


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 n variable immunodeficiency and/or selective IgA deficiency.
2 a, venous thromboembolism, hyposplenism, and IgA deficiency.
3  of the patients with polyarthritis also had IgA deficiency.
4 ctive Ig class switch in the pathogenesis of IgA deficiency.
5 g volume-reduction surgery, or had selective IgA deficiency.
6 inase antibody level in the setting of serum IgA deficiency.
7 IgA levels (>70 mug/mL) as well as of severe IgA deficiencies (0.5-5.0 mug/mL).
8 emia was detected in all but 1 patient, with IgA deficiency affecting 90% of patients and a deficienc
9 ficiency (IgAD) are often not aware of their IgA deficiency and are tested as CD negative, delaying c
10 genetic variation in MSH5 is associated with IgA deficiency and common variable immune deficiency (CV
11 defective B-cell differentiation in familial IgA deficiency and common variable immunodeficiency.
12 n variable immunodeficiency, IgG deficiency, IgA deficiency, and IgM deficiency in patients with CRS
13 pulmonary LVS infections not only because of IgA deficiency but also because of reduced IFN-gamma res
14                 IL-12 treatment can overcome IgA deficiency by providing adequate T cell priming duri
15                            A murine model of IgA deficiency has been established by targeted deletion
16            Patients suffering from selective IgA deficiency (IgAD) are often not aware of their IgA d
17 ficiency (CVID) and 1 of 16 individuals with IgA deficiency (IgAD) had a missense mutation in one all
18 A-tissue antitransglutaminase antibodies and IgA deficiency in a finger-tip blood drop was used.
19                                              IgA deficiency in LTalpha(-/-) mice was reversed by the
20                     We found that the severe IgA deficiency in lymphotoxin-deficient (LT(-/-)) mice c
21 ical immunosensor for the detection of human IgA deficiency in real human blood serum has been develo
22                    Mucosal immunoglobulin A (IgA) deficiency in the gut resulted in enhanced absorpti
23 milar to the mice, Ig S joints from CVID and IgA deficiency patients carrying disease-associated MSH5
24 AGA, EMA, or only IgG AGA in the presence of IgA deficiency was offered a small bowel biopsy to confi
25  patients with Downs syndrome, patients with IgA deficiency) will be highlighted.

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