


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1                                                             Here we provide evidence that 14-3-3 proteins regulate two in
2                                                             Here we provide evidence that cells from hepatocellular carci
3                                                             Here we provide evidence that cytochrome P450 aromatase (AROM
4                                                             Here we provide evidence that five of the genes encoding the
5                                                             Here we provide evidence that GABAB receptors also associate
6                                                             Here we provide evidence that in the Drosophila testis, conne
7                                                             Here we provide evidence that LRRK2 functions together with a
8                                                             Here we provide evidence that Merlin and Kibra activate Hippo
9                                                             Here we provide evidence that Mn-induced exit of GPP130 from
10                                                             Here we provide evidence that neural computations in the righ
11                                                             Here we provide evidence that SCs and polycomplexes contain m
12                                                             Here we provide evidence that TD-derived induced neural stem
13                                                             Here we provide evidence that tenascin-C (TNC), an extracellu
14                                                             Here we provide evidence that the incoming viral genome disso
15                                                             Here we provide evidence that the RecN protein stimulates the
16                                                             Here we provide evidence that these glucose sensors are prima
17                                                             Here we provide evidence that these ring-shaped assemblies te
18                                                             Here we provide evidence that VE-cadherin is cleaved by calpa
19                                                             Here, we provide evidence that ADAMTS-4 contributes to aortic
20                                                             Here, we provide evidence that AGRP inhibitory tone to iBAT r
21                                                             Here, we provide evidence that alpha-band ( approximately 10
22                                                             Here, we provide evidence that berberine inhibits beta-cateni
23                                                             Here, we provide evidence that CD19-negative (CD19(-)) relaps
24                                                             Here, we provide evidence that, contrary to the time-dependen
25                                                             Here, we provide evidence that deletion of Tsc1 from OPCs, bu
26                                                             Here, we provide evidence that glycosphingolipids play an imp
27                                                             Here, we provide evidence that heightened neural excitability
28                                                             Here, we provide evidence that His-50 is the main site of thi
29                                                             Here, we provide evidence that HPr interacts with a large num
30                                                             Here, we provide evidence that hypoxia causes economic impact
31                                                             Here, we provide evidence that intraflagellar transport prote
32                                                             Here, we provide evidence that loss of Lrp4 in the OB lineage
33                                                             Here, we provide evidence that Mlh1-Mlh3 does not behave like
34                                                             Here, we provide evidence that MLKL-induced activation of NLR
35                                                             Here, we provide evidence that mutations affecting genes invo
36                                                             Here, we provide evidence that neuronal P2X7R activation lead
37                                                             Here, we provide evidence that not all evolutionary lineages
38                                                             Here, we provide evidence that oocyte reentry into meiosis is
39                                                             Here, we provide evidence that PRMT5 promotes prostate cancer
40                                                             Here, we provide evidence that proteolytic cleavage of the ma
41                                                             Here, we provide evidence that ROCK1 and ROCK2 act redundantl
42                                                             Here, we provide evidence that rod length is limited by the w
43                                                             Here, we provide evidence that SIRT1, the most conserved mamm
44                                                             Here, we provide evidence that such predators can produce non
45                                                             Here, we provide evidence that the 1q21 amplification-driven
46                                                             Here, we provide evidence that the inappropriate biosynthesis
47                                                             Here, we provide evidence that the injection of T3SS effector
48                                                             Here, we provide evidence that the marine streptomycete strai
49                                                             Here, we provide evidence that the right temporoparietal junc
50                                                             Here, we provide evidence that the tricellular tight junction

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