


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              In 13 breast cancers, 8 had a low binding (mean density,
2                                              In 16S rRNA gene Illumina libraries, four Pseudomonas sp
3                                              In 2 young children with retinal vascular disease, the M
4                                              In 20 of 41 participants, panel genetic testing identifi
5                                              In 2012, Iqbal et al. introduced the colored de Bruijn g
6                                              In 227 children whose mothers had smoked during pregnanc
7                                              In 3D collagen matrix, RhoA knockout reduced fibroblast
8                                              In 43 of these, SM was subsequently diagnosed in the BM
9                                              In a comment on our Article "Evidence of the hydrogen re
10                                              In a convenience sample of deceased football players who
11                                              In a design using basic features of revealed preference
12                                              In a functional assay, 1b displayed full antagonist acti
13                                              In a large prospective cohort study, we evaluated the ri
14                                              In a multi-day fMRI study, participants encoded trial-un
15                                              In a murine model of lymphoid-specific EZH2 deficiency w
16                                              In a prespecified secondary analysis, no difference in m
17                                              In a prospective study of 2106 patients who underwent EM
18                                              In a recent cryo-electron microscopy structure of chicke
19                                              In a region of intermediate soil nitrogen availability,
20                                              In a second step, a second antibody to ERBB2 quantitativ
21                                              In addition to conventional approaches with alkyl halide
22                                              In addition to reaction with O2, cis-[Pd(IPr)2(eta(2)-O2
23                                              In addition to reduced volume of pons and cerebellum, af
24                                              In addition to TCR signaling, costimulatory pathways are
25                                              In addition to the robust autophagy activity of the Kalp
26                                              In addition, a previously unknown CBZ phototransformatio
27                                              In addition, distance-based detection where the concentr
28                                              In addition, functionalization of nanocapsules with mult
29                                              In addition, further modifications of the cyclization pr
30                                              In addition, Gatm(c/c) colonocytes showed increased meta
31                                              In addition, intra-mPFC infusion of a BDNF-neutralizing
32                                              In addition, it was necessary to pool primary and second
33                                              In addition, linagliptin treatment increased the relativ
34                                              In addition, nonsemiconductor type photocatalysts, such
35                                              In addition, quantitation with minimally processed rat p
36                                              In addition, the anoxic conditions in the eastern floodp
37                                              In addition, the increased analytic sensitivity of HTS p
38                                              In addition, the levels of the immunomodulatory cytokine
39                                              In addition, the presence of a patient or colleague and
40                                              In addition, there was a significant group effect showin
41                                              In addition, there was no difference in mean visual outc
42                                              In addition, this strategy affords the ability to precis
43                                              In addition, we found that diapedesis is facilitated whe
44                                              In addition, we have demonstrated that DeBooster may pro
45                                              In addition, we map a region of NEMO (residues 112-150)
46                                              In addition, we verified miR-449b could regulate the exp
47                                              In adults, high blood pressure (BP), adverse serum lipid
48                                              In aggregate, our analyses suggested a tightly synchroni
49                                              In agreement with earlier theoretical work, the calculat
50                                              In all, 6.6 million (5.6 million-7.3 million 95% crI) of
51                                              In all, 63 (54%) of 116 fragments were removed percutane
52                                              In amblyopia, abnormal visual experience leads to an ext
53                                              In an effort to develop synthetic materials that transdu
54                                              In an independent London-based cohort of 37 participants
55                                              In animals, the most abundant of the proteinaceous polym
56                                              In anti-thymocyte/Thy-1 autoreactive BCR knock-in mice l
57                                              In approximately 50% of patients with RCDII, these Lin(-
58                                              In Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), OR increases caro
59                                              In bilayer graphene, the resistance exhibits a monotonic
60                                              In birds, females are ZW and males are ZZ, but in mammal
61                                              In black-grass, while no direct causative link was estab
62                                              In both trials, the proportion of patients who discontin
63                                              In budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the ten-subun
64                                              In case of a BAA associated with chronic inflammatory di
65                                              In cells, actin dynamics are regulated by kinases, such
66                                              In cerebellar Purkinje neurons from postnatal day 30 Sno
67                                              In chronic myocardial infarction (MI), segments with a t
68                                              In commercial fisheries, communities and vessels fishing
69                                              In common with the other 'blue carbon' habitats (mangrov
70                                              In complete agreement with former studies of similar sil
71                                              In conclusion, CMMPs act as 'synthetic stem cells' which
72                                              In conclusion, Nlrp3 is expressed in reactive cholangioc
73                                              In conclusion, our results suggest a mechanism in which
74                                              In conclusion, our study suggests a common pattern of mo
75                                              In conclusion, Small aortic diameter (as opposed to larg
76                                              In conclusion, the new strategy, called PRES (Personaliz
77                                              In conclusion, we demonstrate a relevant number of patie
78                                              In confrontation assays with saprobic fungi that were co
79                                              In contrast to antenatal BS, classic BS manifests with h
80                                              In contrast to results from previous studies on other vi
81                                              In contrast, AptRank utilizes an adaptive diffusion mech
82                                              In contrast, cells defective in EPS production hyper-rev
83                                              In contrast, CR patterns appear complementary, preferent
84                                              In contrast, Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol (Delta(9)-THC
85                                              In contrast, early visual areas generally manifest respo
86                                              In contrast, genes associated with abdominal adiposity f
87                                              In contrast, higher paternal BMI (P < 0.001), maternal p
88                                              In contrast, in the absence of fucosylation, sialylation
89                                              In contrast, in wines marked by these flavors, it never
90                                              In contrast, inhibition of CIN firing with the mu/delta
91                                              In contrast, it is inherited with half the mother's geno
92                                              In contrast, loss of Mll3/4 proteins leads to strong dep
93                                              In contrast, many cell groups in the midbrain and hypoth
94                                              In contrast, mice with LPC-specific knockout of Ripk1 sh
95                                              In contrast, most other productivity models either ignor
96                                              In contrast, small proportions of individuals are sympto
97                                              In contrast, suppressing HT expression in SC.
98                                              In contrast, the midbrain, which receives parallel retin
99                                              In contrast, the NLST eligibility criteria yielded a sen
100                                              In contrast, the number of inputs per neuron in cerebral
101                                              In contrast, the reaction of L(-) with CuI formed the un
102                                              In contrast, the TRPP3-PKD1L3 complex responds to low pH
103                                              In coral reef-fishes, the movement of larvae from plankt
104                                              In cynomolgus monkeys, SGN-CD19B effectively depleted CD
105                                              In drinking monkeys, evoked firing of OFC pyramidal neur
106                                              In Drosophila, graded expression of the maternal transcr
107                                              In dysfunctional T cells that have a decreased cytotoxic
108                                              In E1R/R4E KCNQ1, a mutant with constitutively activated
109                                              In end-stage mesothelioma, silencing of p16/Ink4a is sus
110                                              In eukaryotes, compartmentalization minimizes inevitable
111                                              In fact, after controlling for environmental covariates,
112                                              In fact, even in the cases where hydration or humidifica
113                                              In fact, none of the available drugs has shown clear evi
114                                              In females, we observed song reinforcement exclusively t
115                                              In fully adjusted models, only death-censored graft loss
116                                              In fundamental physical chemistry, Criegee intermediates
117                                              In general, a healthy lifestyle can improve sperm qualit
118                                              In general, HRCM had a sensitivity of 75% and a specific
119                                              In general, IA was most accurate in predicting mixture t
120                                              In HD8 (N = 1,064; median follow-up, 153 months), noninf
121                                              In healing myocardial infarction, myofibroblast- and car
122                                              In HEK293 cells, hyperglycaemia significantly enhanced [
123                                              In human heart failure, Ser199 (equivalent to Ser200 in
124                                              In human sarcoidosis patients, mTORC1 activation, macrop
125                                              In humans, tolerance of the loss of one or both function
126                                              In individual tumors, levels of MMP2 and MMP13 correlate
127                                              In infants, this same variant was found to be associated
128                                              In light microscopy, refractive index mismatches between
129                                              In low-frequency AC fields, long DNA molecules form macr
130                                              In many asymmetrically dividing cells, the microtubule-o
131                                              In mice, during the rapid muscle atrophy induced by fast
132                                              In most parliamentary democracies, proportional represen
133                                              In multivariable analyses, the odds of major morbidity/m
134                                              In multivariable analysis, higher comorbidity scores and
135                                              In multivariable analysis, no association was found betw
136                                              In Necdin-KO pups, the genetic deletion of Slc6a4 or tre
137                                              In nutrient-rich fat cells, GRASP clusters in close prox
138                                              In order to address this issue, our paper presents, for
139                                              In order to develop novel kappa agonists restricted to t
140                                              In our cohort, advanced age (>67) was the strongest pred
141                                              In our in vitro T cell culture system, MART1-specific CD
142                                              In our institute, we now recommend US as the investigati
143                                              In our novel, computationally tractable approach to RNA-
144                                              In our simulations, the difference in surrounding tissue
145                                              In parallel, polarized light microscopy was used to obse
146                                              In particular, simulating Dyson's original spin chain wi
147                                              In particular, the C terminus functions as a toggle swit
148                                              In particular, the simulations successfully captured a n
149                                              In particular, there is an unmet need in rapid, reliable
150                                              In particular, we demonstrate how trapping energy in wel
151                                              In particular, we extensively discuss the potential of t
152                                              In patients who are ineligible for revascularization pro
153                                              In patients who reached the symptom threshold after inul
154                                              In patients with bicuspid aortic valve and dilated proxi
155                                              In patients with long-term aspirin use, the changes of m
156                                              In patients with radiographic evidence of metastases and
157                                              In patients with recurrent nasal polyposis receiving top
158                                              In plant-beneficial bacteria, this pathway has been show
159                                              In practice, however, it is hardly possible to measure f
160                                              In practice, the regular approaches for QTL mapping anal
161                                              In recent years, significant progress has been made in t
162                                              In recent years, there has been a huge rise in the numbe
163                                              In response to extracellular matrix signalling, these ce
164                                              In response to this rising threat, a highly efficient, e
165                                              In resting T cells cholesterol keeps TCRs in the resting
166                                              In seeds, germination per se is not affected in seipin2
167                                              In SIRT3 knock-out bone marrow-derived macrophages, NLRP
168                                              In six of the 52 patients, breast cancer had been diagno
169                                              In some orthoretroviruses, including Rous Sarcoma Virus
170                                              In spiked quality control (QC) samples 82% of metabolite
171                                              In staggered 3-month intervals, ASP teams at 3 hospitals
172                                              In summary, basal transmission can be sustained by glyco
173                                              In summary, redistribution of 5-hmC and preferential enr
174                                              In summary, we found no evidence that ERG is an effector
175                                              In summary, we show here that Rap1 contains an AD requir
176                                              In that way, our work shows that zygosity can help us re
177                                              In the absence of a surface, FXII-R353A and FXII-T activ
178                                              In the absence of antibiotic-mediated selection, sensiti
179                                              In the absence of vivax invasion assays, binding-inhibit
180                                              In the case of the Fe/GaAs/GaMnAs multilayer, hystereses
181                                              In the cerebellum, both compensatory and detrimental con
182                                              In the combined meta-analysis, we identified 22 loci ass
183                                              In the course of a genome-wide analysis of members of a
184                                              In the derivation cohort, LV ejection fraction </=47%, i
185                                              In the developing hypothalamus, the fat-derived hormone
186                                              In the early stages of endocytosis, fPlas-gold nanoparti
187                                              In the Fabry mice receiving SRT but not ERT, BH4 deficie
188                                              In the filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans SPBs and
189                                              In the first reported pediatric case series of virologic
190                                              In the human genome, translation initiation from non-AUG
191                                              In the latter patient, acute renal failure was not suspe
192                                              In the lung, ENaC is responsible for movement of sodium.
193                                              In the meantime, cautious use of PPIs is advised.
194                                              In the model, competition between two images in rivalry
195                                              In the presence of tRNA, blocking events of single-chann
196                                              In the present study we report that among PLK family mem
197                                              In the present study, event-related potential (ERP) and
198                                              In the present study, the role of AnxA1 was investigated
199                                              In the present study, we describe for the first time the
200                                              In the present work we assessed the lncRNAs complement o
201                                              In the present work, we apply the PFM approach to the st
202                                              In the present work, we investigate causal contributions
203                                              In the present work, we use a nonlinear mathematical mod
204                                              In the proposed study, for the first time, sensitive ele
205                                              In the randomly assigned patients, 21 patients in the VR
206                                              In the retina, endothelial cells form a blood-retina bar
207                                              In the retrospective cohort, luminal B prostate cancers
208                                              In the same way DNA was modeled, the tertiary structure
209                                              In the simulated data set, our workflow recovered 96% of
210                                              In the six patients with aspiration syndrome after mecha
211                                              In the studies reported here, we found that uninfected I
212                                              In the United States from 2009 to 2013, the incidence of
213                                              In these experiments, we used backward conditioning and
214                                              In these mixtures, the phase behavior can be tuned from
215                                              In these patients, median age was 58 years (IQR 51-62),
216                                              In these situations, we show how errors in positions can
217                                              In this 12-week, double-blind, placebo-controlled, paral
218                                              In this article we show high production of IL-1beta in b
219                                              In this article, we discuss ways we can leverage molecul
220                                              In this article, we report rapid lymphoma development in
221                                              In this article, we report that rhAPC binds to human neu
222                                              In this article, we show that CXCL8 expression, prior to
223                                              In this context, we consider the complex topic of defini
224                                              In this distinct state, tantalum flows like a viscous fl
225                                              In this first part of a 2-part review, we describe indic
226                                              In this investigation, the quarternary TiSiCN nanocompos
227                                              In this issue of JEM, Marciniak et al. identify a putati
228                                              In this issue of the JCI, Lu and colleagues asked whethe
229                                              In this longitudinal analysis, we built a prediction alg
230                                              In this magnetically soft, two-dimensional van der Waals
231                                              In this manuscript, two additional assays have been deve
232                                              In this paper we describe HistomicsML, an interactive ma
233                                              In this paper, a novel array of quasi-three-dimensional
234                                              In this paper, we apply weighted graphical LASSO (wgLASS
235                                              In this paper, we dissolve (13)C-labeled calcites in nat
236                                              In this paper, we use a high-throughput microfluidic pla
237                                              In this perspective, we analyze the available clinical i
238                                              In this report we describe the appearance of transgene-s
239                                              In this review, recent advances regarding terpene metabo
240                                              In this review, we describe speculative ideas and early
241                                              In this review, we discuss how genome-wide association s
242                                              In this review, we discuss the contribution of lncRNAs i
243                                              In this review, we discuss the extent to which membranes
244                                              In this review, we have tried to incorporate the reporte
245                                              In this review, we introduce an emerging field we term f
246                                              In this review, we outline the structure, evolution and
247                                              In this review, we summarize recent advances of nucleic
248                                              In this review, we will discuss recent progress made in
249                                              In this short review, we particularly discuss the import
250                                              In this small study, no safety events were noted, but no
251                                              In this study we investigated these effects for US and Y
252                                              In this study, mice underwent trace fear conditioning co
253                                              In this study, the level of sanitation access of surroun
254                                              In this study, two CWT plants 10 and 19 km upstream of a
255                                              In this study, we aimed to define the mechanisms by whic
256                                              In this study, we combine novel mouse reporters and sing
257                                              In this study, we confronted an automatically generated
258                                              In this study, we deliver therapeutic compounds to neutr
259                                              In this study, we established the optical trapping techn
260                                              In this study, we evaluated HuR as a small-molecule targ
261                                              In this study, we examined allelic variants of the MC4R
262                                              In this study, we generated a new Tg(mrc1a:egfp)(y251) t
263                                              In this study, we have harnessed the power of bioorthogo
264                                              In this study, we investigate the effect of loss of P2X7
265                                              In this study, we investigated the safety and immunogeni
266                                              In this study, we investigated this phenomenon by strati
267                                              In this study, we propose improvements to SeqKernel that
268                                              In this study, we report a new family of proteins distan
269                                              In this study, we report that IFN regulatory factor 4 (I
270                                              In this study, we use Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
271                                              In this work we study the structure and energetics of tr
272                                              In this work, a microfluidic device is developed for in-
273                                              In this work, free, esterified and insoluble-bound pheno
274                                              In this work, we create materials that form photoactivat
275                                              In those with significant comorbidities or those not und
276                                              In thrombin-stimulated HUVECs, Kindlin-2 and cortical ac
277                                              In total, 477 of 604 eligible children (79.0%) were asse
278                                              In total, 54 participants completed the study.
279                                              In total, 7622 proteins from the scPDB database of bindi
280                                              In turn, ann1 mutants showed elevated chitin-induced rap
281                                              In turn, increased ferritin protein levels promote the e
282                                              In univariate analysis, age >60 years, radiation dose, b
283                                              In vertebrates, CSPGs are involved also in more speciali
284                                              In vespid venom allergy, cross-reactivity between venoms
285                                              In view of the fact that the spontaneous endothelial cel
286                                              In view of these facts, it is concluded that flaxseed hu
287                                              In vitro and cell-based assays revealed that the CNAbeta
288                                              In vitro studies demonstrate that Ct growth inhibition o
289                                              In vitro studies demonstrated that senescent-cell condit
290                                              In vitro techniques at the molecular and cellular levels
291                                              In vitro, hnRNP F overexpression stimulated Sirtuin-1 an
292                                              In vitro-in vivo extrapolation (IVIVE) analyses translat
293                                              In vivo alphaCD20-IL-21 therapy resulted in a significan
294                                              In vivo, pharmacological inhibition of HDAC6 improved es
295                                              In vivo, promoter responses to TAF mutations correlate w
296                                              In words, the effect of space is equivalent to making ch
297                                              In-bore 3-T MR-guided prostate biopsy was performed in 1
298                                              In-hospital major adverse cardiac and cerebral events oc
299                                              In-stent noise, signal-to-noise ratio(SNR), stent-lumen
300                                  METHODS AND In Bangladesh, we cluster-randomized (1:1) 142 villages

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