


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              Id-1 expression also correlates with the invasive and ag
2                                              Id-1 expression levels positively correlate with glioma
3                                              Id-1 is restricted to the cytoplasm; levels do not decre
4                                              Id-1 knockdown dramatically reduces glioblastoma cell in
5                                              Id-1 stimulated proliferation in sparse cultures but ind
6                                              Id-1 was widely expressed in proliferating bi- and unipo
7                                              Id-1, the most well-studied member of this family, has s
8 ional regulator, inhibitor of DNA binding-1 (Id-1), previously shown to function as an oncogene in se
9 ination of inhibitor of differentiation 1/2 (Id-1/2) by catalyzing phosphorylation of Id proteins and
10 The interrelationship between COX-2, PGE(2), Id-1, and cell invasiveness was also compared in nontumo
11               However, little is known about Id-1 target genes that are important for regulating norm
12  many of the cancer cells exhibited abundant Id-1, Id-2, and Id-3 immunoreactivity.
13            The ability of PGE(2) to activate Id-1 transcription was mediated by enhanced binding of E
14 X-2-derived prostaglandin (PGE(2)) activated Id-1 transcription, leading in turn to increased invasiv
15                                 In addition, Id-1 is aberrantly over-expressed in aggressive and meta
16 helix-loop-helix transcription factor, as an Id-1-interacting protein.
17 ghts into the relationship between COX-2 and Id-1 and their potential role in metastasis.
18                 Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and Id-1 are overexpressed in a variety of human malignancie
19 tumors expressed less activated Smad-1/5 and Id-1 than that of controls.
20 o found to express an activated Smad-1/5 and Id-1.
21 d significantly less Smad-1/5 activation and Id-1 expression, and produced significant growth inhibit
22 8 phosphorylation, nuclear translocation and Id-1 expression, cell spreading, and tubulogenesis of en
23 ulated by stable transduction with antisense Id-1.
24  as measured by growth and invasiveness; (b) Id-1 was an important mediator of the effects of sex ste
25      To investigate the relationship between Id-1, telomerase activity, telomere length, p16, Rb cell
26 We demonstrate significant reduction of both Id-1 and MT1-MMP expressions as well as the metastatic s
27  extended the lifespan of keratinocytes, but Id-1 did not prevent the onset of replicative senescence
28         Under these experimental conditions, Id-1 expression did not trigger induction of telomerase
29 s prior to differentiation, and constitutive Id-1 expression blocks differentiation.
30 ate cell proliferation, whereas constitutive Id-1 expression rendered cells refractory to growth inhi
31  stem cells, transfected with DNA containing Id-1 under the control of transcriptional regulatory ele
32 splastic and atypical papillary ducts in CP, Id-1 and Id-2 immunoreactivity was as significantly elev
33 human tissue sections identified cytoplasmic Id-1 expression and nuclear Id-2 and Id-3 expression in
34  led to reduced PGE(2) production, decreased Id-1 expression, and reduced migration of cells through
35 -regulation of inhibitor of differentiation (Id-1).
36  deficient for inhibitor of differentiation (Id-1).
37 nd, cannabidiol, significantly downregulates Id-1 gene expression and associated glioma cell invasive
38       In these unselected cultures, enhanced Id-1 levels clearly extended the lifespan of keratinocyt
39 pyranoside-inducible expression of exogenous Id-1 in Con8 cells was shown to strongly facilitate the
40  that SCp2 cells that constitutively express Id-1 slowly invade the basement membrane but remain anch
41  to have an activated Smad-1/5 and expressed Id-1.
42 cancer cells: (a) a constitutively expressed Id-1 cDNA, when introduced into a nonaggressive breast c
43 n and apoptosis, we constitutively expressed Id-1 in mammary epithelial cell cultures.
44                             Cells expressing Id-1 secreted a approximately 120-kDa gelatinase.
45 y epithelial cells constitutively expressing Id-1 protein are unable to differentiate, acquire the ab
46 ntibodies demonstrated the presence of faint Id-1 and Id-2 immunostaining in pancreatic ductal cells
47 e primers to specifically amplify cDNAs from Id-1-transfected SCp2 cells.
48                            To understand how Id-1 acts, we screened a yeast two-hybrid library from d
49  is mediated by a 2.2-kb region of the human Id-1 promoter.
50  is mediated by a 2.2-kb region of the human Id-1 promoter.
51   In conclusion, our studies have identified Id-1 as a critical regulator of breast cancer progressio
52                        Our results implicate Id-1 as acting as a critical regulator of mammary epithe
53 s decreased in proportion to the decrease in Id-1 protein levels, representing a potential mechanism
54 ed proliferation and produced an increase in Id-1 expression.
55        Expression of LANA in ECs resulted in Id-1 induction that was almost identical to the inductio
56 K1/2 --> Egr-1 pathway, leading to increased Id-1 transcription and cell invasion.
57 -MB-231 cells, treatment with PGE(2) induced Id-1, an effect that was mimicked by an EP(4) agonist.
58 A-MB-231 cells, COX-2-derived PGE(2) induced Id-1, leading in turn to increased cell invasiveness.
59 strogen stimulated proliferation and induced Id-1 expression, whereas progesterone inhibited prolifer
60 hanced expression, as KSHV infection induced Id-1 27-fold in ECs under our experimental conditions.
61                   We show that BMP-2 induces Id-1 expression in lung cancer cell lines through its ac
62                                    Moreover, Id-1 has the potential to serve as a marker for aggressi
63                                    Moreover, Id-1 was highly expressed in aggressive breast cancer ce
64                                  We observed Id-1, Id-2, and Id-3 mRNA expression in proliferating hu
65 Thus, while no immortalization was observed, Id-1 could delay the onset of replicative senescence in
66                               The ability of Id-1 to postpone, but not prevent, senescence may be rel
67  cell signaling regulating the expression of Id-1 and ATF-3, thus contributing to melanoma metastasis
68  These results demonstrate the expression of Id-1 in KS tumor cells and indicate the KSHV LANA protei
69 sponsible for the constitutive expression of Id-1 in metastatic human breast cancer cells.
70     We have shown that ectopic expression of Id-1 in murine mammary epithelial cells resulted in loss
71 ry has shown that constitutive expression of Id-1 in SCp2 mouse mammary epithelial cells inhibits the
72                         Forced expression of Id-1 in the 129/Sv epithelium results in a decline in Id
73 examined the effects of forced expression of Id-1 in the small intestinal epithelium of adult chimeri
74     We have shown that ectopic expression of Id-1 inhibits differentiation and stimulates the prolife
75    We demonstrate that ectopic expression of Id-1 leads to activation of telomerase activity and immo
76 -MB231 cells, Pg inhibited the expression of Id-1 mRNA drastically.
77                In these cells, expression of Id-1, an inhibitor of basic helix-loop-helix transcripti
78       We demonstrated that the expression of Id-1, Id-2, and Id-3 genes was significantly induced at
79  In this study we compared the expression of Id-1, Id-2, and Id-3 in the normal pancreas, in pancreat
80  disrupted by the immortalizing functions of Id-1 through activation of telomerase activity and inact
81                     The steroid induction of Id-1 was robust by 4 h of treatment and maintained over
82            Importantly, genetic knockdown of Id-1 leads to a significant increase in survival in an o
83  on proliferation and on expression level of Id-1, which generally stimulates cell proliferation and
84 cer cells lack PR and express high levels of Id-1 constitutively, and Pg showed no effect on Id expre
85                     Moreover, high levels of Id-1 expression and the activity of a approximately 120-
86 c breast cancer cells express high levels of Id-1 mRNA because of a loss of serum-dependent regulatio
87 there is a correlation between the levels of Id-1 protein and the aggressiveness of several human bre
88  invasion through Id-1, as overexpression of Id-1 in MUC18-silenced cells resulted in increased MMP-2
89                    Ectopic overexpression of Id-1 in the SCp2 nontumorigenic mammary epithelial cells
90 ith a retrovirus to induce overexpression of Id-1.
91 8, which reversed the expression patterns of Id-1 and ATF-3.
92 itro and repressed the invasive phenotype of Id-1-expressing cells in culture.
93 fect which correlated well with reduction of Id-1 mRNA.
94             Moreover, antisense reduction of Id-1 protein in SCp2 cells prevented the apical junction
95 se a mechanism for the loss of regulation of Id-1 promoter in invasive and metastatic human breast ca
96 cient for this hypoxia-induced repression of Id-1.
97 t only follows a pattern opposite to that of Id-1 during mammary gland development and breast cancer
98       Id-2 expression ran counter to that of Id-1 not only during maturation, but during periods of c
99                        During mid-pregnancy, Id-1 expression declined to undetectable levels as the e
100  and which appear to be necessary for proper Id-1 repression.
101                 The helix-loop-helix protein Id-1 inhibits the activity of basic helix-loop-helix tra
102                 The helix-loop-helix protein Id-1 is a dominant negative regulator of basic helix-loo
103 erexpression of the helix-loop-helix protein Id-1 was capable of immortalizing keratinocytes, seconda
104 g domain (Inhibitor of DNA binding proteins (Id-1 to Id-4)).
105 verexpression of ITF-2 significantly reduced Id-1-stimulated proliferation and apoptosis.
106 y, an antisense oligonucleotide that reduced Id-1 protein levels reduced the ability of estrogen to s
107  Additionally, we found that MUC18 regulated Id-1 expression at the transcriptional level via ATF-3,
108 uced transcription factor HIF-1 up-regulates Id-1 in hypoxic neuroblastoma cells.
109 show here that the transcriptional regulator Id-1 plays a critical role in modulating the invasivenes
110 terone inhibited proliferation and repressed Id-1 expression.
111                       Progesterone repressed Id-1 expression, at least in part by repressing transcri
112 F-3 in hypoxic neuroblastoma cells represses Id-1 and prevents the loss of these markers.
113 ies from infiltrating carcinomas, suggesting Id-1 might be an important regulator of breast cancer pr
114                                Surprisingly, Id-1 increased during involution, when the epithelium un
115 ough cooperative interactions between 129/Sv(Id-1) and B6 ROSA26/+ cells.
116 oping novel therapeutic approaches to target Id-1 expression to reduce breast cancer metastasis in hu
117  approaches to tumor metastasis, we targeted Id-1 expression systemically in tumor-bearing mice by us
118 ays in glioblastoma and that drugs targeting Id-1 represent a novel and promising strategy for improv
119 ant phenotypes on treatment with Pg and that Id-1 plays an important role as a mediator of the effect
120          In this report, we demonstrate that Id-1 is expressed at high levels in KS tumor cells both
121                                We found that Id-1, an inhibitor of basic helix-loop-helix transcripti
122 d intensity of immunostaining indicated that Id-1 and Id-2 were increased significantly in the cancer
123                         We further show that Id-1 expression is negatively regulated by 2ME(2), which
124                            Here we show that Id-1 is down-regulated in multiple primary, immortalized
125                           Here, we show that Id-1 is expressed highly during mammary development in v
126 er of breast cancer biopsies, we showed that Id-1 was more frequently expressed in infiltrating carci
127 stigations in our laboratory have shown that Id-1 mRNA was constitutively expressed in highly aggress
128                     Our results suggest that Id-1 can control the malignant progression of breast can
129                              We suggest that Id-1 controls invasion by normal and neoplastic mammary
130                     Our results suggest that Id-1 regulates multiple tumor-promoting pathways in glio
131                     Our results suggest that Id-1, ITF-2, and Id-2 comprise a network of interacting
132 are coordinately expressed and suggests that Id-1 and Id-2 might be regulating very different events
133 partial inhibition of p16 expression, as the Id-1-overexpressing cultures displayed a decreased capac
134 rleukin-3 (IL-3)-dependent expression of the Id-1 gene, encoding a helix-loop-helix (HLH) transcripti
135 esults in IL-3-independent expression of the Id-1 gene.
136 dly and strongly stimulated the level of the Id-1 protein, which is a serum-inducible helix-loop-heli
137  is potentially an important mediator of the Id-1-induced proliferation pathway in mammary epithelial
138 sis showed increased binding of ATF-3 to the Id-1 promoter after MUC18 silencing.
139 mediated by enhanced binding of Egr-1 to the Id-1 promoter.
140                                         This Id-1-regulated invasive phenotype could contribute to in
141 hat MUC18 promotes melanoma invasion through Id-1, as overexpression of Id-1 in MUC18-silenced cells
142         We show further that, in contrast to Id-1, Id-2 was expressed highly in differentiated mammar
143                               In contrast to Id-1, we found that, in vitro and in vivo, Id-2 mRNA and
144                                Ubiquitinated Id-1/Id-2 can then bind to p62 and be transported to aut
145 e lines of evidence suggest that unregulated Id-1 expression may be an important regulator of the agg
146 ar decrease in cell migration was found when Id-1 was silenced.
147 mammary gland during involution, a time when Id-1 expression is high and there is extensive tissue re
148 ve in vitro and less metastatic in vivo when Id-1 is down-regulated by stable transduction with antis
149                         To determine whether Id-1 could act as a key mediator of the effects of Pg, w
150                         To determine whether Id-1 regulates both proliferation and apoptosis, we cons
151 p289 mRNA expression pattern correlates with Id-1 expression in SCp2 mammary epithelial cells under v
152 ts of Pg, we prepared cells transfected with Id-1 and PR.

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