


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 charismatic and transformational leadership, Gardner (1995) on stories of identity, Hogg (2001, 2003)
2                     In this issue of Neuron, Gardner and colleagues used fMRI to show how the visual
3                   In this issue of Immunity, Gardner et al. (2013) show that eTACs are a distinct tol
4                                    Recently, Gardner et al. proposed that a candidate gene for TNDM l
5 ggestions regarding the upcoming Clarence E. Gardner History of Medicine Lecture (Dr. Gardner was the
6                      Rogatien, Brooks Banks, Gardner) indicating that this region may be isolated or
7       Algorithm scripts are available at the Gardner Lab website.
8 his study reanalyzed a mathematical model of Gardner-Medwin.
9 retical framework of the recently discovered Gardner phase transition.
10 d, the explicit use of rate perturbations in Gardner's approach allows one to address new questions w
11                     The results generated by Gardner's method and by the two regulatory strengths met
12                                 In contrast, Gardner's method requires both measurements of mRNA conc
13 ethods differ only by scaling constants, but Gardner's method requires more measurements.
14 d, the local regulatory strength method, and Gardner's method.
15 ort of the clinical course of a patient with Gardner's syndrome and desmoid tumor who had multiple en
16 ome familial polyposis patients also develop Gardner's syndrome, a condition characterized by supernu
17  fibromatous tumors, which, in patients with Gardner's syndrome, usually occur in the abdominal wall
18 art of other family cancer syndromes such as Gardner syndrome, Cowden disease, and other rare syndrom
19 n as familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) or Gardner syndrome.
20 dication distance as assessed by the Skinner-Gardner treadmill protocol.
21  E. Gardner History of Medicine Lecture (Dr. Gardner was the second Chairman of Surgery at Duke).

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