


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              GLAST and GLT-1 are localized primarily in astrocytes, w
2                                              GLAST immunoreactivity indicated no preferential localiz
3                                              GLAST immunoreactivity was low prenatally but became enr
4                                              GLAST staining was highest along the stratum pyramidale
5                                              GLAST was significantly reduced (33.8% +/- 8.1%, mean +/
6 tein of excitatory amino acid transporter 1 (GLAST), which is a major component of astrocytic glutama
7 sporter/excitatory amino acid transporter 1 (GLAST/EAAT1) in EAE cerebellum caused by protein downreg
8  Effects on mRNA expression of glial (GLT-1, GLAST) and neuronal (EAAC1) glutamate transporters in th
9                                       GLT-1, GLAST, and EAAC1 are high-affinity, Na(+)-dependent glut
10    Long-term lineage tracing in vivo using a GLAST::CreER(T2) conditional driver indicates that alpha
11                                 In addition, GLAST promoter activation was observed in oligodendrocyt
12 performed with polyclonal antibodies against GLAST and image analysis was carried out with the Image
13    However, in glioma cells, essentially all GLAST protein was found in cell nuclei rather than the p
14 on of glutamate (Glu) transporters GLT-1 and GLAST and attenuated Glu uptake (p < 0.01).
15 ein for the glutamate transporters GLT-1 and GLAST in unique tanycyte populations of the third ventri
16                      Reductions in GLT-1 and GLAST may increase the potential for glutamate-induced i
17 ange in cell morphology, increased GLT-1 and GLAST mRNA levels approximately 5-fold, increased GLAST
18 upts glutamate reuptake (decreased GLT-1 and GLAST mRNA).
19          Overall, these studies of GLT-1 and GLAST promoter activity, protein expression, and glutama
20 mical staining indicates that both GLT-1 and GLAST protein are expressed in the tanycyte populations
21         These studies suggest that GLT-1 and GLAST protein are regulated independently in astrocyte c
22    Tsc1 cKO mice exhibit decreased GLT-1 and GLAST protein expression.
23 f the glial glutamate transporters GLT-1 and GLAST was studied in primary cultures derived from corti
24 rn blotting demonstrated that both GLT-1 and GLAST were present at the cell surface.
25                                    GLT-1 and GLAST were significantly reduced in an experimental rat
26  astroglial glutamate transporters GLT-1 and GLAST, but not the neuronal transporter EAAC1, restrict
27  astroglial glutamate transporters GLT-1 and GLAST.
28 istry using specific antibodies to GLT-1 and GLAST.
29 d systemic strategy, abolished IL-1beta- and GLAST-dependent synaptopathy in EAE wild-type mice.
30 in the radial glial markers nestin, BLBP and GLAST and later in embryogenesis, the astroglial marker
31 e-dependent downregulation of GTs (EAAC1 and GLAST) in the rat's superficial spinal cord dorsal horn.
32 -III spectrin function by studying EAAT4 and GLAST knockout mice as well as crosses of both with beta
33 usceptible to the combined loss of EAAT4 and GLAST, with degeneration of proximal dendrites, the site
34 C6 glioma expressed EAAC1- but not GLT1- and GLAST-like immunoreactivity.
35 In cortical synaptosomes, EAAC1-, GLT1-, and GLAST-like immunoreactives were apparent.
36  Muller cells Kir2.1, Kir4.1, TASK-1, GS and GLAST expressions and attenuated the peak of inward pota
37 regulated Muller cell Kir4.1, TASK-1, GS and GLAST expressions and enhanced inward potassium currents
38 een identified, named EAAT1-5 in humans, and GLAST, GLT-1, EAAC1, EAAT4, and EAAT5 in rodents, respec
39 rface expression of transferrin receptor and GLAST transporter.
40 ted glutamate accumulation in the retina and GLAST downregulation induced by diabetes mellitus.
41       Increased expression of NFIA, SOX9 and GLAST at the wound site and in the ventricular zone (VZ)
42  including vimentin, nestin, Sox2, Sox9, and GLAST, but not others such as CD15 or GFAP.
43  amino acid transporter EAAT1 (also known as GLAST), but the underlying pathophysiological mechanism
44 NTPDase2 was located to the same membrane as GLAST, indicating that this enzyme is present in type I
45                       In primary astrocytes, GLAST protein levels were approximately one half of thos
46 utamate homeostasis by regulating astrocytic GLAST expression.
47  suggesting a weaker effect at GLT-1 than at GLAST.
48 ped a stellate morphology and expressed both GLAST and GLT-1; neurons expressed only the EAAC1 transp
49  the dBcAMP-treated cultures expressing both GLAST and GLT-1 showed an increase in glutamate uptake V
50 ion of transport in cultures expressing both GLAST and GLT-1, suggesting a weaker effect at GLT-1 tha
51  subtypes have been identified in rat brain; GLAST and GLT-1 are primarily astrocytic, whereas EAAC1
52 A less powerful accumulation of glutamate by GLAST than by GLT-1 cannot be used to explain the high g
53                       Glutamate transport by GLAST was found to be driven, as for GLT-1, by the cotra
54  by glutamate through a process triggered by GLAST activity and involving the actin cytoskeleton.
55 caused GLT-1 protein to decrease, and caused GLAST protein to increase.
56 ed cultures of neurons and astrocytes caused GLAST protein to increase approximately 2-fold.
57 otopic in situ hybridization, we demonstrate GLAST mRNA labeling in tanycytes of the ventral floor an
58 wed that cystine did not block Na+-dependent GLAST glutamate transporters (homologous to the transpor
59 ke hypoxia JAK/STAT inhibition downregulates GLAST expression without affecting GLT-1, as demonstrate
60                All of the cultures expressed GLAST in greater proportion than GLT-1.
61                                     Finally, GLAST, but not GLT-1, is expressed by specific layers of
62               Immunofluorescent labeling for GLAST in IHC supporting cells increased in intensity to
63                      Immunogold labeling for GLAST was greater overall in these cells in the 10 mm re
64                        Genotype profiles for GLAST; N-methyl-d-aspartate-receptor subunits NR1, NR2A,
65    NFIA is both necessary and sufficient for GLAST induction in the VZ.
66 re of GLAST, and examination of cochlea from GLAST-Discosoma red (DsRed) promoter reporter mice revea
67 of the astrocyte differentiation genes GFAP, GLAST and GS in the absence of extracellular aggrecan.
68                         In the pineal gland, GLAST is expressed by astrocytic cells near the pineal s
69                      In the pituitary gland, GLAST is likely expressed by folliculo-stellate cells in
70  Recently, four distinct cDNAs (EAAC1, GLT1, GLAST, and EAAT4) encoding Na+-dependent glutamate trans
71 logy and tissue distribution of EAAC1, GLT1, GLAST, and EAAT4, it appears that there are additional g
72  was unique among the subtypes; glycosylated GLAST increased with maturation, whereas nonglycosylated
73                In the adult CNS, the highest GLAST promoter activity was observed in radial glia, suc
74                                           In GLAST-CreERT2; R26-lsl-GCaMP3 mice, we demonstrate that
75           There was no significant change in GLAST after transection.
76 s of GLT-1 as well as qualitative changes in GLAST (glutamate/aspartate transporter) but no measurabl
77     There were no significant differences in GLAST or EAAC1 mRNA expression between MCAO and sham-ope
78 glutamate incubation produced an increase in GLAST expression at the astrocyte cell surface.
79 er birth, paralleled by a steady increase in GLAST immunoreactivity and protein content.
80          Neurons induced a small increase in GLAST protein.
81 As was observed with GLT-1, the increases in GLAST protein observed in cocultures were not blocked by
82  transporter 2) and were absent from IPCs in GLAST-/- cochleas.
83 inhibition of EAAT1, and its binding site in GLAST has been delineated in an elaborate mutagenesis st
84  mRNA levels approximately 5-fold, increased GLAST protein approximately 2-fold, and increased GLT-1
85          Kir4.1 was down regulated but KCC4, GLAST, microtubule bundles, connexin expression patterns
86 rs, we examined mGluR1 EPSCs in mice lacking GLAST (for glutamate-aspartate transporter; EAAT1) or EA
87 gely by carriers homologous to the mammalian GLAST/EAAT1 transporter.
88  TREK-1 proteins with the astrocytic markers GLAST and GFAP in rat hippocampal stratum radiatum.
89 nt with detection of the early glial markers GLAST and glutamine synthetase.
90 n in vitro and in vivo A novel mouse mutant (GLAST(CreERT2)::Cox10(flox/flox)) was generated, in whic
91 kainate, plus a trace amount of GLT1, but no GLAST.
92 tential therapeutic target to restore normal GLAST expression and uptake of glutamate after perinatal
93 hese results indicate that (i) EAAC1 but not GLAST or GLT1 transporters are expressed in C6 glioma, (
94 ut GLAST or blocking GLT-1 in the absence of GLAST greatly prolonged and enhanced the AMPA receptor-m
95 t GLAST, or blocking GLT-1 in the absence of GLAST, prolonged the EPSC when many parallel fibres were
96 nteracting protein decreases the affinity of GLAST transporters.
97 termini, increases the glutamate affinity of GLAST.
98      This study compares the distribution of GLAST and GLT-1 expression in the circumventricular orga
99                  The continued expression of GLAST by these neural progenitors raises the possibility
100 ults suggest that cell-surface expression of GLAST can be rapidly regulated by glutamate through a pr
101  and examined the differential expression of GLAST in the spiral ligament of the basal, middle, and a
102 ression of GLT-1 and increased expression of GLAST.
103 nvolved in modulating regional expression of GLAST.
104 cited by L-glutamate, a prominent feature of GLAST, and examination of cochlea from GLAST-Discosoma r
105 rs regulating the expression and function of GLAST and GLT-1 in their native cell type.
106 is a remarkable subcellular heterogeneity of GLAST and GLT-1 expression in the developing hippocampus
107 one (VZ) concomitantly with the induction of GLAST, an early marker of gliogenesis.
108 ures had 2- to 4-times increase in levels of GLAST and GLT-1-mRNA expression both before and after sc
109                              Yet the loss of GLAST appears to be independent of EAAT4 loss, highlight
110 per-excitability and that subsequent loss of GLAST, superimposed on the earlier deficiency of EAAT4,
111  dysfunction underpin the pathogenic loss of GLAST.
112 ay reduction of GLT-1 and mislocalization of GLAST.
113       The post-translational modification of GLAST was unique among the subtypes; glycosylated GLAST
114 aminar and subcellular expression profile of GLAST and GLT-1 in the developing postnatal mouse hippoc
115 d (l-trans-PDC) or by partial suppression of GLAST using siRNA interference.
116 a changed with a gradient similar to that of GLAST labeling.
117 ity of EAAC1 and GLT-1 compared with that of GLAST.
118 f several residues in TM3, TM4c, and TM7a of GLAST have detrimental effects on the inhibitory potency
119 are absent from the choroid plexus, and only GLAST mRNA is found in the subcommisural organ.
120     Compared with astrocytes expressing only GLAST, the dBcAMP-treated cultures expressing both GLAST
121 [(3)H]l-glutamate uptake in OLs than GLT1 or GLAST.
122 ially directed glial processes (vimentin- or GLAST-immunolabeled fibers) spanning through the CC.
123 er subtype 1 (EAAT1) and its rodent ortholog GLAST are elucidated.
124 mall number of parallel fibres, knocking out GLAST or blocking GLT-1 in the absence of GLAST greatly
125                                 Knocking out GLAST, or blocking GLT-1 in the absence of GLAST, prolon
126 targeted expression to the nestin(+)/Pax6(+)/GLAST(+) radial glial cells and Tbr2(+) intermediate pro
127 he lamina terminalis, and the area postrema, GLAST is strongly expressed, whereas GLT-1 is faintly ex
128 replicated EAE modifications through a rapid GLAST/EAAT1 downregulation, whereas incubation of an IL-
129  mice cerebral cortex also displayed reduced GLAST and GLT-1 expression.
130 t to other studies with non-human specimens, GLAST was expressed in the spiral ligament fibrocytes bu
131                                   The strong GLAST expression by the ventral tanycytes in the hypophy
132 glial-specific glutamate transporter subtype GLAST.
133                     These data indicate that GLAST in supporting cells is responsible for transmitter
134 ural progenitors raises the possibility that GLAST may have an unanticipated role in regulating their
135                      These results show that GLAST is the primary glutamate transporter in the circum
136                    Our data also showed that GLAST expression significantly differs in the basal and
137                                          The GLAST promoter is active in both radial glia and many as
138 y murine astrocyte cultures that express the GLAST (EAAT1) and GLT-1 (EAAT2) transporter subtypes.
139 post-hoc analysis showed a difference in the GLAST immunoreactive area of patients with Meniere's dis
140 nslocation through the other monomers in the GLAST trimer.
141 rotein and the last eight amino acids of the GLAST C-terminus, which have some similarity to the PDZ
142  interactions of the C- and N-termini of the GLAST glutamate transporter with other proteins, we dial
143 crevice in the "trimerization domain" of the GLAST monomer, and the inhibitor is demonstrated to inhi
144 ed astrocyte monocultures expressed only the GLAST subtype.
145                                 Removing the GLAST C-terminus interaction increases the transporter c
146                                         This GLAST mRNA labeling had a higher intensity than the labe
147                                        Thus, GLAST and GLT-1 curtail the EPSC produced by a single st
148 ve been cloned from animal and human tissue: GLAST (EAAT1), GLT-1 (EAAT2), EAAC1 (EAAT3), EAAT4, and
149 oduction (glutaminase), glutamate transport (GLAST, GLT-1 and EAAT-1), glutamate metabolism (glutamat
150 ransporters (glutamate/aspartate transporter GLAST, Na(+)/Cl(-) transporter NTT4/Rxt1), enzymes (aryl
151 Bergmann glia-specific glutamate transporter GLAST was reduced in Gfa2-SCA7 mice and was associated w
152 predominant cerebellar glutamate transporter GLAST, expressed in Bergmann glia, only fall progressive
153  affect the astrocytic glutamate transporter GLAST, nor did it block glutamate release via the P2X(7)
154 c stoichiometry of the glutamate transporter GLAST, which is the major glutamate transporter expresse
155 ions of the glutamate-aspartate transporter (GLAST or excitatory amino acid transporter 1), vesicular
156 ransporters glutamate-aspartate transporter (GLAST) and glutamate transporter 1 (GLT-1) are reduced.
157             Glutamate/aspartate transporter (GLAST) and glutamate transporter-1 (GLT-1) are the most
158 ansporters, glutamate-aspartate transporter (GLAST) and glutamate transporter-1 (GLT-1), which are es
159 GS) and L-Glutamate/L-Aspartate Transporter (GLAST) functions.
160         The glutamate-aspartate transporter (GLAST) has been shown to exist and function within non-h
161 so known as glutamate aspartate transporter (GLAST) in rodents, is one of two glial glutamate transpo
162 transporter glutamate/aspartate transporter (GLAST) were also determined.
163 y targeting glutamate-aspartate transporter (GLAST), a crucial glial transporter involved in glutamat
164 t the glial glutamate/aspartate transporter (GLAST), the transduction pathway proteins phospholipase
165 f the glial glutamate-aspartate transporter (GLAST), which causes an enhancement of the glutamatergic
166 y targeting glutamate aspartate transporter (GLAST)-expressing cells, replicates such alterations.
167 cosoma red [glutamate-aspartate transporter (GLAST)] and green fluorescent protein [glutamate transpo
168 vels of another glial glutamate transporter, GLAST.
169 ed in rat, including astroglial transporters GLAST and GLT-1 and a neuronal transporter EAAC1.
170             The glial glutamate transporters GLAST and GLT-1 are primarily responsible for the remova
171 e show that the glial glutamate transporters GLAST and GLT-1 limit the activation of Purkinje cell AM
172     The loss of glial glutamate transporters GLAST or GLT-1 produced elevated extracellular glutamate
173 ice lacking the glial glutamate transporters GLAST or GLT-1, the ischaemia-evoked AD current was indi
174 roduced by glutamate-aspartate transporters (GLAST) (excitatory amino acid transporter 1) because the
175 ltures expressed the two glial transporters, GLAST and GLT-1, while none of the cultures expressed th
176                  Two glutamate transporters, GLAST (EAAT-1) and GLT-1 (EAAT-2), were studied by immun
177  of the electrogenic glutamate transporters, GLAST, GLT-1, and EAAC-1, was quantitated by the reverse
178               Two of the three transporters, GLAST (EAAT1) and EAAC1 (EAAT3), are localized to microc
179 rgic and GABAergic transmissions, along with GLAST/EAAT1 normalization, milder inflammation, and redu
180 nexpectedly in a nonoverlapping pattern with GLAST.

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