


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              Kelvin calculated the age of the Earth to be about 24 mi
2                                              Kelvin considered it unlikely that sufficient time had e
3                                              Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM) has provided deep i
4                                              Kelvin probe force microscopy and Raman mapping confirm
5                                              Kelvin probe microscopy displays that in the presence of
6                                              Kelvin probe spectroscopy measurements indicate that ele
7                                              Kelvin-solid models produced better predictions of tempo
8                                              Kelvin-solid models, especially the Prony Series model a
9 netic semiconductor, at a temperature of 100 Kelvin.
10                          Photolysis at 10-20 Kelvin results in dissociation of a3FeCO, formation of C
11 where k is Boltzmann's constant and T is 289 Kelvin (= 16 degrees C).
12 f surface structures is equal or above (1/4) Kelvin-Helmholtz wavelength.
13 en the SST anomaly becomes greater than +0.5 Kelvin.
14 egrees W) can consequently be reduced by 0.6 Kelvin for one-year predictions.
15  the planet's temperature is much lower, <60 Kelvin, because the host star is only 0.10 to 0.15 solar
16         By using an energetic argument and a Kelvin condensation model, the quasi-equilibrium liquid-
17 90 K the ions began moving, as measured by a Kelvin probe.
18 ads and vesicles was fit quantitatively by a Kelvin-Voight model for a viscoelastic solid with a mean
19 ependence of strain during recoil also fit a Kelvin-Voight model with similar parameters, suggesting
20 lance for nanoscopic particles and also to a Kelvin probe based on nanotubes.
21 o describe the undulatory motion have used a Kelvin-Voigt model, where the elastic and viscous compon
22 nertial impedance is considered along with a Kelvin-Voigt link with a hydration layer.
23 less likely at the dayside magnetopause, and Kelvin-Helmholtz waves (KHWs) may be important agents fo
24 nation of piezoresponse force microscopy and Kelvin probe force microscopy, we demonstrate that the s
25 UV and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and Kelvin force microscopy to characterize the bulk and sur
26 C resistance, AC impedance spectroscopy, and Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy (KPFM), demonstrate differ
27 opy, inverse photoemission spectroscopy, and Kelvin probe techniques.
28  Using the scanning probe technique known as Kelvin probe force microscopy it is possible to successf
29 scanning probe microscopy techniques such as Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM).
30 rican monsoon, and the resulting atmospheric Kelvin wave drives equatorial westerly wind anomalies ov
31 terials with standard linear solid behavior (Kelvin bodies).
32  merger process, the fields are amplified by Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities beyond magnetar field str
33  states across the interface, as revealed by Kelvin probe force microscopy.
34                                 By combining Kelvin probe force microscopy imaging and phase-field si
35 was increased suddenly by even a few degrees Kelvin, nuclei displayed a repeatable and reversible tem
36 orce eastward-propagating oceanic equatorial Kelvin waves that extend downward to 1500 meters.
37 ons H close to the thermodynamic equilibrium Kelvin length, 2r(K)costheta, where r(K) is the Kelvin r
38  thermal hysteresis loops of more than a few Kelvin remains relatively uncommon and unpredictable, so
39 at the vacuum-solid interface often at a few Kelvin, but is not a notion immediately associated with
40 ys can be use as ultrasensitive platform for Kelvin probe force microscopy in sensing experiments.
41                                A generalized Kelvin model of viscoelasticity accurately describes the
42           We used a second-order generalized Kelvin body to model tether-force behavior from which se
43 eciprocal of the denaturation temperature in Kelvin, T(max), and the water volume fraction, epsilon (
44 nt", later coined as Maxwell's demon by Lord Kelvin.
45 atial mapping of skin temperature with milli-Kelvin precision (+/-50 mK) and sub-millimetre spatial r
46 TEM-derived particle size using the modified Kelvin equation for particles in the size range of 5-40
47                        Based on the modified Kelvin equation, the surface tension of Ag NPs was found
48 sured TEM sizes as predicted by the modified Kelvin equation.
49      We demonstrate that frequency-modulated Kelvin probe force microscopy (FM-KPFM) provides more ac
50                    Using frequency-modulated Kelvin probe force microscopy we were able to resolve th
51 slope currents that flow in the direction of Kelvin wave propagation.
52 uantized vortices and subsequent emission of Kelvin waves along the vortices are thought to be centra
53 e, we have directly observed the emission of Kelvin waves from quantized vortex reconnection.
54 nanoelectrical characterization technique of Kelvin probe force microscopy.
55 he afternoon, and the presence of a possible Kelvin (curvature) effect, which inhibits organic vapour
56 Mapping surface potential with time-resolved Kelvin probe force microscopy (tr-KPFM) in LiNbO3 period
57                            On a local scale, Kelvin probe force microscopy provides a complete and de
58 resolved infrared spectroscopy, and scanning Kelvin probe microscopy are used to investigate the drif
59 responding WF change is measured by scanning Kelvin probe microscopy.
60                   A method based on scanning Kelvin probe microscopy is developed to probe the effect
61 on of the charge distribution using scanning Kelvin probe microcopy (SKPM) were performed.
62  electrochemical cells (LECs) using Scanning Kelvin Probe Microscopy (SKPM) and compare the results a
63 ation: illumination that produces only a sub-Kelvin increase in average temperature can reduce, by ma
64  down the long-time monopole dynamics at sub-Kelvin temperatures.
65 ion experiments reach ~200 mK, the first sub-Kelvin cooling with any molecular nanomagnet, and reveal
66 , a theoretical analysis of the observed sub-Kelvin zero-field hysteretic spin dynamics of {Cr(III)Dy
67                                          The Kelvin probe force microscope is a tool for measuring lo
68                                          The Kelvin probe force microscope presented here is based on
69 atory scale, and partly because WT among the Kelvin waves on quantized vortices is believed to play a
70    As the particles increase in size and the Kelvin barrier falls, subsequent growth is primarily due
71  or increasing solute concentration, and the Kelvin effect, whereby activation potential decreases wi
72 by organic surfactants, which diminishes the Kelvin effect, is expected to be negated by a concomitan
73 er higher than previous expectations for the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability.
74 ed that the non-linear vortex flows from the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability gives rise to vortex-induce
75                             Furthermore, the Kelvin-Voigt model was introduced to interpret the PEK b
76 vin length, 2r(K)costheta, where r(K) is the Kelvin radius and theta is the contact angle.
77 plets, to show that the applicability of the Kelvin equation extends to unexpectedly small lengths, o
78 m associated with the nonlinear phase of the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability.
79 scription of the vapor pressure based on the Kelvin equation.
80  too small for spontaneous reconnection, the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability driven by a super-Alfvenic
81 o well-known equatorially trapped waves, the Kelvin and Yanai modes, owing to the breaking of time-re
82                                   Therefore, Kelvin microscopy, under variable humidity, is a rigorou
83                                         This Kelvin effect is analogous to the electrochemical behavi
84                           Turbulence through Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities occurring at the interfac
85 reinforces the PJ pattern via a tropospheric Kelvin wave.
86  Application of the model to a system of two Kelvin bodies in parallel reveals that flow induces an i
87 lative humidity (RH), as determined by using Kelvin force microscopy (KFM).
88 e cycle of myosin motors with a viscoelastic Kelvin-Voigt element that represents the stress fiber.
89 ity analysis suggested that the ripples were Kelvin-Helmholtz Instabilities.
90 this time span, in surprising agreement with Kelvin's result, the Earth cooled by about 4,000 K in re
91  events, azimuthal rotations consistent with Kelvin-Helmholtz waves along the magnetopause, and exten
92 ondary ion mass spectrometer (HIM-SIMS) with Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM), we demonstrate tha
93  already at nearly ambient pressures at zero Kelvin.
94 ops where this boundary extrapolates to zero Kelvin, suggesting that fluctuations associated with thi

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