


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 scriptional activator Kruppel-like factor-6 (Klf6).
2 a direct interaction of transfected SV1 with KLF6.
3 ona fide transcriptional target repressed by KLF6.
4 t is upregulated in ES cells over-expressing Klf6.
5 egulators of cell proliferation, p21Cip1 and KLF6.
6 ng the SP/KLF transcription factors, SP2 and KLF6.
7 genous Dlk1 promoter where it interacts with KLF6.
8 of increased H3K9me3 may be mediated through KLF6.
9 nsactivation of a p21 promoter luciferase by KLF6.
10 onsistent with transcriptional repression by KLF6.
11 owth suppression, which was abrogated by the KLF6-4A phosphomutant.
12 andidate phosphorylation sites to alanines ('KLF6-4A' phosphomutant) eliminated a higher molecular we
13 e transactivation by wild-type KLF6, but not KLF6-4A, towards the p21 promoter, and increased p21 pro
14  transcription factor Kruppel-like factor 6 (KLF6), a putative tumor suppressor in prostate cancer.
15    We have identified Kruppel-like factor-6 (KLF6), a recently described tumor suppressor gene, as a
16   Here, we identified Kruppel-like factor 6 (KLF6), a zinc finger domain transcription factor, as an
17                       Kruppel-like factor 6 (KLF6), a zinc finger transcription factor and tumor supp
18                                              KLF6, a ubiquitously expressed Kruppel-like transcriptio
19                                              Klf6 acts as a gp130-sensitive transactivator of the nuc
20 contrast, mice with targeted deletion of one KLF6 allele (KLF6+/-) display increased liver mass with
21                                              KLF6 alternative splicing is not coupled to its transcri
22 etween activated Ras signaling and increased KLF6 alternative splicing.
23  from prostate cancer reduces acetylation of KLF6 and abrogates its capacity to up-regulate endogenou
24              Moreover, SV1 binds directly to KLF6 and accelerates its degradation.
25 istry studies confirm falling levels of both KLF6 and GCK in fat-laden hepatocytes.
26 uantified messenger RNA (mRNA) expression of KLF6 and glucokinase (GCK), as an important mediator of
27 t-derived epithelial ovarian tumors with low KLF6 and high KLF6-SV1 expression ratios had significant
28 ivation of gp130 signaling display defective Klf6 and Impalpha5 expression, OLP maturation arrest and
29 o understanding possible mechanisms by which KLF6 and its antagonistic splice form, KLF6-SV1, regulat
30 nally important mediator by which changes in KLF6 and KLF6-SV1 can directly alter ovarian tumor invas
31  a synergistic cooperative mechanism between KLF6 and specificity protein 1, and in vascular smooth m
32 r study reveals a novel relationship between Klf6 and the Shh pathway.
33 the tumor suppressors Kruppel-like factor 6 (KLF6) and forkhead box O1 (FOXO1) that negatively regula
34 ed include a global heterozygous KLF6 mouse (Klf6+/-), and transgenic mice expressing either hKLF6(WT
35  KLF6-SV1 (SV1), the major splice variant of KLF6, antagonizes the KLF6 tumor suppressor by an unknow
36 uman adipogenesis, and highlight the role of KLF6 as a multifunctional transcriptional regulator capa
37    Collectively, these observations identify KLF6 as a novel transcriptional regulator of macrophage
38 s identify the interaction between HDAC3 and KLF6 as a potential mechanism underlying human adipogene
39 rofiling of murine HCC cell lines identified KLF6 as a potential regulator of HCC cell migration.
40                     We previously identified KLF6 as mediator of hepatocyte glucose and lipid homeost
41  study, we identified Kruppel-like factor 6 (KLF6) as a critical transcription factor essential for i
42 ify the Kruppel-like transcription factor 6 (KLF6) as a molecular toggle controlling macrophage speci
43 protein 4 (PDCD4) and Kruppel-like factor 6 (KLF6) as critical regulators and surrogate markers of pr
44 ional and chromatin occupancy analyses place Klf6 at the nexus of a novel gp130-Klf-importin axis, wh
45                            Reconstitution of KLF6 attenuates their malignant phenotype and induces ne
46 ify the Kruppel-like transcription factor 6 (KLF6)-B cell leukemia/lymphoma 6 (BCL6) signaling axis a
47 r molecular weight phosphorylated isoform of KLF6 based on western blot.
48                       Kruppel-like factor 6 (Klf6) belongs to a family of zinc finger transcription f
49  association in MESA Hispanics-rs12253976 in KLF6 (beta = 5.792 kg/m(2) per-allele, 95 % confidence i
50 noprecipitation assays indicate that SP2 and KLF6 bind to the matrix metalloproteinase-9 promoter and
51           In multiple cancer cells, LCoR and KLF6 bind together on the promoters of the genes encodin
52                                              KLF6 binds directly to and activates the ATF3 promoter.
53                                              KLF6 binds to the liver-specific Gck promoter and activa
54  to 0.97) peripheral blood three-gene assay (KLF6, BNC2, CYP1B1) to detect the state of operational t
55 a augmented the transactivation by wild-type KLF6, but not KLF6-4A, towards the p21 promoter, and inc
56                                    Wild-type KLF6, but not patient-derived mutants, suppresses cell g
57  and induced apoptosis, whereas knockdown of KLF6 by small interference RNA blocked the increase of A
58 n and transcriptional activity, reduction in KLF6 by small interfering RNA led to increased MDM2 and
59 a, Gata4, Sox17, and CxCr4 is not induced in Klf6(-/-) cells but is upregulated in ES cells over-expr
60 aled an increase in Mdm2 mRNA in tumors from KLF6+/- compared with KLF6+/+ mice, which was validated
61 st that decreased availability of functional KLF6 contributes to clinical PC progression.
62                       Kruppel-like factor 6 (Klf6; copeb in zebrafish) is a zinc-finger transcription
63                      Functionally, wild-type KLF6 decreased cellular proliferation of HepG2 cells, wh
64                         However, blockade of KLF6 decreased cisplatin-induced up-regulation of Noxa i
65                   Our findings indicate that KLF6 deficiency contributes significantly to the carcino
66                                              Klf6-deficiency leads to elevated levels of hedgehog pat
67 macological or genetic inhibition of BCL6 in KLF6-deficient macrophages completely abrogated the atte
68        We have generated a prostate-specific Klf6-deficient mouse model and report here a novel role
69                                  Accelerated KLF6 degradation in the presence of SV1 was abrogated by
70 cy is a clinically relevant means of evading KLF6-dependent regulation of NF-kappaB.
71       Together, these findings indicate that KLF6-dependent regulation of the cytochrome c oxidase as
72 more histologically advanced tumors, whereas Klf6-depleted mice developed bigger tumors compared to t
73 c animals and those with hepatocyte-specific Klf6 depletion displayed increased DNA synthesis, with a
74 e months after DEN, SV1 transgenic mice with Klf6 depletion had the greatest tumor burden.
75 m of the study was to evaluate the impact of KLF6 depletion on human HCC and experimental hepatocarci
76 ocytes harboring both SV1 overexpression and Klf6 depletion.
77  GCK promoter-reporter, identifying GCK as a KLF6 direct transcriptional target.
78                  These changes resulted from KLF6 directly transactivating the E-cadherin promoter as
79 e with targeted deletion of one KLF6 allele (KLF6+/-) display increased liver mass with reduced p21 e
80 ctivation of FXR, SHP interacts with SP2 and KLF6, disrupting the SP2/KLF6 repressor complex.
81                             Mechanistically, KLF6 downregulates expression and secretion of GM-CSF.
82 -related pathways, we analysed the effect of KLF6 dysregulation on a recognized suppressor of cellula
83 mesoderm induction were also observed in the Klf6-/- EBs, associated with delayed expression of Brach
84 further analyze this phenotype, we generated Klf6-/- embryonic stem (ES) cells by homologous recombin
85 ietic lineage with that of either Klf6+/- or Klf6+/+ ES cells.
86 tent with the phenotype in the early embryo, Klf6-/- ES cells displayed significant hematopoietic def
87 estigated the prevalence and significance of KLF6 exon 2 mutations and splice variants (SVs) in diffe
88                                    Decreased KLF6 expression in human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)
89                Podocyte-specific deletion of Klf6 expression in mice leads to mitochondrial dysfuncti
90 development was investigated by manipulating Klf6 expression in mouse ES cells driven to differentiat
91                           Here we show, that KLF6 expression is induced in ALF and in the regeneratin
92  the JCI, Mallipattu and coworkers show that KLF6 expression is reduced in mouse and human glomerular
93 e cancer tumors and cell lines and decreased KLF6 expression levels in recurrent prostate cancer samp
94 pal neurons, and siRNA-mediated knockdown of KLF6 expression promotes neuronal cell death and also an
95                                              KLF6 expression was induced early in response to ADR in
96                                Additionally, KLF6 expression was reduced in podocytes from HIV-1 tran
97                                              KLF6 expression was robustly induced by pro-inflammatory
98 nzymes, thereby abolishing the activation of KLF6 expression.
99 ted in studies using TCGA data (e.g., SYNE1, KLF6, FGFR4, and EPHB4).
100 lotinib resistance through modulation of the KLF6/FOXO1 signaling cascade in both cell culture and xe
101                                              KLF6 function is abrogated in human cancers owing to inc
102  data indicate that acetylation may regulate KLF6 function, and its loss in some tumor-derived mutant
103 ed the role of GSK3beta in the regulation of KLF6 function.
104 e possibility that haploinsufficiency of the KLF6 gene alone contributes to cellular growth dysregula
105                     Indeed, mutations of the KLF6 gene have recently been reported in this tumor type
106 bitor p21 as a transcriptional target of the KLF6 gene in cultured cells, but not in vivo.
107  data suggest that haploinsufficiency of the KLF6 gene may regulate cellular proliferation in vivo th
108                                              KLF6 gene silencing in human lung epithelial cells resul
109 ms that are homologous to those of the human KLF6 gene.
110                   The Kruppel-like factor 6 (KLF6) gene is a zinc finger transcription factor that in
111        Most recently, we identified a common KLF6 germ line single nucleotide polymorphism that is as
112 on factors acting at the SP1-like motif, but KLF6 had some features of such a candidate.
113 ctor/tumor suppressor Kruppel-like factor 6 (KLF6) has been described in prostate cancer (PC).
114 T3 cells in vivo, whereas down-regulation of KLF6 in 3T3-L1 cells by small interfering RNA prevents a
115        Concordantly, single-copy deletion of Klf6 in a HCC mouse model results in increased tumor for
116                  Here we explore the role of KLF6 in acute liver injury models in mice, and in patien
117 r, our data demonstrate a novel function for KLF6 in constraining HCC dissemination through the regul
118                   A cell autonomous role for Klf6 in endoderm and hepatic development was investigate
119       Collectively, these findings implicate Klf6 in ES-cell differentiation and hematopoiesis.
120 uncover a novel tumor suppressor activity of KLF6 in HCC by linking its transcriptional repression of
121  identified novel transcriptional targets of KLF6 in HCC cells including VAV3, a known activator of t
122 tial induction, sustained down-regulation of KLF6 in liver injury may allow de-repression of fibrogen
123             To explore the potential role of Klf6 in mouse development, we analyzed Klf6-/- mice and
124 c mouse models to define the in vivo role of KLF6 in regulating cell proliferation and p21 expression
125              To explore a potential role for KLF6 in the development of insulin resistance, central t
126                 Transgenic overexpression of KLF6 in the liver resulted in a runted phenotype with de
127 mouse model and report here a novel role for Klf6 in the regulation of prostate branching morphogenes
128   Conversely, in mice with lineage-selective Klf6 inactivation, OLP undergo maturation arrest followe
129  observed that podocyte-specific deletion of Klf6 increased the susceptibility of a resistant mouse s
130              Thus, ATF3 is a key mediator of KLF6-induced apoptosis in prostate cancer cells.
131 wn of ATF3 by small interference RNA blocked KLF6-induced apoptosis.
132                            Here we show that KLF6 induces apoptosis in prostate cancer cells by ATF3
133                                 Furthermore, KLF6 inhibits anti-inflammatory gene expression by negat
134 del of LCoR function in which promoter-bound KLF6 inhibits transcription of the CDKN1A gene and other
135 romatin immunoprecipitation assays show that KLF6 interacts with ALK1 promoter in ECs, and this inter
136  Multiple lines of evidence now suggest that KLF6 is a key prostate cancer tumor suppressor gene incl
137                         The tumor suppressor KLF6 is a member of the Kruppel-like family of transcrip
138                         We first showed that KLF6 is a tumor suppressor somatically inactivated in pr
139                              Inactivation of KLF6 is common in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) associa
140 d loss-of-function studies, we observed that KLF6 is essential for macrophage motility under ex vivo
141 ectively, these findings indicate that copeb/Klf6 is essential for the development of endoderm-derive
142          We have previously established that Klf6 is expressed in neuronal tissue, hindgut, heart, lu
143                                              KLF6 is heterozygously deleted in 74.5% of the analyzed
144                                     Although Klf6 is highly mutated in prostate cancer, its function
145                     The loss or reduction of KLF6 is linked to the progression of hepatocellular carc
146                                              Klf6 is rapidly induced in oligodendrocyte progenitors (
147 n- and loss-of-function studies suggest that KLF6 is required for optimal LPS-induced pro-inflammator
148  mechanism of growth inhibition by wild-type KLF6 is through p53-independent up-regulation of p21(WAF
149                          We demonstrate that KLF6 is transactivating ALK1 gene, and this transactivat
150                       Kruppel-like factor 6 (KLF6) is a member of a growing family of transcription f
151                       Kruppel-like factor 6 (KLF6) is a transcription factor and tumor suppressor.
152                       Kruppel-like factor 6 (KLF6) is a tumor suppressor gene that is functionally in
153                       Kruppel-like factor 6 (KLF6) is a ubiquitous zinc finger tumor suppressor that
154                       Kruppel-like factor 6 (KLF6) is a zinc finger transcription factor and tumor su
155 isoform of the Kruppel-like tumor suppressor KLF6, is a critical prosurvival/antiapoptotic protein.
156      Following a transient increase, all rat Klf6 isoforms decreased in response to acute carbon tetr
157 ree alternatively spliced, dominant-negative KLF6 isoforms.
158 transcription of three alternatively spliced KLF6 isoforms.
159  central to NAFLD pathogenesis, we genotyped KLF6-IVS1-27 in healthy subjects and assayed fasting pla
160                                          The KLF6-IVS1-27A polymorphism, which generates more KLF6-SV
161                            The polymorphism, KLF6-IVS1-27A, in the Kruppel-like factor 6 (KLF6) trans
162                                              KLF6-IVS1-27Gwt (i.e., less KLF6 splicing) was associate
163 on led us to explore the biology of wildtype KLF6 (KLF6(WT) ) and its antagonistic, alternatively spl
164 confer favorable prognosis in human cancers (Klf6, Klf9, Nid2, Ntn4, Per1, and Txnip) and underexpres
165                                              KLF6 knock down in human umbilical vein ECs promotes ALK
166  many proapoptotic genes, and shRNA-mediated KLF6 knockdown abrogated the ability of ERMAs to induce
167                                              KLF6 knockdown increases cell migration, consistent with
168 s and in liver tissues derived from a murine Klf6 knockdown model (DeltaKlf6).
169        Indeed, RAC1 activity is increased in KLF6-knockdown cells in a VAV3-dependent manner, and kno
170             In mice with hepatocyte-specific Klf6 knockout (DeltaKlf6), cell proliferation following
171                                              KLF6 (Kruppel-like factor 6) is a zinc finger transcript
172 onal repression, siRNA-mediated knockdown of KLF6, LCoR, or CtBP1 in PC-3 cells induced expression of
173 ssion was reduced and stable transfection of Klf6 led to up-regulation of Gck.
174                    Additionally, loss of the KLF6 locus in the absence of somatic mutation in the rem
175 nism is circumvented in glioblastoma through KLF6 loss.
176                                              KLF6-mediated changes in E-cadherin levels were accompan
177                           A key mechanism of KLF6-mediated growth suppression is through p53-independ
178              Functionally, GSK3beta enhanced KLF6-mediated growth suppression, which was abrogated by
179 riant 1 (SV1), which antagonizes full-length KLF6-mediated growth suppression.
180                          LCoR contributes to KLF6-mediated transcriptional repression in a promoter-
181                                    Moreover, Klf6(+/-) mice have lower levels of Alk1 in their vascul
182                                              Klf6(-)(/)(-) mice have defects in hematopoiesis and ang
183       However, the vascular abnormalities in Klf6(-/-) mice obfuscate its role in liver development s
184 m2 mRNA in tumors from KLF6+/- compared with KLF6+/+ mice, which was validated by way of quantitative
185 res in both surrounding tissue and tumors of KLF6+/- mice closely recapitulated those associated with
186                          After acute CCl(4), Klf6+/- mice developed significantly increased fibrosis
187 sistent with its role as a tumor suppressor, KLF6+/- mice developed significantly more tumors in resp
188 le of Klf6 in mouse development, we analyzed Klf6-/- mice and found that the homozygous mutation is e
189 dels generated include a global heterozygous KLF6 mouse (Klf6+/-), and transgenic mice expressing eit
190 stent with the correlation between decreased KLF6 mRNA levels and the presence of vascular invasion i
191                                      GCK and KLF6 mRNAs correlate directly in human NAFLD tissues and
192                                              KLF6 mutants derived from clinical prostate cancers fail
193                       Several cancer-derived KLF6 mutants lead to the loss of p21-mediated growth sup
194 e growth-promoting effects of cancer-derived KLF6 mutants that lack tumor suppressor activity.
195 e growth-promoting effects of cancer-derived KLF6 mutants that lack tumor suppressor activity.Oncogen
196  cancer and hepatocellular carcinoma-derived KLF6 mutations affect a glycogen synthase kinase 3beta (
197  Transcription factor Kruppel-like factor 6 (KLF6)-myeloid-specific conditional deficient mice exhibi
198 on that transactivation of p21(WAF1/cip1) by KLF6 occurs through its direct recruitment to the p21(WA
199 he hematopoietic lineage with that of either Klf6+/- or Klf6+/+ ES cells.
200 nerated either by increasing SV1, decreasing KLF6, or both, accelerates hepatic carcinogenesis.
201                                      Whereas KLF6 overexpression in HCC cell lines and primary hepato
202                                              KLF6 overexpression partially phenocopied chaetocin trea
203                                              Klf6 overexpression studies in a mouse hepatocyte line w
204                 Direct lysine acetylation of KLF6 peptides can be shown by mass spectrometry.
205                                              KLF6 phosphorylation is augmented in the presence of GSK
206 ealed that p73 and Sp1-like factors, Sp1 and KLF6, played key roles in the transcriptional control of
207 tumor suppressor gene Kruppel-like factor 6 (KLF6) plays a role in ERMA-induced apoptosis in LNCaP pr
208 tic splicing sites and encoded nonfunctional KLF6 proteins.
209                             An increased SV1/KLF6 ratio correlates with more aggressive HCC.
210                    In mice, an increased SV1/KLF6 ratio, generated either by increasing SV1, decreasi
211                                              KLF6 reduces fibrogenic activity of HSCs by way of two d
212                                     Targeted KLF6 reduction in an ovarian cancer cell line, SKOV-3, r
213 ur study identifies a new mechanism by which KLF6 regulates NF-kappaB signaling, and how this mechani
214                                              KLF6 regulates the expression of many proapoptotic genes
215                                              KLF6 regulation of GCK contributes to the development of
216   Collectively, our observations reveal that KLF6 repress BCL6 to enhance macrophage inflammatory gen
217 eracts with SP2 and KLF6, disrupting the SP2/KLF6 repressor complex.
218 observations, myeloid-specific deficiency of KLF6 significantly attenuates macrophage pro-inflammator
219 ction in flu-mediated apoptosis was noted in KLF6-silenced cells, cells treated with iNOS inhibitor,
220                 Here we show that a germline KLF6 single nucleotide polymorphism, confirmed in a tri-
221 ing that yields a dominant-negative isoform, KLF6 splice variant 1 (SV1), which antagonizes full-leng
222                   In contrast to full-length KLF6, splice variant KLF6-SV1 increases in NAFLD hepatoc
223       The molecular basis for stimulation of KLF6 splicing is unknown.
224                  KLF6-IVS1-27Gwt (i.e., less KLF6 splicing) was associated with stepwise increases in
225                         Forced expression of KLF6 strongly inhibits Dlk1 expression in preadipocytes
226                      At the molecular level, KLF6 suppresses BCL6 mRNA and protein expression by elev
227 ungs and decreased survival, indicating that KLF6 suppresses both HCC development and metastasis.
228                                              KLF6 suppresses tumor growth and induces apoptosis in ca
229 r a farnesyl-transferase inhibitor decreases KLF6 SV1 and suppresses growth.
230 gonism between wtKLF6 and its splice variant KLF6 SV1 in tumor growth and dissemination.
231 mice >2-fold, short interfering RNA-mediated KLF6 SV1 inhibition reduces growth by approximately 50%
232 the splice factor ASF/SF2 by siRNA increases KLF6 SV1 messenger RNA levels.
233 otide polymorphism-increased splice isoform, KLF6 SV1, displays a markedly opposite effect on cell pr
234 s, Ras signaling increases the expression of KLF6 SV1, relative to full-length KLF6, thereby enhancin
235 l lines is overcome by ectopic expression of KLF6 SV1.
236 c transgenic mice overexpressing KLF6(WT) or KLF6(SV1) developed significantly diminished fibrosis wi
237  antagonistic, alternatively spliced isoform KLF6(SV1) in cultured HSCs and animal models.
238 late cells overexpressing either KLF6(WT) or KLF6(SV1) were more susceptible to apoptotic stress base
239                                              KLF6-SV1 (SV1), the major splice variant of KLF6, antago
240                    The KLF6 variant proteins KLF6-SV1 and KLF6-SV2 are mislocalized to the cytoplasm,
241                                              KLF6-SV1 binds the proapoptotic BH3-only protein NOXA, w
242 ortant mediator by which changes in KLF6 and KLF6-SV1 can directly alter ovarian tumor invasion and m
243    Together, these findings demonstrate that KLF6-SV1 expression levels in PCa tumors at the time of
244 helial ovarian tumors with low KLF6 and high KLF6-SV1 expression ratios had significantly decreased E
245 these findings highlight a critical role for KLF6-SV1 in lung cancer, and show a potential novel ther
246 contrast to full-length KLF6, splice variant KLF6-SV1 increases in NAFLD hepatocytes and inversely co
247 ally delivered small interfering RNA against KLF6-SV1 induces spontaneous apoptosis of tumor cells, d
248                                              KLF6-SV1 inhibition using RNAi induced spontaneous apopt
249                                 In addition, KLF6-SV1 is a novel antiapoptotic protein in lung cancer
250    Here we show that increased expression of KLF6-SV1 is associated with decreased survival in patien
251      Analysis of tumor samples revealed that KLF6-SV1 levels were specifically upregulated in hormone
252                         Interestingly, while KLF6-SV1 overexpression increased metastasis, it did not
253                                        Thus, KLF6-SV1 represents a novel regulator of protein interac
254 cadherin expression (P<0.01) and conversely, KLF6-SV1 silencing upregulated E-cadherin approximately
255 cancer cell lines, and targeted reduction of KLF6-SV1 using siRNA induces apoptosis both alone and in
256 -IVS1-27A polymorphism, which generates more KLF6-SV1, combats this, lowering hepatic insulin resista
257 tor 6 (KLF6) tumor suppressor gene, known as KLF6-SV1, in tumors from men after prostatectomy predict
258 which KLF6 and its antagonistic splice form, KLF6-SV1, regulate this development.
259                           Here, we show that KLF6-SV1, whose overexpression is associated with poor s
260 omplementary mouse models of metastatic PCa, KLF6-SV1-overexpressing PCa cells were shown by in vivo
261 e splicing into an oncogenic splice variant, KLF6-SV1.
262 t generates a dominant-negative splice form, KLF6-SV1.
263       The KLF6 variant proteins KLF6-SV1 and KLF6-SV2 are mislocalized to the cytoplasm, antagonize w
264 eriments revealed LCoR regulation of several KLF6 target genes notably p21(WAF1/CIP1) (CDKN1A) and to
265 expression of CDKN1A and CDH1 and additional KLF6 target genes.
266 ression of KLF6 SV1, relative to full-length KLF6, thereby enhancing proliferation.
267 d by viral SV1 transduction and depletion of Klf6 through adenovirus-Cre infection of primary Klf6fl(
268 gnaling to increased alternative splicing of KLF6 through signaling by phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase
269                                 We show that KLF6 transactivates multiple genes negatively controllin
270                                      The rat Klf6 transcript has multiple splice forms that are homol
271 iption (RT)-PCR was performed to measure the KLF6 transcript level in eyes enucleated at embryonic st
272 uted to the action of a miR-122a target, the Klf6 transcript.
273 KLF6-IVS1-27A, in the Kruppel-like factor 6 (KLF6) transcription factor gene enhances its splicing in
274 noprecipitation analysis indicates that this KLF6 transcriptional activation was associated with incr
275 precipitation studies revealed that putative KLF6 transcriptional binding sites are present in the pr
276 in tissue remodeling, Kruppel-like factor 6 (KLF6) translocates to the cell nucleus during wound heal
277 ajor splice variant of KLF6, antagonizes the KLF6 tumor suppressor by an unknown mechanism.
278 ion in glioblastoma through depletion of the KLF6 tumor suppressor.
279 splice variant of the Kruppel-like factor 6 (KLF6) tumor suppressor gene, known as KLF6-SV1, in tumor
280                         Forced expression of KLF6 using a tet-inducible system enhanced the hematopoi
281 tion of hemagglutinin (HA)-GSK3beta and Flag-KLF6 validated the interaction between these two protein
282                                          The KLF6 variant proteins KLF6-SV1 and KLF6-SV2 are mislocal
283 ly resected HCC, reduced tumor expression of KLF6 was associated with decreased survival.
284             Using luciferase assay and ChIP, KLF6 was established as a direct transcriptional activat
285                                              KLF6 was induced in hepatocytes in ALF, and in both acet
286 , whereas a candidate tumor suppressor gene (KLF6) was decreased.
287                       Kruppel-like factor 6 (KLF6) was identified as a key transcriptional target of
288          Among these, Kruppel-like factor 6 (KLF6) was reduced in DDLPS, with increased H3K9me3 at as
289 ablish that GSK3beta directly phosphorylates KLF6, which augments its induction of p21 and resultant
290 e line were utilized to mechanistically link KLF6 with Gck promoter activity.
291 ation assay revealed a direct interaction of KLF6 with iNOS promoter during in vitro and in vivo flu
292 (HCV)-related HCC, an increased ratio of SV1/KLF6 within the tumor was associated with features of mo
293  us to explore the biology of wildtype KLF6 (KLF6(WT) ) and its antagonistic, alternatively spliced i
294 se HSCs overexpressing KLF6(WT) demonstrated KLF6(WT) binding to GC boxes in promoters of Colalpha1 (
295  chain reaction in mouse HSCs overexpressing KLF6(WT) demonstrated KLF6(WT) binding to GC boxes in pr
296  HSC-specific transgenic mice overexpressing KLF6(WT) or KLF6(SV1) developed significantly diminished
297         Stellate cells overexpressing either KLF6(WT) or KLF6(SV1) were more susceptible to apoptotic
298         Here we show that although wild-type KLF6 (wtKLF6) acts as a classic tumor suppressor, the si
299                                    Wild-type KLF6 (wtKLF6) expression is decreased in many human mali
300 d Gata1 were reduced by approximately 80% in Klf6-/- yolk sacs.

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