


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1  P = 1.000; LGI compared with LF, P = 0.016; HGI compared with LF, P = 0.061).
2  in the other 2 groups (LGI: -2.45 +/- 0.27; HGI: -2.30 +/- 0.27; LF: -1.43 +/- 0.27; F = 4.616, P =
3     The calculated GIs of the meals were 78 (HGI) and 44 (LGI).
4 of fat oxidation during exercise than did an HGI meal.
5 ditions of matched insulinemia and fiber, an HGI postexercise meal suppresses feelings of hunger and
6 I (HM/HGI), HM and LGI (HM/LGI), low-fat and HGI (LF/HGI), and LF and LGI (LF/LGI) diets.
7 ntion with HS/HGI (reference), high-MUFA and HGI (HM/HGI), HM and LGI (HM/LGI), low-fat and HGI (LF/H
8 ments were made after 4 wk of a high-SFA and HGI (HS/HGI) diet and after a 24-wk intervention with HS
9 actions were significantly different between HGI groups and highest in high HGI patients.
10  MBG was not significantly different between HGI groups.
11 1) a moderate-carbohydrate and high-GI diet (HGI), 2) a moderate-carbohydrate and low-GI diet (LGI),
12 erent between HGI groups and highest in high HGI patients.
13 xed meals providing carbohydrates with high (HGI) or low glycemic index (LGI) on substrate utilizatio
14 th HS/HGI (reference), high-MUFA and HGI (HM/HGI), HM and LGI (HM/LGI), low-fat and HGI (LF/HGI), and
15 HS/HGI group, -4% (-12.7%, 5.3%); for the HM/HGI group, 2.1% (-5.8%, 10.7%); for the HM/LGI group, -3
16 re made after 4 wk of a high-SFA and HGI (HS/HGI) diet and after a 24-wk intervention with HS/HGI (re
17 tment (P = 0.13) were as follows: for the HS/HGI group, -4% (-12.7%, 5.3%); for the HM/HGI group, 2.1
18  diet and after a 24-wk intervention with HS/HGI (reference), high-MUFA and HGI (HM/HGI), HM and LGI
19 oderate, or high hemoglobin glycation index (HGI), a measure of glycated hemoglobin controlled for bl
20 data using their hemoglobin glycation index (HGI), which is computed as the difference between the ob
21 As) or carbohydrates of high glycemic index (HGI) or low glycemic index (LGI) are uncertain.
22 lycemic index (LGI) and high-glycemic index (HGI) postexercise meals in type 1 diabetes patients.
23 also known as the Human Genetics Initiative (HGI).
24 I), HM and LGI (HM/LGI), low-fat and HGI (LF/HGI), and LF and LGI (LF/LGI) diets.
25 /LGI group, -3.5% (-10.6%, 4.3%); for the LF/HGI group, -8.6% (-15.4%, -1.1%); and for the LF/LGI gro
26 nts consumed an LGI (GI approximately 37) or HGI (GI approximately 92) meal with a matched macronutri
27                                          The HGI meal produced an approximately 60% greater postprand
28                                          The HGI should not be used to estimate risk of complications
29 nsulin concentrations were greater after the HGI breakfast than after the LGI breakfast (P < 0.05).
30  AUC was approximately 25% greater after the HGI meal than after the LGI meal (P < 0.001), whereas hu
31 ations were approximately 9% lower after the HGI meal than after the LGI meal (P = 0.001).
32                       In their analyses, the HGI level was a significant predictor of progression of
33 e analyses of McCarter et al. using both the HGI and the A1C together.
34 I group than in the LF group, whereas in the HGI group, reductions in BMI did not differ significantl
35 that had not previously been reported in the HGI samples but are supported by independent linkage or
36 ion was greater in the LGI trial than in the HGI trial (P < 0.05).
37 le some loci previously implicated using the HGI data were also identified in the present omnibus ana
38 012; pairwise comparisons: LGI compared with HGI, P = 1.000; LGI compared with LF, P = 0.016; HGI com

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