コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 independently associated with not receiving HPV vaccine.
2 ditions were not less likely to initiate the HPV vaccine.
3 reported receipt of at least one dose of the HPV vaccine.
4 d men and the approval of a second, bivalent HPV vaccine.
5 idate combination preventive and therapeutic HPV vaccine.
6 eling the potential impact of a prophylactic HPV vaccine.
7 red to compose a broadly efficacious genital HPV vaccine.
8 CCs after the first dose of the quadrivalent HPV vaccine.
9 nts after administration of the quadrivalent HPV vaccine.
10 ain partial cross-protection by the bivalent HPV vaccine.
11 o timing and number of doses of quadrivalent HPV vaccine.
12 asurable preventable disease outcome for the HPV vaccine.
13 t a moderately high level of knowledge about HPV vaccine.
14 HPV types than is achieved with the licensed HPV vaccines.
15 ases potentially preventable by prophylactic HPV vaccines.
16 f cervical cancer from the second-generation HPV vaccines.
17 to our understanding of the early impact of HPV vaccines.
18 types and the efficacy of current and future HPV vaccines.
19 s have implications for the design of future HPV vaccines.
20 ed in the 4-valent and 9-valent prophylactic HPV vaccines.
21 forts are needed to realise the potential of HPV vaccines.
22 the quadrivalent and nonavalent prophylactic HPV vaccines.
23 prophylactic bivalent human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine.
24 drivalent and bivalent human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines.
26 reviously completed a series of quadrivalent HPV vaccine (4vHPV), a strategy we refer to as "addition
27 with zero, 1, 2, or 3 doses of quadrivalent HPV vaccine (4vHPV; Gardasil, Merck) 6 years previously.
29 3-doses of nonavalent human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine (9vHPV) to females aged 13-18 years who had
30 e data support vaccination with quadrivalent HPV vaccine across a broad range of baseline subject cha
31 ation for prophylactic human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines, adult women who remain at risk of cervica
33 of parents and health care providers toward HPV vaccine and critically evaluate controversial and ch
34 11-88x5 adjuvanted with alum or the licensed HPV vaccines and challenged intravaginally with HPV6, HP
36 B2) sensitivities to cross-neutralization by HPV vaccine antibodies compared to that of the A1 sublin
39 rly is decreasing and women who received the HPV vaccine are due to attend screening for the first ti
42 mized 1:1 to receive 3 doses of quadrivalent HPV vaccine at 0, 2, and 6 months (n = 261) or 2 doses a
43 patient received 3 doses of the quadrivalent HPV vaccine at 0, 2, and 6 months in 2013, and both pati
44 n was used to obtain prevalence estimates of HPV vaccine awareness and initiation adjusted for sociod
45 ently, there are three licensed prophylactic HPV vaccines based on virus-like particles (VLPs) of the
48 reported receipt of at least one dose of the HPV vaccine before the age of 26 years (29.2% in women a
50 s were randomly assigned (1:1) to receive an HPV vaccine (Cervarix, GlaxoSmithKline, Rixensart, Belgi
52 three FDA-approved multivalent prophylactic HPV vaccines composed of virus-like particles (VLPs).
56 human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine in 2006, HPV vaccine coverage among US adolescents has increased
58 Our findings also suggested that 2 doses of HPV vaccine delivered at 0 and 12 months might afford si
59 nd January 2010) assessing 4 schedules of an HPV vaccine delivered in 21 schools to 903 adolescent gi
60 uscular injection of 3 doses of quadrivalent HPV vaccine delivered on a standard dosing schedule (at
61 sponse to quadrivalent human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine delivered at 0, 2, and 6 months in young ad
64 analysis, 809 girls who received at least 1 HPV vaccine dose had valid serum measurements 1 month af
67 round of HPV screening, possibly dampened by HPV vaccine effect; in this study, although the point es
69 specified, end-of-study combined analysis of HPV vaccine efficacy studies for prevention of cervical
70 of an HPV16/18 prevalence of 12% before the HPV vaccine era, extended catch-up vaccination for femal
71 dose to a two-dose protocol for the licensed HPV vaccines, especially in younger adolescents (aged 9-
72 of clinically approved human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines, Females United to Unilaterally Reduce End
75 tions at 6 months were 33.4% (82/248) in the HPV vaccine group and 31.6% (95/298) in the control grou
76 ates at 12 months were 48.8% (86/177) in the HPV vaccine group and 49.8% (110/220) in the control gro
77 ing the 9-valent human papillomavirus virus (HPV) vaccine has shown that antibody responses after 2 d
78 Clinical trials on the viral-like particle HPV vaccines have good safety profiles and promising eff
81 alent and quadrivalent human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines have been introduced in most developed cou
82 Although available human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines have high efficacy against incident infect
84 il cases reported that they would accept the HPV vaccine if it were offered again (97% and 93% respec
89 mmunogenicity and safety of the quadrivalent HPV vaccine in 3 strata based on screening CD4 count: >3
94 Since licensure of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine in 2006, HPV vaccine coverage among US adol
97 f Cervarix or Gardasil human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines in adults infected with the human immunode
99 the potential value of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines, information concerning the incidence and
100 nal research articles describing barriers to HPV vaccine initiation and completion among US adolescen
101 morbidities; we estimated the prevalence of HPV vaccine initiation in cancer survivors versus the US
103 ears postcompletion of therapy); we assessed HPV vaccine initiation, sociodemographic and clinical ch
110 In the United States, human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine is recommended for 11- or 12-year-olds, and
112 ratio and interviewed about cervical cancer, HPV vaccine knowledge and reasons why they might have re
114 iminary evidence suggests that recipients of HPV vaccines might derive prophylactic benefits from one
115 P < .001); survivors were more likely to be HPV vaccine-naive than general population peers (odds ra
117 25 years, 84.4% reported having heard of the HPV vaccine; of these, 28.5% had initiated HPV vaccinati
118 cent girls in Vietnam, administration of the HPV vaccine on standard and alternative schedules was im
119 pact of a quadrivalent human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine on infection and cervical disease related t
120 substantial effect of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines on reducing HPV-related cervical disease i
121 ts 9-26 years old randomized to quadrivalent HPV vaccine or placebo in phase 2/3 studies were analyze
122 rs' perceived lack of insurance coverage for HPV vaccine (OR, 6.6; 95% CI, 3.9 to 11.0; P < .001), ma
129 ence to suggest that one or two doses of the HPV vaccine provides similar protection to the three-dos
130 died the safety and efficacy of quadrivalent HPV vaccine (qHPV) against anal intraepithelial neoplasi
131 By preventing HPV infection, quadrivalent HPV vaccine (qHPV) reduces risk of anal cancer/precancer
133 currently licensed bivalent and quadrivalent HPV vaccines ranged from 12% to 61.5%, and the fractions
134 een after receipt of 3 doses of quadrivalent HPV vaccine, receipt of 2 vaccine doses was also associa
137 objective was to show that the quadrivalent HPV vaccine reduced the incidence of external genital le
138 concentrations >/=29 months after 3 doses of HPV vaccine regardless of dose-timing, and extended sche
142 he 3-dose quadrivalent human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine series (HPV-6, -11, -16, -18) is immunogeni
144 equent among subjects receiving quadrivalent HPV vaccine than among those receiving placebo (57% vs.
148 dle-free, and affordable formulations of the HPV vaccine to overcome the socioeconomic barriers assoc
152 en (n=5,871) in the NCI-sponsored Costa Rica HPV Vaccine Trial's prevaccination enrollment visit were
153 present thinking about primary endpoints for HPV vaccine trials as developed at an experts workshop c
155 dently associated with seroprevalence of any HPV vaccine type among both females and males, and pover
156 12.2% among males; the seroprevalence of any HPV vaccine type increased with age, reaching 42.0% amon
157 ic blacks had a higher seroprevalence of any HPV vaccine type than that observed for non-Hispanic whi
160 revealed that the prevalence of quadrivalent HPV vaccine types (4vHPV), types 6, 11, 16, and 18, was
168 measured 1 month after the third dose of the HPV vaccine was administered; GMT was determined by type
172 tched analyses, exposure to the quadrivalent HPV vaccine was not associated with significantly higher
176 oses (at 0, 1, and 6 months) of the bivalent HPV vaccine were identified in the vaccination registrat
177 Viruslike particle human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines were designed to prevent HPV infection and
178 ection by the bivalent human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine, which targets HPV-16 and HPV-18, against H
179 or HPV-6/11 infection with the quadrivalent HPV vaccine will result in a high neutralizing antibody
180 e decentralised with the hope that effective HPV vaccines will be made increasingly available in low-
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