


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 the induction of the machinery that mediates Ig gene rearrangement.
2 e marker expression, gene transcription, and Ig gene rearrangement.
3 nship between CD127 expression/signaling and Ig gene rearrangement.
4 the confines of the bone marrow by secondary Ig gene rearrangements.
5 homas and suggesting that each had different Ig gene rearrangements.
6 al or oligoclonal pattern of immunoglobulin (Ig) gene rearrangement.
7 e (MRD) by real-time PCR directed to TCR and Ig gene rearrangements allows a refined evaluation of re
8  as determined by 1) the restoration of V(H) Ig gene rearrangement and 2) the appearance of immature
9                  Given that abnormalities in Ig gene rearrangement and DNA damage repair are hallmark
10 ot its catalytic activities, is required for Ig gene rearrangement and production of B cell receptors
11 mice succumbed to lymphoid tumors containing Ig gene rearrangements and immunophenotypes characterist
12  review the data currently available on both Ig gene rearrangements and protein patterns seen in myel
13 e that occurred concomitantly with decreased Ig gene rearrangements and rag-1 transcripts.
14 o programmed cell death due to nonproductive Ig gene rearrangements are cleared from the bone marrow
15                              Immunoglobulin (Ig) gene rearrangements are used to define clonality of
16  that E-protein activity regulates secondary Ig gene rearrangement at the immature B cell stage and c
17 lts suggest that IL-7-mediated inhibition of Ig gene rearrangement blocks maturation of B cell precur
18                  Interestingly, they possess Ig gene rearrangements, but lack Ig molecule expression
19 naling, we show that PI3K signaling inhibits Ig gene rearrangement by suppressing the expression of t
20                                              Ig gene rearrangements could generate V(H)-D-J(H) joinin
21 omparative analysis of platelet-reactive Fab Ig gene rearrangements from each patient suggested that
22           The amplification of nonproductive Ig gene rearrangements from HED-ID B cells reflects the
23 B in human V(D)J recombination, we amplified Ig gene rearrangements from individual peripheral B cell
24 ive analysis of productive and nonproductive Ig gene rearrangements from transgenic mice engineered t
25 V(H) genes; however, Pax5 did not induce any Ig gene rearrangement in the absence of Ikaros.
26         In addition to this, the analysis of Ig gene rearrangements in B-cell neoplasms provides info
27                              We found intact Ig gene rearrangements in immunoglobulin heavy (IgH) and
28 pment and Ab selection in humans we analyzed Ig gene rearrangements in pro-B cells from two patients
29                                  Analysis of Ig gene rearrangements indicates monoclonality or oligoc
30  cell differentiation when the machinery for Ig gene rearrangement is in place but rearrangement has
31   Together, our results suggest that ordered Ig gene rearrangement is regulated by distinct activitie
32 tance of EBF1 in regulating target genes and Ig gene rearrangements necessary for B cell lineage spec
33 phocyte-associated genes and immunoglobulin (Ig) gene rearrangement occurred before CD45R acquisition
34                Receptor editing or secondary Ig gene rearrangement occurs in immature, autoreactive B
35  exhibit the skewed Ig V gene repertoire and Ig gene rearrangement patterns associated with these spe
36                      Moreover, sequencing of Ig gene rearrangement products showed that a diverse rep
37 lerance mechanism that operates by secondary Ig gene rearrangements to change the specificity of auto
38 breaks (DSBs) are essential intermediates in Ig gene rearrangements: V(D)J and class switch recombina
39 tumors arose at high incidence and displayed Ig gene rearrangement with downregulated expression of B

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