


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  DNA structure in these two processes is the Holliday junction.
2 ecules connected to each other by a flexible Holliday junction.
3 rently due to cleavage of the regressed fork Holliday junction.
4 ubstrates and include the D-loop and partial Holliday junction.
5 ite-specific double-stranded end (DSE) and a Holliday junction.
6 romoting second end capture to form a double Holliday junction.
7 is relaxed can RuvAB bind to a RecG-extruded Holliday junction.
8 nforced when the protein was shown to unwind Holliday junctions.
9  involve the coordinated cleavage of classic Holliday junctions.
10  stall at UV lesions and regress, generating Holliday junctions.
11 omplex) to promote the dissolution of double Holliday junctions.
12 ctivated in meiosis II to resolve persistent Holliday junctions.
13 imic B-DNA, to predict the properties of DNA Holliday junctions.
14 strand exchanges through branch migration of Holliday junctions.
15  'late' roles, such as dissolution of double Holliday junctions.
16 ture-specific endonucleases that cleave most Holliday junctions.
17 ly branched DNA intermediates containing few Holliday junctions.
18  to form four-stranded structures resembling Holliday junctions.
19 NA structures that include forks, flaps, and Holliday junctions.
20 cts the symmetric cleavage and resolution of Holliday junctions.
21 anched four-stranded DNA structures known as Holliday junctions.
22 ry structures at the replication fork and at Holliday junctions.
23 owed that Rad54 promotes branch migration of Holliday junctions.
24 ectly convert stalled replication forks into Holliday junctions.
25 r modification state is negligibly active on Holliday junctions.
26  for its unique ability to decatenate double-Holliday junctions.
27 replication forks, and dissolution of double Holliday junctions.
28 erence, suggest a conserved binding mode for Holliday junctions.
29 at are organized and dictated by a series of Holliday junctions.
30 h affinity and shows a marked preference for Holliday junctions.
31 ppa joints, synthetic replication forks, and Holliday junctions.
32  exchange of DNA between chromatids, forming Holliday junctions.
33 ts limited endonuclease activity with intact Holliday junctions.
34  bundle also inhibits the cleavage of intact Holliday junctions.
35 m duplex, such as fork structures and nicked Holliday junctions.
36 nd exchange and promotes branch migration of Holliday junctions.
37 trates, while the latter exclusively targets Holliday junctions.
38 roximately 1 min(-1)) and include the nicked Holliday junction, 3'-flapped and replication fork-like
39 omplex designs including linear, bifurcated, Holliday junction, 8-arm star and dendrimers involving u
40 branched structures other than the canonical Holliday junction, a feature advantageous for viral DNA
41 own to catalyze branch migration (BM) of the Holliday junction, a key intermediate in DNA repair and
42 nzymes include the ability to resolve double Holliday junctions, a process thought to lead to the sup
43 sW and UvsW-K141R are capable of stabilizing Holliday junctions against spontaneous branch migration
44 es is determined by the effective density of Holliday junctions along a particular stress direction.
45 lly, Red1 preferentially associated with the Holliday junction and 3-way junction rather than with si
46 tS homologs, hMSH4-hMSH5, bind uniquely to a Holliday Junction and its developmental progenitor.
47 ing protein exhibiting high affinity for the Holliday junction and promoting DNA bridging, condensati
48 tion and six were found to confer defects in Holliday junction and replication fork cleavage in vivo.
49  the Mut S homolog 4 (Msh4) and Msh5 bind to Holliday junctions and are required for homologous recom
50  induce ATP-dependent unwinding of synthetic Holliday junctions and ATP-stimulated annealing of uncon
51         In bacteria, the RuvAB complex binds Holliday junctions and catalyses ATP-dependent branch mi
52  activation does not induce a preference for Holliday junctions and does not induce multimerization o
53 EM visualization of BCDX2 and CX3 binding to Holliday junctions and forked DNAs and suggests the comp
54   Aberrant JMs contain high levels of single Holliday junctions and include intersister JMs, multichr
55 is capable of binding three-way and four-way Holliday junctions and model replication forks that lack
56 show SLX1-dependent nuclease activity toward Holliday junctions and MUS81-dependent activity toward o
57 nd human Rad54 (hRad54) specifically bind to Holliday junctions and promote branch migration.
58 le nucleases in order to effectively resolve Holliday junctions and repair interstrand crosslinks (IC
59 NCM also catalyzes branch migration of model Holliday junctions and replication forks in vitro.
60 e active site is responsible for cleavage on Holliday junctions and splayed duplexes.
61 s, which resulted in processing of synthetic Holliday junctions and stabilization of model replicatio
62 p3 inhibited the Hel112 helicase activity on Holliday junctions and stimulated formation and stabiliz
63 tion on two major activities of RAD54, BM of Holliday junctions and stimulation of DNA pairing.
64 sion intermediates are converted into double Holliday junctions and then resolved into crossovers tha
65 eaves 3'-flaps, replication forks and nicked Holliday junctions, and exhibits limited endonuclease ac
66 ding of homologous pairing, and migration of Holliday junctions, and they suggest that various functi
67                                              Holliday junctions are critical intermediates in DNA rec
68  Resolvase enzymes that cleave DNA four-way (Holliday) junctions are required for poxvirus replicatio
69    Four-way DNA intermediates, also known as Holliday junctions, are formed during homologous recombi
70        The single-crystal structure of a DNA Holliday junction assembled from four unique sequences s
71                                              Holliday junctions assembled from oligonucleotides with
72                          In both conditions, Holliday junctions at DNA break hotspots form more frequ
73 ependent, X-shaped DNA structures containing Holliday junctions between sister chromatids.
74                       Our kinetic studies of Holliday junction branch migration catalysed by a ring-s
75 etic evidence, has been proposed to act as a Holliday junction branch migration enzyme.
76 sses such as replication fork regression and Holliday junction branch migration.
77 nt protein, UvsW-K141R, is unable to promote Holliday junction branch migration.
78 n of DSBs and then defines the boundaries of Holliday junction branch migration.
79 as at most a minor role in resolution of the Holliday junction but acts as an essential backup to MUS
80  MUS81-EME1, SLX1-SLX4 and GEN1 also process Holliday junctions but, in contrast to the BTR complex,
81            Recombinant GEN1 and Yen1 resolve Holliday junctions by the introduction of symmetrically
82                               RecA-generated Holliday junctions can be detected by RuvC cleavage, alt
83                            In somatic cells, Holliday junctions can be formed between sister chromati
84  involves replication fork regression into a Holliday junction ('chicken foot structure'), DNA synthe
85 ructural similarity is found to the archaeal Holliday junction cleavage enzymes, strongly suggesting
86                                              Holliday junction cleavage requires the coordination of
87 clease complex [gene product (gp) 46/47] and Holliday junction-cleaving enzyme (EndoVII), respectivel
88 e and RuvC, and a model of the CPV resolvase.Holliday junction complex provides insights into the con
89 wever, structural superposition on bacterial Holliday junction complexes and similarities in the C-te
90  the final step of homologous recombination, Holliday junction-containing joint molecules (JMs) are r
91                                Using a novel Holliday junction-containing substrate, we also demonstr
92 nerated replication intermediates, including Holliday junction-containing X-shaped intermediates and
93         The active form of the enzyme on the Holliday junction contains a single RuvA tetramer.
94                    Our results indicate that Holliday junctions control mechanical behaviors of DNA n
95 of a sliding clamp that dissociated from the Holliday Junction crossover region embracing two duplex
96 molecules, a protein-DNA complex and dynamic Holliday junctions demonstrate the potential of switchab
97 pha) is an essential component of the double Holliday junction (dHJ) dissolvasome complex in metazoan
98 olliday junction (HJ) or dissolve the double Holliday junction (dHJ) structure to yield non-crossover
99          This complex can resolve the double Holliday junction (dHJ), a DNA intermediate generated du
100                                   The double Holliday junction (DHJ), presupposed to be the central i
101  formation via the dissolution of the double Holliday Junction (dHJ).
102 -break repair (DSBR) by disassembling double-Holliday junctions (dHJs) or by preventing their formati
103 a homology search, ultimately forming double Holliday junctions (dHJs) that primarily include both ho
104 tion of crossover-specific JMs called double Holliday junctions (dHJs).
105 , branch migration, and resolution of double Holliday junctions (dHJs).
106  and MutL, may utilize its ability to unwind Holliday junctions directly in the prevention of homeolo
107 rement for the BLM ATPase activity in double Holliday junction dissolution and DNA unwinding by const
108  two stages: 5' DNA end resection and double Holliday junction dissolution.
109 nalyse human cells compromised for the known Holliday junction dissolution/resolution pathways.
110  in the disease biochemically functions as a Holliday junction dissolvase and human cells lacking fun
111 domains to the four "core-type" sites of the Holliday junction DNA and via its amino-terminal domains
112 d the "dissolvasome," which separates double-Holliday junction DNA structures that can arise during D
113 and breaks and also in the resolution of the Holliday junction during homologous recombination.
114  in independent pathways that branch migrate Holliday junctions during recombinational DNA repair.
115 le, we studied the effect of the sequence on Holliday junction dynamics and branch migration process.
116 een applied to new experimental FRET data of Holliday Junction dynamics, extracting the expected two
117 e that UvsW promotes the branch migration of Holliday junctions efficiently through more than 1000 bp
118                                              Holliday junctions enable modification with multiple flu
119 can dissociate DNA structures, including the Holliday junction, expected to arise during homologous r
120 Mlh1-Mlh3 prefers to bind the open unstacked Holliday junction form.
121 trate that WRN catalyzes fork regression and Holliday junction formation.
122  break repair pathway and that resolution of Holliday junctions formed as part of the latter pathway
123 pair during replication and can also resolve Holliday junctions formed during homologous recombinatio
124 wed the reaction intermediate transitions as Holliday junctions formed through catalysis by XerD, iso
125  is more efficient at generating the initial Holliday junction from the stalled fork.
126 nd lagging strands, whereas RuvC cleaves the Holliday junction generated by RecG-catalyzed fork regre
127 -sites one and four (H14 mode) and recognize Holliday junction geometry-specifically.
128 ediate in homologous recombination, and such Holliday junctions have since been identified as a centr
129 can be produced, including migratable single Holliday junctions, hemicatenanes and a quadruple Hollid
130 cG helicase of Escherichia coli unwinds both Holliday junction (HJ) and replication fork DNA substrat
131  interacts with DNA, using an engineered DNA Holliday junction (HJ) as a protein-DNA interaction repo
132  forces on the nanometer scale motion of the Holliday junction (HJ) at 100-hertz bandwidth.
133                     The assembly is a 240-bp Holliday junction (HJ) bound specifically by 11 protein
134 role in DNA unwinding, strand annealing, and Holliday junction (HJ) branch migration.
135 rmediates in which 1D translocation across a Holliday junction (HJ) could be assessed by subsequent t
136 ologous recombination, from end resection to Holliday junction (HJ) dissolution.
137 nd this domain preferentially binds fork and Holliday junction (HJ) DNA in vitro and is required for
138 ed in the mus81Delta mutant contain a single Holliday junction (HJ) explaining why STR is unable to p
139 in, FtsK, which activates the formation of a Holliday Junction (HJ) intermediate by XerD catalysis th
140 ter which a pair of strand exchanges forms a Holliday junction (HJ) intermediate; HJ isomerization th
141 y Rec12 (Spo11 homolog) and generates single Holliday junction (HJ) intermediates, which are resolved
142 hase, by polo kinase-triggered resolution of Holliday junction (HJ) intermediates.
143 recombination intermediates (Rec-Xs) but not Holliday junction (HJ) intermediates.
144                                          The Holliday junction (HJ) is a central intermediate in homo
145                                          The Holliday junction (HJ) is a central intermediate of homo
146                                          The Holliday junction (HJ) is a central intermediate of vari
147                                              Holliday junction (HJ) is a hallmark intermediate in DNA
148 BLM-Topo IIIalpha pair to branch migrate the Holliday junction (HJ) or dissolve the double Holliday j
149             Based on the marked reduction in Holliday junction (HJ) resolution activity in Rad51c-nul
150                                              Holliday junction (HJ) resolution is essential for chrom
151                                              Holliday junction (HJ) resolution is required for segreg
152 nhibits telomere t-loop deletion by blocking Holliday junction (HJ) resolvase cleavage activity, but
153                                              Holliday junction (HJ) resolvases are necessary for the
154                                              Holliday junction (HJ) resolvases are structure-specific
155 the ruvC and yqgF genes that encode putative Holliday junction (HJ) resolvases.
156                                              Holliday junction (HJ) resolving enzyme RecU is involved
157                                          The Holliday junction (HJ), a cross-shaped structure that ph
158                                          The Holliday junction (HJ), or four-way junction, is a centr
159 f four-way DNA structures referred to as the Holliday junction (HJ).
160                                              Holliday junctions (HJs) are four-way DNA intermediates
161                                              Holliday junctions (HJs) are key DNA intermediates in ho
162                                              Holliday junctions (HJs) are physical links between homo
163                                              Holliday junctions (HJs) are X-shaped DNA structures tha
164 ought to arise from the resolution of double Holliday junctions (HJs) by an HJ resolvase.
165 on of recombination intermediates containing Holliday junctions (HJs) is critical for genome maintena
166 ences between the exchange sites to generate Holliday junctions (HJs) that contain mismatched bases.
167 generalizable method of using engineered DNA Holliday junctions (HJs) that contain specific protein-r
168                                              Holliday junctions (HJs) that physically link sister chr
169 symmetrical cleavage of static and migrating Holliday junctions (HJs), identifying SLX1-SLX4 as a HJ
170 are endonucleases with the ability to cleave Holliday junctions (HJs), which are proposed intermediat
171 hromosomes are covalently linked by four-way Holliday junctions (HJs).
172                            These fluorescent Holliday junctions improve fluorescence yields for both
173 gulate recombination by disassembling double Holliday junctions in a process called dissolution.
174 Rad52-promoted annealing in the formation of Holliday junctions in DSB repair.
175 ast to their free-solution conformation, the Holliday junctions in the DNA origami structures adopt a
176  results from stabilization of peptide-bound Holliday junctions in the square planar conformation.
177 Mus81-Mms4 nuclease activity on 3' flaps and Holliday junctions in vitro but that activation does not
178 t harbors two Holliday junctions (the double Holliday junction) in a non-crossover manner.
179                                       Hence, Holliday junction incision activity in vitro cannot be a
180 tner site) not only allowed formation of the Holliday junction intermediate but also increased the ra
181 tate the formation and later resolution of a Holliday junction intermediate during recombination.
182 in the absence of MEI-9 activity, the double Holliday junction intermediate instead undergoes dissolu
183 of complexes between the recombinase and the Holliday junction intermediate of several highly diverge
184 NBU1 integration proceeds via formation of a Holliday junction intermediate that is formed by exchang
185 f stalled replication forks by unwinding the Holliday junction intermediate to allow bypass of the bl
186 and rejoin single strands in pairs to form a Holliday junction intermediate.
187 diated recombination block the resolution of Holliday junction intermediates in vitro and thereby inh
188 ifsy-1, Gifsy-2, Fels-1, Fels-2) and to trap Holliday junction intermediates of phage lambda site-spe
189 ctivates XerD catalytic activity to generate Holliday junction intermediates that can then be resolve
190 plication fork reversal via the formation of Holliday junction intermediates, suggesting that RuvAB-c
191 tion in a complex proposed to resolve double-Holliday-junction intermediates into crossovers during m
192 A templates containing replication forks and Holliday junctions, intermediates observed during DNA re
193 A templates containing replication forks and Holliday junctions, intermediates observed during DNA re
194 o VII) was the first enzyme shown to resolve Holliday junctions into duplex DNAs by introducing symme
195                                          The Holliday junction is a central intermediate in various g
196                                          The Holliday junction is known to have an antiparallel orien
197      Significantly, a substrate containing a Holliday junction is unwound most efficiently.
198 omplex and show that preferential binding to Holliday junctions is a conserved capacity of eukaryotic
199                                Processing of Holliday junctions is essential in recombination.
200              The four-way junction (4WJ), or Holliday junction, is a dynamic DNA structure involved i
201  proteins may cooperate in the processing of Holliday junction-like intermediates during homologous r
202  Mus81-Eme1 endonuclease activity on various Holliday junction-like intermediates.
203 randed DNA junctions (Holliday junctions) or Holliday junction-like structures containing three of th
204 can ensure coordinate, bilateral cleavage of Holliday junction-like structures.
205 ted to each of its neighbors via two or more Holliday-junction-like reciprocal exchanges, such that e
206 rand annealing, rather than through a double Holliday Junction mechanism.
207 ermediates such as D-loops and static X-DNA (Holliday junction mimic) to ssDNA products is enhanced b
208  synthetic oligonucleotides via a four-armed Holliday junction motif.
209 rred regressed fork substrate for RuvAB is a Holliday junction, not a forked DNA.
210  the complex transits the open ends of model Holliday Junction oligonucleotides.
211 m where a single-stranded DNA nanostructure (Holliday junction or paranemic cross-over DNA) is insert
212 to be active on four-stranded DNA junctions (Holliday junctions) or Holliday junction-like structures
213 such as displacement loops (D-loops), nicked Holliday junctions, or 3' flaps but not intact Holliday
214 ting a previously unappreciated affinity for Holliday junctions over other substrates.
215                                              Holliday junctions play a central role in genetic recomb
216 hat normally replicating human cells require Holliday junction processing activities to prevent siste
217         We provide insights into the mode of Holliday junction recognition and show that Mlh1-Mlh3 pr
218 ase by the CENP-A-specific histone chaperone Holliday junction recognition protein (HJURP) coupled wi
219 serve that the centromere-specific chaperone Holliday Junction Recognition Protein (HJURP) stabilizes
220 otein A), deposited by its chaperone, HJURP (Holliday junction recognition protein).
221 t ADP-->ATP exchange is uniquely provoked by Holliday Junction recognition.
222 s Escherichia coli host chromosome through a Holliday junction recombination intermediate.
223 ted chemical cross-linking of Int in trapped Holliday junction recombination intermediates and recomb
224 omic structure of a resolvase complex with a Holliday junction remained elusive.
225  fission yeast mus81Delta strains results in Holliday junction resolution and crossover formation dur
226 ng yeast polo-like kinase, is sufficient for Holliday junction resolution and exit from pachytene.
227 RAD51C) participates in branch migration and Holliday junction resolution and thus is important for p
228 human GEN1 protein and show that it promotes Holliday junction resolution by a mechanism that is anal
229 papers suggest that MUS312 and BTBD12 direct Holliday junction resolution by at least two distinct en
230 e XPG-family endonuclease GEN1 that promotes Holliday junction resolution in vitro, suggesting that i
231 yces cerevisiae and human cells that promote Holliday junction resolution, in a manner analogous to t
232 inates the SLX1 and MUS81-EME1 nucleases for Holliday junction resolution, in a reaction stimulated b
233 ologous strand exchange and RuvABC-catalyzed Holliday junction resolution.
234 gene fusion library for nucleases capable of Holliday junction resolution.
235 s, topoisomerase I (TOP1) inhibitors, and in Holliday junction resolution.
236 is HP0334 (dprB), annotated to be a putative Holliday junction resolvase (HJR).
237 Mlh3 may not act like a canonical, RuvC-like Holliday junction resolvase and support a novel model in
238 re resolved prior to cell division, the Yen1 Holliday junction resolvase is activated at anaphase.
239                            The virus-encoded Holliday junction resolvase is required to process conca
240 logous to that shown by the Escherichia coli Holliday junction resolvase RuvC.
241 atemer substrate by employing a portal-bound Holliday junction resolvase that trims and releases thes
242        They also need RecA recombinase and a Holliday junction resolvase to survive rapid growth, but
243 dc14 and, using this insight, identified the Holliday junction resolvase Yen1 as a DNA repair target
244                                    The human Holliday junction resolvase, GEN1, and its yeast ortholo
245             Another nuclease, the Mus81-Eme1 Holliday junction resolvase, is required to generate cro
246 leases and has been recently identified as a Holliday junction resolvase, results in increased sensit
247   Therefore, the yeast CCE1 gene, encoding a Holliday junction resolvase, was introduced into cells c
248            In addition, our study revealed a Holliday junction resolvase-like activity in the liver t
249  contains two domains, a third OB fold and a Holliday junction resolvase-like domain.
250 the gammaH2AX-binding protein Brc1 and Mus81 Holliday junction resolvase.
251 d-break repair and SOS induction, and RuvABC Holliday-junction resolvase.
252                          Viral and bacterial Holliday junction resolvases differ in specificity with
253 ll shape and surface charge potential of the Holliday junction resolvases endo VII, RuvC, Ydc2, Hjc a
254 tructure provides insights into how archaeal Holliday junction resolvases evolved to incise 5' flap s
255                                      Several Holliday junction resolvases have since been characteriz
256                               The eukaryotic Holliday junction resolvases represent a new subclass of
257 mosomal compaction, topoisomerase action and Holliday junction resolvases, ensure that all SCIs are r
258 ly of its nuclear role as a component of the Holliday junction-resolving BLM-Top3alpha-RMI1-RMI2 (BTR
259 cise structurally distinct bubbles, ends, or Holliday junctions, respectively.
260 eins responsible for branch migration of the Holliday junction(s) and reversal of stalled replication
261                            Quantification of Holliday junctions showed that while recombination at ce
262 junction, and coupling required the complete Holliday junction structure.
263 n the ability to unwind replication fork and Holliday junction structures but has no effect on substr
264 ults indicate that RecG and RuvB compete for Holliday junction structures in recombinational repair,
265 oreover, the DprB protein binds to synthetic Holliday junction structures rather than double-stranded
266  catalyzes unwinding of replication fork and Holliday junction structures.
267 lyzes coordinate bilateral cleavage of model Holliday-junction structures.
268 wed that cleavage of a fluorescently labeled Holliday junction substrate did not yield an appreciable
269 nd reduced unwinding activity on a synthetic Holliday junction substrate relative to full-length GcRe
270 ingle turnover kinetic analysis revealed the Holliday junction substrate was cleaved 90-fold faster t
271 near DNA, and had the highest affinity for a Holliday junction substrate, illustrating a previously u
272 r creating a novel DNA substrate, the double Holliday junction substrate.
273 day junctions, hemicatenanes and a quadruple Holliday junction substrate.
274 eveal that recognition of 3'-flap and nicked Holliday junction substrates by Mus81-Mms4 involves indu
275  UvrD also catalyzes the robust unwinding of Holliday junction substrates.
276  and actively resolves telomeric D-loops and Holliday junction substrates.
277 mi with rotational symmetric arrangements of Holliday junctions, such as those in DNA nanotubes.
278                  This substrate contains two Holliday junctions that are mobile, topologically constr
279    Strand invasion events mature into double Holliday junctions that can be resolved as crossovers.
280 y question is whether Mus81-Mms4 can process Holliday junctions that contain four uninterrupted stran
281                                              Holliday junctions that contain identical sequences betw
282 t a role for UvsW in the branch migration of Holliday junctions that form during T4 recombination, re
283 tly resolve a DNA substrate that harbors two Holliday junctions (the double Holliday junction) in a n
284 ase can dissolve DNA conjoined with a double Holliday junction, thus reducing DNA linkage.
285 results support a model in which MEI-9 nicks Holliday junctions to generate crossovers during meiotic
286 ation involves the nucleolytic resolution of Holliday junctions to generate crossovers.
287 phores installed in close proximity, we used Holliday junctions to label proteins site-specifically.
288              A variety of processes act upon Holliday junctions to remove them from DNA, in events th
289  formation and preferential migration of the Holliday junctions to the boundaries of sequence homolog
290              We used nicked substrates and a Holliday junction trapping peptide to show that NBU1 int
291                        Here we show that the Holliday junction unwinding activity of BLM is greatly e
292 ubstituted by Escherichia coli Top3, and the Holliday junction unwinding activity of BLM-related heli
293 In vitro, Rad54 promotes branch migration of Holliday junctions, whereas the Mus81-Eme1 complex resol
294      The inverted repeats refold to generate Holliday junctions, which are cleaved by the virus-encod
295 ibed to the collective actions of individual Holliday junctions, which are only possible in DNA origa
296 stabilizes invasion intermediates and double Holliday junctions, which are resolved into crossovers i
297                                We designed a Holliday junction with three of its four arms modified w
298        Crucially, these two variants cleaved Holliday junctions with enhanced specificity and symmetr
299 lliday junctions, or 3' flaps but not intact Holliday junctions with four uninterrupted strands.
300 sired nanostructure by DNA staples that form Holliday junctions with the template.

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