


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              ICSI offers no advantage over IVF in terms of clinical o
2                                              ICSI was performed in a programmed in vitro fertilizatio
3 r ICSI (total 435 treatment cycles: IVF 224; ICSI 211).
4   Analysis of pregnancies resulting from 987 ICSI cycles; pregnancy outcome data were obtained from t
5 thout male factor infertility (n = 317,996), ICSI use was associated with lower rates of implantation
6  difference between children conceived after ICSI and their naturally conceived peers in terms of phy
7 olled trial comparing clinical outcome after ICSI or traditional IVF in couples with non-male-factor
8  Reports of higher fertilisation rates after ICSI suggest that this technique may be better than the
9  patients fresh tissue provided sperm for an ICSI cycle.
10 productive outcomes for conventional IVF and ICSI cycles during 2008-2012, stratified by the presence
11 ive cohort study using data on fresh IVF and ICSI cycles reported to the US National Assisted Reprodu
12  surgical harvesting of testicular sperm and ICSI.
13 ded, treatment with microdissection TESE and ICSI are effective treatment options for many azoospermi
14 development, the removal of acrosomes before ICSI is recommended for animals with large sperm acrosom
15 m acrosomes, the removal of acrosomes before ICSI is theoretically preferable.
16 spermatozoa were freed from acrosomes before ICSI, regardless of the number of spermatozoa injected.
17 emembranated individually immediately before ICSI by using lysolecithin, a hydrolysis product of memb
18  studied 208 singleton children conceived by ICSI and a control group of 221 normally conceived singl
19 though the production of normal offspring by ICSI has been successful in mice and humans, it has been
20 s not a prerequisite to produce offspring by ICSI, but it resulted in earlier onset of oocyte activat
21 genital malformations following treatment by ICSI were within the range observed with standard in vit
22 the 578 neonates resulting from treatment by ICSI, 15 (2.6%) presented with congenital abnormalities
23 ions in mice produced by natural conception, ICSI and somatic cell nuclear transfer.
24                          Among those cycles, ICSI use was associated with a lower multiple birth rate
25 portantly, some patients who repeatedly fail ICSI also fail to induce egg activation and are, therefo
26 ctable in sperm from patients who had failed ICSI.
27 at sperm from patients who repeatedly failed ICSI were unable to induce [Ca(2+)](i) oscillations in m
28 0.8 per 100,000 person-years); and following ICSI using ejaculated sperm and fresh embryos (RR, 1.47
29 creased risks of autistic disorder following ICSI using surgically extracted sperm and fresh embryos
30 son-years); for mental retardation following ICSI using surgically extracted sperm and fresh embryos
31                                          For ICSI, whether sperm were ejaculated or surgically extrac
32  spermatogenesis who might be candidates for ICSI with sperm obtained directly from the testis.
33 hypothesis, we uncoupled superovulation from ICSI by subjecting female mice to gonadotropin stimulati
34 ency of epimutations in somatic tissues from ICSI-derived mice.
35 (ICSI and cap), the control algorithm guided ICSI to quickly achieve and maintain the target temperat
36                                    Trends in ICSI use during 1996-2012 with respect to male factor in
37 ; for those without male factor infertility, ICSI use increased from 15.4% (4197/27,191) to 66.9% (42
38   Among cycles with male factor infertility, ICSI use increased from 76.3% (10,876/14,259) to 93.3% (
39           Intracarotid cold saline infusion (ICSI) is potentially much faster than whole-body cooling
40 atios with intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) (139 defects, 9.9%) were 1.77 (95% CI, 1.47 to 2.1
41      Using intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and standard in vitro fertilization (IVF), we foun
42 nceived by intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and who developed Angelman syndrome.
43 isation by intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) are at increased risk of neurodevelopmental delay.
44 outcome of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) as a readout, we found that sperm with altered miR
45 to whether intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) for male infertility was used and whether embryos
46            Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) has been used in combination with testicular sperm
47            Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is a more invasive option than conventional in-vit
48            Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is a technique that in vitro fertilization clinics
49            Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is increasingly used in patients without severe ma
50 n 5 min of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) or somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), and compl
51 nerated by intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) revealed that macroH2A is associated exclusively w
52            Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) was initially developed as part of in vitro fertil
53 the use of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), a type of ART.
54 rated that intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), a type of assisted reproductive technology (ART),
55 (IVF) with intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), can be used as an adjunctive measure to allow for
56            Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), however, can enable men to achieve fatherhood, an
57 ination of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), in vitro fertilization (IVF), sperm removal, rein
58 ved during intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).
59 n (IVF) or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).
60 (TESE) and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).
61 duction of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).
62 ess called intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).
63 ng WT sperm-derived total or small RNAs into ICSI embryos.
64              Compared with conventional IVF, ICSI use was not associated with improved postfertilizat
65 cific instances in which sperm retrieval/IVF/ICSI may be a more appropriate treatment modality as ART
66 nted H19 gene in spermatogonia from juvenile ICSI-derived male mice.
67              The combination model had lower ICSI flow rates than the ICSI model resulting in a 55% r
68      In the ICSI and the combination models (ICSI and cap), the control algorithm guided ICSI to quic
69                              One drawback of ICSI is hemodilution and volume loading.
70  of acrosomes may increase the efficiency of ICSI in these animals.
71       Furthermore, when pregnancy outcome of ICSI vs IVF was analyzed in terms of semen origin, no di
72                                 The ratio of ICSI procedures to diagnoses of male-factor infertility
73 ith insurance coverage had a higher ratio of ICSI use to diagnoses of male-factor infertility than di
74 , uncertain efficacy, and potential risks of ICSI, its use has been extended to include some patients
75 The percentage of IVF cycles with the use of ICSI also increased dramatically (from 11.0% to 57.5%),
76 , to determine temporal trends in the use of ICSI and IVF in the United States, and we examined diffe
77 s, and we examined differences in the use of ICSI between states with and those without mandated insu
78 d each year, suggesting an increasing use of ICSI for conditions other than male-factor infertility.
79 F services is associated with greater use of ICSI for infertility that is not attributed to male-fact
80                       Since 1995, the use of ICSI in the United States has increased dramatically, wh
81 1999 to 2004, there was an increasing use of ICSI relative to the percentage of patients with male-fa
82 store-operated Ca(2+) entry had no effect on ICSI-induced egg activation, so Ca(2+) influx through al
83 ion of a single spermatozoon into an oocyte (ICSI) can produce apparently normal offspring.
84 our UK centres were randomly assigned IVF or ICSI (total 435 treatment cycles: IVF 224; ICSI 211).
85 their chance of fathering children by IVF or ICSI reduced by nearly two-thirds.
86 ith reduced incidence of pregnancy by IVF or ICSI, identifying SPTRX3 as a candidate biomarker reflec
87 as 44.3%, with a resultant delivery rate per ICSI cycle of 38.7% (n=382).
88 n 15-60 min after entry, and by 120 min post-ICSI or IVF, sperm were unable to induce oscillations.
89 ts support the current practice of reserving ICSI only for severe male-factor problems.
90 rgical reconstruction versus sperm retrieval/ICSI/IVF are neither randomized nor homogenous.
91 Among fresh IVF cycles in the United States, ICSI use increased from 36.4% in 1996 to 76.2% in 2012,
92  intracytoplasmic sperm injection technique (ICSI) from severely damaged spermatozoa that are no long
93 ies of postchemotherapy microdissection TESE-ICSI to date.
94              We discuss the possibility that ICSI may interfere with the establishment of the materna
95              A follow-up rate of 90% for the ICSI group was achieved at a mean age of 17 months.
96              We examined germ cells from the ICSI mice that exhibited epimutations in their somatic c
97                                       In the ICSI and the combination models (ICSI and cap), the cont
98 rate was higher in the IVF group than in the ICSI group (95/318 [30%] vs 72/325 [22%]; relative risk
99      Moreover, in the combination model, the ICSI flow rate decreased to zero after 4h, and hypotherm
100    Epimutations were detected in most of the ICSI-derived mice, but not in somatic cells of their off
101 ion model had lower ICSI flow rates than the ICSI model resulting in a 55% reduction of infusion volu
102 and higher hematocrit values compared to the ICSI model.
103 d Ca(2+) transient, whereas BAPTA/AM-treated ICSI or fertilized eggs cultured in Ca(2+)-free medium r
104 from 1996 through 2012, 908,767 (65.1%) used ICSI and 499,135 (35.8%) reported male factor infertilit
105 rain temperature control was developed where ICSI flow rate was varied based on the rate of temperatu
106 rate (per injected oocyte) was achieved with ICSI allowing a 50% clinical pregnancy rate with a live
107    The risk of birth defects associated with ICSI remained increased after multivariate adjustment, a
108 y significant, but the risks associated with ICSI using frozen embryos were significant for mental re
109 e risks of autistic disorder associated with ICSI using surgically extracted sperm were not statistic
110 ooling caps could enhance brain cooling with ICSI and minimize hemodilution and volume loading.
111            For specific procedures, IVF with ICSI for paternal infertility was associated with a smal
112 r absence of sperm, fertilization rates with ICSI, and final outcomes of pregnancy were recorded.
113 was significantly shorter with IVF than with ICSI (22.9 [SD 12.1] vs 74.0 [38.1] min; 95% CI for diff
114 ievable testis sperm, which may be used with ICSI to have healthy offspring.
115 IVF procedures used in Sweden vs IVF without ICSI with fresh embryo transfer, the most common treatme
116                    Compared with IVF without ICSI with fresh embryo transfer, there were statisticall
117 mental retardation compared with IVF without ICSI.

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