


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              KLF family members are expressed in most if not all tiss
2                                              KLF-4 is abundantly present in normal breast epithelial
3                                              KLFs can bind to CACCC elements, which are important in
4                                              KLFs have diverse functions in stem cell biology, embryo
5                                              KLFs regulate axon growth in CNS neurons including retin
6                                              KLFs share a highly conserved zinc finger-based DNA bind
7 d KLF4 in the flow-activated LECs, and the 2 KLF proteins cooperate to regulate VEGF-A, VEGF-C, FGFR3
8 transcription factor, Kruppel-like factor 2 (KLF-2).
9  of anti-adipogenic proteins such as GATA-3, KLF-2, and transcriptional coactivator with PDZ binding
10 in/protein interaction domain disrupted in a KLF gene variant that associates to MODY7, contributing
11 n, expand our mechanistic understanding of a KLF associated to human disease, and outline cellular an
12 he existence of multiple biologically active KLF splice forms across the entire family of proteins.
13                                 In addition, KLF-4 and Elf-3, transcription factors involved in termi
14 al implications for mammalian vascular aging.KLF family transcription factors (KLFs) regulate many ce
15       In the human VEGF promoter, SAF-1- and KLF-4-binding elements are overlapping, whereas SAF-1 in
16 ied deregulated proteins, including EBF1 and KLF transcription factors, that were not detected in pre
17 and pointing to interactions between Ets and KLF factors in promoting epithelial fate.
18                            Since the ETS and KLF protein families have independently been recognized
19 ess than 400 bp) containing potential GR and KLF binding sites were identified and examined for trans
20 s are overlapping, whereas SAF-1 induces and KLF-4 suppresses VEGF expression.
21  dual human beta-globin locus transgenic and KLF knockout mouse model was used.
22 sue- and organ-specific functions of SPs and KLFs in the digestive system including the oral cavity,
23              Studies have shown that SPs and KLFs regulate not only physiological processes such as g
24                              KLF5 is another KLF member with an established link to embryonic stem ce
25                   Here, we show that another KLF transcription factor, KLF10, also regulates myoblast
26  evidence supporting a relevant role for any KLF protein in doing both: transcriptionally inhibiting
27 )GPI antibodies reflects competition between KLFs and NF-kappaB for their common cofactor, CBP/p300.
28 1-mediated induction of VEGF is repressed by KLF-4 transcription factor.
29 ion of NF-kappaB transcriptional activity by KLFs reflects sequestration of the cotranscriptional act
30 ial dynamics are modulated differentially by KLFs that promote or suppress growth.
31 an homologues than they are to other chicken KLFs.
32 hese results demonstrate that SID-containing KLF repressor proteins can inhibit cell growth and neopl
33 particularly of a CpG site within a critical KLF/Sp regulatory element required for butyrate inductio
34    Thus, coordinated activities of different KLFs regulate the regenerative capacity of CNS neurons.
35        Whereas beta7 is identified as direct KLF target, its repression by KLF3 is not connected to t
36  that KLF16 selectively binds three distinct KLF-binding sites (GC, CA, and BTE boxes).
37                                         EKLF/KLF-1 containing histidine to alanine mutations that dis
38                                         EKLF/KLF-1 is a 358-amino acid nuclear protein with an amino-
39                                         EKLF/KLF-1 is an erythroid-restricted transcription factor es
40          Erythroid Kruppel-like Factor (EKLF/KLF-1) is an erythroid-specific transcription factor tha
41 he nuclear localization signal (NLS) of EKLF/KLF-1 has not been empirically determined.
42       The mutation in Caenorhabditis elegans KLF-3 leads to high TG accumulation in the worm's intest
43 4 and RNAi-mediated inhibition of endogenous KLF-4 supported the role of KLF-4 as a transcriptional r
44 vide cogent evidence implicating endothelial KLFs as essential in vivo regulators of vascular functio
45 ulated postnatally, whereas growth-enhancing KLFs were down-regulated.
46                       For example, erythroid KLF (EKLF) regulates beta-globin expression during eryth
47 ed expression of the antiinflammatory factor KLF-2.
48 ased levels of cellular transcription factor KLF-4.
49 he transcription factor Kruppel-like factor (KLF) 13 have comparable numbers of iNKT cells to C57BL/6
50                         Kruppel-like factor (KLF) 13 is a transcription factor that positively regula
51           Deficiency in Kruppel-like factor (KLF) 2 (also known as LKLF) leads to a massive loss of t
52 ion of antiinflammatory kruppel-like factor (KLF) 2 and KLF4.
53 he transcription factor Kruppel-like factor (KLF) 4 in the development of IL-17-producing CD4(+) T ce
54                         Kruppel-like factor (KLF) 6 is a tumor-suppressor gene functionally inactivat
55 ified conserved ETS and Kruppel-like factor (KLF) binding sites within the Flk1 enhancer.
56 in hematopoiesis is the Kruppel-like factor (KLF) family [1].
57  Several members of the Kruppel-like factor (KLF) family of transcription factors play important role
58 factor, a member of the Kruppel-like factor (KLF) family of transcriptional regulators.
59                         Kruppel-like factor (KLF) motifs were enriched in corneal epithelial enhancer
60                         Kruppel-like factor (KLF) proteins are emerging as key regulators of lipid me
61                         Kruppel-like factor (KLF) proteins have elicited significant attention due to
62  binding regions of the Kruppel-like factor (KLF) transcription factor in embryonic stem cells (ESCs)
63 induced upregulation of Kruppel-like factor (KLF)-2 and KLF4 in the flow-activated LECs, and the 2 KL
64 es is the presence of a Kruppel-like factor (KLF)-containing Polycomb response element.
65       The importance of Kruppel-like factor (KLF)-mediated transcriptional pathways in the biochemist
66  studies identified the Kruppel-like factor (KLF)2 as being inhibited by the inflammatory cytokine in
67 t studies reported that Kruppel-like factor (KLF)2 controls trafficking, development, and function of
68                         Kruppel-like factor (KLF)2 is a central regulator of endothelial and monocyte
69 press higher amounts of Kruppel-like factor (KLF)2, a regulator of S1P1 gene expression.
70 ed vessels with reduced Kruppel-like factor (KLF)2, KLF4, endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS), a
71 he transcription factor Kruppel-like factor (KLF)4 may have an important role in mediating the expres
72 ng as a coactivator for Kruppel-like factor (KLF)4-a driver of tissue-resident macrophage differentia
73 red SMC is dependent on Krupple-like factor (KLF)4.
74  that the Kruppel-like transcription factor (KLF) 4 potently represses the expression of multiple SMC
75       The Kruppel-like transcription factor (KLF) family participates in diverse aspects of cellular
76 nc finger Kruppel-like transcription factor (KLF) family.
77 acterized Kruppel-like transcription factor (KLF), in a sequence-specific manner, to mediate complex
78           Kruppel-like transcription factor (KLF)13, previously shown to regulate RANTES expression i
79 identify the C. elegans Kruppel-like factor, KLF-1, as an essential and specific regulator of DR-indu
80  Several Kruppel-like transcription factors (KLF), including KLF15, are induced during reactivation f
81                        Kruppel-like factors (KLFs) are a family of 17 transcription factors character
82                    The Kruppel-like factors (KLFs) are a family of C2/H2 zinc finger DNA-binding prot
83                    The Kruppel-like factors (KLFs) are a family of Cys2His2 zinc-finger DNA binding p
84                        Kruppel-like factors (KLFs) are a family of zinc-finger transcription factors
85                        Kruppel-like factors (KLFs) are a group of transcription factors that appear t
86                        Kruppel-like factors (KLFs) are transcription factors that have recently emerg
87                        Kruppel-like factors (KLFs) are zinc finger transcription factors that share h
88 ent insights implicate Kruppel-like factors (KLFs) as important regulators of vascular homeostasis, t
89 ity proteins (SPs) and Kruppel-like factors (KLFs) belong to the family of transcription factors that
90                        Kruppel-like factors (KLFs) control cell differentiation and embryonic develop
91 tudies have implicated Kruppel-like factors (KLFs) including KLF5 in the renewal and maintenance of s
92                        Kruppel-like factors (KLFs) play a critical role in regulating the endothelial
93 mbers of the Kruppel-like family of factors (KLFs) play essential roles in erythrocyte and T lymphocy
94      The Kruppel-like transcription factors (KLFs) are important regulators of cell proliferation and
95 ruppel-like family of transcription factors (KLFs) are important regulators of inflammation.
96 ruppel-like family of transcription factors (KLFs) constitute a subfamily of C2H2-type zinc finger pr
97 ike C2/H2 zinc finger transcription factors (KLFs) control development and differentiation.
98 species, Kruppel-like transcription factors (KLFs) have been identified as key components of adipogen
99 ular aging.KLF family transcription factors (KLFs) regulate many cellular processes, including prolif
100 ruppel-like family of transcription factors (KLFs) regulate the expression of genes involved in cell
101 anges in Kruppel-like transcription factors (KLFs).
102 at Kruppel-like transcription (KLF) factors, KLF 4 and 15, are inversely expressed; most importantly,
103 -related family members Kruppel-like family (KLF) 13/FKLF2/BTEB3 and Sp1 on PR-B transactivity.
104 lated by overexpressing Kruppel-like family (KLF) transcription factors, or mitochondrial dynamics we
105 of these cells, the zinc finger protein GKLF/KLF-4 was recently identified as a novel oncogene.
106 ggest this study provides a paradigm for how KLFs work in incoherent feed-forward loops or networks t
107                        We also highlight how KLFs have been implicated in human diseases and outline
108 eral putative cis-regulatory sites including KLFs, AP-2, EGRF and Sp-1.
109                                      Indeed, KLFs have been implicated in subtypes of leukemia, lymph
110                 Gene targeting of individual KLFs in mice has uncovered novel and unexpected physiolo
111 ion as key biochemical mechanisms modulating KLF-mediated neurotransmitter gene transcription.
112 ythroid cells (the TR2/TR4 heterodimer, MYB, KLFs, BCL11A, and SOX6).
113 iated with ARC through increasing binding of KLF-10 and thus decreasing CRYAA transcription.
114 factor 8 (KLF8) is a member of the family of KLF transcription factors.
115  in cancer that involves concomitant loss of KLF-4-HDAC-mediated transcriptional repression and activ
116  data support a model in which modulation of KLF-1 by WWP-1 regulates diet-restriction-induced longev
117  and mediates multiple monoubiquitylation of KLF-1 in vitro and in cellulo.
118 al ChIP assays demonstrated the occupancy of KLF-4, HDAC2, and HDAC3 in the VEGF promoter in normal M
119                    Ectopic overexpression of KLF-4 and RNAi-mediated inhibition of endogenous KLF-4 s
120 on of endogenous KLF-4 supported the role of KLF-4 as a transcriptional repressor of VEGF and an inhi
121                           Co-transfection of KLF-4 and HDAC expression plasmids in breast cancer cell
122 t be associated with decreased expression of KLFs, which in turn might facilitate cellular activation
123     Here, we review the crucial functions of KLFs in mammalian embryogenesis, stem cell biology and r
124 stematic study of the expression patterns of KLFs during erythroid development.
125  RGC connectivity, understanding the role of KLFs in regulating neurite outgrowth and Eph receptor ex
126                   Here, the authors position KLFs as important regulators of autophagy and lifespan i
127 tif that differs from a previously published KLF motif identified by a SELEX experiment, but the new
128 led a direct binding of KLF9 to the putative KLF binding motif.
129 on key biochemical mechanisms for regulating KLF sites involved in reproductive biology.
130                                      Related KLF family members suppressed or enhanced axon growth to
131 understanding KLF16 and other highly related KLF proteins.
132 5 promoter contains multiple GC- and GT-rich KLF-binding sites, which, as shown by ChIP-assays, bind
133 transcription in the uterus involving select KLF members.
134                                      Several KLF members have been shown to play a role in oncogenesi
135                         In addition, several KLF family members are downstream targets of stimuli and
136                             Of note, several KLFs are also crucial for maintaining pluripotency and,
137 assays, KLF16 binds specifically to a single KLF site near the EphA5 transcription start site that is
138 es transcription by binding to a distinct Sp-KLF site within the Drd2 promoter (-98 to -94) and recru
139                                           Sp/KLF family of factors regulates gene expression by bindi
140 ies identify a mechanism for antagonizing Sp/KLF protein repression function via SHP, with this proce
141 , we show that KLF11, an SP/Kruppel-like (SP/KLF) transcription factor, mutated in French maturity on
142 easured the expression levels of selected Sp/KLF factors in primary cells of fetal and adult stages o
143  fetal and adult erythroid cells for some Sp/KLF factors.
144 comprehensive screen of 24 members of the Sp/KLF family due to its TGFbeta inducibility, its ability
145                                       The Sp/KLF transcription factor basic transcription element-bin
146  this study, we evaluated the role of the Sp/KLF transcription factor KLF11/Klf11 in the pathogenesis
147 tional regulatory mechanism involving the SP/KLF transcription factors, SP2 and KLF6.
148 KLF11, also called TIEG2, a member of the Sp/KLF- family), which inhibits cell growth.
149 rect activation of the MAO A promoter via Sp/KLF-binding sites; 4) KLF11 knockout mice show reduced M
150 r families (including CREB, ETS, EGR-1, SP1, KLF, MAZ, HIF-1, and STATs) that play important roles in
151                             There are 10 Sp1/KLF family members in Drosophila, and nine of them bind
152      These data suggest that one or more Sp1/KLF family members play a role in PRE function in Drosop
153  derive a consensus binding site for the Sp1/KLF Drosophila family members and show that this consens
154                 Here, we report that the Sp1/KLF family member Spps binds specifically to Ubx and eng
155                                      The Sp1/KLF family of factors regulates diverse cellular process
156 , Site 2, can be bound by members of the Sp1/KLF family of zinc finger proteins.
157 ously showed that a binding site for the Sp1/KLF family of zinc-finger proteins is required for PRE a
158                             Indeed, specific KLFs represent key components of a cross-regulating plur
159                                  In summary, KLFs use regulatory circuits to steer lymphocyte maturat
160              We review literature supporting KLFs as shared mechanisms in stress adaptation and cellu
161 ring extents, and several growth-suppressive KLFs were up-regulated postnatally, whereas growth-enhan
162 wp-1-overexpressing animals, indicating that KLF-1 functions within the same pathway as WWP-1.
163           Elegant studies have revealed that KLF proteins are important regulators of two major molec
164                                 We show that KLF family DNA binding sites are necessary for miR-150 p
165                                 We show that KLF-4 recruits histone deacetylases (HDACs) -2 and -3 at
166                     Our results suggest that KLF homologs make unique contributions to regulation by
167 y inflammation, raising the possibility that KLFs and their upstream signals are of therapeutic inter
168               Recent studies have shown that KLFs play a fundamental role in regulating diverse biolo
169                                          The KLF family of genes consists of >/=17 members, which are
170 in the IL-2 promoter is a CACCC element, the KLF consensus binding motif.
171 c cardiac hypertrophy, a direct role for the KLF family in cardiac metabolism has not been previously
172 tilization and is the first to implicate the KLF transcription factor family in cardiac metabolism.
173                               Members of the KLF family of transcription factors regulate regenerativ
174 zed KLF2, a KLF4 homolog and a member of the KLF family of transcription factors with a known role in
175 ppel-like factor 2 (KLF2) is a member of the KLF family of zinc-finger transcription factors and is i
176  gene expression by different members of the KLF gene family.
177 y small molecules that target members of the KLF subfamily of transcription factors to regulate biolo
178  and proteomic breadth and complexity of the KLF transcription factor family, revealing the existence
179 ptional activation by KLF13, a member of the KLF/Sp1 family, either individually or cooperatively.
180 was found to be a collaborating motif to the KLF motif in ESCs.
181  observations are the first to implicate the KLFs as novel participants in the endothelial proinflamm
182               In essence, knowing that these KLF isoforms exist provides the first step toward unders
183  the metastatic behavior of the tumor; thus, KLF-SV1 may represent a novel therapeutic target.
184 nal regulation by SRF via its recruitment to KLF binding sites.
185  epithelium that Kruppel-like transcription (KLF) factors, KLF 4 and 15, are inversely expressed; mos
186 tion of the iNOS promoter is mediated by two KLF DNA-binding sites at -95 and -212 bp, and mutation o
187                             However, whether KLF proteins mediate these key processes in a separate o
188 monstrate that WWP-1 directly interacts with KLF-1 and mediates multiple monoubiquitylation of KLF-1
189          Here, we identified a novel Xenopus KLF gene, neptune, which is highly expressed in the vent

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