


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                             Physiologically, it is postulated that 15d-PGJ2 alkylates key regulatory
2                                              It is postulated that a balance between a more energetic
3 inectin and the coiled-coil tail of kinesin, it is postulated that a coiled-coil assembly is responsi
4                                              It is postulated that a different approach geared to und
5                            Under this model, it is postulated that a high mucin concentration produce
6                                              It is postulated that a significant structural change in
7 ent and kinetic proofreading, arises only if it is postulated that activated TCRs remain marked for i
8                                              It is postulated that after binding to protein kinase C
9 naptic function that precede cell death, and it is postulated that ameliorating such changes may dela
10                                              It is postulated that an altered adrenergic response pat
11                                              It is postulated that an element of the energy transduct
12                                              It is postulated that an interaction that is key to the
13                                              It is postulated that apoER2-mediated uptake of long iso
14                                              It is postulated that at the equator, intense, non-seaso
15                                              It is postulated that beta subunits native to animal K+
16                                              It is postulated that both phenomena result from X-ray-i
17                                              It is postulated that both this intermediate and the fin
18                                              It is postulated that bulky carbene ligands facilitate f
19                                              It is postulated that C. pneumoniae triggers key atherog
20                                              It is postulated that CD4 is an IL-16 receptor, although
21                                              It is postulated that CEs play a role in the genesis of
22                                              It is postulated that CFH Y402H genotype may help predic
23                                              It is postulated that clusters may grow via two distinct
24                                              It is postulated that collagen critical to mechanical st
25                                              It is postulated that direct disposal was from a facilit
26 humans with hyperkinetic movement disorders, it is postulated that dyskinesias develop as the result
27                                              It is postulated that E. coli PHB/polyP complexes are as
28                                              It is postulated that elevated levels of phagocytosis ma
29                                              It is postulated that elevated tissue concentrations of
30                                              It is postulated that energy is dissipated by three visc
31                                              It is postulated that epidermal growth factor (EGF) rece
32                                              It is postulated that, even if these partners are unable
33                                              It is postulated that free polymer was preferentially ad
34                                              It is postulated that functional interaction with ATP, r
35                                              It is postulated that fungal amyloid, SAP, or a complex
36                                              It is postulated that GEIs may play a role in modifying
37                                              It is postulated that GPCATs contribute to the maintenan
38                                    Moreover, it is postulated that His-390 is closely related to ring
39                                              It is postulated that HIV exploits immunological synapse
40                                              It is postulated that IFN-gamma confers susceptibility t
41                                              It is postulated that IFN-gamma production hinders long-
42                                              It is postulated that IL-10 production after helminth in
43                                              It is postulated that IL-13 drives inflammatory lesions
44                                         Here it is postulated that increased PLD activity generating
45 lerosis, a demyelinating disease of the CNS, it is postulated that inflammatory damage is initiated b
46                                              It is postulated that inhibition of cytosolic phospholip
47                                              It is postulated that inhibition of physiologic cell dea
48                                              It is postulated that interleukin-2 (IL-2) administered
49 hout second thought, in this series of eyes, it is postulated that it may be responsible for the dere
50                                              It is postulated that K-Rta acts in part to facilitate t
51                                              It is postulated that KcsA polypeptides attenuate the di
52                                              It is postulated that mechanically activated cation chan
53                                              It is postulated that mechanisms implicated in acute pai
54                                              It is postulated that MOG induces a relapsing and/or pro
55                                              It is postulated that monovalent cations activate FBPase
56                                              It is postulated that MUC1 expression is brought under t
57                                              It is postulated that much of the missing heritability o
58                                              It is postulated that nef may contribute to the neuronal
59                                  For pLGICs, it is postulated that neurotransmitter-induced movements
60                                              It is postulated that oxygen radicals, superoxide in par
61          During mucosal mechanical reflexes, it is postulated that P2Y1 R, P2Y2 R, and P2Y4 R are act
62                                              It is postulated that perhaps plasmapheresis, through re
63 may typically bind to MHC with low affinity, it is postulated that post-translational modifications o
64                                              It is postulated that propensities possessed by apolar r
65                                              It is postulated that receptor active-state based select
66                                              It is postulated that resistance to anoikis facilitates
67                                              It is postulated that s-SHIP modulates the activation th
68                                              It is postulated that SCN5A is a novel pathogen sensor a
69  found in catalytically active subunits, and it is postulated that several of these subunits also are
70                               In this study, it is postulated that similar pharmacologic intervention
71                               In this study, it is postulated that some partial agonists may also con
72                                              It is postulated that stem-loop IV functions similarly i
73 ystem (OXPHOS), occurs in neurodegeneration, it is postulated that such defects are caused by the acc
74                                              It is postulated that surface-bound C3 interacts with co
75         On the basis of the in vivo studies, it is postulated that tamoxifen treatment of patients wi
76                                              It is postulated that the Ab repertoire maturation in ag
77                                              It is postulated that the ability to aim helps the beetl
78                             From these data, it is postulated that the ability to co-express vimentin
79 the coproduct water formation site is "dry." It is postulated that the absence or presence of a water
80    On the basis of detailed kinetic studies, it is postulated that the activation results from Lewis
81                                              It is postulated that the active form E-[4Fe-4S]1+/AdoMe
82                                              It is postulated that the amount of siRNA released from
83                                              It is postulated that the C-terminal region of pro-IL-16
84                                    Moreover, it is postulated that the cellular signaling pathways in
85                                              It is postulated that the cerebellum contributes a basic
86                                              It is postulated that the degree of porosity collapse co
87                                              It is postulated that the difference in stability betwee
88                                              It is postulated that the different structures result fr
89                                              It is postulated that the effectiveness of photo-acceler
90                                              It is postulated that the EGF receptor but not protein k
91                                              It is postulated that the electron density of the thioph
92                                              It is postulated that the highly sensitive EMPAS detecte
93                                              It is postulated that the IFN-gamma produced by activate
94                                              It is postulated that the L-allo-isoleucine covalently t
95                                              It is postulated that the loss of the contact between Hi
96                                              It is postulated that the main effect of salt on the com
97                                              It is postulated that the MAP-Tau-homologous motifs in Z
98                                              It is postulated that the most commonly undiagnosed faci
99                                              It is postulated that the new (Fe(2)O(2))(4+) state is e
100                                              It is postulated that the novel channel contains NR1, NR
101                                              It is postulated that the observed effects on mu opioid
102                          Under this premise, it is postulated that the optimal decision will be the o
103                                              It is postulated that the resulting norbornyl cation is
104                                              It is postulated that the secretory isoform of gelsolin
105                                           If it is postulated that the slip between membrane and cyto
106                                              It is postulated that the specific interactions between
107                                In this model it is postulated that the sperm initially interact with
108                                              It is postulated that the underlying mechanism involves
109                                              It is postulated that the Y288F mutation prevents the po
110  acetylation, are critical for neurogenesis, it is postulated that their misregulation might be linke
111                                              It is postulated that these phenomena affect vascular re
112                                              It is postulated that these two elements function simila
113                                              It is postulated that these unselected mutations signifi
114                                              It is postulated that they arise from venous bleeding du
115                                              It is postulated that this early association of gentamic
116                                              It is postulated that this gene, which has been named op
117                                              It is postulated that this mechanism is also important i
118                                              It is postulated that this mesocrystalline structure for
119  pathway resulted in the release of ADP, and it is postulated that this pathway is involved in the fo
120                                              It is postulated that this results in defective endocyto
121 icase activity of eIF4A at least 4-fold, and it is postulated that this stimulation occurs through in
122                                              It is postulated that thylakoid membrane stacking to for
123                                              It is postulated that under basal conditions, SREBP-1c r
124                                              It is postulated that vascular lesion formation and remo

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