


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1                                                             Having established that eosinophils contain MVBs, our aim was
2                                                             Having established that N(2)O-induced release of norepinephri
3                                                             Having established that RBS and SC are caused by mutations in
4                                                             Having established that S3 protein contains an N-glycosylase
5                                                             Having established that the initiator codon assigned to ark1(
6                                                             Having established that the nested PCRs could detect single m
7                                                             Having established that the presence of cocaine in a 10% (wt/
8                                                             Having established that the SFKs target Ald6p, they were used
9                                                             Having established that the two pad impedance cardiogram syst
10                                                             Having established that UCN-01 acted through Cdc2, we next as

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