コーパス検索結果 (left1)
1 GTR is related to better prognosis.
2 GTR procedure was performed in furcation defect sites us
3 GTR provides clinicians with the opportunity to reverse
4 GTR therapy utilizing bioabsorbable membranes offers the
5 GTR therapy was associated with significantly lower CV f
6 GTR was observable as a 49-kDa band on sodium dodecyl su
7 GTR-based procedures with or without combined grafting t
8 GTR-based root coverage utilizing collagen membrane, wit
9 enerative therapy (seven DBM, 22 BRG, and 26 GTR) to OFD and meeting inclusion criteria provided mean
13 cid sequence has more than 55% identity to a GTR sequence of Arabidopsis thaliana, and significant si
14 to compare these 2 techniques, SCTG versus a GTR-based procedure (GTRC), for root coverage/recession
17 TFE membranes, recovered from patients after GTR; cells adherent to ePTFE augmentation membranes, rec
21 emineralized freeze-dried bone allograft and GTR and superior to open flap debridement procedures in
22 ignificantly augment the effects of BPBM and GTR in promoting the clinical resolution of intrabony de
23 The individual role played by PRP, BPBM, and GTR in this combined therapy is unclear and needs to be
29 mbination technique including BPBM, EMP, and GTR results in better clinical resolution of intrabony d
32 bout 2-fold at 2 h into the light phase, and GTR protein levels also increased and peaked 2-fold at 4
35 ut further therapy, which supports attempted GTR of cerebral and cerebellar hemisphere low-grade astr
36 = 2 mm compared with the CAL observed before GTR treatment, and loss of > or = 2 mm compared with the
39 tudy show that both combinations of PRP/BPBM/GTR and PRP/BPBM are effective in the treatment of intra
42 4.74 +/- 1.30 mm on lingual sites; PRP/BPBM/GTR group: 4.96 +/- 1.28 mm on buccal and 4.78 +/- 1.32
49 ed by complementation of an Escherichia coli GTR-defective mutant for restoration of ALA prototrophy.
55 ridement followed by the placement of DFDBA (GTR+DFDBA, or test group) and a bioabsorbable barrier, w
56 ingival recession defects by means of either GTR or CTG results in clinically and statistically signi
57 is limited by ALA and that the hemA-encoded GTR reductase is a rate-limiting enzyme in the pathway.
59 bean (Glycine max) root-nodule cDNA encoding GTR was isolated by complementation of an Escherichia co
60 ng expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE), GTR using a bioabsorbable membrane with or without demin
63 etention and clinical improvements following GTR treatment of intrabony defects can be maintained lon
64 ive results from the utilization of DUIS for GTR and the advantage of its bioresorbability warrant fu
67 ta-analysis revealed decreased mortality for GTR compared with STR at 1 year (RR, 0.62; 95% CI, 0.56-
68 ed by the expression levels of the mRNAs for GTR or GSAT, or by the cellular abundance of these enzym
69 t significantly enhanced space provision for GTR while alveolar bone formation appeared to be enhance
72 h cells from GBR procedures, most cells from GTR procedures also secreted lower amounts of TIMP-1.
77 defects, the use of PLA or ePTFE barriers in GTR procedures yielded comparable clinical results; howe
78 ked collagen membrane could be beneficial in GTR treatment of Class II mandibular furcation involveme
82 the defect left after the removal of an LPC, GTR, along with bone grafting, can be a very useful tool
86 the following therapies: collagen membrane (GTR), human demineralized freeze-dried bone (DFDB) graft
87 een the most commonly investigated modality, GTR, biologics, and combination therapies have also been
92 y published study of the clinical effects of GTR therapy without the use of bone or bone substitutes
93 earlier study which compared the effects of GTR utilizing an ePTFE or a PLA barrier in intrabony def
95 and histologically evaluate the efficacy of GTR-based root coverage using collagen membrane (GTRC) a
96 r evidence supporting kinetic interaction of GTR and GSAT is the observation that both wild-type and
98 files identified distinct sub-populations of GTR cells in which fibronectin expression was markedly u
99 tion was to assess the long-term survival of GTR treated sites in terms of clinical attachment level
101 ns, in regenerative studies comparing DBM or GTR to OFD therapy for the management of intrabony defec
106 an inhibitor of heme synthesis, the purified GTR had 60 to 70% less bound heme than control GTR, and
107 hood trees for each combination using RAxML (GTR + Gamma), and compared their topologies to the corre
117 ble membrane for guided tissue regeneration (GTR) as regenerative therapy for intrabony defects in hu
119 bone grafts and guided tissue regeneration (GTR) for the correction of intrabony and furcation defec
120 /- 2.1 mm in the guided tissue regeneration (GTR) group and 2.6 +/- 1.8 mm in the control group (P =
122 eral (BPBM), and guided tissue regeneration (GTR) has been shown to be effective in promoting reducti
124 term efficacy of guided tissue regeneration (GTR) in Class II furcation defects and establish the fac
125 neral (BPBM) and guided tissue regeneration (GTR) in the treatment of intrabony defects in humans.
127 aterials used in guided tissue regeneration (GTR) is known to adversely affect treatment outcomes.
128 gen barrier as a guided tissue regeneration (GTR) material has shown particular promise in procedures
129 biomaterial and guided tissue regeneration (GTR) membranes, and were evaluated following a 4-week he
130 ximal defects by guided tissue regeneration (GTR) necessitates inclusion of healthy adjacent teeth to
132 the effect of a guided tissue regeneration (GTR) procedure in comparison to connective tissue graft
134 tudied following guided tissue regeneration (GTR) procedures using both nonresorbable and bioabsorbab
137 matrix (DBM) and guided tissue regeneration (GTR) support substantial gains in clinical attachment le
138 Clinicians using guided tissue regeneration (GTR) techniques are also enjoying significant success in
140 tcomes following guided tissue regeneration (GTR) treating human Class II furcation defects with a ne
142 wing treatments: guided tissue regeneration (GTR) using expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE), GTR
143 associated with guided tissue regeneration (GTR) versus GTR only in the treatment of intrabony defec
144 ement grafts and guided tissue regeneration (GTR) were defined as state of the art for clinical perio
145 e the effects of guided tissue regeneration (GTR) with expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) non-r
148 en membranes for guided tissue regeneration (GTR)-based root coverage procedures have reported promis
150 In addition, guided tissue regeneration (GTR)-based root coverage using collagen membrane (GTRC)
155 Similarly, in guided tissue regeneration (GTR)/enamel matrix derivative (EMD) with and without las
157 llular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, GTR and GSAT were found in the chloroplasts and were not
163 The nonstationary general time reversible (GTR) model, used with AWP or EMC, accurately recovered t
168 rt the in vitro results and demonstrate that GTR and GSAT are components of a high molecular mass com
169 alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii to show that GTR and GSAT form a physical and functional complex that
173 stically significant differences between the GTR+DBM versus the GTR condition for any histometric par
180 , the WMD of PD was negligible; however, the GTR/EMD group showed better outcomes (P = 0.005) than th
181 ed factors significant to the success of the GTR procedures, should enhance the consistency of the cl
182 2-fold greater in cGTR sites compared to the GTR control (3.3 +/- 1.8 versus 1.4 +/- 0.5 mm2), howeve
183 in this study, the addition of DFDBA to the GTR procedure did not significantly enhance the clinical
184 t differences between the GTR+DBM versus the GTR condition for any histometric parameter examined.
187 bone (DFDB) grafting (BG), combined therapy (GTR + BG) and a DFDB-glycoprotein sponge matrix (MAT).
188 for non-contained defects, combined therapy (GTR + BG) demonstrated clinically significant (P < or =
189 ollowing guided tissue regeneration therapy (GTR) with a bioabsorbable barrier composed of polylactic
192 e provision was enhanced in cGTR compared to GTR sites (6.1 +/- 1.6 versus 2.4 +/- 0.8 mm2; P<0.05).
193 significantly increased in cGTR compared to GTR sites averaging 1.9 +/- 0.6 and 1.2 +/- 0.6 mm, resp
194 needed to determine whether adding DFDBA to GTR-based procedures using collagen membranes is of any
195 freeze-dried DBM has no adjunctive effect to GTR in periodontal fenestration defects over a four-week
198 f rHb1.1 and the hemA-encoded glutamyl-tRNA (GTR) reductase increased intracellular levels of ALA and
199 se findings suggest that patients undergoing GTR procedures with synthetic absorbable devices for the
201 one regeneration capacity of a commonly used GTR procedure (demineralized freeze-dried bone allograft
203 with guided tissue regeneration (GTR) versus GTR only in the treatment of intrabony defects (IBDs) in
204 icant difference in PFS for patients in whom GTR was achieved versus those with incomplete resections
205 additive effect of PRGF when used along with GTR in the treatment of IBDs in patients with CP in term
206 f this study show that cells associated with GTR barrier membranes and with the underlying tissue app
207 re used to examine the cells associated with GTR compared with normal human PL and gingival cells.
210 od of disease progression was decreased with GTR compared with STR at 6 months (RR, 0.72; 95% CI, 0.4
211 reased from 2.5 mm presurgery to 0.5 mm with GTR (81% root coverage), and from 2.5 mm to 0.1 mm with
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