


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              H. ducreyi 35000HP produced AI-2 that functioned in a Vi
2                                              H. ducreyi 35000HP-SMS4 and its parent, 35000HP, had sim
3                                              H. ducreyi activated NK cells only in the presence of an
4                                              H. ducreyi also harbors a homologue of RpoE, which is th
5                                              H. ducreyi colocalized with collagen and fibrin but not
6                                              H. ducreyi contains two genes, lspA1 and lspA2, which en
7                                              H. ducreyi culture supernatant and H. ducreyi lipooligos
8                                              H. ducreyi does not synthesize sialic acid, which must b
9                                              H. ducreyi evades uptake by polymorphonuclear leukocyte
10                                              H. ducreyi serum resistance protein A (DsrA) is a member
11                                              H. ducreyi upregulated few genes (hgbA, flp-tad, and lsp
12                                              H. ducreyi was associated with polymorphonuclear leukocy
13                                              H. ducreyi was observed as individual cells and in clump
14                                              H. ducreyi was recovered at biopsy from 6 of 7 parent si
15                                              H. ducreyi was recovered from six of seven biopsied pare
16                                              H. ducreyi-infected monocytes and monocyte-derived macro
17 bility, we examined sequence diversity at 11 H. ducreyi loci, including virulence and housekeeping ge
18    DNA microarray analysis revealed that 324 H. ducreyi genes were differentially regulated after gro
19                                            A H. ducreyi cpxR mutant was compared with its parent for
20                                            A H. ducreyi luxS mutant was constructed by insertional in
21 ncode a sialyltransferase, we complemented a H. ducreyi lst mutant with cpsK.
22 sapA mutant, the sapBC mutant did not affect H. ducreyi's resistance to human defensins.
23 splayed enhanced phagocytic activity against H. ducreyi and similar bacterial killing.
24                                          All H. ducreyi strains were positive, and all other bacteria
25                                     Although H. ducreyi is predominantly extracellular during human i
26                       We found that although H. ducreyi strain 35000 adhered efficiently to U-937 cel
27                                           An H. ducreyi mutant with an inactivated tadA gene exhibite
28                                           An H. ducreyi strain lacking the ncaA gene was impaired in
29 to the HgbA vaccine is protective against an H. ducreyi infection, possibly by preventing acquisition
30                         Here, we compared an H. ducreyi neuA mutant to its wild-type parent in severa
31                      Here, we constructed an H. ducreyi dksA mutant and showed it was also partially
32                             We discovered an H. ducreyi outer membrane protein required for expressio
33                                      From an H. ducreyi 35000HP genomic DNA library, a clone compleme
34 rial sialyltransferases; LOS derived from an H. ducreyi CMP-Neu5Ac synthetase (neuA) mutant has no de
35                                  However, an H. ducreyi sialyltransferase (lst) mutant, whose LOS con
36 onectin and conferred serum resistance to an H. ducreyi serum-sensitive strain.
37 that sapA is expressed in broth cultures and H. ducreyi-infected tissue; sapA is also conserved among
38 ere, we examined interactions between DC and H. ducreyi 35000HP, which produces LspA1, LspA2, and CDT
39 es of H. somnus 129Pt, H. influenzae Rd, and H. ducreyi 35000HP revealed similarities and differences
40 9 genital ulcer specimens, respectively, and H. ducreyi DNA was detected in 60% (3 of 5) of samples f
41           H. ducreyi culture supernatant and H. ducreyi lipooligosaccharides (LOS) induced IDO expres
42  for experimental chancroid, whereas another H. ducreyi mutant with inactivated flp-1 and flp-2 genes
43        By dual staining with polyclonal anti-H. ducreyi antiserum and MAbs that recognize human skin
44   Sections were stained with polyclonal anti-H. ducreyi antiserum or H. ducreyi-specific monoclonal a
45 7(lo/-)FOXP3(+) T(reg) cells are expanded at H. ducreyi-infected sites and that these cells may play
46 ed to the inoculum (mid-log-phase bacteria), H. ducreyi harvested from pustules differentially expres
47 teers were experimentally infected with both H. ducreyi 35000HP and the tadA mutant, 35000HP.400.
48                          Heme is acquired by H. ducreyi from its human host via TonB-dependent transp
49 h the limitation of heme/iron acquisition by H. ducreyi.
50                         First, FN binding by H. ducreyi was greatly increased in bacteria grown on he
51 otein may have a minor role in FN binding by H. ducreyi, since a double dsrA momp mutant bound less F
52 nal antibody partially blocked FN binding by H. ducreyi.
53 nzymatically active IDO was induced in DC by H. ducreyi.
54 lls abrogated IL-1beta secretion elicited by H. ducreyi.
55 r both are required for pustule formation by H. ducreyi in humans.
56 ore is not required for pustule formation by H. ducreyi in humans.
57 OMP is not required for pustule formation by H. ducreyi in the human model of infection.
58 er is essential for microcolony formation by H. ducreyi, whereas this phenotypic trait is not linked
59 essary for the inhibition of phagocytosis by H. ducreyi.
60 obin is the sole source of heme/iron used by H. ducreyi in vivo and has implications for the potentia
61 required for full expression of virulence by H. ducreyi in humans but have less of a role in virulenc
62      LspA proteins in cell-free concentrated H. ducreyi culture supernatant fluid could also be tyros
63 d, under certain conditions, in concentrated H. ducreyi culture supernatant fluids that lacked detect
64 ctivity plays a critical role in controlling H. ducreyi virulence in vivo.
65 , respectively, for the diagnosis of current H. ducreyi infection.
66 ype parent strain and a previously described H. ducreyi cdtC mutant to determine the relative contrib
67  sensitivity may not be sufficient to detect H. ducreyi in all clinical specimens, further work to in
68 es two outer membrane proteins, called DltA (H. ducreyi lectin A) and DsrA (H. ducreyi serum resistan
69  called DltA (H. ducreyi lectin A) and DsrA (H. ducreyi serum resistance A), that contribute to the a
70 fficking to skin in response to experimental H. ducreyi infection.
71                  Escherichia coli expressing H. ducreyi NcaA bound to type I collagen, demonstrating
72                35000HPDeltacpxA is the first H. ducreyi mutant that is impaired in its ability to for
73 rient stress and anaerobiosis is crucial for H. ducreyi survival in humans.
74 nd OmpP2B are the first porins described for H. ducreyi.
75 t that sialylation of LOS is dispensable for H. ducreyi pathogenesis in humans.
76 outer membrane protein that is important for H. ducreyi collagen binding and host colonization.
77 rting the finding that fgbA is important for H. ducreyi infection.
78 ted carbohydrates (CHO) and is important for H. ducreyi serum resistance.
79  a virulence factor and as one mechanism for H. ducreyi to resist killing by antimicrobial peptides.
80 stem that has been shown to be necessary for H. ducreyi to inhibit phagocytosis by immune cells in vi
81          Expression of HgbA is necessary for H. ducreyi to survive and initiate disease in a human mo
82  CdtA, CdtB, and CdtC appeared necessary for H. ducreyi-derived culture supernatant fluid to exhibit
83 th the ncaA mutant were culture positive for H. ducreyi 7 days after inoculation, compared to 73% of
84 ollagen binding protein NcaA is required for H. ducreyi infection.
85 -kinase signaling pathways were required for H. ducreyi-induced IL-10 production in MDM.
86         We constructed an unmarked, in-frame H. ducreyi cpxA deletion mutant, 35000HPDeltacpxA.
87 Concentrated culture supernatant fluids from H. ducreyi lspB and lspA1 lspB mutants did not contain d
88        Immunodepletion of LspA proteins from H. ducreyi culture supernatant fluid abolished this inhi
89 ative hemoglobin receptor HgbA purified from H. ducreyi class I strain 35000HP (nHgbAI) and administe
90 o fulfill its obligate requirement for heme, H. ducreyi uses two TonB-dependent receptors: the hemogl
91 allenge with homologous but not heterologous H. ducreyi, suggesting that a bivalent HgbA vaccine may
92 n adhesion A), DltA (ducreyi lectin A), Hlp (H. ducreyi lipoprotein), major OMP, and/or OmpA2 (for OM
93 ent bactericidal activity against homologous H. ducreyi strain 35000HP and heterologous strain CIP542
94 rotected against a challenge from homologous H. ducreyi strain 35000HPhgbAI but not heterologous stra
95                                 However, how H. ducreyi transcriptionally responds to stress during h
96                To potentially understand how H. ducreyi responds to membrane stress, here we defined
97                                     However, H. ducreyi does not have genes that are highly homologou
98                                   In humans, H. ducreyi is found in an abscess and overcomes a hostil
99                                   In humans, H. ducreyi is surrounded by phagocytes and must adapt to
100                                   In humans, H. ducreyi resides in an abscess and must adapt to a var
101                                We identified H. ducreyi in 16 of 18 pustules but did not detect bacte
102 ong clinical isolates of both class I and II H. ducreyi strains, supporting the finding that fgbA is
103 DsrA proteins from both class I and class II H. ducreyi strains mediated FN and vitronectin binding.
104 so conserved among both class I and class II H. ducreyi strains.
105 gative bacteria and regulates some important H. ducreyi virulence factors.
106           We identified a 15-gene cluster in H. ducreyi that encoded predicted protein products with
107 me of the tad locus; this 15-gene cluster in H. ducreyi was designated flp.
108 cells with up-regulated HIV-1 coreceptors in H. ducreyi-infected lesions may provide an environment t
109 ltransferase gene (Hd0053) was discovered in H. ducreyi, raising the possibility that Hd0053 compensa
110 for metabolic oligosaccharide engineering in H. ducreyi and possibly other prokaryotes that share sim
111                        CpsK was expressed in H. ducreyi and LOS was isolated and analysed for sialic
112 se responses, we profiled gene expression in H. ducreyi-infected and uninfected monocyte-derived DC.
113 system in regulating virulence expression in H. ducreyi.
114 tant-parent trials confirmed key features in H. ducreyi pathogenesis, and the model has provided an o
115 an operon containing two additional genes in H. ducreyi 35000HP.
116  roles in regulating envelope homeostasis in H. ducreyi.
117 sponded directly with a fivefold increase in H. ducreyi-specific antibody titers and the emergence of
118  membrane protein OmpA2 were not involved in H. ducreyi FN binding, since single mutants bound FN as
119 t of a beta-defensin resistance mechanism in H. ducreyi and shows that LL-37 resistance in H. ducreyi
120                    The importance of NcaA in H. ducreyi pathogenesis was assessed using both swine an
121 els of sialylated LOS glycoforms observed in H. ducreyi are in large part controlled by the exogenous
122 ression of the serum resistance phenotype in H. ducreyi.
123 elA is the primary synthetase of (p)ppGpp in H. ducreyi.
124 mutant, FX517, was constructed previously in H. ducreyi 35000.
125 s of (p)ppGpp and DksA in gene regulation in H. ducreyi, we defined genes potentially altered by (p)p
126               Therefore, serum resistance in H. ducreyi does not require expression of full-length LO
127 . ducreyi and shows that LL-37 resistance in H. ducreyi is multifactorial.
128  required for high-level serum resistance in H. ducreyi.
129 hich also contributes to serum resistance in H. ducreyi.
130 orter in antimicrobial peptide resistance in H. ducreyi.
131              The only obvious 2CST system in H. ducreyi is CpxRA; CpxR is a response regulator, and C
132  these data suggest that the CpxRA system in H. ducreyi, in contrast to that in E. coli, may be invol
133  activation of CpxRA, the only intact TCS in H. ducreyi, does not regulate homologues of envelope pro
134 hese genes were independently transcribed in H. ducreyi 35000HP.
135 onents were transcriptionally upregulated in H. ducreyi-infected skin.
136 re, loop 6 was cleaved by protease on intact H. ducreyi, suggesting surface exposure.
137 ng this construction was electroporated into H. ducreyi 35000HP, and an isogenic MOMP-deficient mutan
138 opy both failed to demonstrate intracellular H. ducreyi.
139                              We investigated H. ducreyi FN binding and report several important findi
140                                     Isogenic H. ducreyi cdtA and cdtB mutants were constructed and us
141 ion of Cu-Zn SOD and constructed an isogenic H. ducreyi strain with a mutation in the sodC gene (3500
142 ction of MDM with live, but not heat-killed, H. ducreyi induced caspase-1- and caspase-5-dependent pr
143 croid ulcers can persist for months and live H. ducreyi can be isolated from these lesions.
144                                         Many H. ducreyi strains express cytolethal distending toxin (
145                         Finally, all of nine H. ducreyi strains tested were antiphagocytic, suggestin
146                                  These novel H. ducreyi mutants provide important tools for studying
147 nd DksA altered expression of 28% and 17% of H. ducreyi open reading frames, respectively, including
148  macrophages, we investigated the ability of H. ducreyi strain 35000 to adhere to, invade, and surviv
149  specifically responsible for the ability of H. ducreyi to bind vitronectin.
150 ession of wecA contributes to the ability of H. ducreyi to cause pustules in humans.
151 f LspA1 and LspA2 facilitates the ability of H. ducreyi to initiate disease and to progress to pustul
152 xpression of DsrA facilitates the ability of H. ducreyi to progress to the pustular stage of disease.
153 n of csrA resulted in decreased adherence of H. ducreyi to human foreskin fibroblasts (HFF); Flp1 and
154 a(v)beta(5) did not affect the attachment of H. ducreyi to HaCaT cells.
155 n and vitronectin and mediates attachment of H. ducreyi to keratinocytes.
156          To better understand the biology of H. ducreyi, we developed a human inoculation model.
157                                  Blockage of H. ducreyi uptake by cytochalasin D significantly reduce
158                 The minimum number of CFU of H. ducreyi detected was 2 x 10(6) CFU, and the minimum a
159           The implications of two classes of H. ducreyi strains differing in important antigenic oute
160 or involved in FN binding by both classes of H. ducreyi strains.
161 ve as one indicator of the classification of H. ducreyi strains.
162  from a geographically diverse collection of H. ducreyi clinical isolates revealed that OmpP2A and Om
163 ts (HFF); Flp1 and Flp2, the determinants of H. ducreyi adherence to HFF cells, were downregulated in
164 rce of heme or iron for the establishment of H. ducreyi infection in humans.
165 stem regulating a proven virulence factor of H. ducreyi.
166 both known and putative virulence factors of H. ducreyi, including the lspB-lspA2 operon, the flp ope
167 Sarkosyl-insoluble cell envelope fraction of H. ducreyi 35000, which indicated that the LspB protein
168 ceae and responded to different fractions of H. ducreyi separated by preparative sodium dodecyl sulfa
169            The cdtA, cdtB, and cdtC genes of H. ducreyi were cloned independently into plasmid vector
170 endent transporters encoded in the genome of H. ducreyi, only the hemoglobin receptor, HgbA, is requi
171 sed to identify a homologue in the genome of H. ducreyi.
172                  Recently, a second group of H. ducreyi strains have been identified.
173            Likewise, a single inoculation of H. ducreyi does not protect pigs against subsequent infe
174                To analyze the interaction of H. ducreyi with macrophages, we investigated the ability
175  geographically diverse clinical isolates of H. ducreyi was examined by Western blotting, 5 of the st
176 e was no significant difference in levels of H. ducreyi recovery from mutant- and parent-inoculated b
177 0R was transformed with a plasmid library of H. ducreyi 35000 DNA, and a clone producing the wild-typ
178  we characterized the sap-containing loci of H. ducreyi 35000HP and demonstrated that sapA is express
179   Cell surface lipooligosaccharides (LOS) of H. ducreyi are thought to play important biological role
180                         The vast majority of H. ducreyi strains contain high levels of sialic acid (N
181 zed and is representative of the majority of H. ducreyi strains.
182      In this study, we used a swine model of H. ducreyi infection to demonstrate that an experimental
183 roxide and is impaired in the swine model of H. ducreyi infection.
184                        An isogenic mutant of H. ducreyi 35000HP with inactivated lspA1 and lspA2 gene
185     We constructed a nonpolar sapA mutant of H. ducreyi 35000HP, designated 35000HPsapA, and compared
186 re we investigate the biosynthetic origin of H. ducreyi sialosides by metabolic incorporation studies
187  and IL10 are associated with the outcome of H. ducreyi infection.
188                            Overexpression of H. ducreyi D15 in Escherichia coli resulted in a source
189 gth LOS structures in the pathophysiology of H. ducreyi infection.
190 onal NK cells may facilitate phagocytosis of H. ducreyi.
191 ate that there are two clonal populations of H. ducreyi.
192 eers significantly enhanced proliferation of H. ducreyi-reactive CD4(+) T cells.
193 ndicate that the LspA1 and LspA2 proteins of H. ducreyi are involved, directly or indirectly, in the
194                         The recovery rate of H. ducreyi from cultures and the histopathology of biops
195                         The recovery rate of H. ducreyi from surface cultures was 16% (n=142) from pa
196     The histopathology and recovery rates of H. ducreyi from surface cultures and biopsies obtained f
197 ibodies (MAbs) to the hemoglobin receptor of H. ducreyi, HgbA.
198                     The rates of recovery of H. ducreyi from surface cultures were 8% (n = 130; 95% C
199 )ppGpp and DksA serve as major regulators of H. ducreyi gene expression in stationary phase and have
200 ap transporter plays a role in resistance of H. ducreyi to LL-37.
201             To better understand the role of H. ducreyi CpxRA in controlling virulence determinants,
202                         Thus, sialylation of H. ducreyi LOS can be modulated with respect to the stru
203   The genome of the human-passaged strain of H. ducreyi (35000HP) contains two homologous genes whose
204 ted the wild-type and dsrA mutant strains of H. ducreyi in our swine models of chancroid pathogenesis
205 brane protein is conserved in all strains of H. ducreyi tested and is required for the establishment
206         DsrA was expressed by all strains of H. ducreyi tested, except three naturally occurring, avi
207 d noncompetitive and bound to all strains of H. ducreyi tested.
208 test using geographically diverse strains of H. ducreyi, other Haemophilus strains, and other bacteri
209 nal peptide recognized all tested strains of H. ducreyi.
210 odies elicited to nHgbA bound the surface of H. ducreyi and partially blocked hemoglobin binding by n
211                              The survival of H. ducreyi in DC may provide a mechanism by which the or
212 spA1 and LspA2 did not inhibit the uptake of H. ducreyi, despite inactivating Src kinases.
213 ontributed significantly to the virulence of H. ducreyi in humans.
214 nd a proton motive force-dependent effect on H. ducreyi's resistance to LL-37 and beta-defensin HBD-3
215 with polyclonal anti-H. ducreyi antiserum or H. ducreyi-specific monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) and flu
216 when PBMCs were incubated with H. ducreyi or H. ducreyi lipooligosaccharide in vitro.
217                                   Polyclonal H. ducreyi LspB antiserum reacted with a 64-kDa antigen
218            We found that in this population, H. ducreyi, T. pallidum, and herpes simplex virus HSV DN
219                                 The putative H. ducreyi glycosyltransferase gene (designated lgtA) wa
220                                 The putative H. ducreyi glycosyltransferase gene was insertionally in
221 c mutants lacking expression of the putative H. ducreyi heptosyltransferase III, the putative glucosy
222      We conclude that T cells that recognize H. ducreyi antigens are recruited to sites experimentall
223 ility shift assays showed that a recombinant H. ducreyi CpxR protein bound the promoter region of the
224 r 4 (TLR4) signaling pathway greatly reduced H. ducreyi-induced IDO production.
225 of the membrane fusion protein MtrC rendered H. ducreyi more sensitive to LL-37 and human beta-defens
226  the mutant proteins in trans in host strain H. ducreyi FX547 hgbA.
227                         The wild-type strain H. ducreyi 35000HP readily inhibited phagocytosis, where
228 re enriched in experimental lesions and that H. ducreyi induced IDO transcription in dendritic cells
229 8, 5C9, 3B9, 2C7, and 9D12 demonstrated that H. ducreyi expresses the major pilus subunit, FtpA, the
230       In previous work, we demonstrated that H. ducreyi scavenges sialic acid from the extracellular
231                           We also found that H. ducreyi inhibits the phagocytosis of a secondary targ
232                 Our study data indicate that H. ducreyi induces NLRP3 inflammasome activation via mul
233                 These findings indicate that H. ducreyi-induced IDO expression in DC is largely media
234 tingly, the use of EMSAs also indicated that H. ducreyi CpxR did not bind to the promoter regions of
235  The results of these studies indicated that H. ducreyi requires both the LspA1 and LspA2 proteins to
236 shift assays (EMSAs) were used to prove that H. ducreyi CpxR interacted with the promoter regions of
237                          Here we report that H. ducreyi can use unnatural sialic acids bearing elonga
238  adherence in vivo and strongly suggest that H. ducreyi remains extracellular throughout infection an
239              Previous studies suggested that H. ducreyi encounters growth conditions in human lesions
240        While previous reports suggested that H. ducreyi strains formed two clonal populations, the di
241  bacteria were internalized, suggesting that H. ducreyi avoids phagocytosis by human macrophages.
242 terial common antigen (ECA), suggesting that H. ducreyi may express a putative ECA-like glycoconjugat
243                                          The H. ducreyi lspB gene encodes a protein with a predicted
244 ith two plasmids individually containing the H. ducreyi cdtA and cdtC genes, we purified a noncovalen
245                             In contrast, the H. ducreyi lspA1 mutant 35000HP.1, which did not express
246                      Here, we determined the H. ducreyi transcriptome in biopsy specimens of human le
247                        The gene encoding the H. ducreyi D15 protein was cloned and sequenced, and the
248 several potential regulatory targets for the H. ducreyi CpxRA two-component regulatory system.
249 bvious two-component system contained in the H. ducreyi genome and negatively regulates the lspB-lspA
250 opies of the plasmid are integrated into the H. ducreyi 35000HP genome.
251                          Inactivation of the H. ducreyi cpxR gene did not reduce the ability of this
252                             Provision of the H. ducreyi luxS gene in trans partially restored AI-2 pr
253 sA compensates for the loss of (p)ppGpp; the H. ducreyi double mutant expressed higher transcript lev
254  receptor, the collagen-binding protein, the H. ducreyi lectin, the fine-tangle pili, and the outer m
255                    In the present study, the H. ducreyi CpxR and CpxA proteins were shown to closely
256 Haemophilus influenzae type B, we termed the H. ducreyi protein D15.
257           RT-PCR analysis indicated that the H. ducreyi flp gene cluster was likely to be a polycistr
258             These results indicated that the H. ducreyi LspB protein is involved in secretion of the
259 appeared to be primarily associated with the H. ducreyi cell envelope, whereas both CdtB and CdtC wer
260  The first three open reading frames in this H. ducreyi gene cluster encoded predicted proteins with
261                    We have constructed three H. ducreyi 35000HP mutants containing antibiotic resista
262 ed macrophage polarization may contribute to H. ducreyi clearance during human infection.
263 mutant of csrA to assess its contribution to H. ducreyi pathogenesis.
264 e PP and RR groups respond differentially to H. ducreyi.
265 icantly inhibited after a 15-min exposure to H. ducreyi, and a multiplicity of infection of approxima
266 catalyses the alpha2,3 addition of Neu5Ac to H. ducreyi LOS and therefore the terminal side-chain of
267 ts to assess the contribution of (p)ppGpp to H. ducreyi pathogenesis.
268             The lines and clone responded to H. ducreyi antigen in a dose-dependent manner and produc
269     One clone and 12 lines that responded to H. ducreyi antigens were obtained from 12 of the subject
270 ount an effective humoral immune response to H. ducreyi after multiple exposures to the organism.
271 e PP and RR groups shared a core response to H. ducreyi.
272 0 (IL-10) but no IL-4 or IL-5 in response to H. ducreyi.
273 ions suggest that subjects are sensitized to H. ducreyi during the course of infection.
274 were tyrosine phosphorylated after wild-type H. ducreyi cells were incubated with macrophages.
275 s showed that those incubated with wild-type H. ducreyi had greatly reduced phosphorylation levels of
276          This inhibitory effect of wild-type H. ducreyi on phagocytic activity was primarily associat
277 del, 8 of 30 sites inoculated with wild-type H. ducreyi progressed to the pustular stage, compared to
278                                    Wild-type H. ducreyi strain 35000HP contains two genes, lspA1 and
279 ed that macrophages incubated with wild-type H. ducreyi, but not with a lspA1 lspA2 mutant, were unab
280  but not in HeLa cells, exposed to wild-type H. ducreyi.
281 A mutant (35000HPfgbA) was constructed using H. ducreyi 35000HP, and 6 volunteers were experimentally
282 after the first inoculation contained viable H. ducreyi cells, but this percentage dropped to only 16
283 rst and second inoculations contained viable H. ducreyi cells, yet only 55% of the lesions biopsied 2
284 d viable H. ducreyi cells, whereas no viable H. ducreyi cells were recovered from inoculated sites of
285 ites from mock-immunized pigs yielded viable H. ducreyi cells, whereas no viable H. ducreyi cells wer
286              To study the mechanism by which H. ducreyi activated NK cells, we used peripheral blood
287   This finding suggests a mechanism by which H. ducreyi avoids killing and clearance by macrophages i
288  offered protection against a challenge with H. ducreyi strain 35000HP expressing either class I or c
289 stered to naive pigs prior to challenge with H. ducreyi.
290 ot replicated when PBMCs were incubated with H. ducreyi or H. ducreyi lipooligosaccharide in vitro.
291       DNAs from 105 volunteers infected with H. ducreyi at 3 sites were genotyped for SNPs, using rea
292 d from subjects experimentally infected with H. ducreyi to study the evolution of the immune response
293 n subjects were experimentally infected with H. ducreyi until they developed a painful pustule or for
294 tules obtained from volunteers infected with H. ducreyi were subjected to reverse transcription-PCR.
295 es for 267 volunteers who were infected with H. ducreyi.
296 and cytokines/chemokines upon infection with H. ducreyi in vitro.
297 uld be due either to previous infection with H. ducreyi or to the detection of cross-reacting antibod
298 ng chancroid nor experimental infection with H. ducreyi results in protective immunity.
299     After three successive inoculations with H. ducreyi, pigs developed a modestly protective immune
300    Here, we infected PP and RR subjects with H. ducreyi and used microarrays to profile gene expressi

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