


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ocompatibility complex (MHC class I) Qa-2 (a GPI-anchored protein).
2 ow, conclusively, that human nyctalopin is a GPI anchored protein.
3  same rate as that seen for a DRM-associated GPI-anchored protein.
4 ecause it is a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored protein.
5  (PrP(C)) is a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored protein.
6 isfolding of a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored protein.
7 the plasma membrane by examining the flow of GPI-anchored proteins.
8  protein partially rescued the deficiency of GPI-anchored proteins.
9 ction at the omega+2 position in C. albicans GPI-anchored proteins.
10 s enzyme, leading to reduced accumulation of GPI-anchored proteins.
11 s found in aerolysin overlays used to detect GPI-anchored proteins.
12 r glycosylinositolphospholipids (GIPLs), and GPI-anchored proteins.
13 nt cells that are defective in production of GPI-anchored proteins.
14 normal levels of related glycoconjugates and GPI-anchored proteins.
15  the two toxins bind to different subsets of GPI-anchored proteins.
16 ls is an absence or marked deficiency of all GPI-anchored proteins.
17 lipid rafts and the membrane organization of GPI-anchored proteins.
18  or decreased cell surface expression of all GPI-anchored proteins.
19 ursors and restores C-terminal processing of GPI-anchored proteins.
20 to a physiologic role of naturally occurring GPI-anchored proteins.
21 ial effects on the uptake of transferrin and GPI-anchored proteins.
22 es have been implicated in the biogenesis of GPI-anchored proteins.
23 IGA-null cells showed partial restoration of GPI-anchored proteins.
24 osis that requires the direct cooperation of GPI-anchored proteins.
25 ane topology, but we find that they can form GPI-anchored proteins.
26 ure domain in the metabolism of misprocessed GPI-anchored proteins.
27  thus leading to greatly reduced activity on GPI-anchored proteins.
28 , which presumably increases its activity on GPI-anchored proteins.
29 s dominated by glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins.
30 e deficient in glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins.
31 icient in all glycosyl phosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins.
32 rties of three glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins.
33 d GM1 but not glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins.
34 also endowed with glycophosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins.
35 ak activity on glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins.
36 is of glycosylphosphatidylinisotol-anchored (GPI-anchored) proteins.
37                 Null mutants of LORELEI-like-GPI-anchored protein 1 (LLG1), the closest relative of L
38  and acceptor-labeled antibodies against the GPI-anchored protein 5' nucleotidase (5' NT) at the apic
39 ncentrate much more in lipid rafts marked by GPI-anchored proteins (5' nucleotidase and folate recept
40                   Glycophosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins account for 26-35% of the Candida
41  by Triton X-100, had the same effect on the GPI-anchored protein alkaline phosphatase (PLAP) in SCRL
42 sistance was much higher than expected for a GPI-anchored protein alone and submicron domains of even
43                    We show that diffusion of GPI-anchored proteins also becomes temperature dependent
44 kers, such as glycosyl phosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins and glycosphingolipids, are incom
45 oteins such as glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins and nonreceptor tyrosine kinases
46                                 FRalpha is a GPI-anchored protein and a component of the caveolae fra
47  have now used FRET to study three different GPI-anchored proteins and a GSL endogenous to several di
48 take, including tubular membranes containing GPI-anchored proteins and dorsal membrane ruffles.
49   Analysis for the co-expression of specific GPI-anchored proteins and ecto-calreticulin in cells tha
50 the quality control pathways for unprocessed GPI-anchored proteins and identify transamidation of the
51               The results suggest a role for GPI-anchored proteins and lipid rafts in root-hair tip g
52 th lipid raft microdomains in the absence of GPI-anchored proteins and suggest that association of th
53               Thus cell surface diffusion of GPI-anchored proteins and transmembrane proteins that as
54                     In an effort to identify GPI-anchored proteins and understand the possible role o
55 like GPI-anchored protein); At5g49270 (COBL9 GPI-anchored protein) and At5g65090 (inositol-1,4,5 trip
56  the putative GSL-enriched domains, Thy-1, a GPI-anchored protein, and GM1, a GSL, were followed with
57 gulation of the urokinase receptor (uPAR), a GPI-anchored protein, and in turn increased STAT-3 phosp
58 t seen after cross-linkage of Thy-1, another GPI-anchored protein, and were dependent on the GPI anch
59 rafts" enriched in glycosphingolipids (GSL), GPI-anchored proteins, and cholesterol have been propose
60 ated by lipid packing defects, possibly near GPI-anchored proteins, and the protein diffuses on the m
61 elated clinically, and glycophosphoinositol (GPI)-anchored protein (AP)-deficient cells can be found
62 crase isomaltase and alkaline phosphatase (a GPI-anchored protein) appeared partially depolarized in
63 -glycoside at 4 degrees C (representative of GPI-anchored proteins), appeared partially redistributed
64                Glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins are abundantly expressed in the i
65                Glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins are cell surface-localized protei
66          These glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins are expressed in distinct neurona
67 h cross-linked glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins are immobilized has been a myster
68  determine if glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins are involved in mammalian fertili
69                Glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins are nonmembrane spanning cell sur
70                Glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins are synthesized as precursor prot
71                Glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins are synthesized on membrane-bound
72                Glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins are ubiquitously expressed in the
73                            Here we show that GPI-anchored proteins are associated with alpha subunits
74           We also showed that two additional GPI-anchored proteins are detergent-insoluble in SCRLs a
75 ortant for various biological processes, but GPI-anchored proteins are difficult to study.
76 e for endocytosis in T.brucei and hence that GPI-anchored proteins are endocytosed by clathrin-depend
77                   We presented evidence that GPI-anchored proteins are insoluble because they associa
78 unction of HYAL2 is currently unknown, other GPI-anchored proteins are involved in signal transductio
79  immunochemical and functional criteria that GPI-anchored proteins are physically associated with G p
80                We first investigated whether GPI-anchored proteins are required for VacA toxicity by
81                                              GPI-anchored proteins are structurally and functionally
82            The mechanisms by which T. gondii GPI-anchored proteins are synthesized and transported th
83 tic changes in glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored protein arrangement under varying perturba
84 re enriched in glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins, as well as proteins involved in
85 on channel protein in any tissue, and that a GPI-anchored protein associates with an HCN channel subu
86 ned as membrane domains containing clustered GPI-anchored proteins at the cell surface.
87 erophosphoryl diester phosphodiesterase-like GPI-anchored protein); At5g49270 (COBL9 GPI-anchored pro
88 f sphingolipids is specific for transport of GPI-anchored proteins because no effect on the rate of t
89          We propose that saponin solubilizes GPI-anchored proteins because the lipid composition of c
90 ng which time it may cleave approximately 10 GPI-anchored proteins before dissociating.
91 tors, including folate receptor (FR) beta, a GPI-anchored protein belonging to the folate receptor fa
92  Previous studies demonstrated that HJV is a GPI-anchored protein, binds the proteins neogenin and bo
93       PNT acutely inhibited the synthesis of GPI-anchored proteins, but the synthesis was rapidly res
94 toxin, or through removal of raft-associated GPI-anchored proteins by treatment with phosphatidylinos
95  cell membranes and allows solubilization of GPI-anchored proteins by Triton X-100, had the same effe
96 tabolic engineering of cell-surface GPIs and GPI-anchored proteins by using inositol derivatives carr
97    Cell-to-cell transfer of CD55 and CD59, 2 GPI-anchored proteins, by red cell microvesicles has bee
98                Glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins can be isolated from both cells a
99                                DAF and other GPI-anchored proteins can be found in cholesterol-rich o
100           Among these advantages are that 1) GPI-anchored proteins can be painted onto cells that are
101 can be precisely controlled, and 4) multiple GPI-anchored proteins can be sequentially or concurrentl
102                           Thus, cross-linked GPI-anchored proteins can diffuse through the membrane i
103                                              GPI-anchored proteins, candidate cargoes for alternate p
104 sis requires the interaction of CR3 with the GPI-anchored protein, CD14, independently of TLR/MyD88-i
105   There were significantly reduced levels of GPI-anchored proteins (CD55 and CD59) on the surface of
106 absence of two glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins, CD55 and CD59, leads to uncontro
107 whereas a small number are restricted to the GPI-anchored protein CD59 for initial membrane recogniti
108                                     When the GPI-anchored proteins CD59, CD48, and Thy-1 were immunop
109 n transfer is not limited to PrP(C), another GPI-anchored protein, CD90, also transfers from the dono
110                          We examined whether GPI-anchored proteins could be transferred in vivo to de
111  intrinsic signaling abilities of the apical GPI-anchored protein DAF to open the tight junction barr
112             Many CVBs also interact with the GPI-anchored protein decay-accelerating factor (DAF).
113 ereus PI-PLC abolished its ability to cleave GPI-anchored proteins, decreased its inhibitory effects,
114 he X-chromosomal gene PIGA is known to cause GPI-anchored protein deficiency, 2 such hits are require
115 ll percentage of glycophosphatidyl inositol (GPI)-anchored protein-deficient neutrophils over extende
116 rectly measure the colony-forming ability of GPI-anchored protein-deficient CD34+ cells, we separated
117                              The presence of GPI-anchored protein-deficient cells in myelodysplasia p
118 of 39 (23%) patients with myelodysplasia had GPI-anchored protein-deficient cells.
119                           Early emergence of GPI-anchored protein-deficient hematopoiesis in a patien
120 he cleavage of glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins, disrupted plasma membrane locali
121 lthough the majority of characterized fungal GPI-anchored proteins do in fact localize to the cell wa
122 oan parasites, glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins dominate the surface of Toxoplasm
123  Recently, the glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored protein DRAGON was identified as a co-rece
124 n-independent endocytic pathway known as the GPI-anchored protein-enriched early endosomal compartmen
125                    In contrast, we find that GPI-anchored proteins exhibit temperature-independent di
126     CD177 is a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored protein expressed by a variable proportion
127 hich is a small glycosylphosphatidylinositol(GPI)-anchored protein expressed on lymphocytes and media
128                     The relationship between GPI-anchored protein expression and bone marrow (BM) fai
129                       No patient with normal GPI-anchored protein expression at presentation develope
130 n PNH BM, 27% of CD34+ cells showed abnormal GPI-anchored protein expression when assessed by CD59 ex
131 tation is sufficient to abolish cell surface GPI-anchored protein expression.
132 er targeting, transport, and function of all GPI-anchored protein family members.
133 signaling system, axon guidance pathway, and GPI-anchored proteins family.
134 so allow the production of other recombinant GPI-anchored proteins for laboratory and clinical invest
135 rom Clostridium septicum was used to capture GPI-anchored proteins from human breast cancer tissues,
136 ects fertilization by specifically releasing GPI-anchored proteins from the oolemma.
137               In spite of its importance for GPI-anchored protein functions, our current knowledge of
138  procedure for database analysis to identify GPI-anchored proteins (GAP) based on their possession of
139 plex GPI-anchored peptides/glycopeptides and GPI-anchored proteins/glycoproteins.
140 ") enriched in glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins, glycosphingolipids, and choleste
141 ted to a human glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored protein, GML.
142 and virulence factors, lipophosphoglycan and GPI-anchored proteins, gp63, and its virulence was not a
143                                   This novel GPI-anchored protein (GPI-80) is highly homologous with
144                                              GPI-anchored proteins (GPI-APs) are essential for plant
145 teristics of fluorescent lipid analogues and GPI-anchored proteins (GPI-APs) in the live-cell plasma
146 re involved in biosynthesis and transport of GPI-anchored proteins (GPI-APs).
147 linositol-specific phospholipase C to remove GPI-anchored proteins greatly reduced HIV-1 sensitivity
148 lable individual samples showed that several GPI-anchored proteins had decreased cell-surface abundan
149                                While several GPI-anchored proteins have been characterized, the biolo
150                                   While many GPI-anchored proteins have been characterized, the biolo
151                  Here we show that different GPI-anchored proteins have different intracellular distr
152 bstituting 3'-mRNA end sequence of naturally GPI-anchored proteins (i.e., a sequence that contains th
153 (1) is defective in ER-to-Golgi transport of GPI-anchored proteins (i.e., Gas1p) while other proteins
154 proteins are GPI-anchored, and disruption of GPI-anchored proteins impairs cell wall integrity.
155 des a putative glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored protein implicated in reception of the pol
156  cell biology of glycoinositol phospholipid (GPI)-anchored proteins in cultured cells, the in vivo fu
157 aft-associated glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins in the process by which Helicobac
158        To probe for microdomains enriched in GPI- anchored proteins in intact cell membranes, we used
159 allus suggest a differential requirement for GPI-anchored proteins in cell wall synthesis in these tw
160  demonstrated the efficacy of genes encoding GPI-anchored proteins in eliciting partially protective
161 sosomal GPIs are important for biogenesis of GPI-anchored proteins in L. major; (ii) sequestration of
162 utility analyzing antibodies against CD52, a GPI-anchored protein, in its native membrane environment
163 f transport of glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins, including Cwp2 and Gas1/Gpg1, fr
164        Alpha-toxin binds to several parasite GPI-anchored proteins, including surface antigen 3 (SAG3
165 ositol-specific phospholipase C that removed GPI-anchored proteins increased CD11b-specific binding o
166  activated exocytosis of vesicles containing GPI-anchored proteins, increasing membrane area and phag
167 lin in cells that were deficient in specific GPI-anchored proteins, indicated that ecto-calreticulin
168  cereus PI-PLC, which has strong activity on GPI-anchored proteins, inhibited bacterial escape from a
169 soluble protein requirements for packaging a GPI-anchored protein into ER-derived transport vesicles.
170 ells is known to incorporate Thy-1 and other GPI-anchored proteins into its membrane.
171            In order to identify the oolemmal GPI-anchored proteins involved in fertilization, egg sur
172 nstrate that a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored protein is also necessary because phosphat
173 pmentally regulated in schistosomes, and the GPI-anchored protein is localized to the outer tegument
174 s suggest that the intercellular transfer of GPI-anchored proteins is a regulated process, and may ha
175  to generate chemically defined analogues of GPI-anchored proteins is an important step toward elucid
176                          The loss of certain GPI-anchored proteins is hypothesized to provide the mut
177 ammalian prion protein (PrP), a cell surface GPI-anchored protein, is a particularly noteworthy examp
178                               Prion (PrP), a GPI-anchored protein, is infamous for being the only nor
179 Notch signalling through surface cleavage of GPI-anchored proteins, is targeted by Prdx4 oxidative ac
180 everal surface glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins, like the major surface antigen S
181 s (At4g26690 and At5g49270) encode predicted GPI-anchored proteins likely to be associated with lipid
182 n nature, many glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins localize in the lipid rafts.
183 luble membrane fractions have suggested that GPI-anchored proteins may be associated with glycosphing
184 t secretion and intracellular degradation of GPI-anchored proteins may occur in the same genetic back
185 ion of cholesterol-dependent nanoclusters of GPI-anchored proteins mediated by membrane-adjacent dyna
186                When RBC that were deficient (GPI)-anchored protein, obtained from five patients, with
187  a variety of glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins occur extracellularly, but the mo
188      Ly6G is a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored protein of unknown function that is common
189 ass spectrometry demonstrated that the major GPI-anchored proteins of T. brucei procyclic forms have
190 inds to phosphatidylcholine (PC) and cleaves GPI-anchored proteins off eukaryotic plasma membranes.
191 deficiency of glycosyl phosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins on blood cells from patients with
192        We show that ART2.2 is expressed as a GPI-anchored protein on the surface of mature T cells.
193                                   Absence of GPI-anchored proteins on erythrocytes is responsible for
194 w cytometry was used to assess expression of GPI-anchored proteins on granulocytes.
195 ates of the GPI pathway but fails to display GPI-anchored proteins on its surface membrane.
196       To elucidate how BtPI-PLC searches for GPI-anchored proteins on the membrane surface, we measur
197 ature of other glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins or representative cell surface pr
198 ect displacement of the membrane anchor of a GPI-anchored protein or pro-protein causing release of t
199                Glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins participate in many cell surface
200                 Glycosylphophatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins play important roles in many biol
201 ngs provide strong evidence that one or more GPI-anchored proteins play an important role in beta-sec
202                                              GPI-anchored proteins play vital roles in signal transdu
203  obtained physical evidence for cross-linked GPI-anchored protein, Qa-2, binding to a transmembrane p
204                       When aggregates of the GPI-anchored protein, Qa-2, were scanned across plasma m
205 pha-toxin, a pore-forming toxin that targets GPI-anchored protein receptors on the surface of mammali
206 e that alpha toxin, like aerolysin, binds to GPI-anchored protein receptors.
207 t, suggesting that it is bound to a separate GPI-anchored protein(s) at the surface of the cells.
208                             The cell-surface GPI-anchored protein(s) involved in Abeta biogenesis may
209  A mutant CHO cell line (gpi85), which lacks GPI-anchored proteins, secreted lower levels of Abeta40,
210  analysis of maturing DCs, we identified the GPI-anchored protein semaphorin 7A (Sema7A) as being hig
211                Glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins serve as receptors for aerolysin;
212 toxin B-subunit and between antibody-labeled GPI-anchored proteins, showing these raft markers are in
213 sitol moieties present on both free GPIs and GPI-anchored proteins shows the presence of a diacylglyc
214 ngth influences the diffusion coefficient of GPI-anchored proteins: smaller proteins diffuse faster t
215                           A diverse group of GPI-anchored protein structures are ubiquitously express
216 that binds to glycosyl phosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins, such as Thy-1, on sensitive targ
217 own to bind to glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins, such as Thy-1.
218 ants showed strongly reduced accumulation of GPI-anchored proteins, suggesting that they all have def
219 ted it was a glycosyl phosphatidyl inositol (GPI)-anchored protein that had a cleavable COOH-terminal
220 D59) is a cell surface glycophosphoinositol (GPI)-anchored protein that prevents complement membrane
221 or (uPAR) is a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored protein that promotes tissue remodeling, t
222 e-associated [glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored] protein that we call DRAGON.
223                                      CD14, a GPI-anchored protein that associates with TLR4 in mediat
224 phila acetylcholinesterase (AChE) as a model GPI-anchored protein that can be manipulated in vivo wit
225 homologous with Vanin-1, a recently reported GPI-anchored protein that is expressed on perivascular t
226   These results suggest that cd59b encodes a GPI-anchored protein that is functionally active as a me
227                      Thy-1 (CD90) is a small GPI-anchored protein that is particularly abundant on th
228 o aerolysin (a bacterial toxin that binds to GPI-anchored proteins), they were equally susceptible to
229 hich encodes a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored protein thought to be involved in ascospor
230 lease of transferase is specific, as another GPI-anchored protein, Thy-1 is not released.
231 romoter of the glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored protein Thy1 have been widely used to exam
232                           Cleavage of GP2, a GPI-anchored protein tightly associated with activation
233 es not express glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins to eliminate potential competitio
234 etic analysis of GPI anchor biosynthesis and GPI-anchored protein trafficking in T. gondii and other
235 ata suggest a potential therapeutic role for GPI-anchored protein transfer for severe PNH.
236 ses, which uniquely involve aggregation of a GPI-anchored protein, versus other protein misfolding di
237             Cell surface expression of major GPI-anchored proteins was diminished in GPI-deficient T.
238 iginating from a mutant cell line that lacks GPI-anchored proteins was not neutralized.
239 te of transport of carboxypeptidase Y, a non-GPI-anchored protein, was observed.
240                       To examine the role of GPI-anchored proteins, we specifically removed these pro
241 ptor-like kinases and the SOS5 extracellular GPI-anchored protein were shown previously to act on a p
242        Several lymphocyte cell lines lacking GPI-anchored proteins were also shown to be less sensiti
243                                 As expected, GPI-anchored proteins were decreased on PB cells of PNH
244                   The azide-labeled GPIs and GPI-anchored proteins were then tagged with biotin on li
245 as an axonal glycosyl-phosphatidyl-inositol (GPI)-anchored protein, whereas the MAG receptor has rema
246 major surface glycosyl phosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored protein which is rich in Glu-Pro repeats.
247  that ox-PAPC may initially bind to a 37-kDa GPI-anchored protein, which interacts with TLR4 to induc
248 ce predicted a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored protein with a signal peptide, a transmemb
249 sistent with the preferential association of GPI-anchored proteins with glycosphingolipid-enriched do
250            The strategy can be used to label GPI-anchored proteins with various tags for biological s

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