


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              GAP-43 protein was primarily located in excitatory neuro
2  LY 294002 prevented Akt phosphorylation and GAP-43 protein expression rise in NCX1.4 overexpressing
3 duced an increase in Akt phosphorylation and GAP-43 protein expression.
4 tions of axonally synthesized beta-actin and GAP-43 proteins.
5                                           F1/GAP-43 protein levels and mossy fiber sprouting showed a
6    Interestingly, alterations in hippocampal GAP-43 protein levels and phosphorylation state in respo
7 ansfected cells contained reduced amounts of GAP-43 protein and mRNA, and these levels remained low e
8 protein while increasing axonal synthesis of GAP-43 protein resulted in long axons with few branches.
9 protein while decreasing axonal synthesis of GAP-43 protein resulted in short highly branched axons.
10 -resistant constructs encoding beta-actin or GAP-43 proteins, but only if the mRNAs were targeted for
11 d N-Ras but not myristoylated G (alphai1) or GAP-43, proteins with N-terminal palmitoylation motifs.
12 inal palmitoylation signal, derived from the GAP-43 protein.

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