


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 late the function and ectodomain shedding of l-selectin.
2 this interaction and the cytoplasmic tail of L-selectin.
3 rotein calmodulin to the cytoplasmic tail of L-selectin.
4 tail and part of the transmembrane domain of L-selectin.
5  of CaM with two peptides derived from human L-selectin.
6 -1 (PSGL-1), the leukocyte ligand for P- and L-selectin.
7 ion in the cremaster muscle are dependent on L-selectin.
8 ire transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains of l-selectin.
9 d their peritoneal influx was independent of L-selectin.
10 P-selectin under flow, which is dependent on L-selectin.
11 inase to elevate MDSC have reduced levels of L-selectin.
12 ios similar to each other but lower than for L-selectin.
13 ng rolling due to the mechanical shedding of L-selectin.
14 ncorporating the shear-dependent shedding of L-selectin.
15 7), an enzyme that cleaves the ectodomain of L-selectin.
16 this hypothesis for neutrophils adhering via L-selectin.
17 ith the increased CEA avidity for E- but not L-selectin.
18 locks AP-1-dependent retrograde transport of L-selectin.
19 ion also increasing cell rolling velocity on L-selectin.
20 membrane domain of the cell adhesion protein l-selectin.
21 The aged subset also expresses low levels of L-selectin.
22 ate expression of the T-cell homing receptor L-selectin.
23 lectin glycoprotein ligand-1 (PSGL-1) and of L-selectin.
24 enesis rescued by coexpression of chimeric E/L-selectin.
25 ncreased expression of the adhesion molecule L-selectin.
26  molecules is constitutively associated with L-selectin.
27 ultured with tumor-induced MDSC have reduced L-selectin; 2) T cells in tumor-free aged mice with elev
28 udies reveal a ligand-specific modulation of L-selectin affinity by DREG-55 mAb, resulting in a drama
29 ells from both groups expressed CXCR3, CCR5, L-selectin, alpha4 integrins, and cutaneous lymphocyte a
30                                 Importantly, L-selectin also functions as a signaling molecule.
31 nt with this, activation-induced shedding of L-selectin also mediated decreased lubricin binding to P
32   T(reg) cell subsets differentially express L-selectin, an adhesion molecule mediating lymphocyte mi
33                    Strikingly, bonds between L-selectin and 6-sulfo-sialyl Lewis X were impervious to
34 ad an effector phenotype because they lacked L-selectin and a higher proportion in diseased mice prod
35 ould monitor the subcellular distribution of L-selectin and better understand how ectodomain shedding
36 talk" in the signaling pathways initiated by L-selectin and CCR7 provides a novel mechanism for funct
37  morphology and localize to T cell areas via L-selectin and CCR7.
38 experiments, the basal surface expression of L-selectin and CD11b was modified neither in murine nor
39 Mac-1 expression, enhanced cell adhesion via L-selectin and CD18 integrins, and degranulation of seco
40 ls isolated from MF skin lesions lacked CCR7/L-selectin and CD27 but strongly expressed CCR4 and CLA,
41 ymph node B cells due to lower expression of L-selectin and failed class-switch recombination due to
42 ed phenotypically by increased expression of L-selectin and functionally by enhanced antitumor immuni
43 lling duration, suggesting a gradual loss of L-selectin and is mediated by p38 mitogen-activated prot
44 curately recreate the mechanical shedding of L-selectin and its effect on the rolling behavior of neu
45  isolated lymphocytes for homing phenotypes (L-selectin and LPAM-1) and state of activation (CD25, CD
46 s (CD4 and CD8) along with homing phenotype (L-selectin and LPAM-1) in naive B (IgD) and antigen-acti
47 ors including peripheral node addressin, E-, L-selectin and Mac-1 but not P-selectin or LFA-1.
48     Heparin prevents mucin binding to P- and L-selectin and mucin-induced microthrombi.
49 he first report, to our knowledge, comparing L-selectin and P-selectin bond formation frequencies in
50 bead system was utilized to measure relative L-selectin and P-selectin bond formation rates on their
51                Dissociation of bonds between L-selectin and P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 (PSGL-1)
52 e migratory pattern to LNs, neutrophils used L-selectin and P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1, macroph
53 mucin-triggered cathepsin G release requires L-selectin and PSGL-1 on neutrophils, P-selectin on plat
54 re the known lectin-like interaction between L-selectin and PSGL-1, the signaling output is dependent
55                                Expression of L-selectin and the CCR2 chemokine receptor, both critica
56  otherwise monomeric transmembrane domain of L-selectin and the cytoplasmic domain of ADAM10 produces
57 e force-lifetime relationship between P- and L-selectin and their endogenous ligands have underscored
58                         Notably, ligation of L-selectin and/or CCR7 did not result in increased CCR7
59     dPGS is able to cross the BBB, bind to P/L-selectins and accumulate selectively in intracranial t
60   The key lymph node-homing receptors CD62L (L-selectin) and CCR7 were highly expressed on naive T ly
61  expressing lymphoid homing molecules (CCR7, L-selectin) and homeostatic cytokine receptors (IL-7alph
62 elial cells (E- and P-selectin), leukocytes (L-selectin), and platelets (P-selectin) play crucial rol
63 ce with elevated levels of MDSC have reduced L-selectin, and 3) peritoneal exudate T cells of tumor-f
64               The expression of alpha4beta7, L-selectin, and cutaneous lymphocyte antigen (CLA) on S.
65 i activate ectodomain shedding of TNF-alpha, L-selectin, and other transmembrane proteins.
66 d near the tips of microvilli in the case of L-selectin, and sequestered away from the microvillus ti
67 ermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) ligands, l-selectin, and TNF, from the cell surface, thus regulat
68 also elicited neutrophil shedding of surface L-selectin, another indicator of leukocyte activation.
69 (-/-) ) and CD4(-/-) mice along with CD8 and L-selectin antibody-treated mice were fed an HFD, and he
70 mmunoreceptors, the extracellular domains of L-selectin are rapidly shed, a process negatively contro
71 sed the lymph node homing molecules CCR7 and L-selectin as well as the differentiation marker CD27, a
72 ligand(s) that mediate binding to lymphocyte L-selectin at conspicuously low shear stress levels of 0
73 iate colon carcinoma cell adhesion to E- and L-selectin at elevated shear stresses.
74                   We show phosphorylation of L-selectin at Ser 364 is critical for CaM dissociation,
75 re Ly-6C(hi) monocytes rolled on P-, E-, and L-selectin at slower velocities than Ly-6C(lo) cells.
76 nic shear thresholding was not detected with L-selectin beads rolling on PSGL-1.
77 d the number of rolling leukocytes on P- and L-selectin-bearing substrates by ~85%, and increased med
78                 This effect was specific for L-selectin, because vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (V
79 loyed a chemistry approach to engineer P- or L-selectin binding nucleic acid aptamers onto mesenchyma
80 ding of E- and P-selectin to neutrophils and L-selectin binding to lymph node high endothelial venule
81                                              L-selectin blockade also demonstrated significant hepato
82 low generated compressive forces may enhance L-selectin bond formation relative to that of P-selectin
83 tion relative to that of P-selectin and that L-selectin bonds with PSGL-1 may be tuned for the compre
84 crovilli was cleaved by force exerted on the L-selectin bonds, the cell detached from the reactive pl
85 e structure of the lectin and EGF domains of L-selectin bound to a fucose mimetic; that is, a termina
86 atelet-rich microthrombi dependent on P- and L-selectin but not thrombin.
87                          Blockade of CD8 and L-selectin, but not CD4, ameliorated hepatocellular inju
88                                 In contrast, L-selectin/CaM interaction remained intact in nontransmi
89 lucidated the molecular basis for the moesin/l-selectin/CaM ternary complex and suggested an importan
90 odeling that the force-dependent shedding of L-selectin can explain the rolling behavior of neutrophi
91 e force probe measurements of various P- and L-selectin catch bonds faithfully predict differences in
92                 The transition force for the L-selectin catch-slip transition of 44 pN/bond agreed we
93 ll population and maintain the expression of L-selectin, CCR7, and IL-7R molecules.
94 g signs of increased reactivity: shedding of l-selectin, CD11b upregulation, increased oxidative burs
95                                              L-selectin (CD62L) is an important molecule in these pro
96 revealed that the lymphocyte homing receptor L-selectin (CD62L) is the key factor controlling the bin
97 patients with CML at diagnosis expressed low l-selectin (CD62L) levels, which was not a result of pro
98                        The adhesion molecule L-selectin (CD62L), critical for this process, is highly
99 et by high expression of the homing molecule L-selectin (CD62L).
100 tes demonstrated increased CD8(+) /CD62L(+) (L-selectin) cells in HFD-fed mice after IRI.
101 ysteine-X-X-cysteine motifs are critical for L-selectin cleavage.
102 ant transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains of l-selectin (CLS) reconstituted in model phospholipid lip
103 neutrophils and slower rolling velocities of L-selectin-coated microspheres, respectively.
104  tail peptide, and the intracellular pool of L-selectin colocalizes with AP-1 at the trans-Golgi netw
105                                   The PSGL-1-L-selectin complex signals through Src family kinases, I
106                                   The PSGL-1-L-selectin complex-induced signaling effects on neutroph
107                             When most of the L-selectin concentrated on the tips of deformable microv
108 essing surface markers of neutrophils (Ly6G, L-selectin, CXC chemokines receptor 2, and 7/4) and DCs
109 phospholipid bilayer, the positively charged L-selectin cytoplasmic domain of CLS is associated with
110 an bind to ARR18 in aqueous solutions or the L-selectin cytoplasmic domain of CLS reconstituted in th
111                                      We used L-selectin cytoplasmic tail peptide pulldown assays comb
112                                  Antibody to L-selectin decreased the engraftment of BCR-ABL1-transdu
113                Intratracheal instillation of L-selectin-deficient (L-Sel(-/-)) mice with an adenoviru
114                          BCR-ABL1-expressing L-selectin-deficient progenitors were also defective in
115                                Flow augments L-selectin-dependent adhesion by increasing the initial
116 y affects lymphocyte membrane topography and L-selectin-dependent adhesion, which may be linked to de
117  that lubricin is able to bind to PMN via an L-selectin-dependent and -independent manner and may pla
118 uxiliary L-selectin ligand, which stabilizes L-selectin-dependent cell rolling against fluid shear.
119                                              L-selectin-dependent leukocyte rolling was completely ab
120 of N-glycan-linked 6-sulfo sialyl Lewis X in L-selectin-dependent lymphocyte homing and recruitment.
121  lymph nodes and 2.5-fold increased rates of L-selectin-dependent lymphocyte migration from the blood
122 ng of head and neck squamous cancer cells to L-selectin displays canonical biochemical features, such
123 ical for the resolution of inflammation, and L-selectin downregulation is induced during this process
124 eath receptor-mediated neutrophil apoptosis, L-selectin downregulation occurs primarily by ADAM17-med
125 eatment of microparticles with antibodies to L-selectin (DREG-200) or PSGL-1 (PL-1) significantly (P
126           Although the A108H substitution in L-selectin eliminated the ramp rate responsiveness of it
127 ing PMN and that it partly co-localized with L-selectin expressed by these cells.
128 e most potent ligand for both E-selectin and L-selectin expressed on human cells.
129                    Even moderate deficits in L-selectin expression disrupt T cell trafficking to dist
130 ell frequency, FoxP3 expression, and altered L-selectin expression during infection.
131                               Interestingly, L-selectin expression was decreased on CLL cells from pa
132 ponses to T-dependent and T-independent Ags, L-selectin expression, and expression of RelA, RelB, and
133 n is not due to CD11/CD18-mediated adhesion, L-selectin expression, or platelet adhesion to neutrophi
134           This was not because of defects in L-selectin expression, shedding, cytoskeletal anchorage,
135 s a mechanism for regulating the shedding of L-selectin following neutrophil stimulation.
136              The leukocyte adhesion receptor L-selectin forms bonds with P-selectin glycoprotein liga
137 mportant role of phospholipids in modulating l-selectin function and shedding.
138 dhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1), P-selectin, and L-selectin, function to facilitate leukocyte transendoth
139                                              L-selectin functions as an important adhesion molecule t
140  the cytoplasmic tail of L-selectin regulate L-selectin functions.
141               These cells coexpress CD44 and L-selectin, giving them a surface phenotype similar to t
142                                          The L-selectin glycoprotein receptor mediates the initial st
143 shear-resistant adhesion to the vessel wall, L-selectin has frequently been reported to be rapidly cl
144 n molecules on human neutrophils reveal that L-selectin has the highest ratio of total internal refle
145 cialized carbohydrate ligands for lymphocyte L-selectin; HEV expression of molecules for transendothe
146 f T1D was associated with an increase in the L-selectin(high) T cell frequencies and enhanced suppres
147 nted the amount of mu1A associated with anti-L-selectin immunoprecipitates.
148 bricin was capable of binding to recombinant L-selectin in a glycosylation-dependent manner.
149     Consistent with the expression levels of L-selectin in different lymphocyte subsets, L-selectin-m
150 lts suggest that the association of CaM with L-selectin in the cell can be influenced by the membrane
151 tly associate with the cytoplasmic domain of l-selectin in the cell to modulate the function and ecto
152 ost likely due to an increased population of L-selectin in the high-affinity conformation as pH decre
153 oth calcium and the transmembrane segment of L-selectin in the interaction between these two proteins
154 ults in significant elevation of circulating L-selectin in tumor-bearing mice.
155  rolling behavior of neutrophils mediated by L-selectin in vitro.
156  one residue (A108H) in the lectin domain of L-selectin increased its force-free affinity for a glyco
157                                              L-selectin initiates lymphocyte interactions with high e
158                       Selectins (E-, P-, and L-selectins) interact with glycoprotein ligands to media
159 eosinophil surface proteins, including CD69, L-selectin, intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1, C
160                                              L-selectin is a cell adhesion molecule that tethers free
161 tudies show that leukocyte rolling on P- and L-selectin is ablated in cells lacking O-glycans, with N
162                                              L-selectin is an adhesion molecule expressed by neutroph
163 eviously shown that constitutively expressed L-selectin is cleaved from the neutrophil surface during
164                                              L-selectin is constitutively expressed by neutrophils an
165          During formation of the lamellipod, L-selectin is distributed on microvilli tips along the t
166                  It is well established that L-selectin is efficiently shed from the surface of neutr
167 e demonstrate that sLe(x) expressed on human L-selectin is preferentially bound by E-selectin and, on
168                  Upon neutrophil activation, L-selectin is rapidly and efficiently down-regulated fro
169                   Our findings indicate that L-selectin is transported constitutively by the AP-1 com
170                                       CD62L (L-selectin) is a key regulator of T cell trafficking, an
171 (x), a sulfated carbohydrate determinant for L-selectin, is carried on core 2 and extended core 1 O-g
172 in MDP-induced vascular inflammation because L-selectin knockout mice showed a significant decrease i
173      When compared with microspheres bearing L-selectin, L-selectinA108H microspheres rolled more slo
174 alysis of mixed chimeras shows that enhanced L-selectin levels and accelerated influx were both cell-
175                                 In contrast, L-selectin levels are elevated up to 10-fold in Adam17-n
176 explanation for the lack of diminished serum L-selectin levels in ADAM17-null mice, and suggests a me
177 m for the homeostatic maintenance of soluble L-selectin levels in the blood of healthy individuals.
178                Therefore, MDSC down-regulate L-selectin levels on naive T cells, decreasing their abi
179 m on MSCs into hematopoietic cell E-selectin/L-selectin ligand (HCELL), which conferred potent E-sele
180 D44 glycoform known as hematopoietic cell E-/L-selectin ligand (HCELL), which functions as a high aff
181 oform of CD44 known as hematopoietic cell E-/L-selectin ligand (HCELL), which is the most potent liga
182 selectin ligands (CD44/hematopoietic cell E-/L-selectin ligand and P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1)
183 N-glycans bearing the 6-sulfo sialyl Lewis X L-selectin ligand in high endothelial venules.
184      The novel finding that CEA is an E- and L-selectin ligand may explain the enhanced metastatic po
185                                              L-selectin ligand MECA-79 was increased in HFD-fed mice
186 e found that EG, previously implicated as an L-selectin ligand on endothelial cells, was present on h
187 ), which functions as a high affinity E- and L-selectin ligand on these cells.
188                      Selective disruption of L-selectin ligand production did not reduce atherosclero
189 p(I294T) mutation failed to roll normally on L-selectin ligand under flow.
190 cancer cells express heretofore unrecognized L-selectin ligand(s) that mediate binding to lymphocyte
191  ligand HCELL (hematopoietic cell E-selectin/L-selectin ligand) and, despite absence of CXCR4, system
192 Ag, CD43E, and hematopoietic cell E-selectin/L-selectin ligand, respectively), and B cells altogether
193  demonstrate that CEA serves as an auxiliary L-selectin ligand, which stabilizes L-selectin-dependent
194 s exhibited altered dynamic interaction with L-selectin ligand, with a significantly reduced rate of
195 orms (CD44v) as functional P-, but not E- or L-, selectin ligands on colon carcinoma cells.
196           These data define a novel class of L-selectin ligands and expand the scope of function for
197 e regulating the biosynthesis of E-, P-, and L-selectin ligands in humans.
198 es to assess the functions of O-glycan-borne L-selectin ligands in vivo.
199 nal shear threshold differing from all other L-selectin ligands, including those expressed on colon c
200 he roles of E- and P-selectin ligands versus L-selectin ligands, respectively, in diet-induced athero
201  lymphocyte homing, yet they lacked O-glycan L-selectin ligands.
202                             Mechanistically, L-selectin loses association with calmodulin (CaM; a neg
203                                 MDSC-induced L-selectin loss occurs through a contact-dependent, post
204 ne suppression by reducing expression of the L-selectin lymph node (LN) homing receptor on naive T an
205    Of these, Lin(-)Sca-1(+)c-Kit(Hi)Thy1.1(-)L-selectin(+) lymphoid progenitors (LSPs) were the best
206   In this study, we show that the anti-human L-selectin mAbs DREG-55 and LAM1-5 but not DREG-56, DREG
207                                        Thus, L-selectin mechanochemistry limits premature activation
208 , catch-slip bonds have been shown to govern L-selectin-mediated cell rolling.
209  Pharmacologic inhibitor studies showed that L-selectin-mediated enhanced chemotaxis to SLC required
210  L-selectin in different lymphocyte subsets, L-selectin-mediated enhancement of chemotaxis to SLC was
211                                              L-selectin-mediated leukocyte rolling has been proposed
212 f T. cruzi, AgC10, is able to interfere with L-selectin-mediated monocyte adhesion.
213 e able to reconstruct the characteristics of L-selectin-mediated neutrophil rolling observed in the e
214                            Interference with L-selectin-mediated trafficking in HEVs could represent
215 tonsils), adding to our understanding of how L-selectin mediates lymphocyte homing.
216 lymphoid tissues and effector memory (CCR7-, L-selectin-) mediating immune response in peripheral org
217 low cytometric quantitation of integrins and l-selectin membrane expression.
218 cell adhesion molecule-1, and P-selectin and L-selectin mRNA expression.
219         Here we show that mice expressing an L-selectin mutant (N138G) have altered catch bonds and p
220  Priming requires signals transduced through L-selectin N138G after it engages PSGL-1 or PNAd.
221 tes trafficking of both normal and malignant L-selectin-negative cells to the draining lymph nodes.
222 initiated by an adhesive interaction between L-selectin on lymphocytes and peripheral node addressin
223  is mediated by specific interaction between L-selectin on lymphocytes and the carbohydrate ligand 6-
224  lymph node migration assays, the absence of L-selectin on lymphocytes significantly attenuated both
225 elial cells of efferent lymphatics, it binds L-selectin on lymphocytes.
226 demonstrate that MDSC directly down-regulate L-selectin on naive T cells: 1) naive T cells cocultured
227 sialyl Lewis(X) present on salival mucins to l-selectin on neutrophils.
228 -selectin to regulate ectodomain shedding of L-selectin on the other side of the plasma membrane.
229            BALB/c mice and mice deficient in L-selectin or NOD2 received intravitreal injection of MD
230 and not an increase in microparticle surface L-selectin or PSGL-1 expression.
231                                Antibodies to L-selectin or PSGL-1 had no effect on IL-8-induced migra
232 hesion molecules (CD49d, CD18, CD11a, CD11b, L-selectin) or of the chemokine receptor CCR3, but decre
233 n P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 (PSGL-1), L-selectin, or CD11b levels but caused PSGL-1 redistribu
234 uired trafficking molecules, including CCR9, L selectin, P selectin glycoprotein ligand-1, the integr
235 e 6-O-sulfation and is caused by blockade of L-selectin-, P-selectin-, and CXCL12-mediated leukocyte
236                        The adhesion molecule L-selectin participated in MDP-induced vascular inflamma
237 ages of induced leukocyte apoptosis, soluble L-selectin production occurred independent of ADAM17, as
238  receptors involved in the adhesion cascade: L-selectin, PSGL-1, Mac-1, and LFA-1 for resting, spheri
239                               In the case of L-selectin/PSGL-1 binding dynamics, the binding strength
240  whereas the velocities are due to increased L-selectin/PSGL-1 contacts.
241 es faster than rolling associated molecules (L-selectin; PSGL-1), but that the mobilities within each
242 rther subdivided into central memory (CCR7+, L-selectin+), recirculating through lymphoid tissues and
243  Proteins binding to the cytoplasmic tail of L-selectin regulate L-selectin functions.
244                                              L-selectin regulates leukocyte adhesion and rolling alon
245                                              L-selectin requires a threshold shear to enable leukocyt
246 responds to the entire cytoplasmic domain of L-selectin (residues Ala317-Tyr334 in the mature protein
247 l mechanism that is independent of the major L-selectin sheddase, ADAM17, but results in significant
248 both alpha(M)beta(2) integrin activation and L-selectin shedding after stimulation with 0.5 nM of fML
249 indicators of neutrophil activation, such as L-selectin shedding and alpha(M)beta(2) integrin activat
250 er neutrophil activation via FPR by reducing L-selectin shedding and alpha(M)beta(2) integrin activat
251 o the focus of infection, as well as induced l-selectin shedding and rise in CD11b of blood neutrophi
252                  In addition, the mechanical L-selectin shedding causes an increase in cell rolling v
253                             We conclude that L-selectin shedding directly regulates polarity in trans
254 AgC10 is likely due to its ability to induce L-selectin shedding from the monocyte membrane, since ph
255 nt of neutrophils with H(2)O(2) also induced L-selectin shedding in an ADAM17-dependent manner.
256 sing advanced imaging techniques, we observe L-selectin shedding occurring exclusively as primary hum
257     Pharmacological or genetic inhibition of L-selectin shedding significantly increased pseudopodial
258 AF-induced neutrophil activation in terms of L-selectin shedding, alphaMbeta2 integrin activation, an
259 tion ex vivo and in vitro, including reduced l-selectin shedding, oxidative burst, chemotaxis, neutro
260   RvE1 in the 10- to 100-nM range stimulated L-selectin shedding, while reducing CD18 expression in b
261 monstrated by increased CD11b expression and L-selectin shedding.
262 ed in human FUT4(-)7(-) dual knockdowns on P/L-selectin substrates.
263 embled the effect of a point mutation at the L-selectin surface (L-selectinA108H) predicted to contac
264 ion into the peritoneum in spite of elevated L-selectin surface levels, and their peritoneal influx w
265 il and to explain how phosphorylation of the L-selectin tail abrogates mu1A interaction.
266 of mu1A is required for interaction with the L-selectin tail and that L-selectin tail phosphorylation
267 identify the mu1A surface domain binding the L-selectin tail and to explain how phosphorylation of th
268 363)) in the membrane-proximal domain of the L-selectin tail as well as a doublet of aspartic acid re
269 reserve pool and that phosphorylation of the L-selectin tail blocks AP-1-dependent retrograde transpo
270 9)DD(370)) in the membrane-distal end of the L-selectin tail involved in mu1A binding.
271 -length GST-mu1A did not bind to the phospho-L-selectin tail or phospho-mimetic S364D L-selectin tail
272  not the GST-mu1A N-terminal domain, bind to L-selectin tail peptide, and the intracellular pool of L
273 nteraction with the L-selectin tail and that L-selectin tail phosphorylation may regulate this intera
274 interaction in vivo Molecular docking of the L-selectin tail to mu1A was used to identify the mu1A su
275                            Incubation of the L-selectin tail with cell extracts from phorbol 12-myris
276 tography/mass spectrometry to identify novel L-selectin tail-binding proteins.
277 pho-L-selectin tail or phospho-mimetic S364D L-selectin tail.
278                                 In contrast, L-selectin tether bond formation increased from 0.017 +/
279                                              L-selectin tether bond formation rates appeared to be en
280 t the shorter lifetimes of PSGL-1 bonds with L-selectin than P-selectin.
281 trate that the reduction in T cell levels of L-selectin that is commonly seen in individuals with can
282 lled the expression of the adhesion molecule L-selectin, the chemokine receptor CCR7 and the transcri
283                        In contrast to P- and L-selectin, the E-selectin/PSGL-1 binding does not exhib
284             MDSC are likely to down-regulate L-selectin through their plasma membrane expression of A
285 ectin-dependent redistribution of PSGL-1 and L-selectin to a major pole on slowly rolling leukocytes
286 results distinguish molecular mechanisms for L-selectin to bind to PSGL-1 and peripheral node address
287     These N-glycans supported the binding of L-selectin to high endothelial venules in vitro and cont
288 rrelated with stronger binding of neutrophil L-selectin to mutant endothelial cells.
289 n, associates with the cytoplasmic domain of L-selectin to regulate ectodomain shedding of L-selectin
290 on of U937 monocytic cells stably expressing L-selectin (U937LAM) with AgC10 strongly reduced their a
291 ces pancreatic cancer cell binding to E- and L-selectin under flow.
292 this study, signaling induced by ligation of L-selectin using mAb or endothelial cell-expressed ligan
293 nsmits tension and catch-bond formation with L-selectin via sLe(x), resulting in focal clusters that
294 he PPV (P = .000) and PCV (P = .029) groups, L-selectin was expressed more frequently in the PPV grou
295  pneumoniae-specific plasmablasts expressing L-selectin was high, the proportion expressing alpha4bet
296 eg) cells expressed 30-40% more cell surface L-selectin when its endoproteolytic cleavage was blocked
297                   The interactions of P- and L- selectins with their respective ligands exhibit catch
298 utrophils into TDLNs through interactions of l-selectin with HEV-expressed peripheral lymph node addr
299 ecede catch bonds for interactions of P- and L-selectin with their ligands.
300 ligands and expand the scope of function for L-selectin within circulatory systems to now include a n

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