


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              HTH binds to DNA as part of a HTH/Hox/EXD trimeric compl
2                                              HTH is a member of a small gene family in Arabidopsis an
3                                              HTH-POA slice ATP levels remained steady for 2, 4 and 6
4            Seven other proteins containing a HTH motif, do not have operator-like sequences in the DN
5              Disruption of a gene encoding a HTH-Xre-like regulator, highly expressed in yellow varia
6 s that the catalytic tyrosine is placed in a HTH domain as well.
7 e sulfenic acid oxidation of a cysteine in a HTH-motif leads to differential effects on gene expressi
8 incorporation of a metal-binding loop into a HTH sequence.
9                HTH binds to DNA as part of a HTH/Hox/EXD trimeric complex, and we show that this comp
10                 The protein sequence shows a HTH motif typical of that found in many transcriptional
11 d wild type DNA-binding activity, an altered HTH-3 domain resulted in reduced binding to the three pr
12                                     Although HTH-1 and HTH-2 mutations showed wild type DNA-binding a
13 educed binding to the three promoters and an HTH-4 mutant was devoid of detectable binding activity.
14 edicted to be in the recognition helix of an HTH motif, was challenged with altered att sites created
15 a putative transcriptional regulator with an HTH DNA binding motif.
16 y diversity for DNA-binding proteins with an HTH motif, and much smaller diversity for those with an
17 ese variables detect 78% of proteins with an HTH motif, which is a substantial improvement over previ
18                           Although HTH-1 and HTH-2 mutations showed wild type DNA-binding activity, a
19 tational analyses showed that both CMD-1 and HTH-4 are also necessary for activation of the promoter
20 ae subsp. dysgalactiae showed that CMD-1 and HTH-4 are critical for transcriptional activation in thi
21  Plasmid-encoded expression of the HTH-3 and HTH-4 alleles from a constitutive promoter (Pspac) in th
22          Single-copy expression of HTH-3 and HTH-4 from their native Pmga resulted in a dramatic redu
23 o contain two DNA-binding domains (HTH-3 and HTH-4) that are required for direct activation of the Mg
24 mino-terminal DNA-binding domains (HTH-3 and HTH-4).
25  protein-protein interaction between EXD and HTH results in EXD's nuclear translocation.
26 d the homeodomain (HD), made up from another HTH motif.
27                 The majority of the archaeal HTH-containing proteins are predicted to be gene/operon-
28 sequences are much more similar to bacterial HTH domains than to eukaryotic ones, such as the PAIRED,
29 ytR deletion mutants lacking the DNA binding HTH domain, with tandem CRP dimers bound to either udpP
30 al transduction domains, or with DNA-binding HTH domains.
31 by itself, so it may be that the DNA-binding HTH motif becomes rigidly defined only when FlhD forms a
32 effector domain and a C-terminal DNA-binding HTH-like domain.
33 ed together for the detection of DNA-binding HTHs in proteins of unknown function.
34 ssay using Hsp27 promoter revealed that both HTH domains contribute in a cooperative manner to the tr
35  there is a reciprocal repression exerted by HTH on these and other DPP and WG downstream targets tha
36 lices mediate dimerization, making canonical HTH-DNA interactions impossible.
37  motif contacts DNA similarly to how certain HTH proteins contact DNA non-specifically.
38 MBF1 is the only highly conserved, classical HTH domain that is vertically inherited in all archaea a
39 layed in a ring, distinct from the classical HTH dimer.
40                                The 28-mer Cu-HTH peptide P7 spectroscopically mimics the PrP octarepe
41 ntral catalytic domain is intact, PspF delta HTH at physiological concentration cannot activate psp e
42 , multicopy-plasmid-borne PspF or PspF delta HTH overcomes repression of the psp operon mediated by t
43 877) encodes a truncated protein (PspF delta HTH) that lacks the DNA-binding helix-turn-helix (HTH) m
44 o similarity beyond the presence of distinct HTH domains.
45  appears to contain two DNA-binding domains (HTH-3 and HTH-4) that are required for direct activation
46  are two amino-terminal DNA-binding domains (HTH-3 and HTH-4).
47 helix 6, the recognition helices of the dual HTH motifs, are important to DNA binding and transcripti
48 helix (helix E) of the helix D-turn-helix E (HTH) DNA-binding domain of the three holo-repressors.
49                                         Each HTH motif can bind to DNA separately or in combination w
50                          One helix from each HTH motif inserts into the major groove of the DNA to ma
51 g motifs, and it has been proposed that each HTH motif recognizes a highly conserved recognition elem
52 he GnC in site 1 and recognized by the first HTH motif of an ExsA monomer.
53 ate that residues L198 and T199 in the first HTH motif of ExsA contact the guanine in the GnC sequenc
54 haS-CTD substitutions clustered in the first HTH motif, and suggested that l-rhamnose induces improve
55 nce and that residue K202, also in the first HTH motif, contacts the cytosine.
56                                 Neurons from HTH-POA slices incubated for 4 h appeared healthy and de
57 protein structures that include a functional HTH motif and have no apparent sequence similarity to ea
58 inst a previously proposed helix-turn-helix (HTH) binding site located in another region of the monom
59 the marginally stable lacI helix-turn-helix (HTH) DNA binding domain using circular dichroism and wit
60  links LOV regulation to a helix-turn-helix (HTH) DNA binding domain, we demonstrated that the LOV do
61 ne half of a tra box via a helix-turn-helix (HTH) DNA binding motif.
62 hat only one of Rob's dual helix-turn-helix (HTH) DNA binding motifs binds a recognition element of t
63  AraC proteins contain two helix-turn-helix (HTH) DNA binding motifs.
64 terminal half of EspR is a helix-turn-helix (HTH) DNA-binding domain and the carboxy terminus consist
65 of proteins containing the helix-turn-helix (HTH) DNA-binding domains whose sequences are much more s
66 alpha-helices, including a helix-turn-helix (HTH) DNA-binding motif formed by helices 3 and 4, and ca
67 that lack one helix of the helix-turn-helix (HTH) DNA-binding motif or the entire motif retain residu
68 ne regulatory protein with helix-turn-helix (HTH) DNA-binding motif, GalS contains a functional opera
69 ally recognized by the two helix-turn-helix (HTH) DNA-binding motifs of an ExsA monomer.
70 ily, SoxS has two putative helix-turn-helix (HTH) DNA-binding motifs, and it has been proposed that e
71 ors whose hallmark is dual helix-turn-helix (HTH) DNA-binding motifs.
72  that contains a classical helix-turn-helix (HTH) domain and can be assigned to the Xre family of tra
73    It is thought to have a helix-turn-helix (HTH) domain at the N-terminus and possesses two CXXC mot
74 ng subfamily of the winged helix-turn-helix (HTH) domain family whose members share a remarkable abil
75 terminus), and a potential helix-turn-helix (HTH) domain.
76  of DNA is recognized by a helix-turn-helix (HTH) motif and the adjacent minor grooves are contacted
77 r37/Pro39 of the repressor helix-turn-helix (HTH) motif and the methyl groups of specific thymine bas
78 is of peptides with hybrid helix-turn-helix (HTH) motif and their conformational analysis (NMR, MD, a
79                        The helix-turn-helix (HTH) motif features frequently in protein DNA-binding as
80 inding domain folds into a helix-turn-helix (HTH) motif flanked on either side by "wings" of polypept
81 id sequence similar to the helix-turn-helix (HTH) motif found in other DNA-binding proteins.
82 tection of the DNA-binding helix-turn-helix (HTH) motif from sequence.
83 containing the DNA-binding helix-turn-helix (HTH) motif has been developed.
84 ed mutagenesis of the AmpR helix-turn-helix (HTH) motif identified residues critical for binding and
85 the active site motif to a helix-turn-helix (HTH) motif implicated in DNA binding.
86 sembling the characterized helix-turn-helix (HTH) motif involved in DNA recognition by many phage and
87 bound to site 1, the first helix-turn-helix (HTH) motif of ExsA interacts with the conserved GnC sequ
88 ructural similarity to the helix-turn-helix (HTH) motif of the lambda repressor DNA-binding domain.
89 binding domain and a 57-aa helix-turn-helix (HTH) motif that is structurally related to the transcrip
90 ns, CodY appears to have a helix-turn-helix (HTH) motif thought to be critical for interaction with D
91 e-binding (OB) folds and a helix-turn-helix (HTH) motif.
92 mily, including a putative helix-turn-helix (HTH) motif.
93 sts a classic DNA-binding, helix-turn-helix (HTH) motif.
94 that lacks the DNA-binding helix-turn-helix (HTH) motif.
95 20 which is located in the helix-turn-helix (HTH) motif.
96 twined dimer with a winged helix-turn-helix (HTH) motif.
97 n the putative DNA-binding helix-turn-helix (HTH) motif.
98 DNA using small contiguous helix-turn-helix (HTH) motifs comprise a significant number of all DNA-bin
99                    The two helix-turn-helix (HTH) motifs in Int proteins incorporate catalytic residu
100 between the marbox and two helix-turn-helix (HTH) motifs on the monomeric MarA.
101  bp target sites using two helix-turn-helix (HTH) motifs that are both located in its C-terminal doma
102 he AraC family contain two helix-turn-helix (HTH) motifs that contact two segments of the DNA major g
103 metries of the EF-hand and helix-turn-helix (HTH) motifs was investigated by NMR and CD spectroscopy
104 domain (PD), which has two helix-turn-helix (HTH) motifs, and the homeodomain (HD), made up from anot
105 ing domain composed of two helix-turn-helix (HTH) motifs,the PAI and RED domains.
106 that the marginally stable helix-turn-helix (HTH) recognition element is greatly stabilized by operat
107 stitutions in two putative helix-turn-helix (HTH) recognition helices that caused differential promot
108 y in O157:H7 isolates as a helix-turn-helix (HTH) truncated isoform.
109 n three structural motifs: helix-turn-helix (HTH), helix-hairpin-helix (HhH) and helix-loop-helix (HL
110 e that K52 residues within helix-turn-helix (HTH), K80, R82 and R88 (in the wing) and L105 (in the al
111 gion (aa 418-530) with two helix-turn-helix (HTH)-like domains, and binds to a heat shock element (HS
112                    It is a helix-turn-helix (HTH)-type transcription factor activated upon binding of
113 to the same catalytic function by homologous HTH domains.
114  (SCR), Extradenticle (EXD), and Homothorax (HTH).
115 res a third homeodomain protein, Homothorax (HTH).
116 nt alleles of the organ fusion gene HOTHEAD (HTH) can inherit allele-specific DNA sequence informatio
117 lar cloning and characterization of HOTHEAD (HTH), a gene required to limit cellular interactions bet
118 hat loss-of-function alleles of the HOTHEAD (HTH) gene in Arabidopsis thaliana are genetically unstab
119 ta-gamma-alpha-gamma-alpha") showed a hybrid HTH with "11/9/11/9/11/16/9/12/10" H-bonding, while the
120 ortunity for the design and study of "hybrid HTH" motifs with more than one kind of helical structure
121 ided access to the decapeptides with "hybrid HTH" motifs.
122  of tamoxifen on ATP levels in hypothalamic (HTH) and preoptic areas (POA) of the rat brain.
123 d to show that MelR residue 273, which is in HTH 2, interacts with basepair 13 of each target site.
124 th 10-6 M TAM led to decreased ATP levels in HTH (but not POA), and a 4-h incubation with 10-8 M led
125 tion with 10-6 M FLU decreased ATP levels in HTH (but not POA), while incubation with E2 did not affe
126 ne (FLU) and estradiol (E2) on ATP levels in HTH and POA slices.
127 is that both TAM and FLU alter ATP levels in HTH slices via calmodulin- or calcium-mediated processes
128 ata showed that, following a 2-h incubation, HTH and POA slices had comparable ATP levels to hippocam
129 lytical ultracentrifugation, that individual HTH motifs of the Bacillus phage SF6 small terminase bin
130 yonic leucine zipper kinase (MELK) inhibitor HTH-01-091, CRISPR/Cas9-mediated MELK knockout, a novel
131 ically affect the binding specificity of its HTH motif.
132       Distributions of rmsd values for known HTH-containing proteins (true hits) and non-HTH proteins
133 ofoundly different way than most other known HTH regulators.
134 -parameter fits to GB and urea data for lacI HTH unfolding over a wide concentration range.
135  of effects of high GB concentration on lacI HTH stability.
136 osed in unfolding the marginally stable lacI HTH DNA binding domain.
137 uced unfolding of the marginally stable lacI HTH.
138                 The urea m-value of the lacI HTH (-d deltaG(o)(obs),/dC(3) = 449 +/- 11 cal mol(-)(1)
139 om the surface exposed in unfolding the lacI HTH and from the folded surface of HEWL than expected fr
140 he observed decrease in m-value for the lacI HTH with increasing temperature, together with the obser
141                                        MEIS1/HTH also specifically binds to EXD with high affinity in
142 n the orientation of binding of the two MelR HTH motifs, and the juxtaposition of the different bound
143 ngrailed homeodomain helix-turn-helix motif (HTH).
144  HTH-containing proteins (true hits) and non-HTH proteins (false hits) were calculated.
145 6 M TAM decreased ATP levels in POA (but not HTH) slices, while the exposure of slices to the lower c
146  led to increased ATP levels in POA (but not HTH); a 15-min exposure to 10-6 M TAM decreased ATP leve
147  we investigate how such a circular array of HTH motifs enables specific recognition of the viral gen
148                     The predominant class of HTH domains in archaea is the winged-HTH domain.
149  part of a multiprotein complex, composed of HTH, Hox, and EXD proteins, bound to DNA.
150 re is also a post-transcriptional control of HTH by exd: exd activity is required for the apparent st
151                  The number and diversity of HTH domains in archaea is comparable to that seen in bac
152 e show that a conserved N-terminal domain of HTH directly binds to EXD in vitro, and is sufficient to
153                    Single-copy expression of HTH-3 and HTH-4 from their native Pmga resulted in a dra
154 ain and to that of the homeodomain family of HTH DNA-binding proteins.
155            Using a dominant negative form of HTH we provide evidence that similar complexes are impor
156 pha/beta-octapeptides showed the presence of HTH structures with bifurcated 11/15-H-bonded turn.
157  intrinsically bent DNA segment by a ring of HTHs which bind weakly but cooperatively.
158  residue adjacent to either one or the other HTH motif.
159 e surface area threshold value of 990 A2 per HTH motif.
160                   These data show the Cu-PrP HTH peptide reproduces the Cu-binding behavior of a sing
161 to its cognate DNA may involve both putative HTH motif-like regions.
162 of the protein (region I) or in the putative HTH motif (region II).
163  amino acyl residues in or near the putative HTH region of GerE and potentially other members of the
164                                This putative HTH motif was found to be highly conserved in the CodY h
165 hat corresponds to the functionally relevant HTH motif itself.
166 h the conserved GnC sequence, and the second HTH interacts at or near the TGnnA sequences.
167                         Likewise, the second HTH interacts with an adenine residue in binding site 2.
168 , Y250, T252, and R257 located in the second HTH motif contribute to the recognition of the TGnnA seq
169  clustered at a single residue in the second HTH motif, at a position consistent with improved RNAP c
170       A structural template library of seven HTH motifs has been created from non-homologous DNA-bind
171 try 1CMK , and a helix-turn-helix structure (HTH conformation), similar to PDB entry 4DFX , which sho
172 symmetric dimer with extended amino-terminal HTH (helix-turn-helix) domains that contact A-boxes.
173  N-terminal region (NTR), and its C-terminal HTH (helix-turn-helix) domain is also unique in DNA reco
174 main, as well as the AAA+ and the C-terminal HTH dom-ains of ZraR can be fitted into the reconstructi
175 d cnfR (patB) whose product has a C-terminal HTH domain and an N-terminal ferredoxin-like domain.
176 at to site 2 and site 2' with the C-terminal HTH located towards the promoter-proximal end of each si
177 nition element 1 (RE1), while the C-terminal HTH motif interacts with the less conserved recognition
178 ocated in the second helix of the C-terminal HTH motif.
179                  While both N and C-terminal HTH motifs make essential contributions to binding site
180 gates via the linker helix to the N-terminal HTH DNA-binding domain.
181        Evidence suggests that the N-terminal HTH motif of SoxS interacts with a highly conserved regi
182 e sensitive to alterations in the N-terminal HTH.
183 rm ++ to a swarm (+) phenotype, showing that HTH-Xre regulates phase variation.
184 s our model for DNA-bound MelR suggests that HTH 2 must be adjacent to the melAB promoter -35 element
185                                          The HTH conformation is stabilized by S10 phosphorylation of
186                                          The HTH domain in archaea combines with a variety of other d
187                                          The HTH motif forms a tetramerization domain that results in
188 rations can be modelled for the AAA+ and the HTH domains, suggesting the nature of the conformational
189                It is shown that, besides the HTH domain, archaea encode unexpectedly large numbers of
190            The amino acids that comprise the HTH motifs of ExsA are nearly identical to those in LcrF
191 et of protein sequences, some containing the HTH motifs, others not.
192  sequences in the DNA sequences encoding the HTH motif; none of them, except MerR, are known to be au
193 erator within the DNA sequences encoding the HTH region.
194 the long axis of the DNA helix, flanking the HTH interactions with the major groove.
195 (dT)9, (iii) provide data that implicate the HTH motif in dsDNA binding, and (iv) show that BRCA2 sti
196  with single amino acid substitutions in the HTH and non-specific DNA-binding by the wild-type protei
197 r, mutating a key DNA binding residue in the HTH homeodomain abolishes many of its in vivo functions.
198 lanine substitutions at two positions in the HTH region of GerE on binding to wild-type or mutant tar
199 region of this protein family, including the HTH motif.
200 e DNA-binding domains, which incorporate the HTH motif, the second library included shorter models of
201 d that the LOV domain binds and inhibits the HTH domain in the dark, releasing these interactions upo
202 c TFIIB and TFIIE-alpha possess forms of the HTH domain that are divergent in sequence, their archaea
203 sition of the DNA recognition helices of the HTH domain.
204 nge and subsequent proper positioning of the HTH domains in the major groove of the two half sites of
205  the identification of future members of the HTH family are discussed.
206                   Expression analysis of the HTH gene shows that it is expressed in all tissues teste
207             Alternative conformations of the HTH motif may permit adjustment of the structure for opt
208 which protrudes the recognition helix of the HTH motif.
209 er with the recognition alpha-helices of the HTH motifs of each monomer separated by a distance of 34
210 st cell, GSH induces the correct fold of the HTH motifs, thus priming the PrfA protein for DNA intera
211 s required for the apparent stability of the HTH protein.
212 rophilic residues in the second helix of the HTH yields a stable, dimeric form of NtrC defective in D
213            Plasmid-encoded expression of the HTH-3 and HTH-4 alleles from a constitutive promoter (Ps
214 cterial-type transcriptional regulators, the HTH domain is conserved in archaeal and eukaryotic core
215    Cysteine alkylation sterically shifts the HTH recognition helix to evidently mechanistically coupl
216                            Surprisingly, the HTH domains of EspR are arranged in an unusual conformat
217 ence discrimination, which suggests that the HTH motif binds DNA as a folded domain and thus cleaves
218 trary single-site substrate suggest that the HTH motif contacts DNA similarly to how certain HTH prot
219 -containing proteins contact DNA through the HTH and hairpin structures, but only extended-ARID prote
220                            For unfolding the HTH, deltaG(o)(obs) decreases linearly with increasing C
221 possess an unusual architecture in which the HTH motifs are displayed in a ring, distinct from the cl
222                                    While the HTH motif is essential for the Metnase-TIR interaction,
223 facilitated by an arginine finger within the HTH motif to stabilize the extrahelical O(6)-alkylguanin
224  proteins use multiple combinations of their HTHs to recognize several types of target sites.
225 simple model for studies of the role of this HTH domain in DNA binding.
226  alterations in the hydrophobic core of this HTH.
227 ny of these proteins therefore contain three HTH motifs each able to recognize DNA.
228                                         Thus HTH domains might have been independently recruited for
229                       A mutant protein, TnrA(HTH), was constructed in which the putative helix-turn-h
230                                     The TnrA(HTH) protein was unable to activate the in vivo expressi
231                                      The two HTH domains emanate from a dimerized DNA-binding module
232  we proposed a model to describe how the two HTH motifs are positioned.
233 n used to determine the positions of the two HTH motifs at target sites.
234 romoter's robbox, we determined that the two HTH motifs each bind a recognition element in vivo.
235  importance of different residues in the two HTH motifs of MelR.
236  their archaeal counterparts contain typical HTH domains.
237 ates DNA binding, which indicates an unusual HTH-DNA interaction mode in which the N termini of the r
238 the addition of another branch to the winged HTH protein family and could contribute to our understan
239 unexpectedly mediates dimerization, a winged-HTH and a Walker-box containing C-domain.
240                     Zbeta maintains a winged-HTH fold with the addition of a C-terminal helix.
241 lass of HTH domains in archaea is the winged-HTH domain.

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