


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ms measured with the global Ca(2+) indicator indo-1).
2 pectively, intracellular carboxy SNARF-1 and indo-1).
3 as monitored using the fluorescent indicator indo-1.
4 lls was assessed using the calcium indicator indo-1.
5 oaded with the Ca(2+)-sensitive fluorophore, indo-1.
6 2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) was measured with Indo-1.
7 as monitored using the fluorescent indicator indo-1.
8 ning microscopy and the calcium binding dye, indo-1.
9 ransport in A20 B lymphoma cells loaded with Indo-1.
10 tigated in single rat uterine myocytes using indo-1.
11 AM loaded with the fluorescent calcium probe indo-1.
12 acellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) using indo-1.
13 aded egg chambers with the calcium indicator Indo-1.
14 oscopy and the ratiometric calcium indicator indo-1.
15 o be identified and examined for [Ca2+]i via indo-1.
16 ell body of neurons using the Ca2+ indicator indo-1.
17 racellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) with indo-1.
18  in chick retinal cultures, as measured with Indo-1.
19 h the Ca(2+)-sensitive fluorescent indicator indo-1.
20 g a fluorescence method in cells loaded with indo-1.
21  rat carotid body single type I cells, using indo-1.
22 re monitored with the fluorescent indicator, indo-1.
23 y reduced by administration of indomethacin (INDO; 1.2 mg kg(-1)) or unaltered (placebo) followed by
24 neously using the fluorescent Ca2+ indicator indo-1 (50 microM) which was added to the pipette fillin
25 n cultured rat forebrain neurons loaded with indo-1 acetoxymethyl ester, KB-R7943 inhibited the rever
26 5 was virally expressed within myocytes, and Indo-1 acutely loaded to monitor "true" Ca(2+) transient
27  (rhod-2 AM), and [Ca2+]c was monitored with indo-1 after dialyzing rhod-2 out of the cytoplasm.
28 r (VEGF)165 using the fluorescent indicators indo-1 AM and DiSBAC2(3), respectively.
29 an be determined in whole hearts loaded with indo-1 AM by using Mn2+ to quench cytosolic fluorescence
30 ere loaded with the fluorescent Ca(2+) probe indo-1 AM for simultaneous assessment of the intracellul
31                                        Using Indo-1 AM microfluorimetry Bk (100 nM) was demonstrated
32 have used the fluorescent calcium indicator, indo-1 AM to record [Ca2+]i from single cells.
33 with the acetoxymethyl ester form of indo-1 (indo-1 AM) such that approximately 75% of cellular indo-
34 lic fluorescence in whole hearts loaded with indo-1 AM, Mn2+ was used to quench cytosolic fluorescenc
35                                           In indo-1 AM-loaded FLS cells Bk evoked a rise in intracell
36 Collagenase-dissociated myocytes loaded with indo 1-AM were paced at 3 Hz at 36 degrees C and superfu
37  release by rapid application of caffeine in indo 1-AM-loaded rabbit ventricular myocytes and measure
38 ide, seminaphthorhodafluor (SNARF)-1-AM, and indo-1-AM staining, respectively.
39 oncentrations in these cells performed using indo-1 and a fluorescent calmodulin biosensor (Kd = 2 nm
40 ar to the resting Cac reported by the probes indo-1 and Calcium Green, or its dextran conjugate in th
41 yzed with the Ca2+-sensitive fluorescent dye INDO-1 and confirmed that ionomycin was capable of relea
42            In the current study, we utilized indo-1 and fura-2ff Ca2+ imaging techniques to determine
43 th the absence of cytosolic Ca(2+)-sensitive indo-1 and unchanged mitochondrial [Ca2+] (delta [Ca2+]m
44 2, chlortetracycline, calcium green dextran, Indo-1, and Fura-2 all show temperature-dependent effect
45 y tricarboxylate indicators (mag-fura-5, mag-indo-1, and magnesium orange), the change in fluorescenc
46 bal and spatially resolved Ca(2+) signals in indo-1- and fluo-4-loaded atrial myocytes during electri
47                                      We used indo-1-based microfluorimetry in combination with whole-
48 red by combined whole-cell current clamp and indo-1-based microfluorimetry.
49 + concentration spikes that were measured by indo-1-based microfluorimetry.
50 clamp technique was used in combination with Indo-1-based microfluorometry to record Ca2+ current and
51  typical wash-out time constant of cytosolic indo-1 by a patch pipette was found to be approximately
52 e relation between TN-L15 FRET responses and Indo-1 Ca(2+) transients appeared reproducible, though F
53 i) was minimally buffered with 50 micromol/L indo-1, Ca(2+) extrusion via NCX during caffeine applica
54 ls was studied by whole-cell patch clamp and indo-1 Ca2+ photometry after influx of Ca2+ through volt
55 .4% reduction in the time for decline of the Indo-1 Ca2+ transient to half-maximum levels (t(1/2) [Ca
56 ensheathing cells (OECs) was performed using Indo-1 calcium microfluorometry.
57 emonstrating that three-photon excitation of Indo-1 can be used for calcium imaging by emission inten
58                       The intramitochondrial indo-1 concentration was 0.5-2 mM.
59                                We found that Indo-1 could be readily excited with the femtosecond pul
60 onfocal microscopy of astrocytes loaded with Indo-1 demonstrated that intercellular calcium wave tran
61                                         When indo-1 dextran was used to obtain ratiometric two-photon
62                                              Indo-1-dextran measurements indicate that the resting [C
63                                              Indo-1-dextran proves to be a more reliable Ca2+ indicat
64 and action potentials were measured by using indo-1, edge detection, and patch pipettes, respectively
65 determined by SR (45)Ca uptake assays and by indo 1-facilitated Ca(2+) transient measurement, respect
66 ytosolic phasic [Ca(2+)] was calculated from indo 1 fluorescence signals obtained at the LV free wall
67 plitude of the intracellular Ca2+ transient (indo 1 fluorescence) in hypoxic cells.
68  no change in Ca2+ transients (measured with indo 1 fluorescence), indicating decreased myofilament r
69  affected by K+ removal, cell relaxation and indo-1 fluorescence decline were slowed by approximately
70     Changes in [Ca2+]i were determined using Indo-1 fluorescence in combination with adhering cell an
71 anese treatment also preferentially quenched Indo-1 fluorescence in the apical cytoplasm of the root
72 ar myocytes using whole-cell patch-clamp and indo-1 fluorescence measurement techniques.
73 lter either resting [Ca(2+)](i) (assessed by indo-1 fluorescence) or DHPR gating (measured as L-type
74 irmed by an independent reference technique (Indo-1 fluorescence).
75             The decline of Ca2+, assessed by indo-1 fluorescence, was faster in transgenic myocytes e
76 2+ concentration as measured by simultaneous indo-1 fluorescence.
77 ellular Ca(2+) transients, observed by using indo-1 fluorescence.
78 indo-1 for intracellular Ca2+ (using a KD of indo-1 for Ca2+ of either 250 or 850 nM, the reported ra
79                        Calibration curves of indo-1 for intracellular Ca2+ (using a KD of indo-1 for
80 ion spectral properties of the calcium probe Indo-1 for three-photon excitation.
81 er wavelength indicators, mag-fura-5 and mag-indo-1, for their suitability as rapid Ca2+ indicators i
82 g entering Ca2+ with a high concentration of indo-1 (> 1 mM) in ferret ventricular myocytes.
83 was measured using the fluorescent indicator indo 1 in voltage-clamped ferret and rat ventricular myo
84  concentration ([Ca2+]i) were measured using indo-1 in cultured embryonic (E21) SH neurons before sti
85 35 degrees C using the fluorescent indicator indo-1 in patch-clamped, single uterine myocytes from pr
86  loaded with the acetoxymethyl ester form of indo-1 (indo-1 AM) such that approximately 75% of cellul
87 m of indo-1 may be compromised by loading of indo-1 into noncytosolic compartments, primarily mitocho
88                               When cytosolic indo-1 is quenched by Mn2+, initial moderate stimulation
89                                     Exposing Indo-1-labeled K562 cells to NmU induced an intracellula
90 curs via cGMP/PKG-independent mechanisms, in indo 1-loaded adult cardiac myocytes.
91                         In permeabilized Mag-indo 1-loaded cells, NADPH and H(2)O(2) each decreased t
92                                           In indo 1-loaded HAEC, 1 microm histamine triggered [Ca(2+)
93 .9 to 161.7+/-17.7 nmol/L (n=12, P:<0.01) in indo 1-loaded human aortic endothelial cells.
94 cellular Ca2+ concentration in subconfluent, indo 1-loaded human aortic endothelial monolayers.
95                                Myocytes were indo-1-loaded via patch pipette (37 degrees C), and Ca(i
96 ) using the acetoxymethyl ester (AM) form of indo-1 may be compromised by loading of indo-1 into nonc
97          Patch-clamp recording combined with indo-1 measurement of free intracellular calcium concent
98                                              Indo-1 microfluorimetry and patch clamp techniques were
99                                        Using indo-1 microfluorometry and a specific inhibitor of the
100 idual cells were compared using simultaneous indo-1 microfluorometry and constant potential amperomet
101 nadequate, we measured [Mg(2+)](i) using mag-indo-1 microfluorometry.
102 sed amperometric detection of exocytosis and indo-1 monitoring of [Ca2+]i to identify PACAP actions i
103                       Similar experiments on Indo-1, NADH, and aminocoumarin produced similar results
104 ular Ca(2+) or pH (pH(i)) were measured with Indo-1 or Carboxy-SNARF, respectively.
105 (rhodamine 123), [Ca2+]c (fluo-4, fura-2, or Indo-1), or ATP consumption, indicated by increased [Mg2
106 nsistent with these data, [Ca2+]i transient (indo-1) peak amplitude was greater in nNOS-/- myocytes (
107  at the single-cell level using simultaneous indo-1 photometry and constant potential amperometry.
108 tance Ca(2+)-activated K+ channels and using indo-1 photometry following depolarization-induced Ca2+
109 (i), [cGMP](i) with ELISAs; [Ca(2+)](i) with indo-1; plasma membrane potential using diBAC(4)(3); and
110 d from isolated horizontal cells loaded with indo-1 provided evidence of calcium release from an intr
111 4.10.2% versus 7.80.3%; P2+ transients (peak indo-1 ratio 1.130.02 versus 1.120.02; P = NS).
112 VMs had higher diastolic intracellular Ca2+ (Indo-1 ratio: 1.1+/-0.1 versus 0.7+/-0.03, P<0.05) and s
113 xperiments using chloromethyl-X-rosamine and Indo-1 revealed FimH-dependent mitochondrial membrane de
114 + quench, the kinetics of the total cellular indo-1 signal, delta R (including cytosolic and mitochon
115 ers contractions (delta L), but no change in indo-1 signal, indicating both the absence of cytosolic
116 ent and simultaneous detection of TN-L15 and Indo-1 signals within individual cells.
117  with SNARF-1, and [Ca2+]i was measured with indo-1, simultaneous with cell motion.
118 1, and [Ca2+]i transients were measured with indo 1 simultaneously with cell motion.
119 n cross-section for the calcium-free form of Indo-1 than for the calcium-bound form.
120                With Mn2+ quench of cytosolic indo-1, there was no mitochondrial uptake of Mn2+ until
121 ](i) in rat ventricular myocytes loaded with Indo-1 to determine how the n-3 polyunsaturated fatty ac
122 ere isolated from FDB and microinjected with indo-1 to measure changes in sarcoplasmic calcium regula
123 r myocytes were isolated and loaded with Mag-Indo-1 to measure free magnesium ([Mg2+]i); myocytes fro
124 ch-clamped myocytes at 36 degrees C and used indo-1 to monitor intracellular Ca2+.
125 ed myocytes using the fluorescent indicators Indo-1 (to measure [Ca2+]i) and SBFI (to measure [Na+]i)
126                                          The indo-1 transient elicited by an 800 ms depolarizing puls
127 h 20 mM Na+ and pulsed to +10 mV, 41% of the indo-1 transient was inhibited by nifedipine (equivalent
128 ed to +110 mV, 24% of the rapid phase of the indo-1 transient was inhibited by nifedipine (equivalent
129 ee solution and pulsed to +10 mV, 84% of the indo-1 transient was inhibited by nifedipine (equivalent
130 n the degree to which nifedipine blocked the indo-1 transient when SR content was either increased or
131  a given test potential, the fraction of the indo-1 transient which was inhibited by nifedipine decre
132 dialysing Na+ concentration, the fraction of indo-1 transient which was inhibited by nifedipine decre
133 locked 62% of the rapid initial phase of the indo-1 transient.
134                  It was implemented with mag-indo-1 trapped in the intracellular organelles of frog s
135 of fluorescence (SEER) was used to image mag-indo-1 trapped in the tubular (t) system of mechanically
136                   The emission anisotropy of Indo-1 was found to be considerably higher for three-pho
137  AM) such that approximately 75% of cellular indo-1 was mitochondrial.
138                      The intensity decays of Indo-1 were found to be dependent on Ca2+ and essentiall
139 ole-cell method and fluorescence microscopy (indo 1) were used to measure electrical activities and i
140 Isovolumic LV pressure and cytosolic [Ca2+] (indo-1) were assessed in perfused hearts.
141 change in the concentration of Ca2+ bound to indo-1, which was assessed by the fluorescence differenc
142 the intracellular Ca2+ indicators fluo-3 and indo-1 while action potentials (APs) or membrane current
143                  Pb2+ bound to intracellular indo-1 with much higher affinity than Ca2+ and quenched
144 dependent emission spectra were observed for Indo-1 with three-photon excitation, demonstrating that

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