm
45                                       In our French-Canadian series (n = 4) sCNSc had onset in adulth
46                                          The French-Canadian variant of COX-deficient Leigh syndrome
47 SP) sequenced at high coverage (>100x), 1976 French Canadians from the Montreal Heart Institute Bioba
48 diction, we studied the genomic diversity of French Canadians who colonized Quebec in the 17th centur
49 -control genotyping studies, we show that in French Canadians, the missense RAD51D variant c.620C>T;p
50 ely limited impact on the overall fitness of French Canadians, they could explain the higher prevalen
51 include immigrants such as Scandinavians and French Canadians; groups with continental admixture such
52 nd, placebo-controlled trial conducted in 13 French cardiac surgical centers.
53                                      For the French case, nutrient and contaminant content, bioavaila
54 rs Pediatriques (GEOCAP) Study, a nationwide French case-control study, was designed to avoid selecti
55 prove the surveillance of abortive events in French cattle.
56 fied in the rhodanese coding sequence in the French Caucasian population.
57 poreal membrane oxygenation were used in the French center than in both Australian centers (23.9 +/-
58 ropathy requiring hemodialysis treated at 48 French centers between July 2011 and June 2016; the fina
59 ith a diagnosis of HHT were recruited from 5 French centers from April 2014 to January 2015 with a 6-
60 f this prospective cohort study involving 35 French centers was to capture the whole spectrum of comp
61              A total of 343 patients from 13 French centers were included.
62 ion with ambulatory follow-up occurred in 17 French centers.
63 p between July 2007 and September 2014 in 14 French centers.
64 ins/siblings from the CF Twin-Sibling Study, French CF Modifier Gene Study, and Canadian Consortium f
65                   Endocrine Society, Ralph S French Charitable Foundation, and Broad Reach Foundation
66 tiated a prospective multicenter cohort: the French Childhood Immune Deficiency Long-term Cohort.
67 ered cases of hepatitis E were reported on a French coastal island.
68   Data were obtained from a population-based French cohort study, the Personnes Agees QUID (PAQUID) S
69 n probabilities were derived mainly from two French cohorts, CIRVIR and CHANGH.
70                                   During the French colonial period (1890s to 1950s), the Indigenous
71     Both approaches have historical roots in French colonialism and have led to successes and failure
72                  Data were obtained from 844 French community-dwelling elderly aged 65 or over.
73 nto a single database and to apply it to the French context.
74 rformed from the societal perspective in the French context.
75                                          The French contribution to global public health over the pas
76 SS from 2 French pSS cohorts and 585 healthy French control subjects.
77                                Data from the French COPD cohort 'INITIATIVES BronchoPneumopathie Chro
78  2 samples (Canadian, longitudinal, N = 520; French, cross-sectional, N = 830) found that, qualitativ
79 , which were identified in the retrospective French CryoVas survey.
80 uencing to identify the causal mutation in a French cSVD family.
81 egion of COL4A1, was identified in the large French cSVD family.
82 s study shows that the two traditional black French cultivars, Muscat de Hambourg and Alphonse Lavall
83 ates were present in both United Kingdom and French culture collections and had been isolated indepen
84  and will help improve the management of the French dairy goat breeding program.
85              Data were drawn from the latest French Decennial Health Survey, a nationwide cross-secti
86                                          The French DEFicit Immunitaire de l'adulte cohort provides d
87            Participants were recruited in 10 French Departments of Ophthalmology and their associated
88        Bioavailability was estimated in 1899 French diets using diet-based algorithms or food-group s
89 38 postmenopausal women participating in the French E3N (Etude Epidemiologique aupres de femmes de la
90 udy of asthma (Asthma-E3N) nested within the French E3N study (Etude Epidemiologique aupres de Femmes
91 vering the significant linkage region in 162 French Epidemiological Study on the Genetics and Environ
92 f Developmental Cell, Hori et al. (2017) and French et al. (2017) show that the centromere-associated
93 and Methods The protocol was approved by the French Ethics Committee for Animal Experiments.
94  performed on a panel of individuals from 12 French families affected by microcephaly and ophthalmic
95 ened by Sanger sequencing in a cohort of 310 French families with adRP.
96 mples of 580 cases and 589 controls from the French FARIVE study.
97                             METHODS AND R3F (French FFR Registry) and POST-IT (Portuguese Study on th
98 the Composition Nutritionnelle des Aliments (French food-composition table) nutrient-composition data
99 20, 40, and 60 milliequivalents (mEq) K] and French fries (40 mEq K) with potassium gluconate at the
100 olution during gastrointestinal digestion of French fries and chips; and the effectiveness of blanchi
101 re statistically similar (p-value=0.132) for French fries and lower than the initial values (before d
102 ption of boiled potatoes, fried potatoes, or French fries and risk of any CVD outcome.
103 lement or as unfried potato or 40 mEq K from French fries completed at phase 9.
104                                              French fries may be associated with increased risks of o
105                                              French fries were positively associated with adiposity i
106                                              French fries were positively associated with T2D in 3 of
107  association between potatoes (not including french fries) and adiposity was neutral in 2 studies and
108 mption (boiled potatoes, fried potatoes, and French fries) were 1.00 (0.97, 1.02) for major CVD event
109 f gastric digestion on acrylamide content of French Fries, chips, chicken nuggets, onions rings, brea
110            Two varieties more often used for French fries, Markies and Fontane, also produced crisps
111 nd Web of Science for articles in English or French from sub-Saharan Africa reporting dialysis outcom
112 d a full site by variety nested within type (French fry, boiling and crisping) by storage interaction
113   We included articles published in English, French, German and Greek discussing the use of consensus
114 conducted a genome wide association study in French goats and identified 109 regions associated with
115                                    Providing French GPs caring for adults at average risk of CRC with
116 34 000 trees from several permanent plots in French Guiana to investigate if soil characteristics cou
117 und that the site with the lowest fertility (French Guiana) exhibited greater rates of Rdark per unit
118                                           In French Guiana, despite the fixation of the K76T allele,
119 ainforest canopy trees, from 182 species, in French Guiana, Peru and Australia.
120 d and seasonally flooded forests in Peru and French Guiana.
121          Implementation of the 2011 national French guidelines led to a significant decrease in the a
122 er study included 27,540 adults with RD from French health care databases from July 1, 2010, through
123  who underwent cataract surgery at 1 of 1546 French health care facilities, public or private, and wh
124                                              French healthcare databases were screened to identify al
125               From January to March 2015, 25 French healthcare workers (HCWs) in Conakry, Guinea, vol
126                                     Thirteen French Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary-centers made commitment
127                                 Moroccan and French honeys from different geographical areas were cla
128  risk factors among patients followed in the French Hospital Database on HIV (FHDH) between 1992 and
129 uster randomized controlled trial within the French Hospital Database on HIV (FHDH-ANRS CO4).
130                In this cohort study from the French Hospital Database on HIV, each individual who swi
131 342 medical records that mentioned IA in the French Hospital Database on HIV.
132 ticenter, randomized, controlled trial at 31 French hospitals (NCT01508468).
133 pectively identified from the databases of 3 French hospitals from January 1, 1998, through December
134 lder than 45 years undergoing hip surgery at French hospitals were included.
135                                        Three French ICUs.
136 ed between July 2012 and February 2015 in 19 French ICUs.
137  By comparison with Portuguese Val30Met FAP, French Ile107Val, Ser77Tyr, and LateVal30Met FAP showed
138 h speakers who underwent a 12 week intensive French immersion training course, we investigated whethe
139 h speakers who underwent a 12 week intensive French immersion training course.
140 onducted through a nation-wide network of 63 French immunology laboratories.
141 : the US NHANES 2011-2012 (n = 7456) and the French Individual and National Survey on Food Consumptio
142 ed between May 2013 and September 2014 in 20 French intensive care units among 293 patients who had u
143                               According to a French intergroup study, two groups (ECX arm and FOLFIRI
144 es, economic inequality, and climate change, French international health assistance needs new directi
145 ya, passion fruit and pineapple from Reunion French Island.
146 asting with watering, Noisette) were used in French, Italian and USA cellars.
147 etween 1993 and 2012 were extracted from the French kidney transplant database.
148 etailed clinical and proteomics studies of a French kindred with a novel amyloidogenic fibrinogen Aal
149   BRAF(V600E) mutation was investigated in a French LCH cohort.
150 s, with no difference between 7-French and 8-French lead models.
151                             Thanks to unique French legislation established in 1917 for war orphans a
152 o generate first-ever occurrence data at the French level.
153  method with a current LCA method based on a French life cycle inventory database.
154 es, we demonstrate high levels of North-West French-like and West Norwegian-like ancestry within Irel
155  donor liver transplantation (BDLT) across 5 French liver transplant (LT) centers.
156                          With the use of the French medico-administrative databases (SNIIRAM and PMSI
157          In this large prospective cohort of French middle-aged women, participants with greater flav
158                                              French Ministry of Education, Research, and Technology,
159 ood Supply, Chest Heart and Stroke Scotland, French Ministry of Health.
160 ization was found to be more common in the 8-French model (12.3% versus 5.2%, P<0.0001) and was assoc
161 ospective, randomized, cross-over study in a French mood disorder unit for inpatients.
162                        We used the Tsukamoto-French mouse model, which involves continuous intragastr
163                                A prospective French multicenter database.
164 round antiretroviral combinations within the French Named Patient Program (NPP).
165      This cohort study was nested within the French National Agency for AIDS and Viral Hepatitis Rese
166 s on RIF-based antitubercular therapy in the French National Agency for HIV/AIDS and Viral Hepatitis
167  Grand Ouest, the GOELAMS/LYSA group and the French National Agency for Research (Investissements d'A
168  HIV/HCV-coinfected patients enrolled in the French National Agency for Research on AIDS and Viral He
169 th HCV and HIV, using the well-characterized French National Agency for Research on AIDS and Viral He
170 ropean FP7 "Translink" research program, the French National Agency of Research, Labex Transplantex,
171 nd biopsy-proven C3G were extracted from the French national database of C3G.
172  France, all referred to and followed at the French National FAP Reference Center from 1988 to 2010.
173 cember 31, 2011, for arthritis, according to French national health insurance databases.
174             Nationwide cohort study based on French National Health Insurance databases.
175 r older covered by the general scheme of the French national health insurance system who had undergon
176                 Data were extracted from the French National Health Service Database with internal an
177                                    Using the French National Hospital Discharge Database from January
178  were referred to specialized clinics of the French National Huntington Disease Reference Centre for
179 truction and Asthma Cohort; sponsored by the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research
180 nding-year national population data from the French National Institute of Statistics.
181 nitaires Hereditaires registry (CEREDIH; the French national PID registry) for the occurrence of auto
182                          The setting was the French National Reference Center for Rare Diseases and t
183 tional controlled study was conducted at the French National Reference Center for TTR-FAP from June 1
184 iagnosed with anti-NMDAR encephalitis at the French National Reference Centre, admitted to an ICU bet
185 468 consecutive patients of the 2004 to 2014 French National Referral Center for Q fever database.
186 s between January 2007 and April 2014 at the French National Referral Center for Q fever.
187 as a retrospective analysis of data from the French national registry CRISTAL including all patients
188 ssociated with reduced IR risk in HEPAVIH, a French nationwide cohort of HIV-HCV-coinfected patients.
189  METHODS AND The QIs were extracted from the French nationwide registries French Registry of Acute ST
190                      Method: Cross-sectional French nationwide retrospective study of patients screen
191  particles, coal and bulk Pb plate from past French Navy activities, seawater and mussels were collec
192  trial conducted between 2008 and 2014 in 21 French neonatal intensive care units.
193        In making a case for inclusion in the French newborn screening program, we explored the costs
194 ients was compared with age- and sex-matched French normal values by using the 36-item Short-Form Sur
195                            Compared with the French normal values, adults with PIDs scored significan
196 six months) barrel aging in new American and French oak barrels in regards to sensory characteristics
197 ecreased as the toast level increased in the French oak but this trend was not so clear in American o
198 P at 250, 450 and 650MPa for up to 45min and French oak chips (5g/L) were added.
199                                              French oak chips released significantly higher amounts o
200                                 This 6-month French observational, longitudinal, prospective study ai
201 ssess the knowledge and clinical attitude of French obstetricians and/or gynecologists regarding peri
202                 Periodontal knowledge of the French obstetricians and/or gynecologists surveyed seeme
203 nal study was performed on randomly selected French obstetricians and/or gynecologists using a self-a
204       The questionnaire was completed by 190 French obstetricians and/or gynecologists.
205 d on Dec 31, 2008, in all registries but the French ones (Dec 31, 2007).
206 l of 316,576 intravitreal injections from 25 French ophthalmic centers were included.
207 2003 and 2013, 53 were appraised by English, French, or Australian HTA agencies through May 2015.
208 s published on any date in English, Spanish, French, or Chinese.
209 isease; able to speak or understand English, French, or Dutch; able to access a telephone; and able t
210                          Studies in English, French, or Spanish comparing commercialized rapid tests
211                                          The French Paradox is an observation of a low prevalence of
212                      The cohort included all French patients aged 40 years or older covered by the ge
213 ates from uninfected diabetic foot ulcers in French patients harbor a prophage, ROSA-like, that is ab
214                               We compared 84 French patients with a control group of 110 Portuguese p
215 rately predict HCC at an individual level in French patients with HCV cirrhosis.
216 ober 15, 2012, through April 15, 2014, at 24 French pediatric EDs.
217 s aged 7 to 91 days admitted for fever to 15 French pediatric emergency departments was conducted for
218 ospectively collected electronic data from 7 French PEDs.
219 PCB contamination of three large, urbanized, French peri-alpine lakes.
220 nd randomized clinical trial at 13 level III French perinatal centers.
221 2011 in the national prospective multicenter French Perinatal Cohort (ANRS-EPF) received ART, deliver
222  Cases of chemotherapy-induced PVOD from the French PH network and literature were reviewed.
223 erapy-associated PVOD were identified in the French PH network and systematic literature analysis.
224 approach (sphincterotomy + placement of a 10-French plastic stent) in a large series of patients as w
225 rotomy and the placement of a large-bore (10-French) plastic stent.
226 cure until the recent explosive outbreaks in French Polynesia (2013-2014) and South America (2015-201
227 bstitution arose before the 2013 outbreak in French Polynesia and has been stably maintained during s
228 ad in the Pacific led to a large outbreak in French Polynesia commencing in 2013.
229      Between October, 2013, and April, 2014, French Polynesia experienced the largest Zika virus outb
230 a virus (ZIKV) disease outbreaks occurred in French Polynesia in 2013-2014 and in Brazil and Colombia
231  causing outbreaks in Micronesia in 2007 and French Polynesia in 2013-2014.
232 Yap, Federated States of Micronesia in 2007, French Polynesia in 2014, and most recently South Americ
233  cases were also observed retrospectively in French Polynesia in 2014.
234 ng the unexpected emergence of Zika virus in French Polynesia in late 2013.
235 ted a multi-year field experiment in Moorea, French Polynesia to estimate these properties.
236 95% confidence interval (CI): 63.5-86.3%) in French Polynesia which closely matches a previous serolo
237 ier de Polynesie Francaise (Papeete, Tahiti, French Polynesia) during the outbreak period.
238 ure of an infectious ZIKV (strain H/PF/2013, French Polynesia) in complex with the Fab fragment of a
239 ide marine protected areas of Moorea Island (French Polynesia), sound pressure level was positively c
240 lated the reported ZIKV infection cases from French Polynesia, Colombia and the State of Bahia of Bra
241  followed in 2013-14 by a larger epidemic in French Polynesia, south Pacific, where the first severe
242            Following the 2013-14 outbreak in French Polynesia, the Zika virus (ZIKV) epidemic spread
243  analysed data from a Zika virus outbreak in French Polynesia, which was the largest documented outbr
244 ass of Fakarava atoll-a biosphere reserve in French Polynesia-hosts an average of 600 reef sharks, tw
245 than suggested by simple extrapolations from French Polynesia.
246 rther massive outbreaks in New Caledonia and French Polynesia.
247 m depth on the outer barrier reef of Moorea, French Polynesia.
248 se from the 2013-2014 Zika virus epidemic in French Polynesia.
249 he estimated annual incidence of PVOD in the French population that have anal cancer is 3.9 of 1000 p
250       Incidence rates were compared with the French population, and risk factors were analyzed.
251 less-expensive food options than the average French population, both within a food group and for a gi
252 ns in PRPH2 account for 10.3% of adRP in the French population, which is higher than previously repor
253 study including 43,593 working adults from a French population-based sample aged 18-72 years (the CON
254  genetic differentiation between Rwandan and French populations of D. melanogaster.
255 and Embase for reports published in English, French, Portuguese, or Spanish before Aug 12, 2016, that
256 ) and high oleic sunflower oil (HOSO) during French potatoes frying at 180 degrees C was studied.
257 ted sampling strategy, representative of the French production allowed quantification of a large samp
258 d, structured questionnaire during an annual French professional congress.
259  patients with HCV cirrhosis enrolled in the French prospective ANRS CO12 CirVir cohort, 720 and 360
260 paring the samples to Algerian, Moroccan and French Protected Designation of Origin VOOs.
261  study involved 673 patients with pSS from 2 French pSS cohorts and 585 healthy French control subjec
262 in-induced, or heritable PAH enrolled in the French pulmonary hypertension registry between 2006 and
263      To investigate long-term morbidity, the French Reference Center for PIDs initiated a prospective
264 g allergen microarray and compared between 5 French regions according to the route of allergen exposu
265 racted from the French nationwide registries French Registry of Acute ST-Elevation or Non-ST-Elevatio
266                                              French research laboratory.
267 TAT (Sarcoidosis Treated with Anti-TNF) is a French retrospective and prospective multicenter observa
268 68 on chromosome 3q (p = 9.8 x 10(-6) in the French sample).
269                                       In the French sample, the correlation between AAO and trauma sc
270 The HIU catheter is an internally cooled, 14-French, side-facing catheter, integrated with A-mode ult
271 nd updated in December 2015, in the English, French, Spanish, and German languages looking for treatm
272              The search was done in English, French, Spanish, and Portuguese, and included terms rela
273 May 7, 2011, to May 27, 2016, of English- or French-speaking children who had been enrolled in the ra
274                   Canton of Vaud lies in the French-speaking, Western part of Switzerland.
275 free public health care to the colonies, and French State imperial humanitarianism crystallised in ve
276 ues, which were calculated and provided by a French supermarket chain, were merged with the Compositi
277 ean retrospective study was conducted by the French Surgical Association.
278                 Data of all patients from 32 French surgical centers who underwent liver resection fo
279    A self-reported questionnaire was sent to French survivors from September 1, 2005, to December 31,
280 derwent a geriatric assessment in one of two French teaching hospitals between 2007 and 2012.
281  an assessor-blinded case-control study in 6 French tertiary-care hospitals.
282 blished in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and French that mentioned at least one dimension of WHO's pa
283 n applied to 291 food samples from the first French total diet study on infants and toddlers.
284 n applied to 141 food samples from the first French total diet study on infants and toddlers.
285 e prospectively included in the FRANCE TAVI (French Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation) registry
286  heart transplant recipients referred from 4 French transplant centers (January 1, 2006-January 1, 20
287 FEL Cryptosporidium National Network and the French Transplantation Society, we collected all cryptos
288                    We measured pitting in 83 French travelers and 42 Malian children treated for mala
289 e findings highlight nutritional benefits of French tropical fruits and their possible interest to im
290 parallel-group clinical trial conducted in 9 French university and nonuniversity hospitals.
291 d trial at three intensive care units from a French university hospital between April 2014 and Februa
292 led from November 2011 to February 2015 at 2 French university hospitals.
293 nt cohort, with 420 patients included in the French validation cohort, 1436 patients in the Canadian
294                                        The 4-French vascular sheaths and 4F-catheters were introduced
295 itutional study of patients entered into the French Vitreoretinopathy Study Group database.
296                            We studied 49,443 French volunteers aged 18-74 years recruited during 2009
297 udies, meta-analyses, reviews) in English or French were considered for inclusion.
298 g time, as did woody volatiles, by 86-91% in French wines and 23-35% in Italian wines, while fruity a
299 distinction for the second profile where the French women endorsed slightly higher and lower scores f
300 l-characterized cohort of 20,625 middle-aged French workers who were followed from the 1990s until th

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