


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                                              However, a critical question when analyzing high-dimensi
2                                              However, a general understanding of RNA localization has
3                                              However, a gold standard for measuring CA is not current
4                                              However, a robust and versatile synthetic strategy for t
5                                              However, a small proportion of loci showed strong patter
6                                              However, a specific description of subtypes of atopic de
7                                              However, a suitable surface marker distinguishing the ph
8                     Gradual bone uptake was, however, also observed.
9                                              However, although field potentials (FPs) may reflect the
10                                              However, an increasing number of reports suggest the ubi
11 opriate disinfection method remains unclear, however, and it is likely that replacement of colonized
12         The pseudosubstrate and C1a domains, however, are minimally essential for maintaining the ina
13                                              However, Arf loss and p53 loss produce differing outcome
14                                              However, as single-molecule drugs or synergistic mixture
15                                              However, as time progresses, this is replaced by what we
16                                              However, bacterial lysis typically requires at least a 1
17 zed by a stereoselective route in six steps; however, both alpha and beta epimers could be obtained b
18                                              However, carbonic anhydrase (CA), the enzyme that hydrol
19 has helped to reveal the origins of disease; however, cellular-scale resolution is not readily achiev
20                                              However, cocoa also contains the methylxanthines theobro
21                      These combinations are, however, commonplace in biological tissues, and are ther
22                                              However, composition was an imperfect predictor of inclu
23                            In certain cases, however, compounds other than Schiff bases have been rep
24 ccelerated atherosclerosis in animal models; however, contrasting findings were reported in primary A
25                                              However, current models are designed to quantify growth
26                                              However, current whole-genome amplification (WGA) method
27 CM within the first 3days, its accumulation, however, decreased obviously on 4th day and only 15% dye
28                                              However, decreasing sulfonylurea receptor-1 trajectories
29                This treatment effect varied, however, depending on baseline severity of hypoxemia (P
30                                              However, despite being often overlooked, the infection s
31                                              However, despite the huge growth in knowledge and advanc
32                                              However, developing active, selective and stable electro
33                                              However, difficulties in relating sound levels to abunda
34                                              However, dogs produced different facial movements to hum
35                                              However, dorsal hippocampus inputs to LS showed enhanced
36                                              However, due to substantial interannual variability, a 2
37                                              However, due to the compositional and high-dimensional n
38 e body sway in an upright standing position, however, due to the statistical intractability of the mo
39                                              However, due to the ultra-flat aromatic structure of SN-
40                                              However, due to their ancient origin and complex diversi
41                                              However, each node in a network may be associated with m
42                                              However, elucidating the molecular adaptions that produc
43                                              However, engineering this transformation deliberately us
44                                              However, ETO-curcumin improved disease activity index (D
45 rget of several antimycobacterial compounds; however, evidence for direct inhibition of MmpL3 activit
46                                              However, evidence has emerged that MPO-derived oxidants
47                                              However, ex vivo expansion and pharmacological/genetic m
48 t-effective means to detect targets in situ; however, existing LFA formats (predominantly sandwich as
49                                              However, existing methods for training these networks ar
50                                              However, experimental methods to identify associations b
51                                              However, explicitly linking predation events to individu
52                                              However, extant plant trait distributions will not allow
53                                              However, extraction was associated with lower risk of de
54                                              However, failing to recognize the additional role of env
55                                              However, few cell wall phenotyping methodologies have pr
56                                              However, few studies have directly investigated the role
57                                              However, few studies have evaluated their health status
58                                              However, few studies have investigated how stress impact
59                                              However, following intravenous injection of tumor cells,
60                      There remains the need, however, for a soluble, versatile, HBC-based platform, w
61 reat progress in their use for gene therapy; however, fundamental aspects of AAV's capsid assembly re
62                                              However, gene flow from GE forest plantations is a large
63                                              However, generation of datasets from large, complex geno
64 etable only in the context of other genomes; however, genome sharing enables discrimination.
65                                              However, genomic islands can also arise through evolutio
66                                              However, geochemical controls on V mobility within coke
67 to dental institutions over the past decade; however, given the year-to-year variability in support t
68                                              However, GWA relies exclusively on statistical associati
69                                  These data, however, have spurred efforts toward the discovery and d
70 cose concentrations after lunch (+46%) were, however, higher on the BSD than on the DSD (both P < 0.0
71 ve design, and virtually complete follow-up; however, histologic details were missing for a proportio
72                                              However, HIV-positive blacks continue to have much highe
73                                              However, how living cell functions can be modulated via
74 e mitigated by excretion of Phe derivatives; however, how plants endure Phe accumulating conditions i
75                                              However, how relative levels of hepatocyte and cholangio
76                                              However, how the brain implements this important decisio
77                                              However, how this altered metabolism contributes to tumo
78                                              However, human neurodevelopmental disorders related to E
79                                              However, identifying distinct responses will enable nove
80                            It is less clear, however, if chronic pain can also induce a generalized s
81                                              However, in samples with moderate matrix content, the us
82                                              However, in usual practice, negative DPD values are comm
83 nder more ecologically realistic conditions, however, individuals are likely to be exposed to a range
84                                              However, inhibition of PV(+) cells in either CA1 or mPFC
85 t, and rationalising isolation facility use; however, insufficient evidence exists to support its use
86                                              However, is Mena(INV) involved in TMEM assembly and func
87  detection from single transcriptomic study, however, is often unstable and not generalizable due to
88                   The risk with this action, however, is seizure recurrence.
89                                              However, it enhanced ET-1 vasoconstriction and prolonged
90                                              However, it has remained unclear whether endogenous KLF4
91                                 In practice, however, it is hardly possible to measure fitness for al
92                                              However, it is not yet known whether or how sensory stim
93 risk for systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE); however, it is unclear how Ox40L contributes to SLE path
94                                              However, it is unclear whether the same river properties
95                                              However, it is unknown how the tangerine and red tomato
96                                              However, it is unknown whether or how subtle differences
97                                              However, it remains to be determined whether the microtu
98                                              However, it remains unclear how infection initially beco
99                                              However, it remains unclear how LAP shapes both the acti
100 byproduct (DBP) formation in finished water; however, it remains unclear how quality and quantity of
101                                              However, it remains unclear whether MSA exerts its effec
102 endent of the activation state of caspase-6; however, its complete removal resulted in the protection
103                                              However, its cost-effectiveness is seriously hampered by
104 reatoduodenectomy (RPD) is gaining momentum; however, its impact on major outcomes, including pancrea
105 extensively demonstrated in clinical trials; however, its performance in routine health care settings
106                                              However, its primary molecular mechanisms remain incompl
107                                              However, ketoconazole binds in an orientation that disru
108                                              However, knowledge of the structure of these regeneratio
109 were associated with increased risk of DCGF; however, later-onset dysfunction requiring IBx had far g
110                                              However, little is known about how cells sense and respo
111                                              However, little is known about how genes are specificall
112                                              However, little is known about the mechanism(s) by which
113                                              However, little is known about the molecular and cellula
114                                              However, many of these tools suffer from high false posi
115                                              However, many other potential causes of white matter sig
116                                              However, many species display alternating high and low M
117                                              However, marine tests show that vanadium (V) is preferen
118                                              However, MB and HIFU are limited by the half-life of the
119                                              However, mechanisms by which central serotonin action le
120                                              However, microbial strain typing allows zoonotic pathoge
121                                              However, monocyte phagocytosis was normal and oxidative
122                                              However, most existing PBPK models have been based on th
123                                              However, most of them only exhibit plastochron defects a
124 se models have been generated to study OPMD; however, most of these models have employed transgenic o
125                                              However, most studies of link prediction have focused on
126                                              However, MS-based disulfide mapping is challenged when m
127                                              However, mutations made within the predicted transporter
128                                              However, NAD(P)H FLIM has not been established as a meta
129                                              However, no one method is appropriate to address all bio
130                                              However, nucleotide transport across the additional plas
131                                              However, objective methods for identifying these ICU pat
132                                              However, observers' impressions of sharers are insensiti
133                                              However, only a small number of CCS values are available
134                                              However, only Podo-GC-A KO mice developed massive albumi
135 ase the risk and severity of mood disorders; however, only recently have the importance of sterile in
136                                              However, other global changes-especially climate change
137                                              However, owing to the exhaustive fragmentation following
138                         Despite this effort, however, pharmacological options for ARDS remain scarce.
139                                              However, PI3K inhibitors primarily induce cell cycle arr
140                                              However, pig CD47 has previously been shown to be ineffe
141 gical mechanisms mediating delamination are, however, poorly understood.
142                                              However, potential limitations and factors affecting the
143                                              However, preliminary evidence suggests that flicker may
144                                              However, quantitative analysis of IT data has been hinde
145                                              However, reactivation of mitochondrial dynamics only occ
146                                              However, recent advances in genetic and biochemical tool
147                                              However, recent efforts to relate a century of observed
148                                              However, recent improvements on alternative pulse sequen
149                                              However, recommendations vary among organizations, and t
150                                              However, reconstructions of LIG global temperature remai
151                 How McSCs respond to injury, however, remains largely unknown.
152                                              However, replacement of TM2 by the transmembrane domain
153        Arsenic is a promising p-type dopant; however, reproducible doping with high concentration is
154                                              However, resistance to these compounds has begun to emer
155                                              However, response patterns of soil respiration to precip
156                                              However, samples formulated with OLE exerted similar ant
157  other causes of myocardial thickening with, however, scarce data on their head-to-head comparison.
158                                              However, scopolamine was without effect in the aversive
159                          These observations, however, should be taken cautiously as multiple biases a
160                                     Priming, however, should still be seen as only one of the tools a
161                                              However, simultaneous M-cell spikes generated through di
162                                              However, since CusB is an adaptor protein, its role in o
163  shielding skin from direct harmful UV rays; however, skin may still remain exposed to reflected and
164 cacy and are safe to use with most patients; however, some GBCAs have a small risk of adverse effects
165                                              However, spine density is (a) greater in young ASD cases
166 for saphenous vein graft (SVG) intervention; however, studies have shown conflicting results.
167  Conventional perovskite solar cells (PSCs); however, suffer the issue that lead is toxic to the envi
168                                              However, surprisingly little is known about how LMP1 exp
169 liorate consequences of protein dysfunction; however, targeting the source of that dysfunction, the a
170                                              However, terminally differentiated, neuronal SH-SY5Y cel
171                                              However, the A3s in these species have the likely evolut
172                                              However, the ability of SCVs to resist host defenses is
173          EMD provides highest levels of CRC; however, the addition of CM increases gingival thickness
174                                              However, the adverse events associated with smoking limi
175                                              However, the channels responsible for generating electri
176                        In a quantum picture, however, the collision is described in terms of matter w
177                                              However, the connections between the apoptotic cascade a
178                                              However, the contribution of both regulation mechanisms
179                                              However, the contribution of CD19 in the context of CNS
180                                              However, the detailed functional significance of the vas
181                                              However, the diagnosis is difficult in low prevalence ar
182                                              However, the differential response of human leukocytes t
183                                              However, the effects of expectation can also be due to d
184 lancing effector and memory differentiation; however, the epigenetic regulator(s) underpinning this p
185                                              However, the exact functions of the N-Srcs are unknown a
186                                              However, the extruder die did not have a measurable impa
187                                              However, the first constitutional isomer of porphyrin, p
188                                              However, the functional relevance of this strong collect
189                                              However, the growth of MRSA was inhibited, and a signifi
190                                              However, the ictal characteristics of these rat models,
191                                              However, the ideal duration of treatment with interferon
192  suppress the growth of bacterial pathogens; however, the identification and mode of action of T6SS e
193                                              However, the identity and hierarchy of the HDR (sub)path
194 ase in Rac1 activity in hippocampal neurons; however, the identity of an antagonistic GAP remains elu
195  individuals with chronic hepatitis C (HCV); however, the impact of nonheavy use is not clear.
196                                              However, the in vivo cardiac function of IF1 and the pot
197                                              However, the in vivo functions of specific microRNAs in
198                                              However, the in vivo roles of TFEB in the mammalian inte
199                                              However, the increase was inhibited by pertussis toxin a
200                                              However, the inherent complexity of Ub signaling due to
201                                              However, the instability of naked dsRNA sprayed on plant
202                                              However, the interchangeability, functional cooperation
203                                              However, the interplay of factors regulating target sele
204                                              However, the majority of compounds had no systematic cha
205                                              However, the mechanism of Vps34 in tumorigenesis remains
206                                              However, the mechanisms by which manganese (Mn), a commo
207                                              However, the mechanisms involved remain controversial, e
208                                              However, the mechanisms regulating BACE1 distribution in
209                                              However, the mechanisms that direct atrial versus ventri
210                                              However, the mechanisms that regulate stem cell fates un
211                                              However, the mechanisms underlying the formation, storag
212                                              However, the mechanistic role of EEA1 is not yet known.
213 s an attractive target for drug development; however, the molecular determinants that govern the inte
214                                              However, the mTOR activation remained unchanged.
215                                              However, the nature of this coupling depends extremely s
216                                              However, the neural circuit mechanisms underlying persis
217 ht to critically contribute to this process; however, the neural circuits and synaptic mechanisms by
218                                              However, the neuroprotective effector proteins induced b
219                                              However, the no-infection fish dramatically suppressed t
220                                              However, the number of (18)F-labeled tracers addressing
221                                              However, the optimal solutions depend on both the level
222                                              However, the pharmacokinetics of the Alexa750-labeled an
223                                              However, the phasing between hind and forelimbs shows co
224                                              However, the poor reach of LHWs in accessing newborn inf
225 igher stomatal conductance than Koshihikari; however, the presence of high aerodynamic resistance in
226                                              However, the presence of the tag induces a strong popula
227                                              However, the prevalence of asthma differs worldwide, and
228                                              However, the protracted timing of human neuron specifica
229                                              However, the recovery of phylogenetically-informative pr
230 , and nonclassical) with distinct functions, however, the recruitment order of these subpopulations t
231                                              However, the regulatory and functional relationships bet
232                                              However, the relevance of individual residential changes
233 ultivariable modelling with these variables; however, the remainder was unexplained.
234                                              However, the repetitive composition of genomes challenge
235  oligomerization domain-containing 2 (NOD2); however, the reported effects of XLP-2 and VEO-IBD XIAP
236 und although the sample size used was small; however, the results excluded greater than a small to mo
237                                              However, the role of brown adipose tissue (BAT) in regul
238                                              However, the role of PET during treatment (iPET) in dail
239                                              However, the scientific methods of this 21st century are
240                                              However, the specific phenotypes were different.
241                                              However, the strength and significance of the associatio
242                                              However, the structure of the viral major capsid protein
243                                              However, the success rate of generating these costructur
244                                              However, the thermal transport properties in TMDs are no
245                                              However, the transcatheter aortic valve replacement pati
246                                              However, the transcriptional mechanisms that specify hum
247 cluding neural tube defects and polydactyly; however, the underlying defects in cilia signaling and t
248                                              However, the underlying disease-causing mechanism remain
249                                              However, the underlying metabolic effects of opioid with
250                                              However, the Weyl points and Fermi arcs live entirely ab
251                                              However, their arguments are based on a level of general
252                                              However, there are many gastrointestinal and hepatic dis
253                                              However, there are situations where connectivity exists
254                                              However, there is a fundamental gap in our quantitative
255                                              However, there is a lack of knowledge as to which drug p
256                                              However, there is a lack of real-world data to support t
257 pecies, and also at the aggregate level (G); however, there is ambiguous evidence for the existence o
258                                              However, there is an urgent need to rigorously estimate
259 f cyclization within the enzyme active site; however, there is evidence that conformational restricti
260                                              However, there remains a need to anticipate supply given
261                                              However, these approaches typically demand extensive sec
262                          Even if successful, however, these approaches will need to be combined with
263                                              However, these methods probe different facets of interna
264       Applied to quantum-mechanical signals, however, these phenomena face fundamental challenges tha
265                                              However, these platforms suffer from serious limitations
266                                              However, they are also regions of striking contrasts: th
267  the figures, resulting in the duplications; however, they did not address all of the concerns raised
268 anoprobes are commonly measured in solution; however, this approach has several disadvantages that ca
269                                              However, this method was the only approach successful in
270                                              However, this same processing technique could most likel
271                                              However, this success has yet to be extrapolated to soli
272                                              However, this technology has also raised several new com
273 e keys to increasing future crop production; however, this typically requires additional water inputs
274                                              However, to date, there are no commercially available de
275 osomal recessive mutations in the gene UBE3B However, to date, there are no studies that have determi
276                                              However, transferring undefined living bacteria entails
277                                              However, translocation could be restored by alpha-helica
278 taple food crop in Africa and South America; however, ubiquitous deleterious mutations may severely d
279                                              However, Ulocladium strains were shown to possess both M
280                                              However, until primed by inflammation, peripheral DOR is
281                                              However, using one of these devices alone, some common a
282                                              However, vaccine efficacy and direct effectiveness estim
283                                              However, variations in degree of overlap were noted when
284                                              However, we also find that assortative mating was plasti
285                                              However, we argue that highly efficient skills (i.e., fl
286                    Refuting previous theory, however, we discovered that homogeneously distributed re
287                                              However, we find further variability in cone electroreti
288                                              However, we found neither a neonatal testosterone rise i
289                                              However, we have largely ignored how the differentiation
290                                              However, we identified 2 or more missense variants predi
291                                              However, we observe distinct kinetic profiles, even for
292                                              However, we observed a significant association between t
293                                              However, we recently established that HIV-1 can infect k
294                                              However, when the type I IFN response of mice was suppre
295                                              However, when X=Cl, only one equivalent of methane is lo
296                          It remains unknown, however, whether and to what extent TRAIL/TRAIL-R signal
297 infection potently inhibits T cell immunity; however, whether helminthes prevent T cell priming or sk
298                                              However, whether resting astrocyte Ca(2+) can adjust to
299                                              However, whether this attenuation is mediated only throu
300                                              However, with a greater appreciation of the complexities

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