


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 cts of iron homeostasis in the model species Halobacterium salinarum.
2 the TrmB metabolic GRN in the model archaeon Halobacterium salinarum.
3 ystems analysis of the Cu stress response of Halobacterium salinarum.
4 duced proton pump in the halophilic archaeon Halobacterium salinarum.
5 found in the purple membrane of the archaeon Halobacterium salinarum.
6 acterium Anabaena flos-aquae and the archaea Halobacterium salinarum.
7 h functions as a light-driven proton pump in Halobacterium salinarum.
8 e purple membrane of the salt marsh archaeon Halobacterium salinarum.
9 entifying how this differs from the archaeon Halobacterium salinarum.
10 the cell membrane of the halophilic organism Halobacterium salinarum.
11 e inserted into the membrane of the archaeon Halobacterium salinarum.
12 gh its bound transducer HtrI in the archaeon Halobacterium salinarum.
13 ervation with the rhodopsins of the archaeon Halobacterium salinarum.
14 nsitive phototaxis responses in the archaeon Halobacterium salinarum.
15      Using this method, we demonstrated that Halobacterium salinarum, a hypersaline-adapted archaeal
16 conditions of limited iron, the extremophile Halobacterium salinarum, a salt-loving archaeon, mounts
17                 Sensory rhodopsin I (SRI) in Halobacterium salinarum acts as a receptor for single-qu
18                  Halophilic archaea, such as Halobacterium salinarum and Natronobacterium pharaonis,
19 helix, visual pigment-like proteins found in Halobacterium salinarum and related halophilic Archaea.
20                 Using bacteriorhodopsin from Halobacterium salinarum and the translocon SecYEG from E
21 e Bacteria (termed HemAT-Hs for the archaeon Halobacterium salinarum, and HemAT-Bs for Bacillus subti
22 otein A, a beta-barrel, eubacterial MP, (ii) Halobacterium salinarum bacteriorhodopsin, an alpha-heli
23 pic protein bacterioopsin, the apoprotein of Halobacterium salinarum bacteriorhodopsin.
24 d a homologous gene replacement strategy for Halobacterium salinarum based on ura3, which encodes the
25 iorhodopsin, the light-driven proton pump of Halobacterium salinarum, consists of the membrane apopro
26                                              Halobacterium salinarum displays four distinct kinetic f
27 d oxidative stress responses of the archaeon Halobacterium salinarum exposed to ionizing radiation (I
28 ss conditions in the model archaeal organism Halobacterium salinarum For yeast, our method correctly
29 the first sensory rhodopsins in the archaeon Halobacterium salinarum, genome projects have revealed a
30 stribution of Z-DNA-forming sequences in the Halobacterium salinarum GRB chromosome was analyzed by d
31 I), a repellent phototaxis receptor found in Halobacterium salinarum, has several homologous residues
32 -terminal regions of HemAT from the archaeon Halobacterium salinarum (HemAT-Hs) and from the Gram-pos
33 ers in the phototaxis system of the archaeon Halobacterium salinarum, HtrI and HtrII, are methyl-acce
34 yptic peptides from bovine serum albumin and Halobacterium salinarum in a high throughput liquid chro
35                    Dodecin from the archaeal Halobacterium salinarum is a riboflavin storage device.
36          Signal transduction in the archaeon Halobacterium salinarum is mediated by three distinct su
37 I and the mutant D73E, both reconstituted in Halobacterium salinarum lipids, using FTIR difference sp
38 s a dimer when functionally expressed in the Halobacterium salinarum membrane.
39 y rhodopsin II (SRII) by flash photolysis of Halobacterium salinarum membranes genetically engineered
40               Sensory rhodopsin II (SRII) in Halobacterium salinarum membranes is a phototaxis recept
41 s carry out light-driven proton transport in Halobacterium salinarum membranes.
42 have constructed a model for this process in Halobacterium salinarum NRC-1 through the data-driven di
43 al lineages: a photoheterotrophic halophile (Halobacterium salinarum NRC-1), a hydrogenotrophic metha
44 rotein and in the extended C-terminus of the Halobacterium salinarum protein.
45 roton pump bacteriorhodopsin in the archaeon Halobacterium salinarum requires coordinate synthesis of
46 treme halophiles, Halobacterium halobium and Halobacterium salinarum, retain entrapped carboxyfluores
47  A fusion protein in which the C-terminus of Halobacterium salinarum sensory rhodopsin I (SRI) is con
48                                              Halobacterium salinarum sensory rhodopsin II (HsSRII) is
49    The spectral tuning of halorhodopsin from Halobacterium salinarum (shR) during anion transport was
50 epellent phototaxis receptor in the archaeon Halobacterium salinarum, similar to visual pigments in i
51 low for the archaea using the model organism Halobacterium salinarum sp. NRC-1 and demonstrate its ap
52 alorhodopsin, Jaws, derived from Haloarcula (Halobacterium) salinarum (strain Shark) and engineered t
53 dation, we discovered an RNase (VNG2099C) in Halobacterium salinarum that is transcriptionally co-reg
54 eless HtrI, a phototaxis transducer found in Halobacterium salinarum that transmits signals from the
55                        In the model archaeon Halobacterium salinarum, the transcription factor TrmB r
56                              Chimeras of the Halobacterium salinarum transducers HtrI and HtrII were
57  As a test case, bacteriorhodopsin (bR) from Halobacterium salinarum was crystallized from a bicellar
58                                              Halobacterium salinarum was used as the model organism a
59  dried purple membrane patches purified from Halobacterium salinarum with infrared vibrational scatte

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