コーパス検索結果 (left1)
1 Id acts by inhibiting the sequence-specific binding of C
2 Id degradation promotes the differentiation of neuroblas
3 Id proteins (Id1 to Id4) are helix-loop-helix transcript
4 Id proteins are a class of dominant-negative antagonists
5 Id proteins are helix-loop-helix transcription factors t
6 Id proteins play important roles in osteogenic different
7 Id-1 expression levels positively correlate with glioma
8 Id-1 knockdown dramatically reduces glioblastoma cell in
9 Id-based immunotherapy has been explored in patients wit
10 Id-FTR (prevalence 12%) was associated with aging and at
11 Id-FTR is frequent, linked to aging and atrial fibrillat
12 Id-FTR valvular alterations (versus controls) were large
13 Id-specific CTLs specifically lysed myeloma cells via MH
14 ional regulator, inhibitor of DNA binding-1 (Id-1), previously shown to function as an oncogene in se
16 ge of the 44.1-Id, although significant 44.1-Id expression is elicited in response to conjugate attac
19 In this study, we identify an idiotype (44.1-Id) that dominates the PPS14-specific IgG, but not IgM,
20 conjugate exhibit minimal usage of the 44.1-Id, although significant 44.1-Id expression is elicited
22 in conjugate, avidity maturation of the 44.1-Id-dominant PPS14-specific IgG responses was limited, ev
24 and right ventricular (RV) remodeling in 141 Id-FTR matched to 140 PHTN-FTR and to 99 controls with t
25 ination of inhibitor of differentiation 1/2 (Id-1/2) by catalyzing phosphorylation of Id proteins and
26 The interrelationship between COX-2, PGE(2), Id-1, and cell invasiveness was also compared in nontumo
28 ally delete Id1 against global Id3 ablation (Id cDKOs), which develops adult-onset dilated cardiomyop
29 diotypically related family of nephritic Abs Id(LN)F(1), when compared with untreated SNF(1) mice.
31 X-2-derived prostaglandin (PGE(2)) activated Id-1 transcription, leading in turn to increased invasiv
35 were detected at elevated levels after ADX40-Id immunization; however, in vivo depletion of CD4 and/o
36 ival was obtained with 2 injections of ADX40-Id as with 8 injections using the standard therapy of ke
38 lts of the present study show that the ADX40-Id conjugate vaccine is a potential candidate as a stand
46 oxyestradiol decreased phospho-Smad1/5/8 and Id expression in female hPASMCs while increasing these i
51 It is now well established that the E and Id protein axis regulates multiple steps in lymphocyte d
53 nisms that control the balance between E and Id proteins during DC subset specification remain unknow
64 d the deficit in Smad1/5 phosphorylation and Id gene expression in PASMCs harboring mutations in BMPR
65 Transcription factors of the E-protein and Id families are important arbiters of T cell development
69 8 phosphorylation, nuclear translocation and Id-1 expression, cell spreading, and tubulogenesis of en
70 ne protected animals from both wild-type and Id-negative variant tumor cells, indicating that Id is n
71 ctivities of E proteins and their antagonist Id proteins, but how these factors regulate early T cell
77 aldehyde Id-KLH vaccines fail to elicit anti-Id immune and clinical responses in many patients, possi
78 h mouse anti-hMR Ab clone 19.2 elicited anti-Id-specific humoral immunity while non-Tg mice were unre
81 ished a correlation between the induced anti-Id antibody responses and favorable clinical outcomes.
82 sses V regions of a somatically mutated anti-Id mAb with intermediate affinity (affinity constant [Ka
84 The results underscore the potency of anti-Id B cells in MHC class II-restricted presentation of Id
89 pitopes of Ab V regions and can trigger anti-Id immune responses, but immunization with several nonad
91 tion is controlled by HLH inhibitors such as Id and SCL/TAL1 proteins, which recently have been sugge
92 a support the evaluation of sulfhydryl-based Id-KLH vaccines in lymphoma clinical trials and possibly
93 ct, ET2, suggesting that the balance between Id and E proteins plays a role in regulating lipid metab
94 or other reasons (n = 5), median DFS between Id-vaccine and control arms was 23.0 versus 20.6 months,
96 lix (HLH) proteins inhibitor of DNA binding (Id) 2 and Id3, both of which are coordinately expressed
98 n, are enhanced by inhibitor of DNA binding (Id) gene family members, Id1, Id2 and Id3, which can be
99 we identified the inhibitors of DNA binding (Id) Id1-3 and the Wilm's Tumor 1 as potential downstream
101 hibitors of differentiation and DNA binding (Id) proteins are known to negatively regulate many bHLH
103 Inhibitor of differentiation/DNA binding (Id) proteins comprise a class of helix-loop-helix transc
105 y expressed E2A or inhibitor of DNA binding (Id) proteins to activate or inhibit transcription, respe
107 odel, we show that inhibitor of DNA binding (Id)2 is essential for the development of experimental au
108 anscription factor inhibitor of DNA binding (Id)2 modulates T cell fate decisions, but the molecular
109 otein-1 (Blimp-1), inhibitor of DNA binding (Id)2, and T-box expressed in T cells (T-bet), transcript
110 expression in general, and the CD44 and BMP4-Id signaling pathway in particular, is important in rest
111 s expressed in T-BET(+) NKT1 cells, and both Id proteins were required for the formation of this subl
114 s respond so rapidly to bacterial challenge, Id-positive and -negative MZ B cells were sort purified
116 e of succinic acid within Class Ia and Class Id resinite is to cross-link the macromolecular structur
117 Ia resinite and ozol pyrolysates from Class Id resinite to elute with unbroken succinyl ester cross-
119 odology, communol (Class Ia) and ozol (Class Id) moieties within the polylabdane matrix are shown to
121 aring a specific vaccine (MyVax), comprising Id chemically coupled to keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH)
123 led to reduced PGE(2) production, decreased Id-1 expression, and reduced migration of cells through
124 These findings indicate that deregulated Id activity might be useful to reprogramme quiescent neu
125 tion with patient-specific hybridoma-derived Id vaccine after chemotherapy-induced CR/CRu may prolong
128 member of the inhibitor of differentiation (Id) family, was markedly increased upon knockdown of mut
130 ous or ectopic inhibitor of differentiation (Id) proteins inhibited the differentiation of P19 cells
131 tablished that inhibitor of differentiation (Id) proteins, including Id1, Id2, and Id3, associate wit
134 es from a simulated gastrointestinal digest (Id) from Amaranthus mantegazzianus proteins (I), which h
135 nd, cannabidiol, significantly downregulates Id-1 gene expression and associated glioma cell invasive
136 ells support the proliferation of anti-dsDNA Id(+) B cells in mice suffering from systemic autoimmune
137 en receptor and/or cytokine signaling, the E-Id protein axis modulates the activities of the PI3K-AKT
138 previous observations, we propose that the E-Id protein axis specifies innate and adaptive lymphoid c
139 CRISPR/Cas9-mediated ablation of the entire Id (Id1-4) family in mouse embryos leads to failure of a
140 with C. canis, C. felis, and subtype family Id of C. hominis were associated with diarrhea, and infe
141 DFS after randomization was 44.2 months for Id-vaccine arm versus 30.6 months for control arm (HR, 0
143 circadian pattern of expression of all four Id genes in multiple tissues including the suprachiasmat
154 tologous tumor immunoglobulin (Ig) idiotype (Id) conjugated to keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH) and ad
155 and the dominant DEX-specific J558 idiotype (Id) is not detected in TdT(-/-) mice when compared with
156 ection than a traditional lymphoma idiotype (Id) protein vaccine, and in combination with chemotherap
158 therapy of lymphoma based on tumor idiotype (Id) has shown anti-idiotype humoral immune responses in
159 d (52.9 v 28.7 months; P = .001) but not IgG-Id vaccine (35.1 v 32.4 months; P = .807) compared with
160 icantly prolonged for patients receiving IgM-Id (52.9 v 28.7 months; P = .001) but not IgG-Id vaccine
162 nd normal length (RV conical deformation) in Id-FTR versus longest RV with elliptical/spherical defor
166 -MB-231 cells, treatment with PGE(2) induced Id-1, an effect that was mimicked by an EP(4) agonist.
167 A-MB-231 cells, COX-2-derived PGE(2) induced Id-1, leading in turn to increased cell invasiveness.
168 iption factors and their natural inhibitors, Id proteins, play critical and complex roles during lymp
169 transcription factors and their inhibitors, Id proteins, is important for the myeloid-versus-lymphoi
170 responses, suggesting a mechanism involving Id protein- and E protein-mediated survival and differen
172 riant of TdT-restored WT proportions of J558 Id+ clones and also abrogated the development of the min
173 body response to the highly polymorphic loop Id, previously identified as a major target of strain-sp
180 We show that previously unstimulated (naive) Id-specific B and T cells collaborate efficiently in viv
183 ese activities are related to the ability of Id proteins to antagonize E proteins and other transcrip
185 inactivation in HGG by selective ablation of Id in tumor cells and after tumor initiation in a new mo
187 encies and in the presence of low amounts of Id(+) Ig, resulting in germinal center formation, plasma
188 the regulation of autophagic degradation of Id may be an effective therapeutic strategy to induce ce
193 rentiation, but a specific downregulation of Id expression was observed in individual cells that diff
195 ese studies show that the entire ensemble of Id proteins has the ability to interact with E47, identi
200 s and suggest that deregulated expression of Id proteins may be an epigenetic mechanism to silence ex
201 Studies involving ectopic expression of Id proteins, which inhibit E2A as well as other basic he
202 cell signaling regulating the expression of Id-1 and ATF-3, thus contributing to melanoma metastasis
204 phosphorylation of Smad1/5 and induction of Id genes, suggesting that BMP signaling is necessary for
207 oteasomes, and (iii) decreasing the level of Id proteins in the nucleus by increasing their transloca
209 invasion through Id-1, as overexpression of Id-1 in MUC18-silenced cells resulted in increased MMP-2
212 s in MHC class II-restricted presentation of Id(+) Ig and suggest that Id-specific T cell-B cell coll
223 cells, it is unclear whether other types of Id-specific T cells, such as type-1 T-helper (Th1) and t
227 atients with tumor-specific Ig (idiotype, or Id) chemically coupled to the immunogenic foreign carrie
230 nts of Id cDKO bone marrow cells phenocopied Id cDKO cardiac fibrosis 4 months post-transplantation.
236 Additionally, we found that MUC18 regulated Id-1 expression at the transcriptional level via ATF-3,
238 show here that the transcriptional regulator Id-1 plays a critical role in modulating the invasivenes
240 , the alphaCD19-Id molecule induced a robust Id-specific antibody response and protected animals from
241 consequence of (i) binding and sequestering Id proteins, (ii) accelerating their ubiquitination and
244 hed TCR-transgenic mice, enabled us to study Id-specific T cell-B cell collaboration by dilution of t
245 median PFS observed in patients without such Id-induced IRs and in those receiving control immunother
248 ays in glioblastoma and that drugs targeting Id-1 represent a novel and promising strategy for improv
253 egative variant tumor cells, indicating that Id is not a major target of the induced tumor immunity.
258 Although previous studies have shown that Id-specific CTLs are able to lyse myeloma cells, it is u
260 ed presentation of Id(+) Ig and suggest that Id-specific T cell-B cell collaboration is of physiologi
264 , including modulation of DNA binding by the Id proteins, association with the transcriptional modula
266 Under lysosomal processing conditions, the Id-carrier protein linkage was cleavable only after male
268 defining a role for Id2 and implicating the Id targets, E protein transcription factors, in the regu
270 and hypertrophic markers were altered in the Id cKO hearts, but addition of Insulin-Like Growth Facto
272 E proteins and their natural inhibitors, the Id proteins, control the timing of differentiation and t
276 specific expression for Id2, a member of the Id gene family of transcriptional repressors, was identi
277 so demonstrated significant induction of the Id genes, which are known direct targets of BMP signalin
279 ins to activate them, with expression of the Id protein Extramacrochaetae (Emc), which antagonizes bH
280 of SLE and suggest that manipulation of the Id-specific T cell repertoire could play a role in treat
281 n factors and their negative regulators, the Id proteins, control the development of iNKT sublineages
282 screening approaches, we discovered that the Id family of helix-loop-helix proteins is both necessary
284 ifier screen in Drosophila, we show that the Id protein Extramacrochaetae enables growth by suppressi
289 hat MUC18 promotes melanoma invasion through Id-1, as overexpression of Id-1 in MUC18-silenced cells
292 by expressing a variant of E47 resistant to Id-mediated inhibition prevents the myeloid cell fate wh
293 cient mice responded significantly weaker to Id-3F7.A10 than did TLR9-sufficient mice, suggesting tha
294 ntext, and mechanisms specific to FTR types, Id-FTR versus pulmonary hypertension-related (PHTN-FTR,
297 e these observations, the mechanism by which Id(+) Ig generates anti-Id Abs is essentially unknown.
299 cells from BCR knock-in mice, together with Id-specific CD4(+) T cells from previously established T
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