


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1 t of insulin deficiency on the expression of GALP by comparing levels of GALP mRNA between normal and
2 directly into the brain on the expression of GALP mRNA in fasted rats.
3 a significant reduction in the expression of GALP mRNA, which was reversed by treatment with either i
4 in stimulates the hypothalamic expression of GALP mRNA.
5 he expression of GALP by comparing levels of GALP mRNA between normal and diabetic animals.
6                       Hypothalamic levels of GALP mRNA were lower in animals after a 48-h fast, and c
7                        Galanin-like peptide (GALP) is produced in a small population of neurons in th
8 ling pathways in the brain, we reasoned that GALP neurons might also be responsive to changes in circ
9                   These results suggest that GALP neurons are direct targets for regulation by insuli

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