


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ant, and measured immunoglobulin G against 6 H-Y antigens.
2 duce male-specific minor histocompatibility (H-Y) antigens.
3 ordinated B and T cell immune response to an H-Y antigen after allogeneic transplant.
4  transgenic females preimmunized against the H-Y antigen by having received and rejected a graft of C
5 res processing and presentation of the donor H-Y antigen by recipient endothelium and have implicatio
6                                     In mice, H-Y antigen comprises at least four distinct epitopes, e
7            Male-specific Treg clones against H-Y antigens DBY, UTY, or DFFRY-2 suppressed conventiona
8 hat recognizes a novel HLA-B*2705-restricted H-Y antigen encoded by the DDX3Y gene was isolated from
9 on antigen, H-Y, but the molecular nature of H-Y antigen has remained obscure.
10                 The Hya/HYA gene(s) encoding H-Y antigen have been mapped using translocations, mutat
11 t mice, demonstrating that the DDX3Y-encoded H-Y antigen is also expressed in leukemic stem cells.
12           Our data formally demonstrate that H-Y antigen is the product of more than one gene on the
13                                              H-Y antigen mismatched (M-->F) patients were at greater
14 es were further identified using overlapping H-Y antigen peptides for both the H-Y proteins.
15 that specifically recognized the recombinant H-Y antigens RPS4Y1 or DDX3Y were detected by IgG enzyme
16                                   Of the two H-Y antigens, RPS4Y1 was more frequently recognized (P=0
17  cells alone was injected intravenously into H-Y antigen-specific TCR transgenic female mice, the num
18 odes male-specific minor histocompatibility (H-Y) antigens that stimulate T- and B-lymphocyte respons
19 omosome encoded histocompatibility antigens (H-Y antigens) was also associated with maintenance of di

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