


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1 pigment activation effectively light adapted L cones in darkness, causing them to have a smaller and
2           Observers adjusted the speed of an L cone contrast pattern to match that of a variety of co
3 on resulted from the terminal division of an L-cone precursor, suggesting that such divisions contrib
4 ereby opening cation channels, whereas M and L cone stimuli suppress glutamate release onto ionotropi
5  first images of the arrangement of S, M and L cones in the living human eye.
6 o basal synapses from approximately 20 M and L cones.
7 ey receive input indiscriminately from M and L cones.
8 d that the luminance channel has fast M- and L-cone input signals (+fM and +fL), and slow, spectrally
9 e (L-) cone modulation sensitivities, M- and L-cone phase delays, and flicker spectral sensitivities
10 e (L-) cone modulation sensitivities, M- and L-cone phase delays, and spectral sensitivities as a fun
11 drives fluorescent protein expression before L-cone precursors themselves are produced permitted trac
12 cording revealed that both single and double L cones contained low levels of short wavelength-sensiti
13 ring motion contrast thresholds for drifting L cone and M cone gratings summed in different spatial p
14 s a larger contribution to the ERG than each L cone.
15                                        Every L cone in a local region resulted from the terminal divi
16 of L- and M-cones; in S- cells, signals from L-cones were usually opposed to those of S- and M-cones.
17   Our results suggest that subtle changes in L-cone opsin wavelength absorption may have been adaptiv
18 excited equally by a stimulus that increased L-cone activity (appearing bright red) and by a stimulus
19  short (S cones), medium (M cones), or long (L cones) wavelengths.
20 receptor types, maximally sensitive to long (L-cone), middle (M-cone), and short (S-cone) wavelengths
21 st in rods, followed about 1 week later by M&L cone opsin.
22          Triple labeling using TUNEL, anti-M/L cone opsin and anti-rod opsin showed that hyperoxia ha
23 hich takes place in S cones a month before M/L cones.
24   The S cones in the other species and the M/L cones in all species had a conventional topography wit
25 ysin, medium-to-long wavelength-sensitive (M/L) cone opsin, rod opsin, excitatory amino acid transpor
26 otein (GFAP), rhodopsin, S-cone opsin, and M/L-cone opsin were performed, as were axon counts of the
27 e used transretinal recordings to evaluate M/L-cone pigment regeneration in isolated retinas and eyec
28 amplitude and slowed the kinetics of mouse M/L-cone photoresponses, cone adaptation in bright, steady
29 or the initial rapid regeneration of mouse M/L-cone pigment during dark adaptation, whereas the slowe
30      Remarkably, the mouse retina promoted M/L-cone dark adaptation eightfold faster than the RPE.
31 mate retinae stained to distinguish S from M/L-cones.
32  is not critical for the function of mouse M/L-cones in bright light.
33 st sensitivity was approximately the same on L-cone (1.84 +/- 0.08 log contrast sensitivity) and M-co
34 ects have large patches in which either M or L cones are missing.
35 At 4 and 7.5 Hz, an increase in the relative L-cone illuminance steepened the slope of the rod-only T
36  dark current noise of individual salamander L cones.
37       The responses of individual salamander L-cones to light steps of moderate intensity (bleaching
38 sensitive (S) and long wavelength-sensitive (L) cone opsins.
39 expressed a human long-wavelength-sensitive (L) cone photopigment in the form of an X-linked polymorp
40 t of the noise in long wavelength-sensitive (L) cones arose from spontaneous activation of the photop
41 sensitive (M) and long wavelength-sensitive (L) cones.
42  middle- (M-) and long-wavelength-sensitive (L-) cone modulation sensitivities, M- and L-cone phase d
43  middle- (M-) and long-wavelength-sensitive (L-) cone modulation sensitivities, M- and L-cone phase d
44                   In contrast, fast and slow L-cone input signals of opposite polarity (-sL and +fL)
45                   In contrast, fast and slow L-cone signals of the same polarity (+sL and +fL) sum at
46 using adaptation to 650-nm light to suppress L-cone activity, and substitution between 450 nm and 535
47                                          The L-cone system contributes to the desensitization of the
48 ficantly reduced contrast sensitivity on the L-cone test but normal performance on M- and S-cone test
49 t such divisions contribute significantly to L-cone production.

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