


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              ITAM multiplicity amplifies TCR signals, but the importa
2                                              ITAM receptors engage Src-family tyrosine kinases (SFKs)
3                                              ITAM-bearing proteins are also found in many oncogenic v
4                                              ITAM-coupled receptors play an essential role in regulat
5                                              ITAM-expressing cells were resistant to both serum starv
6                                              ITAM-induced inhibitors abrogated TLR responses by coope
7                                              ITAM-mediated cross-regulation can either augment or dam
8                                              ITAMs also have been identified in the cytoplasmic tails
9 a, zetaa, zetab, or zetac) at each of the 10 ITAM locations exhibit a substantial reduction in thymic
10 ular cellular response, they must use the 10 ITAMs found within the CD3 subunits (CD3gammaepsilon, CD
11 ering receptor expressed on myeloid cells 2) ITAM-coupled receptor plays a key role in bone remodelin
12  the adaptor FcepsilonR1gamma to activate an ITAM-signaling cascade.
13  beta-glucan receptor Dectin-1, activates an ITAM-Syk-dependent pathway in dendritic cells, which is
14 ling domains, a proline-rich sequence and an ITAM.
15  IIa (FcgammaRIIa) has been identified as an ITAM-bearing transmembrane receptor responsible for medi
16                   Because DC-HIL contains an ITAM-like intracellular sequence, we questioned whether
17 pter protein DAP12/TYROBP, which contains an ITAM.
18 II cross-linking by agonistic Abs induces an ITAM-mediated inhibitory signaling pathway, involving Fc
19 X-activating protein of 12 kDa (DAP12) is an ITAM-bearing transmembrane adaptor protein that integrat
20                               FcRgamma is an ITAM-containing adaptor required for CD16 signaling and
21 tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM) or an ITAM-like domain, namely the collagen receptor complex g
22                 Our data demonstrate that an ITAM-dependent pathway involving the Src-family kinase F
23 y express Tim-3 and are activated through an ITAM-containing receptor for IgE (FcepsilonRI), using si
24 lar domain promoting phagocytosis through an ITAM-domain-SFK-Syk-mediated signalling cascade.
25  that alphaIIbbeta3 regulates Syk through an ITAM-independent pathway in mice and provide novel insig
26  the inhibitory motif in FcgammaRIIb with an ITAM (FcgammaRIIb-ITAM) reconstituted ADE capacity to le
27 3Kgamma, to platelet activation by GPCRs and ITAM-coupled receptors.
28  tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM)- and ITAM-like-mediated signals are severely compromised in F
29 ion between FlnA and Syk regulates ITAM- and ITAM-like-containing receptor signaling and platelet fun
30 se was dependent on activation via MyD88 and ITAM signaling pathways through TLRs and FcRs, respectiv
31 e mass, but Dap12(-/-) mice, lacking another ITAM protein, FcRgamma, were severely osteopetrotic.
32 ells transduced with these molecules bearing ITAM mutations were indistinguishable from untransduced
33 tor tyrosine-based activation motif-bearing (ITAM-bearing) adapter protein (DAP12) interruption of CD
34 mulation, thereby limiting crosstalk between ITAM and RANK/TNFR signaling and allowing fine tuning of
35 s also yield insights into crosstalk between ITAM-coupled receptors and heterologous receptors such a
36 the complexity in signal integration between ITAM- and TLR-mediated signaling.
37 ely how the timing of cellular activation by ITAM-coupled receptors is regulated by ITIM-containing r
38 ator of NF-kappaB) requires costimulation by ITAM-coupled receptors.
39  cross-inhibition of type I IFN signaling by ITAM-coupled beta2 integrins and demonstrate that ITAM s
40 ation, cytokine production was unaffected by ITAM number.
41  clarify how activating signals generated by ITAMs are tightly regulated and will open opportunities
42 eptor gamma-chain, even though the canonical ITAM signaling was not activated by papain.
43 ccurring analog of cholesterol, inhibits CD3 ITAM phosphorylation, a crucial first step in T cell act
44 te development or whether any particular CD3 ITAM motif is sufficient.
45  of the adaptor Vav1 with phosphorylated CD3 ITAMs to mediate the recruitment and activation of the o
46 ne secretion, a high multiplicity of TCR-CD3 ITAMs was required for TCR-driven proliferation.
47 d that whereas a low multiplicity of TCR-CD3 ITAMs was sufficient to engage canonical TCR-induced sig
48 TCR signaling, as phosphorylation of the CD3 ITAMs by CD4-associated Lck is important for CD4(+) T ce
49 relation between the number of wild-type CD3 ITAMs and T cell proliferation, cytokine production was
50     Mice with fewer than seven wild-type CD3 ITAMs developed a lethal, multiorgan autoimmune disease
51 g inhibits phosphorylation of the CD3epsilon ITAM by Fyn and Lck kinases in vitro.
52 eds to result in unbinding of the CD3epsilon ITAM from the membrane to render these tyrosines accessi
53 ility is explored through the use of CD3zeta ITAM transgenic mice that express a CD3 zeta-chain with
54 hat T cells expressing 4D5 CARs with CD3zeta ITAM mutations were less prone to apoptosis.
55 iple adaptors permits fine-tuning of NK-cell ITAM responses over the course of an immune response.
56              We conclude that FcRgamma-chain ITAM signaling facilitates IC uptake and is essentially
57 (FcRgamma(-/-)) mice reported FcRgamma-chain ITAM signaling to be responsible for enhancing both IC u
58  work, we studied the role of FcRgamma-chain ITAM signaling using DCs from NOTAM mice that express no
59 e phosphorylation of the GPVI-FcRgamma-chain ITAM, which has 2 YxxL motifs, is independent of actin p
60 e or inhibit BCR signaling through consensus ITAMs and ITIMs; however, the extracellular ligands of t
61           Notably, only receptors containing ITAMs induced PKCtheta microclusters on their own, expla
62  tyrosine-based activation motif-containing (ITAM-containing) receptors/adaptors, predominantly tyros
63 ssay that it signals through its cytoplasmic ITAM.
64 containing tyrosine phosphatases that dampen ITAM-dependent signals.
65 s revealed that phosphorylation of the DAP12 ITAM was required for normal migration in vitro and asso
66           Strikingly, mice with disrupted DC ITAMs show defective T helper cell priming in vivo and a
67  and stabilization and resulted in defective ITAM receptor-mediated platelet aggregation.
68 th a CAR bearing a phosphorylation-defective ITAM were not activated.
69  mammary cell lines expressing two different ITAM-containing proteins, one encoding a MMTV provirus a
70 her than that for the interaction between dp-ITAM and tSH2 but is close to that for a singly tyrosine
71 receptor tyrosine-based activation motif (dp-ITAM) of the BCR complex.
72 n constant for the binding of tSH2(pm) to dp-ITAM (1.8 microM) is significantly higher than that for
73 ylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) activation during ITAM-dependent platelet activation.
74 tif in FcgammaRIIb with an ITAM (FcgammaRIIb-ITAM) reconstituted ADE capacity to levels of the wild t
75 orylated and exposed PRS, that is, the first ITAM tyrosine has to be in the unphosphorylated state.
76 ionally critical residue of CD79B, the first ITAM tyrosine, was mutated.
77 ides what we believe to be a new concept for ITAM regulation of cytokine receptors in different tissu
78  a pathogen and may represent a paradigm for ITAM-coupled receptors sensing self and non-self.
79 dicated that PKC- is absolutely required for ITAM-mediated IFN-gamma secretion, whereas it has no mar
80        Thus, RBP-J imposes a requirement for ITAM-mediated costimulation of RANKL or TNF-alpha-induce
81 t that CD4 recruits Lck proximal to the four ITAMs of the CD3 heterodimers.
82     This first demonstration of a functional ITAM in a nonenveloped virus presents a new mechanism fo
83 mu2 is phosphorylated, contains a functional ITAM, and activates NF-kappaB.
84  of activating FcgammaR, but lack functional ITAM signaling.
85 LAP2 as critical inhibitors of platelet (hem)ITAM signaling in the setting of arterial thrombosis and
86  and thrombin generation in response to (hem)ITAM-coupled, but not G protein-coupled, receptor activa
87 tion residue L70, and Y6 of a potential hemi-ITAM motif in BST2's cytoplasmic domain.
88             In contrast, clustering the hemi-ITAM receptor Dectin-1 induced signaling that did not re
89 als emanating from cytokine and heterologous ITAM-dependent receptors.
90 at inhibitory engagement of the hFcgammaRIIA ITAM either with anti-hFcgammaRII F(ab')2 fragments or i
91  tyrosine 304 (Y304) within the hFcgammaRIIA ITAM, which was required for recruitment of tyrosine kin
92 yrosine-based activation motifs (ITAMs; high ITAM multiplicity) in the complex of the T cell antigen
93                                   Thus, high ITAM number provides scalable signaling that can modulat
94                                 To study how ITAM signaling affects mammary cell transformation, we u
95                          Here, we identified ITAM sequences in three mammalian reovirus proteins: mu2
96                                  To identify ITAM-bearing proteins that mediate signaling via the pla
97 roximity of the Igalpha ITAM, dampen Igalpha ITAM tyrosine phosphorylation.
98 hich are located in proximity of the Igalpha ITAM, dampen Igalpha ITAM tyrosine phosphorylation.
99                                           In ITAM-activated platelets that were treated with a PI3K i
100  Mechanistically, we show that deficiency in ITAM signaling results in increased pMHCII internalizati
101 ITAMs), but how receptor ligation results in ITAM phosphorylation remains unknown.
102 70, controls the remaining CD45-independent, ITAM-specific NK-cell functions, demonstrating a functio
103 ansduction, with functions beyond inhibiting ITAM-mediated platelet activation.
104 tory function in T lymphocytes by inhibiting ITAM phosphorylation and/or removing cell surface TCR vi
105 tors NFATc1, BLIMP1, and c-FOS by inhibiting ITAM-mediated expression and function of PLCgamma2 and a
106 n, Leishmania shifts Mincle to an inhibitory ITAM (ITAMi) configuration that impairs DC activation.
107 cteristic of previously described inhibitory ITAM (ITAMi) signaling for hFcalphaRI and hFcgammaRIIIA,
108          Recently, the concept of inhibitory ITAM (ITAMi) has emerged as a new means to negatively co
109  dual ITIM-containing receptor that inhibits ITAM-dependent responses in hematopoietic cells.
110 dulating the activity of this novel integrin/ITAM pair might be effective in controlling thrombosis.
111 of DNAX activating protein of 12 kDa and its ITAMs.
112  complex signals through Src family kinases, ITAM domain-containing adaptor proteins, and other kinas
113 mplex and point to regions of high CD4-Lck + ITAM concentrations therein.
114  reduced the BDCA2/FcepsilonR1gamma-mediated ITAM signaling and blocked its inhibition of TLR9-mediat
115      Conversely, TLRs and cytokines modulate ITAM-mediated signaling, by means including activation o
116 unoreceptor tyrosine-based activating motif (ITAM)-containing adaptor proteins, we used different gen
117 unoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM) adaptor protein Fc receptor gamma-chain, even thou
118 unoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM) and G-protein-coupled receptors, increased adhesio
119 tion of an immune tyrosine activation motif (ITAM) and hemITAM, respectively.
120 unoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM) and the nonreceptor tyrosine kinase Syk.
121 f the immunotyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM) bearing activating receptors.
122 unoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM) cascade in platelets.
123 unoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM) in the Draper intracellular domain.
124 unoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM) in the FcRgamma signaling adaptor.
125 unoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM) monophosphorylation.
126 unoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM) or an ITAM-like domain, namely the collagen recept
127 unoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM) phosphorylated tyrosine residue at position 204 in
128 unoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM) proteins and B cell receptor (BCR) signaling by PA
129 unoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM) signaling motif of LMP2A.
130 et immunoreceptor tyrosine activation motif (ITAM) signaling, but not GPCR signaling, is critical for
131 unoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM) signaling.
132 unoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM) signalling modules of CD79B and CD79A were detecte
133 unoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM), leading to recruitment and activation of spleen t
134 unoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM), the activating collagen receptor glycoprotein (GP
135 unoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM), which signals through Src family tyrosine kinases
136 unoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM)- and ITAM-like-mediated signals are severely compr
137 unoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM)-containing adapters, which trigger both cytotoxicy
138 unoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM)-containing adaptors (DAP12 and FcRgamma) and Vav f
139 unoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM)-containing adaptors DAP12 and FcRgamma utilizes th
140 unoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM)-containing proteins have recently been demonstrate
141 unoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM)-containing receptors in almost all hematopoietic c
142 unoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM)-coupled CD16.
143 unoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM)-coupled receptors glycoprotein (GP)VI or C-type le
144 unoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM)-coupled receptors is cross-regulation of heterolog
145 unoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM)-dependent pathway.
146 unoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM)-like sequence and two consensus immunoreceptor tyr
147 o the immunoreceptor-based activation motif (ITAM)-like sequence within the cytoplasmic domain of CEA
148 unoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM)-linked receptors.
149 unoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM)-specific NK-cell functions and processes such as d
150 unoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM).
151 unoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM).
152 unoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM).
153 unoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM).
154 unoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM).
155 unoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM).
156 unoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM): a short peptide sequence in the cytoplasmic tails
157 unoreceptor-Tyrosine-based-Activation-Motif (ITAM) that initiates TCR signalling by recruiting protei
158 unoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif [ITAM] and FcgammaRIIb with an immunoreceptor tyrosine-ba
159 noreceptor tyrosine-based activation motifs (ITAMs) and those that contain immunoreceptor tyrosine-ba
160 noreceptor tyrosine-based activation motifs (ITAMs) are signaling domains located within the cytoplas
161 noreceptor tyrosine-based activation motifs (ITAMs) have recently been shown to cooperate with specif
162 noreceptor tyrosine-based activation motifs (ITAMs) in their intracellular domains.
163 noreceptor tyrosine-based activation motifs (ITAMs) initiates the macrophage antimicrobial response.
164 noreceptor tyrosine-based activation motifs (ITAMs) is to regulate signaling by heterologous receptor
165 noreceptor tyrosine-based activation motifs (ITAMs) on T-cell receptors.
166 noreceptor tyrosine-based activation motifs (ITAMs), little is known about the ITAM requirements for
167 noreceptor tyrosine-based activation motifs (ITAMs), such as Fc receptor common gamma (FcRgamma) and
168 noreceptor tyrosine-based activation motifs (ITAMs).
169 noreceptor tyrosine-based activation motifs (ITAMs).
170 ssociated immune receptor activation motifs (ITAMs).
171 on of CD3 immune tyrosine activation motifs (ITAMs).
172 noreceptor tyrosine-based activation motifs (ITAMs).
173 noreceptor tyrosine-based activation motifs (ITAMs).
174 noreceptor tyrosine-based activation motifs (ITAMs).
175 noreceptor tyrosine-based activation motifs (ITAMs; high ITAM multiplicity) in the complex of the T c
176 l through cytoplasmic tyrosine-based motifs (ITAMs), but how receptor ligation results in ITAM phosph
177 primarily by two amino acid sequence motifs, ITAMs (immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motifs)
178               A mutant virus lacking the mu2 ITAM activates NF-kappaB less efficiently and induces lo
179                       Moreover, both the mu2 ITAM and Syk are required for maximal mu2 activation of
180 ired for reovirus-induced apoptosis, the mu2 ITAM is advantageous for viral spread and enhances viral
181 hat the cell type-specific effect of the mu2 ITAM on viral spread reflects the cell type-specific eff
182 appaB is not required for apoptosis, the mu2 ITAM stimulates cellular defense mechanisms and diminish
183 tories and this recruitment requires the mu2 ITAM.
184       Notably, the consequences of these mu2 ITAM effects are cell type specific.
185 ergent property, so that removal of multiple ITAMs, sequential phosphorylation, or differential affin
186                      The purpose of multiple ITAMs, their sequential phosphorylation, and the differe
187 echanism, and find no evidence that multiple ITAMs modulate a switchlike response but do find that th
188 otein function, we suggest that the multiple ITAMs on the TCR function mainly to amplify subsequent s
189 various combinations of wild-type and mutant ITAMs in TCR-CD3 complexes.
190             Together these data show that NK ITAMs preferentially use a signaling cassette regulated
191                    Here we show that the non-ITAM-requiring adaptor protein Nck forms a complex with
192                    These data reveal a novel ITAM-mediated inhibitory signaling pathway in DCs trigge
193 f platelet GPVI-collagen interactions and of ITAM receptor CLEC-2 pathways.
194 lished model of ITIM-mediated attenuation of ITAM-driven activation.
195 ating FcgammaRs, hampering the dissection of ITAM-dependent and independent FcgammaR functions in FcR
196                 Elucidating the diversity of ITAM-based signaling mechanisms will clarify how activat
197                   Simultaneous engagement of ITAM-coupled beta2 integrins or Dectin-1 with TLR4 did n
198                                  Examples of ITAM-based signaling that do not conform precisely to th
199 anism of c-MYC regulation was independent of ITAM/BCR activity.
200                               Integration of ITAM signaling into signaling networks through cross-tal
201 sted the effects of simultaneous ligation of ITAM-associated receptors and TLR4 on TLR4-induced Jak-S
202        We show that high-avidity ligation of ITAM-coupled beta2 integrins and FcgammaRs in macrophage
203 ies for specific therapeutic manipulation of ITAM-based signaling pathways.
204                               Preligation of ITAM-coupled beta2 integrins and FcgammaRs inhibited pro
205 ood, the initial mechanism and regulation of ITAM phosphorylation remains unknown.
206 mbrane proteins that mimic the activation of ITAMs, murid herpesvirus-4 perturbs B cell signaling usi
207  infection, the impact of CD45 deficiency on ITAM signaling differs depending on the downstream funct
208 as all the CD3 subunits possess at least one ITAM, the CD3 epsilon subunit also contains a proline-ri
209  GPVI or genetic deletion of Clec2, the only ITAM receptors expressed on mouse platelets, significant
210   Our findings may be generalizable to other ITAM and Jak-STAT signaling pathways and may help explai
211 ced binding of mutated Syk to phosphorylated ITAM due to this increased phosphorylation.
212 he binding of Syk to tyrosine-phosphorylated ITAM subunits of immunoreceptors, such as FcepsilonRI on
213 inated by the multiplicity of phosphorylated ITAMs in TCR-CD3.
214 s, in vivo, Zap70 is bound to phosphorylated ITAMs in resting T cells.
215  a cytosolic kinase, binds to phosphorylated ITAMs with differential affinities.
216 yrosine kinase Zap70 binds to phosphorylated ITAMs, is subsequently activated, and then propagates do
217 ntriguingly, Lck sequentially phosphorylates ITAMs and ZAP-70, a cytosolic kinase, binds to phosphory
218                                     Platelet ITAM signaling plays a key role for the maintenance of v
219 is closely related to that of the 2 platelet ITAM receptors: glycoprotein (GP)VI and FcgammaRIIa.
220  on the physiological importance of platelet ITAM signaling as well as the molecular mechanisms facil
221                Thus, CLEC-2, unlike platelet ITAM receptors, is not regulated by proteolysis and can
222 ath, whereas the second lies in a predicted "ITAM motif" in the C-terminal domain of CD37 and counter
223 ossess an unexpected bifurcation of proximal ITAM-mediated signaling, each involving SLP-76 and contr
224 wo consensus ITIMs in addition to a putative ITAM sequence in its cytoplasmic domain.
225 e interaction between FlnA and Syk regulates ITAM- and ITAM-like-containing receptor signaling and pl
226 dent migration through a mechanism requiring ITAM-mediated Syk and Akt activation and inducing membra
227  thrombocytes which signals through the same ITAM-based signalling pathway as mammalian GPVI, providi
228 he SH2(Nck) domain has to bind to the second ITAM tyrosine in the phosphorylated state.
229 is is homologous to the well-established SFK-ITAM-Syk-signaling pathway used in vertebrate adaptive i
230 rticle, we show that mice utilizing a single ITAM sequence (gamma, epsilon, delta, zetaa, zetab, or z
231 ain is a homodimer subunit that contains six ITAMs (12 sites) and exhibits a number of properties tha
232                              Whereas the six ITAMs of CD3zetazeta are key determinants of T cell deve
233 er, it remains unclear whether each specific ITAM sequence of the individual subunit (gammaepsilondel
234 tion of both inhibitory ITIM and stimulatory ITAM signaling, the events that regulate receptor phosph
235      Membrane-targeted SLP-76 (MTS) supports ITAM signaling in platelets and from the pre-TCR.
236  our findings indicate that RBP-J suppresses ITAM-mediated costimulation, thereby limiting crosstalk
237 es require Gi-type G proteins as well as TCR ITAM domains and the ZAP70 tyrosine kinase, thus indicat
238 he physiological importance of this high TCR ITAM number is unclear.
239                                     Most TCR ITAMs (6 of 10) are contributed by the CD3zeta subunits.
240                     Here we demonstrate that ITAM multiplicity is important for the development of in
241 coupled beta2 integrins and demonstrate that ITAM signaling qualitatively modulates macrophage respon
242 r own, explaining previous observations that ITAM-coupled receptors promote stronger activating signa
243             Previous studies have shown that ITAM tyrosines engage in structure-inducing interactions
244              Together, the data suggest that ITAM sequence diversity is required for optimal TCR sign
245               Thus, our results suggest that ITAM-containing receptors can respond to exposed ligands
246 on motifs (ITAMs), little is known about the ITAM requirements for iNKT cell selection and expansion.
247 or for interferon-gamma (IFN-gammaR) and the ITAM adaptor Fcgamma as an example, we found that IFN-ga
248 k reveals that the SH2 domain of Syk and the ITAM tyrosine residues and transmembrane domain of DAP12
249 he presence of nearby basic residues and the ITAM tyrosines.
250  Pyk2 relayed signals from integrins and the ITAM-containing adaptor DAP12 to augment interleukin 10-
251  involving the Src-family kinase Fgr and the ITAM-containing adaptor proteins DAP12 and FcRgamma is i
252 itching the cytoplasmic tails containing the ITAM/ITIM motifs, leaving the remainder of the receptor
253 e, SHP-1, which in turn dephosphorylates the ITAM-based tyrosines in BCR Igalpha/Igbeta heterodimers.
254 sphorylated by Src family PTKs, enabling the ITAM to recruit activated Syk family kinases Inside-out
255  within the inflammatory cells involving the ITAM domain-containing protein Draper-I (a member of the
256 ling pathways widely used in leukocytes: the ITAM pathway and the Jak-STAT pathway.
257 ane and cytoplasmic domain, inclusive of the ITAM (immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif) in
258 uces shedding of GPVI and proteolysis of the ITAM domain in FcgammaRIIa.
259 RIIa facilitates DENV entry by virtue of the ITAM motif, whereas the swapped version FcgammaRIIa-ITIM
260                  Activation of either of the ITAM receptors induces shedding of GPVI and proteolysis
261                              Mutation of the ITAM tyrosines of Jedi-1 and MEGF10 prevented engulfment
262 ng-dependent tyrosine phosphorylation of the ITAM-bearing platelet Fc receptor, FcgammaRIIa, as well
263 d turnover, and had impaired function of the ITAM-containing activating NK cell receptors.
264 IL, but not when the tyrosine residue of the ITAM-like sequence was mutated to phenylalanine.
265 ll receptors, with a particular focus on the ITAM-dependent activating receptors, the NKG2D-DAP10 rec
266       Specifically, mu2 and muNS recruit the ITAM-signaling intermediate Syk to cytoplasmic viral fac
267 inimizes membrane association, rendering the ITAM motif more accessible to binding partners.
268 induction of migration by LMP2A required the ITAM signaling domain of LMP2A and activation of the Syk
269  and activation of Akt by LMP2A required the ITAM signaling domain of LMP2A.
270 n of beta2 integrins that are coupled to the ITAM-containing adaptors DAP12 and FcRgamma.
271  Lat(-/-) mice have reduced responses to the ITAM-coupled receptor NK1.1.
272 el antithrombotic agents directed toward the ITAM signaling pathway.
273 mmaRs elicit intracellular signaling via the ITAM domain of the associated FcRgamma-chain.
274                    TARM1 associated with the ITAM adaptor FcRgamma but not with DAP10 or DAP12.
275 is and receptors that can associate with the ITAM-containing DAP12 adaptor.
276 on tail, which encompasses Tyr166 within the ITAM and a TCR endocytosis signal.
277                                   Within the ITAM pathway, distinct signaling intermediates are varia
278 d by phosphorylation of the tyrosines in the ITAMs by Src family kinases (SFKs).
279  to the TCR-CD3 complex to phosphorylate the ITAMs, initiate intracellular signaling, and drive CD4(+
280  embedded within MHC molecules (pMHC) to the ITAMs of the associated CD3gammaepsilon, CD3deltaepsilon
281                      Identification of these ITAM-containing receptors and their ligands remains a hi
282 ss a CD3 zeta-chain with zero, one, or three ITAMs and an MHC class II (DO11.10)- or MHC class I (H-Y
283  show that MMTV suppresses apoptosis through ITAM-mediated Src tyrosine kinase signaling.
284 ent of NK-cell receptors that signal through ITAMs results in prompt activation of PKC-.
285 l events in signaling by hemITAM relative to ITAM receptors.
286 ught to play redundant roles in transmitting ITAM signals in NK cells.
287 complex, but deletion or mutation of the two ITAM motifs did not.
288          The molecular mechanisms underlying ITAM signaling in platelets continue to be refined.
289  from mice and patients deficient in various ITAM signaling pathways, we show here that OSCAR costimu
290 onic BCR signals maintain anergy in part via ITAM monophosphorylation-directed activation of an inhib
291  important finding since these receptors via ITAM contribute to intracellular signaling.
292 ped virus presents a new mechanism for viral ITAM-mediated signaling with likely organ-specific conse
293          We investigated mechanisms by which ITAM-associated receptors inhibit type I IFN (IFN-alpha/
294    This review describes mechanisms by which ITAM-associated receptors modulate signaling by Toll-lik
295 nt of nonhematopoietic cell cancers in which ITAM-mediated signaling plays a role.
296                                        While ITAMs mobilize activating tyrosine kinases and their con
297  many activating NK cell receptors pair with ITAM-bearing adaptors, we recently reported that NKp80 s
298   Moreover, transfusion of platelets without ITAM receptor function or platelets lacking the adapter
299 hat a full complement of functional CD3 zeta ITAMs is required for effective iNKT cell development.
300 third (YF5,6), or all three (YF1-6) CD3 zeta ITAMs.

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