


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              IEF was performed in a mixture of four small and chemica
2                                              IEF/SDS-PAGE examination of irradiated tadpole brain hom
3                                              IEF/SDS/PAGE can precisely differentiate protein isoform
4 DS PAGE)-LA ICP MS, and, in duplicate, by 2D IEF-PAGE.
5  compared to one-dimensional SPLC-MS, the 2D IEF-SPLC-MS platform resulted in a 5-6x increase in the
6 Depending on the sensor matrix, they allowed IEF within a pH range of roughly 5.5-10.5 with good sens
7 ally useful for evaluating the quality of an IEF or NEPHGE tube gel before using it for the second di
8                Early enteral feeding with an IEF has been associated with improved outcome in trauma
9                Early enteral feeding with an IEF was not beneficial and should not be used in a routi
10 nel passivation, electroosmosis control, and IEF linearity control.
11         Continuum solvation methods (SMD and IEF-PCM) and the MPWB1K functional are used.
12 lumes of interest from the IEF dimension, as IEF was 'parked' during each CE analysis and refocused p
13 inducible phosphoprotein STI1 (also known as IEF SSP 3521 or p60).
14 heterogeneous separation techniques, such as IEF, capillary electrophoresis, and liquid chromatograph
15 included B3LYP, MP2, and CBS-QB3, as well as IEF-PCM to approximate implicit water solvation.
16 focusing (IEF) and in situ antibody blotting IEF was employed to monitor dark (nonfluorescent) and br
17             These findings were confirmed by IEF coupled with size exclusion chromatography on Supero
18 tablish the tunable pH gradients required by IEF and precisely control the transport and handling of
19  Of the 10 isoforms of eIF4E-BP1 resolved by IEF/SDS/PAGE, at least seven are labelled with [32P] and
20 borns from expensive confirmatory testing by IEF, without missing any of the SCD newborns in the stud
21 Analysis of the treatments was undertaken by IEF/SDS-PAGE, comparison of protein spot abundances and
22 precolumn labeling and cannot be used for CA-IEF, at least without more detailed study of the dye-pro
23 d comparable resolution to prominent on-chip IEF techniques.
24 g experimental time compared to conventional IEF IGP gel strip approaches.
25         The first electrophoretic dimension (IEF OFFGEL) showed that dissolved proteins in surface se
26 reversed-phase HPLC in the second dimension (IEF-NP RP HPLC).
27  by 1D isoelectric focusing electrophoresis (IEF)-laser ablation (LA) inductively coupled plasma mass
28  sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (IEF/SDS-PAGE) and fluorescence measurements.
29 ct") via an isoelectric focusing experiment (IEF).
30 n example, outlet fractions from cascaded FF-IEF were analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylami
31 demonstrate the compatibility of cascaded FF-IEF with common bioanalytical tools.
32 abricated free-flow isoelectric focusing (FF-IEF) device.
33  we present a microfluidic free flow IEF (FF-IEF) device for continuous protein separation into 24 fr
34  demonstrate improved separation with the FF-IEF system over traditional 2D gel electrophoresis.
35 nal IEF, we present a microfluidic free flow IEF (FF-IEF) device for continuous protein separation in
36 c proteomic analysis of isoelectric focused (IEF) cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) immunoglobulin G (IgG) wa
37 um techniques such as iso-electric focusing (IEF) have become instrumental within analytical chemistr
38 y couples liquid-phase isoelectric focusing (IEF) and free solution capillary electrophoresis (CE).
39 -resolved microfluidic isoelectric focusing (IEF) and in situ antibody blotting IEF was employed to m
40  of T. pallidum by the isoelectric focusing (IEF) and nonequilibrating pH gel electrophoresis (NEPHGE
41 s based on concomitant isoelectric focusing (IEF) detection of B gamma2- and gamma3-CN fragments afte
42 of ultrafiltration and isoelectric focusing (IEF) electrophoresis steps.
43 m whole sporozoites by isoelectric focusing (IEF) following observations that the approximately 1,300
44 labeled proteins using isoelectric focusing (IEF) have been made.
45 ta (Abeta) peptides by isoelectric focusing (IEF) in 75 nL microchannels combined with their analysis
46 the resolving power of isoelectric focusing (IEF) in a polymeric microfluidic chip.
47 tigation of the use of isoelectric focusing (IEF) in microfluidic devices, pH gradients were electroc
48  to perform transverse isoelectric focusing (IEF) is presented as a means for continuous concentratio
49                        Isoelectric focusing (IEF) is the first step for two-dimensional (2D) gel elec
50 we applied a capillary isoelectric focusing (IEF) method to determine the pattern of FOXO3 posttransl
51                  After isoelectric focusing (IEF) of a methylated tryptic digest of a mixture of alph
52                        Isoelectric focusing (IEF) of Cx43 in HuH-7 cells indicated that the pIs of th
53 ion polymorphism), and isoelectric focusing (IEF) of water-soluble proteins of fish fillet were appli
54 ter by two-dimensional isoelectric focusing (IEF) OFFGEL-lab-on-chip (LOC) electrophoresis after tang
55    After separation by isoelectric focusing (IEF) or non-equilibrium pH gradient electrophoresis (NEP
56  recognized by altered isoelectric focusing (IEF) patterns of serum transferrin (Tf).
57 were then subjected to isoelectric focusing (IEF) separation by a digital ProteomeChip (dPC), followe
58 eta phosphorylation by isoelectric focusing (IEF) shows that LAP is present in multiple forms, each w
59 , and bla(OXA), and in isoelectric focusing (IEF) tests, all isolates demonstrated at least one beta-
60 platform that includes isoelectric focusing (IEF) through immobilized pH gradient and superficially p
61               Sub-zero isoelectric focusing (IEF) was employed to investigate the extent of hybrid fo
62 The new methods couple isoelectric focusing (IEF) with high ionic strength electrophoretic separation
63 , combining non-native isoelectric focusing (IEF) with sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) gel electrophores
64           By combining isoelectric focusing (IEF) with subsequent gel electrophoresis, two-dimensiona
65                     By isoelectric focusing (IEF), 7 of the 23 isolates contained a beta-lactamase wi
66            Compared to isoelectric focusing (IEF), the CZE method provides more quantitative results
67 kers, electrophoresis, isoelectric focusing (IEF)-double immunoblotting, aptamer/antibody-based metho
68 eneity was analyzed by isoelectric focusing (IEF).
69 mpared to conventional isoelectric focusing (IEF).
70  methods were used for isoelectric focusing (IEF).
71 l incompatibility with isoelectric focusing (IEF).
72 ses by two-dimensional isoelectric focusing (IEF)/SDS-PAGE not only revealed different alpha and beta
73 a, acid urea PAGEs and isoelectric focusing (IEF)] as the first-dimension (1-DE).
74 f protein labeling with noncovalent dyes for IEF is investigated.
75 Both analytical and computational models for IEF suggest device performance will be improved by utili
76 desalting of samples, which is necessary for IEF, tends to aggregate halophilic proteins, often requi
77 al feeding with an immune-enhancing formula (IEF) decreases morbidity, mortality, and length of hospi
78 in depletion, lectin affinity fractionation, IEF separation, and LC-MS analysis has been applied to d
79 tially sampling protein analytes eluted from IEF, focused proteins are electrokinetically transferred
80 as do several tryptic peptides produced from IEF SSP 3521 and chick p60).
81                                           FS-IEF-derived CRCL-pulsed DCs are a promising anticancer v
82 -solution isoelectric focusing technique (FS-IEF) to obtain chaperone-rich cell lysate (CRCL) fractio
83  genes (ISGs) and immune effector functions (IEFs).
84 ased technology (MGT), which combines in-gel IEF-LC-MS/MS and SDS-PAGE-LC-MS/MS strategies.
85  and quantitatively to conventional slab gel IEF.
86 urification (bulk soil --> crude colloid --> IEF colloid) and coincided with the trend of Pu concentr
87 ine WB milk/dairy products and comigrates in IEF with B gamma2-CN.
88 lectin column (M-LAC) and the pI profiles in IEF separation.
89 73x) of species were achieved in the initial IEF dimension.
90 ilized pH gradient isoelectric focusing (IPG-IEF) for the analysis of these apolipoproteins isolated
91        Single and double isoelectrofocusing (IEF) of porcine sperm extracts generated fractions with
92 entration of the eluate in the microchannel, IEF-micropillar-MALDI-MS is demonstrated to be a suitabl
93 resolution (0.1 pH unit) and rapid (<20 min) IEF.
94 ation formalism polarizable continuum model (IEF-PCM) at the HF/6-31+G(d) level.
95                The development of this novel IEF method for the simultaneous quantification of differ
96 ndard proteins demonstrates compatibility of IEF-SPLC processing and high resolving-power MS analysis
97 s also demonstrate that by the generation of IEF-SPLC protein libraries by fraction collection, the p
98 ognized by 3E2 in 2-D Western immunoblots of IEF-isolated CSL.
99  the array, thereby increasing the number of IEF fractions further analyzed in the size-based separat
100 nsional separation, including rehydration of IEF strip and fluorescence detection was completed in 2.
101        This method couples several stages of IEF in series by first focusing proteins in a straight c
102                              Three stages of IEF were completed in less than 25 min at electric field
103 system described here facilitates the use of IEF markers for internal calibration of pI.
104                                           On IEF gels, only 4 to 20 bands were observed in the anti-S
105 ies include IgG2 dominance, limited bands on IEF gels, supporting an oligoclonal response, and use of
106                                          Our IEF results were consistent with theoretical pIs of meth
107 leavage at cysteine 245, focused on PhastGel IEF near pH 3.4, indicating the presence of three phosph
108           This work shows that a preparative IEF method using immobilized pH gradients can be optimiz
109                     A variety of preparative IEF methods have been developed over the years but have
110                       Therefore, preparative IEF methods are needed to fractionate charge variants fo
111                Our facile dynamic and probed IEF assays should find widespread use in analytical scre
112 o the transformation-sensitive human protein IEF SSP 3521 and mouse extendin.
113                 In addition to purification, IEF preconcentration provides at least a 10-fold increas
114 toward Phe-pNA, together with other results (IEF) suggest the presence of more than one aminopeptidas
115                                  Most showed IEF profiles consistent with production of both a TEM an
116  to be applicable by using focusing of small IEF markers as a demonstration.
117 en fluorescent protein from the second-stage IEF fractionation were further separated in a third stag
118 ere is more convenient than room-temperature IEF techniques, which require Hb mixtures in the deoxy s
119  with these symptoms and similar abnormal Tf IEF patterns were analyzed by metabolic labeling of fibr
120                      It is demonstrated that IEF-NP RP HPLC provides a viable alternative to the 2-D
121                                          The IEF group received significantly more protein, carbohydr
122                                          The IEF profiles of the remaining 16 isolates showed a varie
123 g-cc-pVTZ and 6-31+G(d,p) basis sets and the IEF-polarizable continuum model (PCM) solvation model.
124 M06/def2-TZVPD levels of theory applying the IEF-PCM water and MeCN solvation models, all of which su
125                                To define the IEF axis along a "lane" at the top of the chamber, we us
126 YP/6-31+G(d,p) level of theory employing the IEF-PCM CHCl3 solvation model were also performed.
127 loric intake was 61% and 22% of goal for the IEF and CNTL groups, respectively.
128  used to repeatedly inject effluent from the IEF dimension into an ampholyte-based CE separation.
129 yzing all fluid volumes of interest from the IEF dimension, as IEF was 'parked' during each CE analys
130 ed the presence of HS functionalities in the IEF extract.
131  human erythroleukemia cell line lysate, the IEF-NP RP HPLC produced improved resolution of low mass
132 ry (ESI FTICR-MS) spectral comparison of the IEF extract and a siderophore standard (desferrioxamine;
133 t-stable proteins in the anodic range of the IEF gels.
134 f 20 microm/s during characterization of the IEF step.
135  Mobilization drove focused proteins off the IEF lane and into a region for protein gel electrophores
136 y chemical mobilization perpendicular to the IEF axis.
137 ed proteins increased significantly when the IEF fractionation step was included as part of the platf
138  the solubilisation buffer combined with the IEF approach.
139 d,p), and B97D/6-311+G(d,p) methods with the IEF-PCM solvation model for chloroform and ethanol.
140                                      Through IEF, each population was observed to exhibit distinct is
141 r underwent resection and were randomized to IEF via jejunostomy tube or control (CNTL).
142  of a fluid volume spanning 15% of the total IEF channel length was completed in less than 5 min.
143 dress some of the limitations of traditional IEF, we present a microfluidic free flow IEF (FF-IEF) de
144                                   Transverse IEF in pressure-driven flow is demonstrated using bovine
145 te the potential of "microfluidic transverse IEF" for use in continuous concentration and separation
146 g states in the solvent phase (DF/def2-TZVP; IEF-PCM and/or SMD) to investigate how well the experime
147                                        Using IEF-NP RP HPLC, approximately 700 bands were resolved in
148 y of eIF4E-BP1 isoforms was determined using IEF/SDS/PAGE/immunoblotting of unfractionated cell lysat
149 There was one bowel necrosis associated with IEF requiring reoperation.
150 and band-broadening behavior consistent with IEF and CE, respectively.
151                                 The sub-zero IEF technique discussed here is more convenient than roo

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