


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 mpletely, despite considerable homology with Gli3.
2 ains by the opposing activities of Hand2 and Gli3.
3 ich can be rescued by reducing the dosage of Gli3.
4 aling triggers the dissociation of Sufu from Gli3.
5 on of either repressor or activator forms of Gli3.
6 c and Shh, and reduced expression domains of Gli3.
7 ndance of the transcription factors GLI1 and GLI3.
8 ivating transcriptional regulators, GLI2 and GLI3.
9 vement of the binding site around its ligand GLI3.
10 t in primary cilia where it colocalizes with Gli3.
11 H activation by suppressing the induction of GLI3.
12 ary cilia and elevated levels of full-length Gli3.
13 rom a poised to an active chromatin state at GLI3.
14 s enhanced ligase recruitment and stimulates Gli3(1-90) ubiquitination in in vitro ubiquitination ass
15 the Hedgehog transcriptional regulator Gli3 (Gli3(1-90)) to determine the role of weak motifs encoded
16                  We map three such motifs in Gli3(1-90), the weakest of which has a millimolar dissoc
17 dgehog pathway-driven cancers and uncover in Gli3 a therapeutic target to treat these malignancies.
18 GLI3 transcriptional activators (GLI2(A) and GLI3(A)) and repressors (GLI2(R) and GLI3(R)) carry out
19                                 Mutations in GLI3, a component of the Sonic Hedgehog (Shh) signaling
20                                              GLI3, a mediator of hedgehog signaling, is a genetic cau
21 ion and directly suppresses the induction of GLI3, a negative regulator of SHH signaling.
22 ing, which upregulates the truncated form of GLI3, a repressor of sonic hedgehog (SHH).
23        Analysis of the mechanisms identified GLI3, a transcription factor regulated by the Hedgehog p
24 localization and transcriptional activity of GLI3, a transcriptional effector molecule of SHH, in can
25                  First, DZIP1 interacts with GLI3, a transcriptional regulator for Hedgehog signaling
26 ffects of Nestin were mediated by binding to Gli3, a zinc finger transcription factor that negatively
27 ve GLI3(R) in the absence of normal Gli2 and Gli3 abrogates neurogenesis.
28 ng were disrupted in talpid(2) mutants, only GLI3 activator levels were significantly altered in the
29 ivity and normalizes aberrant Gli3 repressor/Gli3 activator ratios observed in Gli3+/- embryos.
30         This may contribute to the increased Gli3 activator/repressor ratios found in IFT mutants.
31 tein trafficking, and the regulation of Gli2/Gli3 activators and repressors.
32 distribution, timing, and dosage of GLI2 and GLI3 activators and repressors.
33                   The requirement of Shh and Gli3 activities to promote the timely appearance of moto
34 onnecting the MID1-PP2A protein complex with GLI3 activity control.
35                  In this study, we show that Gli3 activity in the FL stroma is required for B cell de
36                           Here, we show that Gli3 acts as a repressor in the developing murine calvar
37 ed by loss of Gli3, we conditionally deleted Gli3 after patterning was complete in mouse.
38 , and four subjects had somatic mutations in GLI3, an Shh pathway gene associated with HH.
39 a reduction in the expression of Irx3, Irx5, Gli3 and Alx4, all of which are upregulated in Hand2 lim
40 pressor function of Brg was mediated through Gli3 and both the repressor and activator functions of B
41 d the mammalian kinesin Kif7 can also direct Gli3 and Ci processing in fly, underscoring a fundamenta
42                           We found that both GLI3 and GLI1 bind to the pluripotency factor NANOG.
43                                              GLI3 and GLI2 are the transcriptional mediators generall
44 ntagonistic actions of transcription factors Gli3 and Hand2.
45 p suppresses activation of HSCs by targeting Gli3 and its expression is regulated by Smo-dependent NF
46    Early Wnt expression in the ZLI regulates Gli3 and L-fng to generate a permissive territory in whi
47  confirmed the expression of Zic1, Gli1, and Gli3 and other related key signaling mediators in osteob
48 stellate cells (HSCs), reduces expression of Gli3 and profibrotic genes but induces gfap, the inactiv
49 uced SUFU stability and its capacity to bind GLI3 and promote its cleavage into the repressor form GL
50 imb digit number via its modifying effect on Gli3 and Shh expression levels.
51         We show that the interaction between Gli3 and Suppressor of Fused (Sufu) regulates the format
52 the nascent limb bud mesenchyme by impacting Gli3 and Tbx3 expression.
53 methylated, including TERT and the oncogenes GLI3 and TP73.
54 through both downregulation of the truncated GLI3 and upregulation of full-length GLI3 expression.
55  an increase in Wnt8a and decreases in Gli2, Gli3, and Shh RNA levels.
56  appear to alter expression or processing of Gli3, and we demonstrate that transcriptional regulation
57 alon depends on interactions between Shh and Gli3, and, moreover, demonstrate that both Shh and Gli3
58 escue of the polydactylous phenotype seen in Gli3+/- animals.
59 n mouse, here we show that functional 5'Hoxd-Gli3 antagonism acts indirectly, through Bmp signalling
60 isms that stabilize and destabilize Gli2 and Gli3 are essential for the proteins to promptly respond
61 cordingly, inactivating variants in GLI2 and GLI3 are found in several developmental disorders.
62 n to mouse mutants to establish that SHH and Gli3 are indeed necessary for mammalian mouth developmen
63 ing of Fgf/Wnt expression; thus both Shh and Gli3 are independently required to suppress it.
64             We propose that 5'Hoxd genes and Gli3 are part of an interdigital signalling centre that
65                                     Gli2 and Gli3 are primary transcriptional regulators that mediate
66 ing of skeletal muscle repair and identifies Gli3 as a potential target for regenerative medicine.
67 TCH1 and GLI-Kruppel family members Gli1 and Gli3 as part of a potential molecular network associated
68  of IFT122 leads to accumulation of Gli2 and Gli3 at cilia tips while blocking the ciliary localizati
69 of the dorsal markers and Wnt targets, Pax6, Gli3, Axin2.
70 on assays show that the transcription factor GLI3 binds to the DR4 promoter and Hh requires an intact
71 immunoprecipitation assays demonstrated that GLI3 binds to the VMP1 promoter and complexes with the h
72                            Nestin binding to Gli3 blocked Gli3 phosphorylation and its subsequent pro
73 does not lead to accumulation of full-length Gli3, but instead renders it labile, leading to its prot
74 nterfering RNA (siRNA)-targeted knockdown of GLI3, but not GLI1 or GLI2, restores DR4 expression and
75  both the full-length and repressor forms of Gli3, but not Gli2, were up-regulated in Spop mutants, a
76 s Hedgehog [Hh] pathway transcription factor Gli3) by immunofluorescence microscopy; and cilia functi
77               Gli3(-/-) cells segregate from Gli3(+/+) cells to form many abnormal structures particu
78                                We found that Gli3(-/-) cells are present in all components of the Gli
79  are likely to be autonomous by studying how Gli3(-/-) cells develop when surrounded by a majority of
80                                              Gli3(-/-) cells in some locations are misspecified: in t
81                                              Gli3(-/-) cells segregate from Gli3(+/+) cells to form m
82 n cell autonomous defects and defects in the Gli3(-/-) cells that surround them.
83 resent in all components of the Gli3(-/-)<-->Gli3(+/+) chimeric forebrain, including dorsomedial stru
84 nsduction at the tip of cilia and preventing Gli3 cleavage into a repressor form in the presence of H
85 rovide direct genetic evidence that Gli2 and Gli3 collectively mediate all major aspects of Ihh funct
86 llectively, these observations indicate that Gli3 contributes to vessel growth under both ischemic an
87      Furthermore, reduction of GLI2, but not GLI3, decreased the expression of both SOX9 and OPN, whe
88 ing conditional knockout mice, we found that Gli3 deficiency in endothelial cells did not affect isch
89 ischemic muscle repair, whereas in myocytes, Gli3 deficiency resulted in severely delayed ischemia-in
90 ription is increased in B-lineage cells from Gli3-deficient FL and showed that these cells expressed
91  Pax5 was reduced in developing B cells from Gli3-deficient FL but increased in Shh-deficient FL, and
92                                       In the Gli3-deficient FL, B cell development was reduced at mul
93 ion was increased in developing B cells from Gli3-deficient FLs.
94                                              Gli3-deficient mice also displayed reduced capillary den
95  in aberrant osteoblastic differentiation in Gli3-deficient mouse (Gli3(Xt-J/Xt-J)) and resulted in c
96 gs, forced Spop expression promotes Gli2 and Gli3 degradation and Gli3 processing.
97 l interfering RNA-mediated downregulation of Gli3 delayed tube formation (Matrigel), and Western anal
98 repressor expressed by a Gli3 mutant allele (Gli3(Delta699)) can mostly rescue the ventralized neural
99 ric nervous system was studied in Sufu(f/f), Gli3(Delta699), Wnt1-Cre, and Sox10(NGFP) mice using imm
100 ts the mitogenic sonic hedgehog pathway in a Gli3-dependent manner while enhancing retinoic acid sign
101 ield and preaxial polydactyly in a Gli1- and Gli3-dependent manner.
102 er, these findings suggest that dysregulated GLI3-dependent SHH signaling contributes to phenotypes o
103 ly, disrupt a Mediator-imposed constraint on GLI3-dependent Sonic Hedgehog (SHH) signaling.
104  during this early phase interferes with the Gli3-dependent specification of anterior progenitors, di
105  dorso-ventral patterning function through a Gli3-derepression mechanism, Shh signaling is additional
106                         In fact, full-length Gli3 disappears with faster kinetics than the Gli3 repre
107 in glial cell production, removal of Gli2 or Gli3 does not alter adult SVZ neurogenesis.
108       Consistent with this finding, reducing Gli3 dosage greatly rescued the Spop mutant skeletal def
109 ulting Gli2(DeltaCLRKI) and Gli2(DeltaCLRKI);Gli3 double mutants resemble Gli2-null and Gli2;Gli3 dou
110 3 double mutants resemble Gli2-null and Gli2;Gli3 double mutants, respectively, suggesting the lack o
111                  Genetic studies of Shh(-/-);Gli3(-/-) double mutants indicated that the inhibition o
112 ddition of exogenous laminin-111 to Shh(-/-);Gli3(-/-) embryos restores the myotomal basement membran
113                                           In Gli3(-/-) embryos the dorsal telencephalon is abnormally
114  repressor/Gli3 activator ratios observed in Gli3+/- embryos.
115  downstream of HAND2 to refine the posterior Gli3 expression boundary.
116 quire differentiated status as they turn off Gli3 expression during neurogenesis.
117                                Subsequently, Gli3 expression is not repressed posteriorly, Shh expres
118 ancer Genome Atlas AML data set reveals that GLI3 expression is silenced in most AML patient samples,
119                 We demonstrate that Zic3 and Gli3 expression overlap in developing limbs and that Zic
120 uncated GLI3 and upregulation of full-length GLI3 expression.
121               Mutant mice with no functional Gli3 (extra-toes, Gli3(Xt/Xt) mutants) display a massive
122 lso significantly impaired in HSA-Cre(ERT2); Gli3(Flox/Flox) mice, demonstrating that impaired myogen
123 ) ubiquitin ligase complex, targets Gli2 and Gli3 for degradation and negatively regulates Hedgehog (
124                               GLI1, GLI2 and GLI3 form a family of transcription factors which regula
125  of Hedgehog pathway stimulation to create a Gli3 fragment that opposes the activity of the full-leng
126 evelopment, post-translational processing of Gli3 from activator to repressor antagonizes and posteri
127 gulator for Hedgehog signaling, and prevents GLI3 from entering the nucleus.
128 p in developing limbs and that Zic3 converts Gli3 from repressor to activator in vitro.
129 eins) results in destabilization of Gli2 and Gli3 full-length activators but not of their C-terminall
130 ucing Sufu into the MEFs stabilizes Gli2 and Gli3 full-length proteins and rescues Gli3 processing.
131 ts (MEFs) can restore the levels of Gli2 and Gli3 full-length proteins, but not those of their repres
132  FL showed increased B cell development, and Gli3 functioned to repress Shh transcription.
133 erved for SNPs in the EDAR, DCHS2, RUNX2 and GLI3 genes, respectively.
134 ncoding the zinc finger transcription factor GLI3 (GLI-Kruppel family member 3) have been identified
135                      In contrast to Gli2 and Gli3, Gli1 is sparse in HSCs and is not increased upon a
136 on of the Hedgehog transcriptional regulator Gli3 (Gli3(1-90)) to determine the role of weak motifs e
137 fering with early prepatterning functions of Gli3/Gli3R or specification of anterior progenitors.
138                                  METHODS AND Gli3-haploinsufficient (Gli3(+/-)) mice and their wild-t
139                                              Gli3 has multiple weak SPOP binding motifs.
140 (SAG) increased levels of Ptch1, Gli1, Gli2, Gli3, Hes1 and Hes5, and stimulated the formation of pro
141 xpression of miR-378a-3p, directly targeting Gli3 in activated hepatic stellate cells (HSCs), reduces
142                         Although the role of Gli3 in embryonic patterning has been extensively studie
143 ning and exhibits a genetic interaction with Gli3 in limb development.
144                                  The role of Gli3 in myocytes was then further investigated.
145 oligodendrocyte cell fates via repression of Gli3 in progenitors.
146      These findings suggest a novel role for Gli3 in regulating calvarial suture development by contr
147               Loss of one functional copy of Gli3 in Shh nulls rescues ventricular collapse and subst
148                      Significantly, removing Gli3 in Smo conditional mutants largely rescues neurogen
149 e proteasome partially degrades or processes Gli3 in the absence of Hedgehog pathway stimulation to c
150 he role of the hedgehog transcription factor Gli3 in the cross-talk between angiogenesis and myogenes
151  In the absence of signaling, Sufu restrains Gli3 in the cytoplasm, promoting its processing into a r
152 th Dnchc2 and Wdr34 act between Smo and Gli2/Gli3 in the Hh pathway.
153                    By conditionally removing Gli3 in the limb at multiple different time points, we u
154 the neural tube, revealing a crucial role of Gli3 in the maintenance of neural patterning.
155             Importantly, the accumulation of GLI3 in the nucleus is independent of loss of primary ci
156 bx3, and shifted and delayed upregulation of Gli3 in the prospective limb bud field.
157  inversely correlated with the expression of Gli3 in tumour and non-tumour tissues in human hepatocel
158         Knockdown of p300 impaired KRAS- and GLI3-induced activation of this promoter.
159                     We propose that the Sufu-Gli3 interaction is a major control point in the Hedgeho
160                                        Since GLI3 is a more effective repressor, our results explain
161 ventral patterning of the telencephalon when Gli3 is also removed.
162 regulated, and the proteolytic processing of Gli3 is compromised.
163         The zinc finger transcription factor Gli3 is essential for normal development of the forebrai
164 ed in dual Ihh;Gli3 mutants, suggesting that Gli3 is normally a negative regulator of symphyseal deve
165                         Our data reveal that Gli3 is required at the neural plate stage to regulate W
166                                    Moreover, Gli3 is required for maintaining the cortical progenitor
167 effective repressor, our results explain why GLI3 is required only for anterior limb patterning and w
168  demonstrate that RA-mediated suppression of GLI3 is sufficient to generate MNs in an SHH-independent
169  that an important cell autonomous action of Gli3 is to regulate the competence of dorsal telencephal
170                   In addition, we found that Gli3 is upregulated in proliferating myoblasts by the ce
171                                 Furthermore, GLI3 knock-out hESCs can bypass the requirement for earl
172  assembly and shortly after the Hh effector, Gli3, leaves the cilium.
173 al renal defects observed in humans with the GLI3-linked disease Pallister-Hall syndrome.
174 ilenced in most AML patient samples, and the GLI3 locus is abnormally methylated.
175 ) cells are present in all components of the Gli3(-/-)&lt;-->Gli3(+/+) chimeric forebrain, including dor
176 st that Zic1, perhaps together with Gli1 and Gli3, may act as a link between mechanosensing and Wnt s
177 ple different time points, we uncovered four Gli3-mediated functions in limb development that occur a
178 ntricular ejection fractions were reduced in Gli3(+/-) mice compared to wild-type mice after surgical
179          METHODS AND Gli3-haploinsufficient (Gli3(+/-)) mice and their wild-type littermates were phy
180 portantly, the Gli3 repressor expressed by a Gli3 mutant allele (Gli3(Delta699)) can mostly rescue th
181  in cultivated mouse embryos and of Emx2 and Gli3 mutant embryos revealed that ectopic Fgf8 signallin
182                                           In Gli3 mutant mice, Zic3 loss of function abrogates ectopi
183                    Accordingly, the Shh(-/-);Gli3(-/-) mutant spinal cord exhibits a delay in motor n
184             Further analysis of compound Shh;Gli3 mutants revealed an unexpected type of signaling ce
185                                       In Shh;Gli3 mutants, adjacent rings of Fgf8 and Wnt3a expressio
186 iferation was partially restored in dual Ihh;Gli3 mutants, suggesting that Gli3 is normally a negativ
187  lost in Shh null and expanded anteriorly in Gli3 mutants.
188  developing Gli3(-/-) telencephalic cells in Gli3(-/-) mutants result from a combination of their own
189  are initiated in normal numbers in Shh(-/-);Gli3(-/-) mutants, the subsequent appearance of motor ne
190                                    Zic3 null;Gli3+/- neonates show rescue of the polydactylous phenot
191 asing the stability of the repressor form of GLI3, one of the transcription factors that ultimately r
192                                              Gli3, one of three vertebrate Gli transcription factors
193  binding to the N- and C-terminal regions of Gli3 or the C-terminal region of Gli2.
194 ver, promoter-reporter assays indicated that Gli3 overexpression does not modulate Gli-dependent tran
195 nd promoter activity of VMP1 upstream of the GLI3-p300 complex.
196  The effect of the Xs(J) mutation on the SHH/GLI3 pathway was analyzed by in situ hybridization analy
197               Nestin binding to Gli3 blocked Gli3 phosphorylation and its subsequent proteolytic proc
198 uled out, nor has it been determined whether Gli3 plays distinct roles in limb development at differe
199 nd betaTrCP/Cul1 are required for endogenous Gli3 processing and that this is inhibited by Hh.
200  to increases in cellular cAMP levels and in Gli3 processing into its repressor form.
201 the cilium and the consequent suppression of Gli3 processing into its repressor form.
202 clear localization of Gli2, induces Gli2 and Gli3 processing into repressor forms, and activates cAMP
203                                              Gli3 processing is inhibited when any one component of t
204                       Although both GLI2 and GLI3 processing were disrupted in talpid(2) mutants, onl
205 n addition, anterior limb buds show aberrant Gli3 processing, consistent with perturbed SHH/GLI3 sign
206 i2 and Gli3 full-length proteins and rescues Gli3 processing.
207 ssion promotes Gli2 and Gli3 degradation and Gli3 processing.
208 cells, adenovirus-mediated overexpression of Gli3 promoted migration (modified Boyden chamber), small
209  by direct binding of the RA receptor at the GLI3 promoter.
210                                We found that Gli3 promotes myoblast differentiation through myogenic
211         Chromatin immunoprecipitation of DNA-Gli3 protein complexes from limb buds indicated that Gli
212 tant for proper activator/repressor ratio of Gli3 protein in mice, both in the presence and absence o
213 nal cord, likely through protecting Gli2 and Gli3 proteins from degradation.
214  recent findings that Sufu protects Gli2 and Gli3 proteins from proteasomal degradation.
215 nd, conversely, expression of a constitutive GLI3(R) in the absence of normal Gli2 and Gli3 abrogates
216                            Thus unattenuated GLI3(R) is a primary inhibitor of adult SVZ NSC function
217 (A) and GLI3(A)) and repressors (GLI2(R) and GLI3(R)) carry out SHH signaling has not been addressed.
218  partial gliosis results from an increase in GLI3(R).
219     This study shows for the first time that Gli3-regulated postnatal myogenesis is necessary for mus
220 nditions and provide the first evidence that Gli3 regulates angiogenesis and endothelial cell activit
221                                              GLI3 regulates autophagy as well as the expression and p
222                   In addition, we found that Gli3 regulates several proangiogenic factors, including
223 iquitination and proteasomal cleavage of the GLI3 regulator Fu.
224 hat mediate the interaction between MID1 and GLI3 remained unknown.
225 tivator, either alone or in combination with Gli3 removal.
226 oordination of Wnt and SHH signaling through GLI3 represents a novel mechanism that regulates ventral
227 o the DR4 promoter and Hh requires an intact GLI3-repression activity to silence DR4 expression.
228  inhibition by transient transfection of the Gli3 repressor (Gli3R) downregulated Gli1 and Gli2 expre
229 ble mutants indicated that the inhibition of Gli3 repressor activity by Shh is sufficient for the gen
230 n and colleagues show that tightly regulated GLI3 repressor activity is essential for Shh-dependent d
231 ties, we reveal an important contribution of Gli3 repressor activity to the Hh pathway activation and
232 n addition, using the Gli1 null allele and a Gli3 repressor allele, we reveal a specific genetic requ
233 icant downregulation in the formation of the GLI3 repressor and increase in the ventral neuronal mark
234  of Sufu mutant embryos, indicating that the Gli3 repressor can function independently of Sufu.
235                        More importantly, the Gli3 repressor expressed by a Gli3 mutant allele (Gli3(D
236  further show that Spop directly targets the Gli3 repressor for ubiquitination and degradation.
237 naling by turning off PKA activity and hence Gli3 repressor formation.
238  and reveals the unexpected Sufu-independent Gli3 repressor function.
239  Hh pathway suppression by expression of the GLI3 repressor in GLI1+ myofibroblast progenitors limite
240                   Constitutive expression of GLI3 repressor in Ptch1-deficient mice rescued ectopic P
241 ing genes that are normally inhibited by the Gli3 repressor is anteriorly expanded in mutant limbs.
242                  We find that removal of the Gli3 repressor is dispensable for intestinal development
243 ous work has shown that de-repression of the Gli3 repressor is the predominant mode through which Ihh
244            Finally, by altering the level of Gli3 repressor on a background of reduced Gli activator
245 pathway; however, an increase in the protein Gli3 repressor reveals abnormal Hedgehog (Hh) signaling
246 li3 disappears with faster kinetics than the Gli3 repressor, the latter not requiring SPOP/Cul3 or be
247  polarizing activity and normalizes aberrant Gli3 repressor/Gli3 activator ratios observed in Gli3+/-
248 as seen with dysfunction of primary cilia or Gli3-repressor.
249                         Ablation of Gli2 and Gli3 revealed a minor role for GLI2(R) and little requir
250 P53, ARID1A and CDH1) and new (MUC6, CTNNA2, GLI3, RNF43 and others) significantly mutated driver gen
251                      Therefore, we generated Gli3;Runx2 compound mutant mice to study the effects of
252 i3 processing, consistent with perturbed SHH/GLI3 signaling.
253 he phenotype is associated with aberrant SHH/GLI3 signaling.
254                              Neither Shh nor Gli3 single mutants show this forebrain double ring of F
255  remaining posterior limb patterning seen in Gli3 single mutants.
256 troporation experiments demonstrate that the Gli3, specifically Gli3R, is critical for specifying the
257  new insight into the regulation of Gli2 and Gli3 stability and processing by Sufu and Spop, and reve
258 nction of a Kif7/Sufu complex that regulates Gli3 stability and processing.
259 tein complexes from limb buds indicated that Gli3 strongly binds to the Has2 promoter region, suggest
260  and searched for mutation(s) in GLI1, GLI2, GLI3, SUFU, and SOX10.
261 n efficiency for its physiological substrate Gli3, suggesting that nuclear speckles are hotspots of u
262 and, moreover, demonstrate that both Shh and Gli3 suppress a potential Fgf/Wnt signaling source in th
263 document enhanced SHH pathway activation and GLI3-target gene induction coincident with impaired recr
264 paired recruitment of CDK8 onto promoters of GLI3-target genes, but not non-GLI3-target genes.
265  promoters of GLI3-target genes, but not non-GLI3-target genes.
266 chanisms is that abnormalities of developing Gli3(-/-) telencephalic cells in Gli3(-/-) mutants resul
267  chimeras to identify some of the defects of Gli3(-/-) telencephalic cells that are likely to be auto
268             Furthermore, by removing Gli2 in Gli3 temporal conditional knock-outs, we uncovered an es
269                  We show that the species of Gli3 that accumulates at cilium tips is full-length and
270 atterning did not occur when we also deleted Gli3, the primary GliR in the neural tube, revealing a c
271 tant for production of the repressor form of Gli3, the principal function of PKA in the Shh pathway i
272 nt for Kif7 in the efficient localization of Gli3 to cilia in response to Hh and for the processing o
273 ormation of the repressor and instead allows Gli3 to enter the nucleus, where it is converted into a
274 h signaling by determining the processing of Gli3 to its repressor form.
275  in response to Hh and for the processing of Gli3 to its repressor form.
276  of the Hh pathway resulted in truncation of Gli3 to its repressor, Gli3R, and was shown to be necess
277 ds the hedgehog pathway transcription factor Gli3 to mediate the development of medulloblastomas of t
278 l tube and acts in combination with Gli2 and Gli3 to pattern ventral and intermediate neuronal cell t
279  of Ihh but requires simultaneous removal of Gli3 to restore osteoblast differentiation.
280 DK8, identified herein to be a suppressor of GLI3 transactivation activity.
281 The specific mechanism by which the GLI2 and GLI3 transcriptional activators (GLI2(A) and GLI3(A)) an
282 ptional activator GLI1 and a decrease in the GLI3 transcriptional repressor (GLI3R).
283 tivation and inhibiting the formation of the GLI3 transcriptional repressor.
284    Post-translational processing of GLI2 and GLI3 was aberrant in the developing facial prominences.
285 e induction of endothelial cell migration by Gli3 was dependent on Akt and ERK1/2 activation.
286 ass the patterning defects caused by loss of Gli3, we conditionally deleted Gli3 after patterning was
287 enous pathway transcription factors Gli2 and Gli3, we monitored their kinetics of accumulation in cil
288 ons are generated in the absence of Gli2 and Gli3, whereas astrocyte partial gliosis results from an
289 jority of slow-cycling NSCs express Gli2 and Gli3, whereas Gli1 is restricted ventrally and all three
290 ally, we show that GLI family zinc finger 3 (Gli3), which is an anterior repressor of tetrapod digits
291  the effects of decreasing Runx2 dosage in a Gli3(Xt-J/Xt-J) background.
292  of canonical Bmp signaling, was observed in Gli3(Xt-J/Xt-J) embryonic calvaria.
293                                              Gli3(Xt-J/Xt-J) Runx2(+/-) mice have neither craniosynos
294 tic differentiation in Gli3-deficient mouse (Gli3(Xt-J/Xt-J)) and resulted in craniosynostosis.
295 to the cortical hem are completely absent in Gli3(Xt/Xt) embryos, but some expression of those Wnts w
296 ther the Wnt expression that persists in the Gli3(Xt/Xt) mutant neocortex activates Wnt/beta-catenin
297 nt mice with no functional Gli3 (extra-toes, Gli3(Xt/Xt) mutants) display a massive reduction in the
298  consistently decreased in the forebrains of Gli3(Xt/Xt) mutants, even prior to the formation of the
299 , an Shh inhibitor, or carrying mutations in Gli3(Xtj), an Shh-signaling effector, have morphogenetic
300                                          The Gli3 zinc finger transcription factor is expressed in de

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