


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              IL-10 deficiency in mice restores protective immunity to
2                                              IL-10 green fluorescent protein reporter mice revealed t
3                                              IL-10 is a pleiotropic cytokine expressed during malaria
4                                              IL-10 is a potent anti-inflammatory mediator that plays
5                                              IL-10 is an immunomodulatory cytokine with a critical ro
6                                              IL-10 is an immunoregulatory cytokine that has broad eff
7                                              IL-10 is an immunoregulatory cytokine, which in other in
8                                              IL-10 is essential to maintain intestinal homeostasis.
9                                              IL-10 is responsible for STAT3 activation during the fir
10                                              IL-10 limits the magnitude of inflammatory gene expressi
11                                              IL-10 might play a key role in acquisition of tolerance
12                                              IL-10 receptor alpha is highly enriched in mature adipoc
13                                              IL-10 serum concentration was higher in SaB patient mort
14                                              IL-10 was predominantly produced by the CD1d(hi) CD5(+)
15                                              IL-10-expressing cells were detected among both CD4(+) a
16                                              IL-10-producing B cells represent a major subset of regu
17                              Interleukin 10 (IL-10) is an anti-inflammatory cytokine that plays a cri
18 all peptidoglycan stimulates interleukin 10 (IL-10) production in Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia (S
19 ukin 1beta, CCL5/RANTES, and interleukin 10 (IL-10) were elevated in RSV+ bronchiolitis (all P < .05)
20 tor-alpha, interferon-gamma, interleukin 10 (IL-10), and CXCL9.
21 e anti-inflammatory cytokine interleukin 10 (IL-10), and decreasing that of the pro-inflammatory cyto
22 nterleukin 2, interleukin 6, interleukin 10 (IL-10), and soluble CD14 compared with HEU infants.
23 atment of donor corneas with interleukin-10 (IL-10) and transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGFbeta1) a
24   Interleukin-1b (IL-1b) and interleukin-10 (IL-10) biomarkers are one of many antigens that are secr
25 a interferon (IFN-gamma) and interleukin-10 (IL-10) responses to 6 HCMV peptide pools (pp65, pp71, IE
26                              Interleukin-10 (IL-10)-producing B cells (B10 cells) play a critical rol
27 e anti-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-10 (IL-10).
28 e anti-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-10 (IL-10).
29 oxP3(+) Treg, CD19(+)B220(+)CD5(+) IL-10(+), IL-10(+) Tr1, and IL-10(+) TCR gammadelta(+) cells.
30 de dehydrogenase 1A2 but not IL-12 or IL-35; IL-10 and TGF-beta together drove their suppression of T
31  increasing IFN-gamma while decreasing IL-4, IL-10, and Foxp3 expression by CD4(+) T cells-effects th
32 s that allow the improved detection of IL-4, IL-10, IL-13 and IL-17A ex vivo.
33 okines examined (interleukin 2 [IL-2], IL-4, IL-10, IL-17A, and gamma interferon [IFN-gamma]) and ren
34 timulate cytokine TNF-alpha, IL-1beta, IL-6, IL-10, and IL-12 production in human monocytes.
35  the genes for interleukin (IL)-1beta, IL-6, IL-10, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1, tumor necrosi
36 l of inflammatory responses (IL-1beta, IL-6, IL-10, TNF).
37 8, CD206, FOXP3), cytokines (IL-1beta, IL-6, IL-10, TNF-alpha) and oxidative stress (superoxide dismu
38 nt sera with elevated (n = 8) or low (n = 8) IL-10 using a magnetic bacterial capture assay.
39 of interleukin (IL)-1beta, IL-2, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-12, interferon gamma, tumor necrosis factor al
40 c macrophages, and its activation promotes a IL-10-dependent shift toward an alternatively activated
41 of IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha production, along IL-10 increase, (ii) CD73(+)Foxp3(+)Treg subset expansio
42                                     Although IL-10 and STAT3 signaling were intact, the antifibrotic
43    A larger proportion of donors produced an IL-10 response to pp71 and US3, but the IFN-gamma respon
44  involvement of macrophages in regulating an IL-10/CREB/WISP-1 signaling axis, with broad implication
45 ene B4, and ELISAs quantified TNF, IL-12 and IL-10 in the gingival tissues.
46 rosis factor (TNF), interleukin (IL)-12, and IL-10 in gingival tissues.
47 ile with increase in CCL22, IL-4, IL-13, and IL-10 in both NLFS and COPDs.
48 tokines, such as IL-4, IFN-gamma, IL-17, and IL-10.
49 the immunomodulatory cytokines IL-1alpha and IL-10 were significantly decreased, and the levels of IL
50 ing patients have more Treg cells, IL-33 and IL-10 in their peripheral blood.
51           Intravitreal injection of IL-4 and IL-10 ameliorated RPE toxicity that was induced by NaIO3
52 at stabilizes interleukin-2(IL-2), IL-4, and IL-10 messenger RNA (mRNA) transcripts.
53  specific production of IFN-gamma, IL-4, and IL-10.
54 n of PD-1, PD-L1, PD-L2, TGF-beta, IL-5, and IL-10 mRNA was measured by real-time quantitative PCR on
55 ytokines, including interleukin-6 (IL-6) and IL-10.
56 wer levels of TNF-alpha, IL-1beta, IL-6, and IL-10 compared with cells from WT mice, but both R753Q T
57 ge, serum levels of TNF-alpha, KC, IL-6, and IL-10 were significantly increased in lyM-PP2A(fl/fl) mi
58 LR stimulation, CD1(+) cDC produced IL-8 and IL-10 while CD1(-) cDC secreted IFN-alpha, IL-12 and TNF
59 nses at age 3 years, including IFN-alpha and IL-10 responses to certain stimulants and responses to p
60 ivation, as well as IL-1beta, TNF-alpha, and IL-10 secretion in vascular endothelial cells.
61 cing the expression of CD39, granzyme B, and IL-10, resulting in the efficacious suppression of ongoi
62       Neutralization of HLA-G, TGF-beta, and IL-10 partially restored T cell alloproliferation, argui
63  tolerogenic molecules (HLA-G, TGF-beta, and IL-10) were tested on a mixed lymphocyte reaction betwee
64 ults in the induction of HO-1, TGF-beta, and IL-10, as well as the repression of NF-kappaB, EDN-1 and
65 of TSLPR(+) mono, including higher CCL17 and IL-10 production and increased expression of genes with
66 hiolitis (all P < .05), furthermore CCL5 and IL-10 correlated with RSV load (P < .05).
67 hough the frequencies of CD1d(hi) CD5(+) and IL-10-producing (IL-10(+)) CD45(+) cells were decreased.
68 0-expressing human CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells and IL-10(+)FoxP3(+) Tregs in mice.
69  phenotype, upregulated FOXP3 expression and IL-10 secretion, and lost pathogenicity in vivo.
70 et, and were able to coproduce IFN-gamma and IL-10 upon ex vivo stimulation.
71 on is associated with induced IFN-gamma- and IL-10-producing regulatory CD4(+)CD25(+) forkhead box p3
72  cytometry, we found that both T. gondii and IL-10 inhibited virus-induced nuclear translocation, but
73 collagen-induced arthritis by using PGRN and IL-10 genetically modified mouse models.
74 exposed to LPS, and serum cytokines (TNF and IL-10) were measured.
75 (+)B220(+)CD5(+) IL-10(+), IL-10(+) Tr1, and IL-10(+) TCR gammadelta(+) cells.
76 th MSC homing and MSC production of VEGF and IL-10, suggesting microenvironmental changes from pFUS a
77  in MS patients, stimulated antiinflammatory IL-10-expressing human CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells and IL-10(+
78 row, CD68 downward arrow, IL-4 upward arrow, IL-10 upward arrow, and TGF-beta upward arrow) and enhan
79                      Also, cytokines such as IL-10 and TGF-beta1 significantly reduce cytokine secret
80 on primarily in Treg specialization, because IL-10 production, expression of other effector molecules
81                                By using both IL-10-deficient and wild-type mothers, we showed that bo
82                                In vivo, both IL-10 mRNA expression and the number of IL-10(+) CD45(+)
83 lt in antigen-specific tolerance assessed by IL-10 measurement and Treg frequency.
84 fibrotic repair phenotype that is induced by IL-10 overexpression was abrogated in this model.
85 e transfer of IL-10(+/+) NK cells and not by IL-10(-/-) NK cells.
86 sregulated interleukin (IL)-10 production by IL-10(+ve) B cells to autoimmunity, highlighting the imp
87  second cluster can be rapidly suppressed by IL-10 even after transcription is initiated, and this is
88 (IL-13, CCL17, eotaxin-1/CCL11, CCL13, CCL4, IL-10), Th1 (CXCL10, CXCL11) and Th1/Th17/Th22 (IL-12/IL
89 doptive transfer of wild-type CD19(+)CD138(+)IL-10(+) cells dramatically decreased allergic airway in
90                   The percentages of CD19(+) IL-10(+) cells, CD19(+) CD1d(hi) CD5(+) cells, and P. gi
91 TAT3-dependent up-regulation of FOXp3, CD39, IL-10, and granzyme B, resulting in enhanced suppressive
92 +)CD25(+)FoxP3(+) Treg, CD19(+)B220(+)CD5(+) IL-10(+), IL-10(+) Tr1, and IL-10(+) TCR gammadelta(+) c
93                                Consequently, IL-10 promotes mitophagy that eliminates dysfunctional m
94 tal differences in the signaling controlling IL-10 production in B cells and macrophages, even though
95   Conversely, the immunosuppressive cytokine IL-10 has been shown to dampen Th1 cell responses to M.
96 igh levels of the immunosuppressive cytokine IL-10, but not Foxp3, and can suppress inflammation and
97 t ablation of the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 improves insulin sensitivity, protects against die
98 demonstrated that anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 was a critical mediator for PGRN-mediated anti-inf
99 production of the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10, and vastly improved mouse survival.
100 of the regulatory/anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10.
101                                 The cytokine IL-10 has potent antifibrotic effects in models of adult
102 d mucosal immunoglobulin (IgM) and cytokine (IL-10, IL-4) production, thus providing the possibility
103 omposed of the fibrosis-associated cytokines IL-10 and IL-13 and extracellular matrix genes fibronect
104 -5 & IL-13) and anti-inflammatory cytokines (IL-10) in the bronchoalveolar fluid, and IL-2 and IFN-ga
105                              Both cytokines: IL-10 and IL-1b were detected within the range of 1pgmL(
106 nt CD19(+)CD138(+) cells exhibited decreased IL-10 and increased IL-4 expression in vivo and in vitro
107 macrophage-depleted mice presented decreased IL-10-mediated myeloid and T cell regulatory responses s
108 ings demonstrate the role for RAGE-dependent IL-10 suppression as a key modulator of mortality from G
109                   Foxo4- and Stat3-dependent IL-10 production by progranulin in regulatory T cells re
110 e to superantigens through a TLR2-dependent, IL-10-mediated mechanism.
111 utocrine feedback loop of macrophage-derived IL-10 and this synergized with inhibition of the JNK pat
112 following mucosal injury, macrophage-derived IL-10 resulted in epithelial cAMP response element-bindi
113 ogated in the absence of bone marrow-derived IL-10.
114 se results demonstrate that monocyte derived IL-10 acts to inhibit potentially protective cell mediat
115 oduced into whole blood ex vivo to determine IL-10 production with variable inocula.
116                                       Double IL-10(eGFP) Foxp3(mRFP) reporter mice and transgenic mic
117       When analyzed longitudinally, an early IL-10 mRNA expression was observed.
118 esults show that H. hepaticus triggers early IL-10 induction in intestinal macrophages and produces a
119 deoxynucleotide (CpG) to determine effective IL-10 induction in vitro Silk ligatures (size 7-0) were
120                                     Elevated IL-10 serum concentrations at clinical presentation of S
121                        By 1 wk, the elevated IL-10 expression remained, and IL-6 expression was signi
122 racranial injections of plasmid DNA encoding IL-10 (pDNA-IL-10) into the NAc of non-handled rats.
123 lyclonal T-cell stimulation, and an enhanced IL-10 response of cord blood mononuclear cells to dexame
124 n of exogenous IL-4 to Th1 cultures enhanced IL-10 production.
125 as phosphorylation of STAT3 further enhances IL-10 expression in human Bregs.
126 s that of wild-type (WT) mice, and exogenous IL-10 administration to WT mice enhances survival in thi
127 ses and placental development in DC expanded IL-10(-/-) dams.
128  infection, the predominant cells expressing IL-10 in the lung were Ly6C(+) monocytes.
129 mature yet tolerogenic phenotype, expressing IL-10, TGF-beta, IL-27, and aldehyde dehydrogenase 1A2 b
130 gery, with over 85% CD146(+) TSCs expressing IL-10.
131                                     Finally, IL-10-producing drug-specific T cell clones downregulate
132  T cells are the major source accounting for IL-10-induced TB susceptibility.
133 ry disease; however, the molecular basis for IL-10-mediated inhibition remains elusive.
134   Although TIM-1(+) B cells are enriched for IL-10, TIM-4(+) B cells are enriched for IFN-gamma.
135 f transcription is the primary mechanism for IL-10-mediated suppression in LPS-stimulated macrophages
136                      Thus, a key pathway for IL-10-mediated suppression involves rapid inhibition of
137 ists, neither MSKs nor CREB are required for IL-10 production in these cells.
138 hanistic analyses revealed a requirement for IL-10 in LPS-mediated decrease in MC FcepsilonRI surface
139 nt study, we demonstrate divergent roles for IL-10 depending on the site of infection.
140                                 Furthermore, IL-10 suppresses mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) ac
141                            At delivery, high IL-10 levels in maternal blood were associated with an i
142 arts, and this effect associated with higher IL-10 concentration and regulatory T cell-to-leukocyte r
143 ies (mAb) of anti-human IL-1b and anti-human IL-10 were electroaddressed onto the gold WEs through fu
144 r the expansion and differentiation of human IL-10-producing Bregs.
145 tion of the anti-inflammatory mediators IDO, IL-10, and PGE2 in a COX-2-dependent manner.
146 s in the first cluster are inhibited only if IL-10 is included early in the course of LPS stimulation
147                      TR1 cells with impaired IL-10 receptor signaling lost their regulatory activity
148 the gain-of-function mutation of TTP impairs IL-10-mediated negative feedback control of macrophage f
149                  Remarkably, DC expansion in IL-10(-/-) dams provoked pregnancy loss, which could be
150  mice and transgenic mice with impairment in IL-10 receptor signaling were used to test the activity
151 atory phenotype in DCs - with an increase in IL-10 and higher expression of programmed death ligand (
152 the presence of CM-MSC or MSCs, increases in IL-10 concentration were observed in culture medium.
153 d that anti-inflammatory cytokines including IL-10 and IL-11 as well as FOXP3 were upregulated in the
154                       In addition, increased IL-10 expression appears to be due to PP2ACalpha-knockou
155 flammatory cytokine production and increased IL-10 production.
156 1 in CD8alpha(+) DCs significantly increases IL-10 expression, reduces macrophage and T-cell contents
157 mentation of IL-27 activates Egr-2 to induce IL-10 producing Tr1 cells.
158 o data, AngII synergized with BAFF to induce IL-10 production by B cells in vitro via AngII type 1A r
159 vely, these studies suggest that LPS-induced IL-10 promotes the down-regulation of MC surface Fcepsil
160 g the clinical outcomes, reduced LPS-induced IL-10 responses at birth were associated with recurrent
161 ll, but was not due to peptidoglycan-induced IL-10 production.
162 conventional dendritic cells (cDC), inducing IL-10, and promoting development of regulatory Tr1 cells
163 n synergy between AngII and BAFF in inducing IL-10 production by B cells, resulting in atheroprotecti
164 n contrast, during localized s.c. infection, IL-10 production plays a detrimental role by facilitatin
165 ncreased the expression of anti-inflammatory IL-10 at 2 d after surgery, with over 85% CD146(+) TSCs
166  suppressing production of anti-inflammatory IL-10 by lung CD11b(+)Ly6G(int)Ly6C(lo)F4/80(+) cells.
167 vealed that the epithelial anti-inflammatory IL-10 receptor alpha subunit (IL-10RA) is also important
168 ecreased the production of anti-inflammatory IL-10, and stimulated the secretion of IL-6.
169 -1beta) and increased the anti-inflammatory (IL-10 and IL-4) cytokine levels.
170 ulatory T cells and IFN-gamma and inhibiting IL-10 production.
171                  In the absence of an intact IL-10 signaling, H. hepaticus induces an IL-23-driven in
172 sis by converting resting B and T cells into IL-10-producing and IL-35-producing regulatory B (Breg)
173 ogether, our data show that B cell-intrinsic IL-10 enhances whereas B cell-intrinsic IFN-gamma and T-
174 ell population, where the tolerance state is IL-10 dependent.
175  OATP1a1, and ileum ASBT and decreased liver IL-10, FXR, CAR, VDR, BSEP, MRP2, MRP3, MRP4 was also ob
176 th elevated serum IL-10 vs patients with low IL-10 (35.5 vs 0.5 median CFU/mL; P = .044).
177 exacerbated proinflammatory responses (lower IL-10 and CCL2, higher TNF-alpha, IL-6, and IL-1beta) to
178 umigatus extract-induced inflammation model, IL-10-producing CD4(+) T cells in bronchoalveolar lavage
179 at express the Tr1-cell-associated molecules IL-10, inducible T-Cell costimulator (ICOS), lymphocyte
180         Blocking neither IL-6Ralpha/IL-6 nor IL-10 affected ESAT-6-induced STAT3 activation and IL-6
181                            In the absence of IL-10, Helicobacter hepaticus (Hh) induces colitis.
182 wild-type (WT) cultures, and the addition of IL-10 eliminated the difference in IgE production betwee
183                  Exogenous administration of IL-10 was sufficient to overcome early pregnancy failure
184 strated B-1a cells produced ample amounts of IL-10 which controlled excessive inflammation and the mi
185 s, Th2 cells produce considerable amounts of IL-10.
186  in Th2 cells by facilitating the binding of IL-10-inducing transcription factors at the Il10 locus.
187 restored IL-10 production and the binding of IL-10-inducing transcription factors including E4BP4, IF
188 elated with prevaccination concentrations of IL-10 (RV5 surface proteins G1 and P1) and IFNgamma (G1)
189                      Conditional deletion of IL-10 specifically in CD11c-expressing cells in vivo imp
190 duction, thereby allowing the development of IL-10-dependent tolerance to endotoxin.
191 demonstrate that the regenerative effects of IL-10 in postnatal wounds are dependent on HA synthesis
192 mphocyte proliferation, induces expansion of IL-10-expressing and IL-35-expressing B cells and amelio
193 demonstrated that CTGF-induced expression of IL-10 and TIMP-3 in CD146(+) TSCs are regulated by JNK/s
194 tors known to be important for expression of IL-10, including Jun family members, GATA3, E4BP4, and I
195 ammatory despite the decreased expression of IL-10.
196                            The importance of IL-10-induced HA synthesis for regenerative wound healin
197   Our findings demonstrate that induction of IL-10 has a major influence on disease outcome during ac
198 d CREB is indispensable for the induction of IL-10 production, whereas phosphorylation of STAT3 furth
199    In conclusion, we report the induction of IL-10-driven regulatory responses mediated by CD11b(+)F4
200 ack of IL-4Ralpha inhibited the induction of IL-10.
201 n early increase of TNF-alpha and, later, of IL-10.
202 and CpG significantly increased the level of IL-10 production by B cells in vitro, although the frequ
203   Tolerant Treg cell produced high levels of IL-10 and had diverse T cell receptor Vbeta repertoires
204               Lower baseline serum levels of IL-10 and higher tryptase levels were found in active CM
205                               High levels of IL-10 and IL-12/23p40 were significantly associated with
206 uction by NK cells and lower serum levels of IL-10 in the MCMV-infected Ebi3(-/-) B6 mice.
207      We found significantly higher levels of IL-10, IL-1beta, IL-4 and IL-2 in both MCI groups (P<0.0
208 XCL9, and iNOS, but increasing the levels of IL-10, LIGHT, CCL1, and Arg-1.
209 er level of bacteremia, is a key mediator of IL-10 anti-inflammatory response that portends poor clin
210  phosphorylate STAT3, a critical mediator of IL-10's anti-inflammatory effects.
211                        The neutralization of IL-10 enhanced the activation of a T-cell CD4+ populatio
212                            Neutralization of IL-10 in RAGE(-/-) mice results in decreased survival du
213                            Neutralization of IL-10 increased IFN-gamma, IL-6 and TNF-alpha production
214  differentiation and increased the number of IL-10(+) CD4(+) T cells, and the conditioned medium from
215 both IL-10 mRNA expression and the number of IL-10(+) CD45(+) cells were significantly increased afte
216  mice with muscle-specific overexpression of IL-10 (M(IL10)) and in wild-type mice during hyperinsuli
217  effect of IL-4 on the natural phenomenon of IL-10 production by a chronically stimulated antigen-spe
218 cells were differentiated in the presence of IL-10 from PBMCs of patients with PA and HC subjects pul
219 tured with B. pseudomallei and production of IL-10 and IFN-gamma detected and the cellular sources id
220 cule interactions and required production of IL-10 and TGF-beta.
221 mice substantially reduced the production of IL-10 by B cells and prevented the AngII-dependent ather
222 IL-17, and IL-22 and decreased production of IL-10 following IL-27 and IL-37 neutralization and paras
223 ithin the cell, as well as the production of IL-10.
224 immunoregulatory cytokine fusion proteins of IL-10/Fc, TGF-beta/Fc, or IL-2/Fc would enhance allogene
225     In a macrophage cell line, regulation of IL-10 by BAR501 was GPBAR1 dependent and was mediated by
226 oving the understanding of the regulation of IL-10 production in these cells.
227 enal macrophages showed increased release of IL-10, whereas tumor necrosis factor and cathepsin L rel
228 although not exclusively, via the release of IL-10.
229                                  The role of IL-10 in regulating B cell responses during malaria is n
230 tion, thus highlighting a protective role of IL-10(+) regulatory B cells in this setting.
231            Recent data highlight the role of IL-10-producing regulatory B cells and "protective" anti
232 signaling and the TLR-dependent secretion of IL-10 (controlled by IRAKs 1 and 2) was only reduced mod
233             Significantly lower secretion of IL-10 and higher secretion of IL-9 by casein-stimulated
234             ISG15 also enhanced secretion of IL-10, indicating a broader role for ISG15 in cytokine s
235 hi phagocytosis, stimulation of secretion of IL-10.
236     However, the critical cellular source of IL-10 during M. tuberculosis infection is still unknown.
237  (Treg) cells were the predominant source of IL-10 in response to PGRN.
238  that uterine NK cells are the key source of IL-10 that is required to regulate DC phenotype and preg
239 -) CD14(+) monocytes were the main source of IL-10.
240 that, despite the multiple immune sources of IL-10 during M. tuberculosis infection, activated effect
241  cytokines and TLR-4 while increased that of IL-10 after LPS stimulation.
242 uld be abrogated by the adoptive transfer of IL-10(+/+) NK cells and not by IL-10(-/-) NK cells.
243 TR1 cell regulatory activity is dependent on IL-10 receptor signaling.
244      IM-mediated protection was dependent on IL-10, given that Il10(-/-) CpG-induced IMs lacked regul
245 d binding to putative responsive elements on IL-10 promoter.
246  secretion by B cells and CD1d expression on IL-10 secreting B cells was lower in VDR KO mice.
247 ents at the time of clinical presentation on IL-10 production and its association with S. aureus bact
248 c IL-2/Fc, nonlytic IL-2/Fc, TGF-beta/Fc, or IL-10/Fc fusion proteins to promote chimerism to induce
249 alpha, IL-12 p70, IL-17A, GM-CSF, IL-12 p40, IL-10, IL-7, IL-1alpha, and IL-5) subject-to-subject var
250 jections of plasmid DNA encoding IL-10 (pDNA-IL-10) into the NAc of non-handled rats.
251       In contrast, neither handling nor pDNA-IL-10 treatment alters self-administration of food or su
252         However, after day 21 postinfection, IL-10-expressing T cells were also highly represented.
253 ortantly, we show that treatment of pregnant IL-10(-/-) mice with A-1254 resulted in placental activa
254                          These cells produce IL-10 and downregulate some pro-inflammatory genes.
255 cies of CD1d(hi) CD5(+) and IL-10-producing (IL-10(+)) CD45(+) cells were decreased.
256 educing the expression of CD86 and promoting IL-10.
257      Supporting these biological properties, IL-10-based modeling predicts two DNA-binding domains, t
258 signalling with CD40 ligation did not reduce IL-10 secretion as was observed in healthy control trans
259 idoglycan O-acetyltransferase mutant reduces IL-10, increases IL-1beta, and promotes development of I
260 ss-activated protein kinases (MSKs) regulate IL-10 production via the phosphorylation of cAMP respons
261 anscription factors that positively regulate IL-10 expression (MAFB, AhR), and promotes a proinflamma
262 cription factor ETS variant (Etv)5 regulates IL-10 production in Th2 cells.
263 that Etv5 plays a crucial role in regulating IL-10 production in Th2 cells by facilitating the bindin
264 ed systemic levels of type 2 and regulatory (IL-10 and TGF-beta) cytokines.
265  cells to cure diabetes in NOD mice required IL-10 signaling, as Tr1 cells could not suppress CD4(+)
266 ression in Th2 cells that lack Etv5 restored IL-10 production and the binding of IL-10-inducing trans
267                      HLA class II-restricted IL-10 production by drug-specific T cells from exposed p
268 wever, while cytokine qPCR analysis revealed IL-10, IL-12, IL-13, IL-23 and TGFbeta were elevated, th
269 B was higher in patients with elevated serum IL-10 vs patients with low IL-10 (35.5 vs 0.5 median CFU
270     We found a significant increase in serum IL-10 and IL-8 levels after a positive OFC result.
271  liver injury models, we show that the STAT3-IL-10-IL-6 axis is a positive regulator of macrophage ef
272      We detected a decrease in the sustained IL-10 production by NK cells and lower serum levels of I
273         Here, we report a novel finding that IL-10 triggers a signal transducer and activator of tran
274  inhibitors and knockout mice, we found that IL-10 induction in B cells was regulated by an ERK1/2- a
275                 In this study we report that IL-10 is essential for anti-Plasmodium humoral immunity.
276                         Here, we report that IL-10 was rapidly induced following intestinal mucosal i
277                           The data show that IL-10 secretion by B cells and CD1d expression on IL-10
278                             Furthermore, the IL-10 expressing NK cells markedly enhanced angiogenic r
279 ent of CREB to its responsive element in the IL-10 promoter.
280 which is shared by multiple cytokines in the IL-10 superfamily.
281 SD exacerbates inflammatory pathology in the IL-10-deficient murine model of colitis relative to mice
282                       IL-19, a member of the IL-10 cytokine family that signals through the IL-20 rec
283                     IL-26 is a member of the IL-10 cytokine family, overexpressed in numerous chronic
284                Moreover, manipulation of the IL-10 signaling pathway represents a novel approach for
285 sponse element-binding (CREB) protein on the IL-10 promoter.
286        Here we investigate the impact on the IL-10-mediated anti-inflammatory response.
287 nt of a repressive NCOR/HDAC3 complex to the IL-10 promoter, but not the TNF promoter, thereby tippin
288 se data demonstrate that IL-4 contributes to IL-10 production and that Th2 cells modulate Th1 culture
289 s as a critical innate immune contributor to IL-10-induced wound closure.
290                    The mechanisms leading to IL-10 expression by CD4(+) T cells are being elucidated,
291 l studies intravaginally infected wild-type, IL-10(-/-), IL-4(-/-), and IL-4Ralpha(-/-) mice with low
292 nrecognized signaling pathway that underlies IL-10 production by PGRN in Treg cells and present new i
293 ivotal transcription factor for upregulating IL-10 production by B-1a cells in sepsis through its nuc
294                                        Using IL-10 as an initial biomarker, clinicians may consider m
295                                        Using IL-10 reporter mice, we show in this article that during
296 ng expansion of the Treg cell population via IL-10.
297                                    In vitro, IL-10 expression was detected only when tendon cells wer
298  suppressive effects of NLRP3 signaling were IL-10 dependent.
299 d IL-23, but not IL-6 and TNF-alpha, whereas IL-10 levels were increased in peripheral blood of clini
300 n expression were significantly higher while IL-10 mRNA levels were lower in PI-IBS D than in HC in b
301 ssive inflammation and the mice treated with IL-10-deficient B-1a cells were not protected against se

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