


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 a were further stratified by risk factor and HIV status.
2 globulin G (IgG) to VSA were not affected by HIV status.
3 h XDR tuberculosis are poor, irrespective of HIV status.
4  between elevated BP and AMI risk differs by HIV status.
5 ults, and has high mortality irrespective of HIV status.
6  treatment, age (0-4 years, 5-14 years), and HIV status.
7 orne infections, independent of their HCV or HIV status.
8 gle clinicopathological entity regardless of HIV status.
9 d disease outcome were compared according to HIV status.
10 t of syphilis according to disease stage and HIV status.
11 mined the association of these variants with HIV status.
12 fy high-risk youths who are unaware of their HIV status.
13 S on multivariate analysis including IPS and HIV status.
14 younger age at treatment start, and negative HIV status.
15  100-child-years in relation to time-updated HIV status.
16 pulation expectations, but did not differ by HIV status.
17 was not significantly affected by enrollment HIV status.
18 ld not be withheld or deintensified based on HIV status.
19                   Participants self-reported HIV status.
20     Patients age 55 to 75 years with unknown HIV status.
21 nge in HIV Infection), stratified by sex and HIV status.
22 % CI, 41% to 69%; P < .001), irrespective of HIV status.
23 s, adjusted for study site, risk cohort, and HIV status.
24 itamin A, selenium, and zinc irrespective of HIV status.
25 d tested for antiretroviral drugs to confirm HIV status.
26 a-tocopherol did not differ significantly by HIV status.
27 ents with tuberculosis and was unaffected by HIV status.
28 d tumor cell PD-L1 expression, regardless of HIV status.
29 aces than do healthy subjects, regardless of HIV status.
30 performance of the assay was not affected by HIV status.
31  assessing organ donor risk, irrespective of HIV status.
32 nce interval, 1.1-10), after controlling for HIV status.
33 t the site of MTB infection, irrespective of HIV status.
34 G or IgA to rotavirus, which did not vary by HIV status.
35 more common in LAIV recipients regardless of HIV status.
36 diologic evidence of infection regardless of HIV status.
37 persons and from 35 persons of indeterminate HIV status.
38 cts (P < 0.01), but were not associated with HIV status.
39 icantly according to treatment assignment or HIV status.
40 ystematically reviewed for information about HIV status.
41 n of T. pallidum did not differ according to HIV status.
42 ed, 7% were HIV-negative, and 7% had unknown HIV status.
43 lockade in anal SCC, irrespective of patient HIV status.
44 d according to an individual's self-reported HIV status.
45 d by additional information on self-reported HIV status.
46 nce of obstructive disease did not differ by HIV status.
47 xposure questionnaires, and an assessment of HIV status.
48 mbination antiretroviral therapy (cART), and HIV status.
49  in the absence of documentation of positive HIV status.
50 5.2) of these individuals already knew their HIV status.
51 ates to determine differences by frailty and HIV status.
52 the NP examiner was blinded to screening and HIV status.
53 ell tolerated and active in KS regardless of HIV status.
54 cted people in sub-Saharan Africa know their HIV status.
55     The analysis was stratified according to HIV status.
56 rsion and reversion were not associated with HIV status.
57 his relationship held when we controlled for HIV status.
58 s specific disease or diseases stratified by HIV status.
59 5% CI, -.30 to .10] years) did not differ by HIV status.
60 minates were rare (0.2%) and not affected by HIV status.
61 mulative incidence and hazard rates, each by HIV status.
62 cular inflammation (28 eyes), independent of HIV status.
63 tudy evaluating MI risk from 1996 to 2011 by HIV status.
64 men with known human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) status, 15% of those without measles and 19% of tho
65 HIV and (1) maternal orphanhood and maternal HIV status, (2) reported sexual behaviour, and (3) repor
66                   Among those who knew their HIV status, 2617 (87.4%, 95% CI 85.8-89.0) were receivin
67 dividuals gained knowledge of their positive HIV status, 2818 were linked to care, 2151 became eligib
68        Among living patients, 82% knew their HIV status, 45% were linked to care, 39% were eligible f
69 morbidities (41.8%), ASA status (11.3%), and HIV status (7.8%), with a smaller proportion stratifying
70  individuals living with HIV will know their HIV status, 90% of people with diagnosed HIV infection w
71 3 +/- 1.7 nmol/L; n = 121) subjects, nor was HIV status a significant predictor of plasma 25(OH)D whe
72 ence in pneumococcal acquisition by maternal HIV status (adjusted rate ratio (aRR) = 1.00, 95% confid
73 tion, 80% of men and 85% of women knew their HIV status after the CHiP visit.
74 e proportions of participants who knew their HIV status after the CHiP visit; proportions linking to
75  a partner in the past 6 months with unknown HIV status (aHR 2.87, 1.44-5.84, p=0.0030).
76                                     Although HIV status altered the risk of Cryptosporidium infection
77           No conclusive evidence showed that HIV status altered treatment efficacy.
78 s and seek new ways to increase awareness of HIV status among men and promote couples testing.
79          Analyses were stratified by sex and HIV status and adjusted for demographic, lifestyle, and
80 need for assumptions concerning knowledge of HIV status and ART coverage among adults not consenting
81 communities in BAL differed significantly by HIV status and by COPD, with Pneumocystis jirovecii sign
82 c regression to examine associations between HIV status and cancer treatment, adjusted for cancer sta
83                                              HIV status and CD4 cell count were determined at study e
84 r anal cytological diagnoses at study entry, HIV status and CD4 count, and detection of HPV types oth
85                              We assessed the HIV status and CD4 counts of index patients, as well as
86   In multivariable analysis, controlling for HIV status and continent of origin, people from Africa h
87 n to examine the association between patient HIV status and death resulting from the presenting cance
88 ght the importance of improving awareness of HIV status and expanding ART to prevent losses in HRQoL
89  infant pneumococcal acquisition by maternal HIV status and household exposure in Karonga District, M
90 sites we collected additional data including HIV status and in-hospital outcome.
91                        Examine the impact of HIV status and level of immunosuppression on the distrib
92  Axis I disorders after controlling for both HIV status and lifetime Axis I history (adjusted odds ra
93                HEV data were correlated with HIV status and morphometric analysis of small intestinal
94                                              HIV status and partum status did not show any significan
95                                              HIV status and pneumococcal culture positivity in the CS
96 d metastats to compare fungal communities by HIV status and presence of COPD.
97 graphics, medical history and comorbidities, HIV status and related measures (CD4 cell counts, HIV vi
98 cident SILs confirmed by biopsy, compared by HIV status and risk factors.
99 c HALE was estimated from 20 years of age by HIV status and sex.
100 egression to assess the relationship between HIV status and standard treatment modality.
101      Children were recruited irrespective of HIV status and started on a standard antimicrobial regim
102  rate ratio (RR) for the association between HIV status and TB was estimated by time since HIV seroco
103  prevalence of homeostasis loss according to HIV status and the occurrence of AIDS in more than 5,000
104                         Oral lesions reflect HIV status and the stage of immunosuppression, are impor
105 resulted in significant interactions between HIV status and time of study in left insula, left pariet
106 useholds had at least one child with unknown HIV status and were enrolled into the trial.
107  the impact of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) status and type on the clearance of HPV infection a
108  studies should clarify the relation between HIV-status and GBS carriage.
109 IV in adults, with neonates (irrespective of HIV status), and with Salmonella Typhimurium ST313.
110 ts were not uniformly performed according to HIV status, and adequate fasting before lipoprotein test
111                  Independent effects of sex, HIV status, and aging on immune activation may contribut
112     In adults it is strongly associated with HIV status, and also with environmental enteropathy.
113 Vitamins with information on infant feeding, HIV status, and at least one visit in the first year wer
114 ission was based on viral load, knowledge of HIV status, and efficacy of counseling.
115     Adult index characteristics such as sex, HIV status, and extent or severity of disease were not a
116 ings support the need for HCWs to know their HIV status, and for HIV-infected HCWs to be offered anti
117              Four controls, matched for age, HIV status, and hospital were sought for each case.
118 CT prophylaxis compliance, non-disclosure of HIV status, and non-Sukuma ethnicity.
119 broader effort that encompassed minimum age, HIV status, and organ dysfunction.
120 We intended to stratify the analyses by age, HIV status, and rural or urban setting; however, few stu
121 le linear regression, adjusted for age, sex, HIV status, and socioeconomic status.
122                          Questionnaire data, HIV status, and standard spirometry were obtained from 1
123 al controls for every case, matched for age, HIV status, and study site.
124 xual behavior, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) status, and vaccinations.
125                               Independent of HIV status, anemia was present in 23.4% and 8% in blacks
126 expand HIV testing and support disclosure of HIV status are needed.
127      The OMT results were compared with true HIV status as determined by serum testing and/or clinica
128 r delivery were included if they had unknown HIV status at presentation (there was no age limit for t
129                                              HIV status aware couples with at least one HIV positive
130 at elevated partnership dissolution rates in HIV status aware serodiscordant couples reduce the sprea
131 vior changes (e.g., increased condom use) in HIV status aware serodiscordant partnerships.
132 o account, each percentage point increase in HIV status awareness reduces HIV incidence by 0.13 and 0
133 solution, every percentage point increase in HIV status awareness reduces HIV incidence in monogamous
134 completion of therapy, grade, race, age, and HIV status between the normal and abnormal Fhit expressi
135 ot receiving these at presentation; or known HIV status but had never received treatment.
136 nicillin for early syphilis, irrespective of HIV status, but data from coinfected patients are limite
137                                              HIV status can be determined by PCR by age 6 months in m
138                             With control for HIV status, cases were more likely to have extrapulmonar
139  Uganda, to evaluate the association between HIV status, CD4 cell count, and other clinical predictor
140 lly the LMX1A-AA carriers (LMX1A genotype by HIV status, cluster-corrected-p < 0.0001).
141 2007-2009, 1,777 pregnant women with unknown HIV status completed an interviewer-administered questio
142 rimoxazole until breastfeeding cessation and HIV-status confirmation.
143  for confounding variables including contact HIV status, contact age, socio-economic status, and inde
144 h undocumented human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) status could enable immediate provision of antiretr
145               The adjusted MI rate ratio for HIV status declined over time, reaching 1.0 (95% confide
146                                              HIV status did not affect the area under the curve (AUC(
147                                        While HIV status did not affect the likelihood of being an inf
148                                              HIV status did not predict OS or EFS on multivariate ana
149 l with near-perfect ART adherence and mutual HIV status disclosure among all participating couples.
150 wash samples of HIV-negative sex workers and HIV-status discordant couples.
151 le-blood glutathione, and whole-blood GPX to HIV status, disease severity, immune activation, and oxi
152                                              HIV status does not correlate with the degree or composi
153          Of these, 117 711 (89.2%) had their HIV status established, of whom 11 964 (10.2%) were HIV
154    During the iPrEx study, there were 51,260 HIV status evaluations among 2,499 volunteers using RTs:
155 ce could not be detected when stratifying by HIV status for either sample type.
156 either HIV-positive MSM or MSM regardless of HIV status, for age bands 16-25, 16-30, 16-35, and 16-40
157    Duration of response is not influenced by HIV status; furthermore, HIV+ patients show no adverse e
158  clinical parameters, such as patient's age, HIV status, gender, disease duration, pretreatment plate
159 ntly modifies the disposition of SP, whereas HIV status has little influence on pharmacokinetic param
160 on were age </= 50 years, male sex, positive HIV status, history of hemophilia, sickle cell anemia or
161  severe disease (2.47, 1.17-5.24, p=0.0181), HIV status (HIV infected 10.3, 3.26-32.51; HIV exposed,
162  incidence of IE was determined according to HIV status in a cohort of IDUs.
163 nd an association between OPRM1 variants and HIV status in African Americans and whites.
164 cidence is unacceptably high irrespective of HIV status in black Africans.
165            The small observed differences by HIV status in matching characteristics (ie, age and sex)
166 e as a confirmation test provided conclusive HIV status in only 50.0% (CI, 30.8% to 69.2%) of patient
167 BT could substantially increase awareness of HIV status in previously undiagnosed individuals in sub-
168 on between rectovaginal GBS colonization and HIV status in women.
169  or an unknown human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) status in an HIV-endemic setting.
170 erved changes in IPD incidence, according to HIV status, in children aged 3 months-5 years and in wom
171        The proportion of children with known HIV status increased from 13% in 2005 to 95% in 2012.
172 ates that after acute myocardial infarction, HIV status influences long-term risk, although the short
173 orate auxiliary information on self-reported HIV status into analyses based on partially observed HIV
174  present in labor who are untested and whose HIV status is unknown.
175  criteria that preclude organ donation, only HIV+ status is singled out as a mandated exclusion to do
176  population stages (first positive HIV test, HIV status knowledge, and linkage to care) and three cli
177 rs for AR to INJ SLDs included age, positive HIV status, MDR tuberculosis and initial treatment with
178 infant CMV acquisition independent of infant HIV status (multivariable hazard ratio, 1.61; 95% confid
179 edictors: having a male partner with unknown HIV status, number of lifetime sexual partners, syphilis
180 tors including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) status (odds ratio [OR], 7.90; P < .001), and basel
181                                          The HIV status of 90% of all infants was established at 6 to
182                                          The HIV status of all women was determined by an immunoglobu
183                              Identifiers and HIV status of living applicants were known only by the D
184             Sensitivity analyses of the true HIV status of unconfirmed cases and test sensitivity res
185 association between neonatal GBS disease and HIV-status of the mother and studies that assessed the a
186  in Nairobi, Kenya, to examine the impact of HIV status on (1) introducing influenza to the home and
187 obin level, <110 g/L) modified the effect of HIV status on treatment failure.
188 ecretory IgA levels were seen, regardless of HIV status, OPC status, or CD4(+) cell count.
189 incomplete knowledge of the source subject's HIV status or antiretroviral treatment history.
190 tely deficient (P <.001) but not relative to HIV status or BMD.
191 idence for genotypic clustering according to HIV status or body site.
192 -points performed similarly, irrespective of HIV status or CD4 count.
193 -1) that were not confounded by immigration, HIV status or drug resistance.
194 nfluencing adherence were: non-disclosure of HIV status (OR = 17.99, p = 0.014); alcohol use (OR = 12
195 ubjects) and did not differ significantly by HIV status (P = 0.87).
196 (p=0.001), proportion of women (p=0.01), and HIV status (p=0.03) were noted between the 14 prevalent
197 irculating vIL-6 levels were associated with HIV(+) status (P <.0001).
198  In multivariate analysis including maternal HIV status, placental malaria, and antibody responses, H
199 es in the levels of morbidity compression by HIV status, PLHIV-especially women living with HIV-spent
200                   The predictor variable was HIV status (positive or negative).
201 e majority (78%) of patients felt that their HIV status reduced their chance of LDKT.
202 ected sex with a partner of negative/unknown HIV status) reported 12 months after inclusion between p
203 (regardless of human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] status) seen in a uveitis referral center between 1
204  infant pneumococcal acquisition by maternal HIV status, serotype-specific household exposure, and ot
205 prevalence varied significantly (P < .05) by HIV status, sexual orientation, and lifetime number of s
206                      These data suggest that HIV status should not affect therapeutic decision making
207  a clear difference in response depending on HIV status, suggesting that EE with superimposed HIV ent
208                                     Based on HIV status, testing history, and the results of an assay
209 in HIV-positive couples, and irrespective of HIV status, the majority of couples exhibit HPV concorda
210 tor had little impact on the relationship of HIV status to current major depressive disorder.
211  and partners commonly do not disclose their HIV status to each other.
212    In addition, VL+ YMSM who disclosed their HIV status to sex partners were more likely to report CA
213 hirty-three percent of youth disclosed their HIV status to their first sexual partner.
214                                              HIV status, travel history, and antimicrobial use data w
215 lood pressure, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) status, urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio, hemoglob
216                                 Knowledge of HIV status was ascertained through a caregiver questionn
217                                              HIV status was assessed by enzyme-linked immunosorbant a
218                                              HIV status was assessed prospectively in hospitalized pa
219                                   In humans, HIV status was associated with significant impairments i
220                         Laboratory-confirmed HIV status was available for 19 330 respondents in Zambi
221                                  The child's HIV status was determined and measles immunoglobulin G (
222                                 The infants' HIV status was determined by polymerase chain reaction o
223                                              HIV status was established after randomisation.
224                                              HIV status was ever ascertained for a total of 8,233/9,9
225                                Follow-up for HIV status was incomplete for 240 (8.6%) participants.
226 for incarceration, residence, and geography, HIV status was no longer significantly associated with c
227                                     Maternal HIV status was not associated with any outcomes in the o
228                                              HIV status was not associated with clustering.
229  HCV infection and alcohol abuse/dependence, HIV status was not independently associated with hepatoc
230 rs were considered in multivariate analysis, HIV status was not retained in the model.
231                 A significant interaction by HIV status was observed for the relation of total SAT wi
232               In conclusion, smoking but not HIV status was the primary factor for alveolar bone loss
233 s with one or more survey participants whose HIV status was unknown were eligible to participate in t
234  patients and 1 isolate from a patient whose HIV status was unknown were shown to be consistent by ph
235  sex, outcome, Glasgow Coma Scale [GCS], and HIV status) was ascertained at selected sites.
236 es in mean age at, and risk of, diagnosis by HIV status were estimated using multivariate linear regr
237 the levels of blood lipids and biomarkers by HIV status were examined before and after adjustment for
238 tic regression adjusting for child age, sex, HIV status, whether the child had been hospitalized in t
239 women present late for delivery with unknown HIV status, which limits the use of intrapartum nevirapi
240     All cases of tuberculosis, regardless of HIV status, which occurred between January 1992 and June
241  but 60 of 118 (50.8%) of the women of known HIV status who died during pregnancy or post partum were
242 eriolar and venular diameters in relation to HIV status, with a tendency towards narrower retinal dia
243 s, women often present in labor with unknown HIV status without receiving the HIVNET 012 nevirapine (
244                 Interestingly, regardless of HIV status, younger MSM had significantly lower BMD than

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