


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 eramide by HexB with the assistance of mouse GM2 activator protein.
2 d by mutations in the GM2A gene encoding the GM2 activator protein.
3 be regarded as a form (truncated version) of GM2 activator protein.
4  GM2 activator cDNA and GM2A cDNA, for human GM2 activator protein.
5 o degrade GM2 ganglioside in the presence of GM2 activator protein.
6  and intron 3 of the genomic DNA sequence of GM2 activator protein.
7 only beta-hexosaminidase A together with the GM2 activator protein can degrade the natural substrate,
8 lactosidase and beta-hexosaminidases, and of GM2-activator protein, cause infantile (with tetraparesi
9                                              GM2 activator protein (GM2-AP) belongs to a small group
10                                              GM2-activator protein (GM2-AP) is a lipid transfer prote
11                                          The GM2-activator protein (GM2-AP) is a small lysosomal lipi
12 ding proteins, and are most similar to human GM2-activator protein (GM2-AP).
13                                         Like GM2 activator protein, GM2A protein also specifically re
14                                          The GM2 activator protein (GM2AP) is an 18 kDa nonenzymatic
15                                          The GM2 activator protein (GM2AP) is an accessory protein re
16                                          The GM2 activator protein (GM2AP) is an accessory protein th
17                                              GM2-activator protein (GM2AP) is a lysosomal lipid trans
18                                              GM2 activator protein is a protein cofactor that has bee
19                                              GM2 activator protein is a protein cofactor which stimul
20 blished that the NeuAc recognition domain of GM2 activator protein is located within amino acids 1-10
21 GM2 ganglioside by beta-hexosamindase A, the GM2 activator protein must participate by forming a solu
22 aining 1-109 of the 160 amino acids of human GM2 activator protein, plus a tripeptide (VST) encoded b
23                                          The GM2 activator protein serves as an example of a lipid tr
24 understand the reason why, in the absence of GM2 activator protein, the GalNAc and the NeuAc in GM2 (

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