


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              H. mustelae infection in ferrets has been used as a mode
2                                              H. mustelae infection status was determined by culture,
3  than the nickel-enzyme, its activity allows H. mustelae to survive the carnivore's low-nickel gastri
4 . pylori was centered around m/z 58,268, and H. mustelae was distinguished from H. pylori by its ions
5 ike the gastric helicobacters, H. pylori and H. mustelae, H. hepaticus possesses a high level of urea
6 licobacters (H. canis, H. cineadi, H. felis, H. mustelae, H. nemestrinae, H. pullorum, H. pylori, and
7  stomach, ferrets specific pathogen free for H. mustelae were inoculated with an Hsr-deficient mutant
8 elae, 19 ferrets, specific pathogen free for H. mustelae, were given either the HMF1 flaA::km (weakly
9 ares to 1.67 Mb for H. pylori and 1.7 Mb for H. mustelae.
10      Sequencing of these enlarged genes from H. mustelae, H. canis (two strains) and H. muridarum ide
11 ith the 1.2:1 kappa lambda ratio observed in H. mustelae-associated chronic gastritis.
12 tion in the animals that received the mutant H. mustelae strain, a finding consistent with its waning
13       Scant colonization by the Hsr-negative H. mustelae strain at the end of the 18-week study, desp
14 m, corresponding to the predominant focus of H. mustelae induced gastritis in ferrets.
15  produced by infection with these strains of H. mustelae correlated with the number of organisms pres
16                   Isogenic mutant strains of H. mustelae have been constructed by disruption of the f
17              The wild-type parent strains of H. mustelae infected all ferrets at all time points.
18 However, in the absence of serum, H. pylori, H. mustelae, and H. muridarum became sensitive to polymy
19 tor for colonization and pathogenesis in the H. mustelae ferret model.
20 Hsr-deficient mutant strain or the wild-type H. mustelae strain.
21 humans was observed in ferrets infected with H. mustelae.
22 lonization and persistence of infection with H. mustelae, 19 ferrets, specific pathogen free for H. m

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